>Who wins?
1. Madara
2. Toguro
3. Dio
4. Aizen
5. The Major
6. Makoto
7. Frieza
8. Char
9. King Bradley
10. Light
11. Annie
12. Lucy
Alright Boys....Lets see what Anime Villain reigns Supreme!
Thomas White
Jaxon Powell
>Johan and the Mayor being bros
Josiah Rodriguez
Day 2 is VERY peaceful...minus Ragyo tripping on something
Joseph Rogers
>No images
Boo this man
Evan Moore
>Madara receives explosives
Luis Hall
Fuck off back to Yea Forums. Holy shit.
Carson Wilson
Next one will, sorry.
Levi Thomas
>Yea Forums
>Anime villains
You ok?
Adam Scott
>Lucy, DIO, Grifith and BB
That's one power team right there
Wyatt Bennett
I'm betting on either griffith or Dio, just a hunch