This little goat here wants seconds. What do you do, Yea Forums?

This little goat here wants seconds. What do you do, Yea Forums?

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Pour some goat milk.

Thank God for this show, finally some good fucking anime this season.

Too bad, only snuggles to give, take it or leave it.

Hand her a pocket watch

I almost gave up already. Almost.

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This show strikes me a bit like Hataraku Maou-sama only with a girl as the villain.

The only similarity is that there is a demon character and that the setting is modern Japan (and the former is iffy because she was human her whole life). I struggle to see any parallels in the story, characters, or even the tone.

Get some magical girl delinquents to beat her up.

wait, wait, wait..

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Give her the dick

Give her a dick.

Take a 2nd massive dump in her bowl

She'll grow one when she attains her full daemon power.

You guys looking for trouble?

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I want to see Momo beat up Yuko.

You'd enjoy the last one.

Pull her tail

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Tell her that she is already too fat and then refer to the overgrown udders on her chest.

Don't give her any.

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Okay. Everybody get in a line so I can whoop all your asses!

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I want episode 2 already, why does time drag on so slowly

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She'd enjoy them all.

>this is the timeline where Homura completely lost it
>now she dresses up as Madoka to go out and abuse innocent goats as she pleases
she can not get away with this

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She'd just want seconds of that too.

How many times do I have to tell your stupid ass, Yuko? We can't fucking afford it! I mean god damn we already ran out of rice!

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I want to take care of Yuko's living expenses forever!

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I don't know what this means.

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Komari is Yuko's father.

Similar design memes, expect more to come.

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Same designer, and I wish it was same seiyuu too.

Feels so weird and sad to see more and more new voices everywhere, but at least they're doing a good job.

Fuck you, goat's VA is fantastic. AAA+++ angry debiru noises.

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I want to see Momo beat up Yuko with her dick.

so who is better Yea Forums? her or satania?

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satania is such a shit in comparison, you better not even try, turn by 360 degree and pretend this never happened

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Yeah definitely Yuko. Yuko can't help that she's bad at being a debiru because she's malnourished, whereas Satania is just retarded.

Satania is for hugging
Yuko is for brutal face rape

>numerous other examples which I forgot thank god
I'm so sick of your retarded memespeak you niggers. Know what, that's fucking it, you won't see me in the threads anymore.

Goat in this context is just because of her horns, it's got nothing to do with the stupid memes.

What did pink see in the magic war to make her so tired?

Maybe she saw her mexican friend get dissolved alive.

>Sick of memespeak
>Posts on Yea Forums


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Sometimes Yea Forums is insufferable. At least it's not like on other boards, where everything is saturated with frogs, wojaks, and n/pol/posting.

I'm glad that frogs and wojaks are a bannable offense on Yea Forums

Why don't you faggots go, and be jannies somewhere else?

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