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This belongs in the rape thread on /h/
Fucking disgusting scene.

I wish Mio had turned around and granted her wish.

This is /d/ material though. None of that shit on /h/.

Never ending proof that Mugi fucks _______.

>Has two slices with strawberries left
>Steals Mio's only strawberry

Attached: 1505949234209.png (240x240, 23K)


I still dont understand why Mugi did that

African Americans

Serves her right, she trusted a Finn


fuckin ice cold

Mugi did nothing wrong.

>Last upload: April 10, 2016

Last time we had a thumb war, you stuck a thumb up my butt


Attached: Tsumugi_in_Sawako's_car.png (1920x1080, 1.46M)

Mugi has spent her whole life in yakuza beating the shit out of her enemies. Thanks to her inhuman powers she didn't even get a scratch. She just wanted to experience some of that sweet gentle femdom from her manga and feel something else than breaking gangsters' necks by the warm and soft hands of hers.

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Spoiled little rich girl needs to be taught a lesson.

Mugi did nothing wrong


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here you go OP

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is k-on worth watching ?



Yes. Its hard to know what someone else is going to like but its a high quality piece of work that seems to have been done with a lot of thought and care.

There's a lot of QUALITY in K-On, especially how hands are drown most of the time. Still, very fun and enjoyable anime.

Attached: kuroko.jpg (799x347, 104K)

Why does she have 2 slices?


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alright, im going to watch it after i finish luckystar


Enjoy user, just remember Azunyan is best K-ON

No, it has forced animation and shitty cardboard characters.

fuck that was really mean

I miss demo lads

I'd be very OK with that

Mugi would be happy
Sawa would be happy
EVERYONE would be happy

The weak should fear the strong.



Read the manga.

Delete this, Kuroko belongs to Touma.

Watch it now. The ending to Lucky Star wasn't even vaguely satisfying. (though the series is one of my favorites)

lol why? The anime is 100000000000 times better

Based black men

Manga blows. KyoAni turned crap into gold!

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Fuck off, Kakifly is a hack.

no she doesn't she's too pure for this world

$5 were deposited in your Kyoani shop account.

Being anti kyoani doesn't change the fact that they made it way better. Cope.

fuck i remember being existed with my brother when k-on second season was announced

The weak must fear the strong

demo is dead

Just be prepared for the emptiness once it's over.

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If you're an effeminate faggot yeah.

Please come back, Demo.


*drinks alcohol*

i bet you fucking watch isekai and shonenshit you absolute faggot in denial

everyone knows that CHADS watch SoL and comedy shows and hokuto no ken

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Honestly, it didn't age well.

rewatched it last month and it's still better looking than 90% of shows airing right now

Fair, but that's also using a fairly low standard.
Out of all the anime that air in any given season, somewhere between two to five shows are memorable or better.

If you seek for a wholesome SoL anime with great animation and actual character progression, then it's really worth it. Season 1 has its moments but season 2 and the movie is where lies the true beauty of K-ON!

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There's something in the artstyle that seems really appealing to me. Everything is just so clean, colour palette is vivid but not overly unrealistic, characters aren't too moe-blobby... add detailed animation and it really shines even today.

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Let's try that again.

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if you find you really enjoy shonen power fantasies you probably lack any sort of power in your real life and are using it as an avenue for escapism.

I watch SOL because I'm not a cute anime girl dealing with simple problems.

that's in big part due to the kyoani touch, but kakifly's original character designs for this series are just great too

>characters aren't too moe-blobby
Are you hearing yourself?

>you will never be a cute anime girl dealing with simple problems.

Attached: Sad sakurako.jpg (788x720, 44K)

What is her problem?

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not enough nigger dicks

You're kidding, right? What the hell do you think looks good? I'd go as far as calling it timeless. It's clear it'll still hold up in 20 or so years. It's not even like Kyoani made better looking shows in this style, they just shifted to more realistic designs and shit.

I was mainly thinking about the writing, particularly the second series. While it obviously does whack you round the head on its major themes, there is some other stuff going on in character development that is very clearly there but it doesn't feel the need to yell at you about. Which I found a nice change of pace anyway.

keep crying over your pathetic attempt of sequel

I didn't mean they aren't moe blobs at all, sure, there's some of this stylistic kept in character design but for me, compared to other SoL anime they have more realistic proportions. Their faces are pointy (opposed to round blobs), colors of eyes and hair are realistic; eyes, although big, don't have that sort of glassy effect because of how detailed they are.

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He actually uploaded a porn clip for shits and giggles sometime in 2017 or 2018, surprised his channel's didn't get taken down.

That's me!

Not sure what the issue is here. Mugi brought the cake, the tea, the teaset and generally pays for everything else.
If she wants to take someone else's strawberry she can, if they want to complain, they can buy their own fucking cake.
What are they going to do about it? Physically stop Mugi? Mugi is fucking jacked, literally a class above the rest of the group.

A gift freely given can also be freely withdrawn. Since Mio didn't start eating the strawberry yet she hadn't formally accepted the gift and thus it was still Mugi's property. The NAP was not violated.