Yoh Asakura

How high was he?

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Pretty high. He didn’t give a shit about anything.


He injected at least 2 whole hemps.

This is now a Shaman King thread where we are talking about best protagonist of the century.

As high as I am right now duude


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>shonen where the protagonist loses
takei deserves more credit, that was ballsy as fuck.

Constantly High.

based Kabel1

only on jesus

This lad has had way too many marijuanas to be shown to a Japanese audience

I loved the manga, shame about whatever happened with it suddenly getting canceled during the ending. Heard he got into a fight with editorial or something since it was supposed to be doing well.

>Takei had the option to have a remake of the anime but declined because it would have required recasting VAs
It's a shame. I'd like to have seen it get the Brotherhood treatment. What a wild ride.

The guy claimed to be able see spirits. Just imagine.

OP here.
Damn right it is

Shame everything got so boring towards the end, especially the boss rush.

He drank 3 whole marijuanas

powerlevels really went off the rails in the second half of the series.

It was finished later though. Have you not read the final Kang Zeng Bang (or whatever it was called) volumes? The ending was there. Unless, of course, you mean the sequel or something.

Nope, I was reading and buying the physical volumes as they came out. Never really looked into it after that. I'll have to check that out.