>long awkard silences
>forced unfunny comedy
>no tension/suspense
>retarded characters
When does it get good?
Fire Force
Never. Even Soul Eater was boring as fuck by the end. Fuck this board for shilling it like retards. Kill yourselves.
>>long awkard silences
You can thank the retards from SHAFT for that
seething mob shitco fans
But it's already good
Stay mad. CHAD force will be AOTS.
Every time sister is on screen.
>>long awkard silences
>>forced unfunny comedy
>>no tension/suspense
Seriously. This shit completely lacks energy.
>can't refute OP's complaints
>his entire argument is 'stay mad lulz"
80IQ show with 80IQ fans
>posts a literal brainlet
Sit down, er*noid
I disagree. Also best ED.
>I can't logically defend my shitty show
>I'll just change the subject
Based Erenposter.
I had no faith in this after seeing the director. Zaregoto recieved one of the worst adaptions i've ever experienced. The direction and visuals were worse than a medicore tv anime and it was a monthly and turned bimonthly OVA because yuki yase is a hack.
Shaftdrones praising the direction are just your typical drones who see a name/studio attached and enter ass licking mode.
He probably left shaft because of the huge fan backlash this OVA recieved. The way he adapted the story was poor, the visuals were full of QUALITY, the releases were delayed for sometimes months and they weren't any better than weekly shaft anime and these webms speak for themselves.
Why does this feel like Fairy Tail 2.0
The same amount of time it took Black Clover to get good.
My gess is: if don't like it now you might as well dropp it.
Personally I enjoy the characters and love setting,environments and the concept.
Just don't be like Jimbo.
>Sakugafags overhyping a series becuz pretty colors
Never listen to Sakugafags when it comes to stories
>caring about the story
Sakugafags are the purest form of anime watchers. They're one of the few groups that understand the purpose of this medium. I wish I had the autism to become one.
>I wish I had the autism
Don't worry user. You already do.
So never?
I hope you're memeing and not actually retarded enough to believe Shitforce is better than Godpsycho.
What were they thinking?
Because is it. Fire Force is in the same target of the ones who reads Edens Zero or Nanatsu no Taizai. The "new" WSN.
This. mob faggots didnt see coming the best sakuga of the year belonging to Fire Force.
You need it spelled out for you?