Buyfag thread

ruined hair

Attached: 1563023549256.jpg (2560x1440, 345K)

Other urls found in this thread:宝多 六花

the top 10 on amiami is filled with nendos and prize figures. what has buyfagging come to?

I hate her face more than I hate her hair.

People have different kinds of shit taste. It's not a personal affront on you nor buyfagging alone.

Is it possible to become TOO obsessed with your waifu

I don't see it. Hair is obviously less detailed, but still the same idea. Face looks retarded like the original. These early model pictures are always rough.

Attached: 1531921959861.jpg (1074x1425, 248K)

>top ten is made up of things that were put up for POs recently
Imagine my shock.

Sure buddy, the guy is a great sculptor there is no way anything could go wrong.

Attached: misssi791517839620.jpg (558x834, 78K)

I thought people were shitting on the sculpt itself, not the sculptor.

i just buyfagged a pizza

Too many spergs who cant afford top tier quality so they just ebay buy whatever the fuck they see.

Top 10 is only most viewed ones, retarded fuckface.

Lmao you think people watch nendos with no intention of buying?
Just click any random crap fig on that list and look how many have bought it you sperg.

Do you actually think it's hard to believe that the top 10 of the most viewed might actually correlate to how many people preordered the figure?

How come the color of her underwear varies so much between different photographers?
Is the paint application really that inconsistent between units or is it a weird lighting thing?

Attached: 08-12.jpg (600x900, 114K)

I got to ask, what program is that? Is it the universal figurine modelling program?

Pic unrelated?



there is no specific program for "figurine" sculpting, its just the same as regular sculpting which is


Do Japs ever re-release lottery prices for regular sale or does one must spend $300+ to buy them?

>ZBrush meme
I got to hand it to their PR department and shilling abilities. ZBrush is just Blender stripped down. And they want you to pay for it. Of course they made the damn meme real by having hiring staff think that a ZBrush user>Blender before even judging their portfolio.

Says the memeposter who doesn't know shit about he's talking about.

>t. pixologic monthly submonkey

Ok Pedro-kun.

>re-release lottery prices for regular sale
No. Furthermore I don't think they re-run the same lottery ever.

So there will only be 50 of these unless someone make counterfeits? That sucks.

Suck it down fag.

Chances of this going on ami? Want to avoid nippon again.

Attached: E1945B35-D36F-4FB0-BC63-52F27482B9C5.jpg (600x600, 42K)

this is all sorts of wrong and I use both.

while blender got better compared to other modelling software, especially with 2.8, its still nowhere close to zbrush when it comes to sculpting, its like comparing blender with substance painter, they are not made for the same things so its just a retarded comparison

ZBrush is just Blender stripped down with less features, you can't even prove me wrong, shill.

Are wallscrolls worth it? I'm tempted to buy this, but I find it kinda expensive for how simple the image is
Isn't it better to find a printer who does those custom things where you live?
Still kino though

Attached: senki-zessho-symphogear-xv-b2-tapestry-key-visual.jpg (800x800, 246K)

If you frame it then yes

To me the problem is her leg, It's not good, especially the knee area.
That left leg is the most important thing about this art.

Not that poster, but your so wrong I’m not even sure how to “prove” it without just saying use them both.


>when the payment request hits you can just barely afford it because you wasted all your money again this check

start by proving yourself right before calling other wrong
you didnt give a single thing that blender had over zbrush so go ahead
or just keep meming and throwing insult around since you are bored enough on a saturday to bait people into empty argument

try phlebbit nigger

just get it from hobbysearch

That was not me. But ZBrush is primary a sculpting tool, master of being a one-trick poney, while Blender is a jack of all trades and master of none.

No it's that figure.
Are her panties blue, green or white? It's inconsistent between websites.

yes ? no one said otherwise though
calling blender better because you have more features unrelated to what you are trying to do is retarded

What's the best way to display daki covers, I dont feel like buying 3 more cores but I dont know what to do with the rest of my covers

How the fuck do you not have a credit card if you buyfag, I haven't worried about payment requests since I first started

I only just got a shit minimum wage job and I'm worried I might go full retard and miss a payment and ruin my credit forever

>only at wonfes
God I wish we could get more puppets merch, i would fucking kill someone for a scale

Attached: D-dbit3U0AE9kGA.jpg (900x616, 129K)

>shitty sculptor makes shitty sculpt
imagine my shock

Did you even read what I wrote?

how is he a shitty sculptor
the sculpt in the op is not nearly done

Wallscrolls are the best way to decorate your walls. Also don't be a poorfag and buy the official one.

Just pay the minimum amount each month and dont get a card with annual fees, I pay 25 bucks a month on both of my cards and never need to worry about interest as long as I make the minimum payment
Once you build some credit with a smaller limit card you can get a bigger one

>grammar is the boogeyman too!
How do you even fall asleep being afraid of everything?

>never need to worry about interest as long as I make the minimum payment
I've got bad news for you friend.

Attached: 2 INT.png (188x264, 77K)


The main card I use has no interest for the first year

This is only the early stages of the sculpt. Is everyone pretending to be retarded?

>Yea Forums

I wish

>Do Japs ever re-release lottery prizes for regular sale
As far as I've seen, no. Many lottery guidelines specifically state that they will not/cannot sell the prizes later.


Attached: k.jpg (223x214, 10K)

It's not done yet though, in the current stage it's not yet shitty. I remain by my point that the current sculpt doesn't show any significant problems itself.

wait until he makes the actual physical sculpt.

>he makes the actual physical sculpt

Do you not understand how the process works?



why the fuck would you use blender to model anime tiddy
why the fuck would you pay for zbrush

That wouldn't make this sculpt any worse.


>just pay the minimum amount each month
I seriously hope you don't do this


so you dont

>t. seething shill.

>he doesn't know

Attached: 4864258.jpg (447x400, 41K)

How long till becomes good?

>Just pay the minimum amount each month
>Once you build some credit

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>wait until he makes the actual physical sculpt.

You're implying the digital sculptor makes the physical sculpt. They didn't. The sculptor sends the digital model off to the manufacturer, at which point physical production is in their hands. Take it up with Rocket Boy/Native, as it's their responsibility to translate the 3D model into a physical figurine.

Next you'll tell them they should get several credit cards and split the credit between them.

Based, what version did you go with?

I will get her so I can have all my elf village elves.

You poorfags never stop to amaze me.

Please stop buyfagging for a while. I'm serious.

Yeah like what the fuck...
If you dont have rent money for 6months in your bank account you need to take a time out of buyfagging. You are poor and cant afford it right now. Sorry to say!

>implying I'm not living at home as a student

Most anticipated preorder?

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>my max bid ends up being the final, winning bid
What are the chances?

Just frame it if you want the premium look

My wife Sxarpo

Attached: 739782.jpg (600x900, 127K)

this one and the Mda Starou choco loli

Attached: Agon1536808821.jpg (900x1350, 225K)


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Attached: 123.jpg (630x800, 178K)

People think of sums similarly, they're more likely to make the highest price they're willing to pay, say, 15k rather than 14k and 14k rather than 13.5k. So the chances are higher than you think because they aren't random.

Pic related or

Attached: 1532886236-01.jpg (2048x1365, 421K)

This Hifumin.

Attached: 675847.jpg (550x800, 131K)


Attached: 1537488143697.png (500x495, 297K)

It was the Takane one till I realized the face looked awful, which is a shame since everything else looks good.

You already posted mine

fuck off haters. keep on supporting the prize figure industry.

A man of culture, I see.

Attached: 1532973402876.png (576x1100, 833K)

I preordered this as well but why tf is it so expensive.

Do you guys buy any shirts? I kinda wanted to get this Kancolle shirt but it's $80 and I probably wouldn't be able to wear it anywhere besides my own house due to the cringe.

I buy shirts and wear them out, but I have enough money and the self-confidence to wear what I want, which doesn't seem to be the case for you.

based confidence user, how did you get to be this way?

>t. retard

fuck off haters. keep on supporting the weak bait industry.

Being confident on your raging faggotry

Noice Guppie Mugs
Are you planning in putting GuP nendos/poches on them?

Attached: 1561717224518.png (2000x2000, 845K)

I never got that fig, to be honest. I've got the other one on order, but that armpit fetish one came out of nowhere. I'd rather have had one of her in the red dress or the pajamas.

It was 2.7k since ZenMarket charges 300 and I wanted the total to be 3k before shipping.

the modeler streams on twitch in the zbrush section..

>never ever

Attached: D_XV28lUcAEnG54.jpg (1200x900, 158K)

You can all the confidence in the world but there's such a thing as context. Wearing an anime shirt to many places is very awkward and shows you have autism of some kind.

what a succulent forehead

Waiting on the swimsuit one

The squishiest IMAGINE, lifesized. Almost 2 months to arrive.

Attached: Squishy.jpg (3920x4032, 2.75M)

Attached: 1553198547397.png (473x530, 53K)

Good man.

people really buy this shit? If I make one and sell it will you buy it?

Where was he selling this daki?

So explain to me what's wrong with this like I'm a brainlet

Based, I accepted my faggotry long ago and at this point I dont give a single fuck

are you the user that tried to decensor it ?

So JP merch can show uncensored cunny but actual porn can't?

So, are WonFes bingo not a thing anymore?

Attached: 1373835303319.jpg (2180x1226, 1.13M)

Her face is kinda off, art-wise.
Also again, only one side is supposed to be lewd, you degenerates. You cuddle with the non-lewd side post-coitus.

Figure designs just keep getting worse and worse

First sets were posted a couple threads ago.

>red dress
I wish.

Attached: WF Summer 2019.jpg (1000x1370, 1.09M)

Why are figma unironically the best?

Besides more expensive statues.

Attached: 74322.jpg (555x599, 45K)

>I wish.
Yeah I just don't get where the armpit/foot fetish one came from instead of that, or a pyjamas one with a little nutcracker to put in her hands.

The scale on that figure is amazing, though. 1/7 because of how tiny she is.

Who cares you never see 99% of people again.

Tried and succeeded, but the vendor came back so no need to leak it to the chinese.

Gib Onee-chan pls.

Attached: BadWolfVindici1541604932.jpg (800x720, 153K)

I like the face.
It's at an angle with a curved surface, so that might be why it looks weird and squat in the pictures.

Is this a bootleg website or what?
Did you somehow convince the retailer of the daki to reprint an uncensored version you sent them?

Some were posted a week or so ago.

Attached: wonfes bingo.png (1000x1370, 1.89M)

No, that's the original vendor that came back. I only wanted to make a bootleg because they went offline for like 3 months and I didn't know if they were coming back.

>that pussy

'it" what exactly? Depends on what you're selling, and if it's good, yeah some people might buy it. Maybe I would too.

Attached: FIGURE-047957_02.jpg (800x659, 140K)

I would conspire to fucking kill someone with you for proper scales. These designs are wasted on shitty nendos.

Americans can't into credit

well congrats on getting it then, it looks nice

After seeing the price of like 23000 yen I just decided to get this one for like 20 euro

Attached: Agon1560392109.jpg (1454x2000, 394K)

I want to see these water effects in person.

Attached: 27074[1].jpg (602x800, 134K)

Get a better core, that looks like shit.

Probably dies if the lighting is wrong.

>Buy official dakis for $100 each
>Buy bootleg/counterfeit versions (still from Japan) for a third of the price
What do? The counterfeits aren't perfect copies, but pretty close.

It's literally a fresh out of the bag DHR6000

Attached: a.jpg (1412x686, 267K)

Depends entirely on the artwork, if it's just a bootleg of a doujin/official cover it will almost always look like ass.

>literally a fresh out of the bag DHR6000
That explains everything then you fucking retard, did you even read the instructions for it?
It's flatter than Megumin for fuck's sake.

Attached: 1481410562729.jpg (1080x1080, 182K)

wait did the push back and update it?

It's for better pictures friend. Can fluff it whenever I want.

Stay in denial, you fucked up.

Attached: file.png (678x541, 149K)

It's a bootleg of the official daki. Here are the pics the seller posted.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1179x1175, 305K)

Zbrush artists here. This is bait. A work in progress sculpt in the blockout stage. You shit on him cause he's accessible.

Are you gonna cut a hole in it so you can put your peepee in there or just gonna dry hump that thing?

>Those lines
>Open daki
If this pre-glued ugly bootleg costs more than 10 dollars you're spending too much.
Even the tracing is horrendous.

You what?

Looks like shit in my opinion, all dakis where chinks are trying to recreate art look like ass.
If you're that much of a cheap faggot (or just can't find it anywhere) you'll be better off sending chinks high resolution artwork and they'll print it for you, most of the time with no additional fee.

are there any good Mai Sakurajima dakis

Supposed to leave it 3-4 days.

Attached: Capture.png (1149x541, 145K)

"And what does your company produce, sir?"
"We sell stuffing for fuckpillows. Here's one of our instructional videos."

So I'm better off shelling out the full price $100 for the official daki? I'm not that familiar with quality differences, but I saw that the tracing is off and so were the colors.

Attached: Untitled.png (1792x1186, 3.99M)

Honestly cannot wait for her. Did you order any other Chiyo's user??

Don't have enough for a full bingo chart, here are my hopefuls.

I can't wait to find 5-6 more scales that I fall in love with from WonFes only to come back after a good fap/nap and take them off my wishlist.

Attached: Summer Hopefuls.jpg (913x825, 219K)

Official dakis are much better, they're more comfortable to sleep with as well as looking better.

If you want something that isn't ass, yes, but even the art on official dakis is pretty shit, doujin ones done by proper artists are normally your best bet.
All her dakis:宝多 六花
Some guy's daki guide:

None of the others are doing anything for me, so no. I wish that one was 1/7 or 1/6, but it at least looks good. If they make one of her in that white dress or a swimsuit I might grab another, though.

>So I'm better off shelling out the full price $100 for the official daki?

user, do you really care if its official or not? Do you want to save money or not? In the end yes, the official stuff is always nicer but if you dont mind lower quality for cheaper, why not going for it? In the end if you like it, thats all that matters

Remember that it's not ok to own dakis of anyone but your waifu, so you should buy a quality one anyway.

Not that much different from last time dammit.

Attached: Wonfes 2019 Summer.jpg (1000x1370, 704K)

Attached: 1420424300042.jpg (1125x1500, 447K)

Who is #2 instant winner? I like her earguards.

Nia from Xenoblade 2

Attached: Nia flapping her ears.webm (238x382, 347K)

A fucking loser.

Waifucafe has a decent one, she has some nice art

worst girl of the series

The more I look at them the more that seems to be the case. In the bootleg one () the other side of the daki bleeds through but on the official () there is no bleed through. That's on top of the color and tracing differences, too.

Thanks for the links. I already have one of her dakis that I got at a local convention. I really like the official one since the proportions aren't blown out like in most of the doujin ones.

I bought a bootleg Hane Sakura daki from the same seller for shitposting on /dbt/. I want to consolidate the dakis in a single package so I won't be able to get it beforehand to check the quality. The official Hane daki is actually on sale right now, too.

Attached: 20190707_002735.jpg (3024x4032, 3.28M)

Dont bother with peace skin bootlegs, it feels like shit and you will notice the difference in printing. If you want a daki just find some artist you like that sells them, dont buy one unless it's two way tricot

You mean peach.

>i don't know what bingo is

Attached: 1514010127262.png (711x664, 314K)

That was my original line of thought, but if it turns out to be shit then all I'll end up paying for is disappointment.

Can you afford a good core?

WonFes bingos always were and always will be a glorified wishlist, what are you sperging out for

Affording is not the problem. The problem is that I was raised in a low income home so I'm cheap/find it difficult to spend money.

If you want a nice core get the CMD9900, its an extremely soft and fluffy core that's pretty thick

Same. But for me it led to making few but quality purchases, and if possible purchasing the stuff that has the most warranty/manufacturer support/guarantees or quality/longevity to it, especially if shipping costs make up a significant amount.

Wonfes bingos have always had lazy people who do it wrong.
Calling them out doesn't become inappropriate.
FFS, hes got an "Instant Winner #2."

And neither of the instant winners are a shape that's a bingo.

I hate her giant mouth.

Attached: Lovett1563028171.jpg (1200x798, 152K)

Thanks for the recommendation. I'll probably hold off until I get the dakis and decide how many I want to fill.

Yeah, that's the conclusion I come to with almost every purchase unless I'm buying something disposable/single use. I guess I'll wait a bit to see if I can snatch a cheaper official Rikka daki on Yahoo Auctions while the Hane daki is in the ZenMarket warehouse.

Iowafag here, I want this figure coming out for her soon but I'm not sure if it's worth. They did a great job on her buttcheeks, but her face and lower legs look a bit off.

Attached: Iowa1.jpg (524x734, 440K)

The battle damaged version was at 20% off in HLJ recently. I had an extra 10 off, so I bought it with 30% off. Still hasn't arrived, tho.

The guns aren't the only things that are bolted on.

I'm holding out for this one.

Attached: -OJ-1533375958.jpg (930x1163, 188K)

meh face but nice tits

Why do so many of you constantly preorder figures? There are so many cheap figs of the same quality on manda for like 1/4th of the price. I understand if you want a specific fig, but many of you seem to mass buy every month.

Here's her butt; she's going to be roughly $170 I think

I want that one too, I have the Max Factory original already

Attached: Iowa 2.png (442x785, 789K)

That does look nice. QuesQ, huh?

Manda comes with its own forwarding issues and costs.


Attached: 464683.jpg (507x726, 122K)

They also did good on her tummy and upper thighs; they look really soft and hug her tight clothes well.

I love the pose, I might just wait for this one then.

Attached: Iowa 3.png (474x798, 866K)

Those are her real ears

Attached: IMG_20190713_113344.jpg (1447x2047, 517K)

>forwarding issues
He's an idiot and should be ignored, but wtf Manda are you talking about?

Attached: hurr durr.jpg (274x321, 26K)

Mandarake. Been browsing lately and am surprised how many scales go for like 45$ while similar quality and size scales now go for like 150$ on ami ami

Attached: 332.jpg (400x270, 42K)

Making a Nia fig is free money, there's no way she won't sell as much as Homura and Hikari.

fucking retard, they ship abroad directly

>wanting another Prillya instead of the classic

Attached: 1495304323405.jpg (268x241, 26K)

T-elos soon.

Attached: 995.jpg (688x1019, 119K)

She'll be my first FREEing bunny.

Attached: 740327.jpg (600x583, 113K)

I also used to think that about character related, especially since they could release one everytime a new design comes up, but here we are, without any scale or maybe those jews at F4F did one?

Attached: 1560563327322.png (830x899, 707K)

I recently got my first one and it's good. I predict you won't regret it.

Frame it? can i see some examples

Yuuna-chan nigete!

Attached: IMG_20190714_004002.jpg (1500x1125, 269K)

Spoiler that.



Fuck I bet the Taisha did this

Attached: DSC08715-2.jpg (3017x2005, 1.98M)

Attached: why.png (783x716, 52K)

Only 12 more months to go

Tougou-san, Taisha no uso wo shinjinai de!

Attached: IMG_20190714_005340.jpg (1500x1125, 199K)


Attached: IMG_20190714_005756.jpg (1500x1125, 267K)

That's being optimistic.

>Erwin, Hime & Rin
Mi hermano de piel oscura
I want more GuP figmas, poches and nendos announced this coming Wonfes

Attached: __erwin_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_abenattou__318aacb49accad13aacfda9562e445b4.jpg (600x755, 78K)

i buy keychains from aliexpress

Attached: 1527315799049.jpg (1920x1080, 875K)

Fuck off Alter

This looks amazing, Cocoa when?

I need an Erwin nendo.

What are the odds of jannu alter getting delayed?

>reversed image search
>no results
user stop

I have a question for you anons who happen to live in states/countries with hurricanes, mud slides, tornadoes, floods and earthquakes do you ever wonder about your figs and if they're safe or have a constant worry about them?

Also any anons in Cali and new Orleans? how are you keep your figs safe from floods and quakes?

Why buy statues? You can't change poses or do funny poses with different characters.

Attached: 1543857577371.jpg (775x915, 120K)

>tfw there will never be a good Noa figure
Not buying FOTS/Pulchrashit even if my life depended on it.

Shut up slut

I don't know what state you're in right now, user. But you'll probably regret this tomorrow. Please stop.

Redpill me about Cu-poches, are they as good as nendos?

Higher production quality mostly. Some people don't like the joint look.
A bit better.

Joints can be pretty horrible on some. That swimsuit Megumin figma is awful because all the places with joints are nude and look terrible as a result, so that should probably have been a statue. But if you have clothes, especially loose or baggy clothes, it's fine.


Attached: NitoWaifu.png (589x825, 1.13M)

Some people take buyfag like collecting paintings, something you mostly buy to look at, others like to think of them as toys, do what you want as you enjoy it user

I just buy things that would make me happier to have, in a long-term sense. If I know that if I have it in my home I'd feel better thanks to it in the future I get it.

Doesn't stop me from feeling shitty about not getting bonus faceplates and things like that when I don't order from GSC directly.

If they're a robot, the joints enhance, rather than detract, I feel.

is unironically where you should be.

Attached: lapin.png (557x832, 334K)

I don't like the proportions.

They're definitely opened.

Is there a "slickdeals" for figures? Something that keeps track of current sales for figures, and where.

Yea Forums

Not him but it's not about the armpit degeneracy. The "I'm so tired of this shit" facial expression is much better than the wacky crazy face she makes in the other figures. The pose is sexy and cool too. She's somehow more of a soldier stripped down than in full dress.

Thank god her nendoroid is fucking perfect and cheap

Attached: FIGURE-027479.jpg (600x600, 87K)

I just like collecting all items my favorite character has.

Y'all ever been a buyfag while being a broke NEET? I was once.

Attached: 1540340743397.jpg (400x400, 21K)


What was the last doujin you preordered?

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I feel like figmas are really angles-dependant:
Putting them in a showcase and rotating around them can show a pleasant view or an ugly mess depending from where you look.

I bought that Yugi and Kaiba figma, but I have them on my shelf because some angles are not so great

Attached: 248963addcef2f3c8bf5b72ce5db06cb.jpg (650x650, 133K)

Where do you think I am most of the time

Without any neetbux

Attached: 1537334117673.jpg (497x424, 45K)

this unironically

whats the point of being a neet if you aint got no neetbux? what are you, retarded?

850us$ SSI isn't much either but with ptc sites and task sites i used to get an extra 400-500$, a decent amount to live frugally and buy one or two figures a month.

my neetbux is my family monthly income

based leech

anyone else NEET and college dropout?

Initially yeah. Lasted 2-3 months max. Buyfagging got me out of being a neet actually. The hobby requires quite a bit of money.

Based NEET bros.
Just graduated and don't feel like having a jobs right now, leeching my parents desu

No. I'm just waiting until college resumes next month.

I dropped out of college and been on neetbux so long they are going to pay me to go back to college.

Same here actually.

kek high IQ move

I'm trying to get back to college, so far I have 70 credits, I took 8 credits this semester(still a final remaining), next semester i plan to take 40 credits(I know it sounds unfeasible but I think I can do it, by the way the whole degree is 284 credits long if everything goes right i'll try to get a job next year,

What the actual fuck

Yes. I plan on buying a cheap property and getting a tiny ass sub-200sqr foot house to live in.

Which one is counterfeit, the right?

why do you say that?

Should I support my local anime store? Everything there is $15-$30 more than online.

Attached: 1552977584419.jpg (848x1199, 276K)

Including shipping costs? See if they price match.

What's the point of paying more?

One of them, I got Hifumi and this one.
I was also waiting for drunken Korbo but she just arrived today.

Attached: a21d90e03eb7de7c8236fc02a427a8e3.jpg (515x720, 392K)

Fuck no

I'm still waiting for mine, payment was submitted but I still don't get even a shipping notification.

California earthquakes?

Are you real NEETs or just memeing? not working for a couple of months doesn't count.

Tax is 13% here so that makes a big difference. It usually comes out a little more expensive in store because I can put multiple items in one box for one shipping expensive vs paying $25 extra on each item.

I just don't want to see them go under. I've met a few friends there.


i tried college for 4 years and didn't pass a single subject, i would drop in the middle of semester to become a NEET again

if your mate is going to japan and offered to bring you back some shit what would you ask for?
wanting pic related

Attached: arashi.jpg (319x450, 88K)

These threads are my only source of social interaction other than vidya. I worked at a grocery store for 1 month when I was 15 that's it (I'm currently 25). I haven't left the house in over a month.



>book off near me has pre-owned Nendos for 150-200

Did you include the cost of shipping in your calculations? But if scale figures are only $20 more, then sure.

I live at home. I'm currently a cashier and I just started making $15/hour, but only managers get full time, so my checks aren't gonna be amazing (considering I live near L.A. were rent is around $1,400 a month for a single bedroom apartment). I COULD move out now if I was willing to find a roommate (or move WAAAY the fuck away from all my friends and family), but owning shit like pic related makes me want to wait til I'm at $20 so I can afford my own place.

Attached: 9090833743902[1].jpg (530x670, 302K)

I really want an Asahi no 99 mini for my bike. They're like $50 with free shipping in Japan, but it would cost me ~$20-$30 to have it shipped to the US. Easy to pack in a suitcase.

Attached: no99miniw.jpg (532x335, 125K)

I am not memeing about it.

Whatever they feel is safe and is related to things I like, I'm not going to force them to bring me shit and will kindly understand if they only bring some sort of candy, I will however ask if they try bringing candy to make sure it's matcha flavored, shit it's fucking delicious.

Motorcycle and car magazines.


A $150 scale would cost about $190 there, plus 13% tax.

That's really cool

Weird Kit-Kat flavors.

>A $150 scale would cost about $190 there, plus 13% tax.
So about $65 more. I wouldn't unless the place is really important to you.

I had something similar happen. There's a local store that sells anime merch. I've talked to the owner in the past and they are a good person. But buying any figures there would cost me at least 50% more than it would online. So I just can't justify that kind of increase.

A bottle of good sake

Predict your delays for this month

I really hope the Goblin Slayer Figma doesn't get delayed.

What's a good bottle of sake, or any alcohol, to ask for? I have friends going soon and want to ask for some.

Hopefully not this

Attached: Figure1548382939.jpg (480x720, 92K)

I was NEET for 3 years and had to sell my old figs to buy new ones

I’m in Osaka right now and the weather fucking sucks this weekend. Going to Toranoana, Melonbooks and both Mandarakes later but most of the stuff that I’ll bring back will be from WonFes.

How do you fucks afford this shit? I have a good paying job and I almost throw up every time I spend more than like $300 a month on figures

I've wanted to try Denki Bran for the longest time. It's available regionally from what I recall, but you can buy it on Rakuten pretty easily.

I work for Microsoft.

>spend more than like $300 a month on figures
Found your problem.

Ancient chinese secret

Attached: 1551547254083.jpg (520x458, 76K)

I make a good amount of money and yes it's expensive but I consider it to be basically the tax I have to pay for being a virgin over 30

That tax is paying for hookers. This is a hobby.

If I paid a hooker it wouldn't be a virgin tax anymore, user.

Price increased an extra 10k thanks to Netflix

Attached: fuck netflix.jpg (1344x655, 94K)

This guy keeps making cutouts that work wonders.

I don't have a reaction image that fits my reaction to that.

Already had Ryuko bunny get delayed. Surprised Alter Azur Lane Vampire hasn't been delayed yet

What's the buyfag version of this?

Attached: 1540924946724.jpg (640x480, 46K)

who's the gk circle?

if there isn't anything penetrating the vagina, you can show the slit. Like how for JAVs, they can show the anus.

>I'm trying to get back to college
>next semester i plan to take 40 credits

Attached: 1559318324175.jpg (1440x810, 125K)

Hookers don't count as losing your virginity.

Attached: 1563006207398.jpg (667x1000, 75K)

You're right, I'll probably take 34 but no less than that, I'm not stupid I have decent grades 8.8/10 average plus i'm pretty familiar with one of the subjects.

Attached: Capture23.jpg (1008x140, 21K)

How do you like this, dollfags?


Attached: 5162811496397507138_n.jpg (899x899, 76K)

Looks like they just remolded Angel Philia bodies.

Attached: 558229.jpg (350x525, 30K)

Attached: IMG_20190713_222958.jpg (600x900, 42K)

I think the law applies only to media.

Damn it's limited, and it looks really good. I super love how saggy and almost ruined her titties looks from specific over-the-top angles. I love it, but since I have the 1/4 I might not get it.

buy it for your future self, user

Attached: 1563006345586.jpg (533x800, 244K)

Black looks great, but I think I like the violet more.

Attached: DSC03860-amrrcr.jpg (600x1525, 410K)

Ok, image dump of Drunken Korbo.
Apologies in advance for shitty pics, the camera I ordered arrived heavily damaged along with the Kanokon dvds, the box was punctured.

Attached: 20190714_001643.jpg (1024x1472, 371K)

One thing I loved was the details on the hair, tail and dress.

Attached: 20190714_001734.jpg (1024x1401, 345K)

why is this 1/8? Is it just a listing error?

alternatively where should I buy this thing as all the usual sites aren't stocking it.

Attached: 645867.jpg (600x582, 87K)

The mouth still looks funny but only from certain angles.

Attached: 20190714_001827.jpg (1024x1127, 270K)

Pure, instant, dick PO.

Attached: Screenshot_20190714-161616.png (948x1510, 1.47M)

Bag didn't have wheat so now I have to find some.

Attached: 20190714_002141.jpg (800x952, 302K)

Poster ins nice but my walls are running out of room. Now I need to rearrange everything.

Attached: 20190714_002405.jpg (1024x1412, 426K)

wall scroll, I need to rest.

post your room

After you.


Attached: toohoo.png (350x111, 10K)

Attached: Animeroom.jpg (2048x788, 454K)

the framed pokemon on the walls makes me think it's the same room that features a similar element.

Is that all Ikea furniture?

I own a house, so fuck you I can't.

post your anime room fag.

Imagine your parents disappointment, knowing that their son spends his money on toys and cartoon

Your hobby is killing you user, it's not worth it

>tfw prefer peach skin

Originally Japanese or visiting

So none of my proxies deal with mercari anymore, any recommendations?

>didn't list proxies that don't work
>will get mad when people suggest proxies that won't work

Attached: Consider.jpg (394x248, 33K)

Attached: yes.jpg (1916x1444, 656K)


Why do you have a room with only anime stuff in? Do you go in and look at things like it's a museum? I guess I'm used to people displaying stuff in their bedrooms, studies or living rooms.

Looks gay.

Nice witches, as always.

Why would they care how I spend my money? It's called disposable income for a reason.

>tfw have a (casual) full-time job position and go to uni
I want this suffering to end
At least I get the equivalent of 30 USD/h for about 300 per shift on the 4 I always get a week

Attached: D32h-5vUYAA1fpu.jpg (600x600, 47K)

Alright, i'll bite, what's your job?

at least he’s a “fugly” man who has a gf while you’re just a lonely troll with no experience in relationship lol.

That's a big fucking house.
How often are manga/LN translated to german?

Zenmarket and buyee
Really if you don’t know if your proxy does or not you don’t need to post.
I’ll try them thanks


>disposable income
maybe you should spend it on an interior designer to fix this mess of a room, and get it repainted. The fucking top line isn't even straight.

The framed Pokémon games is a cool idea

I like how you took that from mfc.

yes, on the neetbux as well. I've got more monthly disposable income than most people here.

I live overseas but I’m visiting my grandparents on top of going to WonFes.

can you buy me a gk

Depends on where I’m at on the Direct Pass line.

>telling user to fix a room in a picture he took from mfc

Attached: Get in the Car!.jpg (428x410, 37K)

Keep increasing polygon count for Zbrush, Blender and any other software.

Everything else will crash before Zbrush does.

Wait, I don't know if I did this when I got my pillow years ago. Can I still do this? Wouldn't it just fluff out with the pillow case on?

What do people use to elevate a detolf off the ground, possibly with a drawer or shelf underneath. Seems like the guide's display section doesn't touch on this, and ikea doesn't have a 1x1 kallax in the US anymore.

Can't you just place it on a drawer?

I'm trying to find something relatively close in dimensions due to limited space. There are a lot of great options to elevate two detolf side by side but they don't work for me.

Champ of the normalfags and reddit

I was a NEET for four years after uni. Luckily my waifu saved me from my hikki ways and now I’m recovering. It’s ok.

made for hotglue

Attached: homuran.jpg (675x1200, 63K)


Attached: 1558850824287.jpg (372x445, 57K)

homewrecker cat

Dummer Harz4poster

He'd be in for a 2h phone convo relaying to me what he can see in whatever Mandarake he can get to.

what do you guys do with shit you don't care for anymore?
i have a shitton of manga/bds/magazines/etc. that have no purpose other than to clutter my shelves, so i'd love to get rid of them, but, as someone who lives in the US, i have no idea how.

Craigslist/kijiji/or a local FB group. Sell your books for a few dollars each or just throw them away.

There's non-crazy faceplates for the figma, and there's another fig in dress uniform with the rifle aimed and everything. The armpit fig just doesn't really come to mind as an image from the show and generally the character isn't sexualized, like, ever.

I don't keep it to a single room.

>as someone who lives in the US
but the us love throwing trash everywhere

The whole point is to get air into the pillow and "reflate" after it's been very heavily compressed, but obviously this doesn't really happen if you have a big 'ol 2WT cover on it, hence the instructions saying not to use it for a few days.

I'm the same. I don't have a good paying job but it's enough for figures, but I was way too trigger happy when I first got this job now I have multiple $300-$400 months. It really sucks.

Goodnight, buyfriends!

Attached: 287364523.jpg (900x1200, 114K)


Payment requests have already started

A good ol' rub

does the queen's blade spin-offs seven sins/ virtues have anything like capsule figures?

Where do you sit?

Looks like a hot mess

Good night shit

you rude fuck

If you're in LA they have bookoffs.
Ebay or craigslist/fb marketplace would be the best returns though.


ehh if she's nice to you who cares. I'd rather a nice slut than a cruel chased girl.

What figures do potato eaters buy?

Attached: 1551716578240.png (518x633, 343K)

Does that mean Irish or German?

Attached: 573B8D1B-3328-4231-90E2-302249B95B41.jpg (1587x2082, 842K)

Irish ofc.

Can't help you with that,

To all spic anons who used to be buyfags:
Now we are fucked isn't it?

Attached: 1561141300538.jpg (500x385, 36K)

You got import tax like euros right?
They've managed.

The fading customs union with the UK might actually mess with stuff a tiny bit. Most of the recommended outlets inside the EU you can find in the guide are UK based, too.

are tamamofags the most depraved?


Attached: 1559612445085.jpg (676x174, 61K)

They did.

Attached: 850080.jpg (600x980, 112K)

>FOTS does it again
So, from what I understand, FOTS is going to standardise their packaging into pic related. What is it? Packaging that allows you to display your figure without even having to open it. An "industry first" according to FOTS.

Why? Well, their reasoning goes along the lines of "shelves and anything used to display a figure are expensive". Oh yeah, and they sent out mere ten of these and got a "good response" so they thought it was a great idea to start mass production. To be fair to them though, you can actually display your figure intact for once.

Attached: 1535537558836.jpg (650x470, 209K)

It's all being redirected to Frankfurt or Dublin depending on which one. so it will be different but about the same. Honestly, the UK is the one more likely to get fucked by everything atm.

thats not a bad idea actually

I was fine even with 50% customs tax over shipping fees+item's price, things went to the shitter once our currency depreciated 50%(it means we literally earn 50% less in us$, the worst part is that it happened in just two months)

Shitty good night

I don't understand this picture

But will it actually protect the figures from damage?

Surely FOTS will find a way to fuck it up.

>The package is guarded from damage by a protective film
>The top and bottom lids have an attached foot for stackability
>Stacking example

>Most of the recommended outlets inside the EU you can find in the guide are UK based, too.
Wait what? Most of them seem to either be German or French. Never bothered with UK based ones anyway, since shipping would suck even without import costs.

Still don't understand that picture

The general Jap consesus seems to be that it's stupid, with a minority saying it looks good. From my view, it's flawed in two ways; first, packaging has always served as protection. So what happens when the packaging gets fucked? No way they're doing an Xzibit "a package for yo package". Secondly, if you're going to make it look good in the package, surely you're sacrificing some extra layer of protection.

might want to tell us what you dont understand because not everyone is as dumb as you

Isnt it just a different style box that you can display ? I dont think its supposed to replace packaging

Attached: UKbased.png (1342x423, 33K)

I’ve never owned anything like this so I’m afraid to open it lads... but I have to to read it.. right?

Attached: 0A5575DA-473B-47D2-ADE1-CC04C22D54CE.jpg (3024x4032, 2.69M)

Guess I'm wrong, must've just dismissed those. You stripped out Archonia though, which is a valid store. I think some stores should be added as well, but I'm not going to add those until I have some experience with them.

From the nip runes I read, I doubt it. Maybe it comes with additional packaging but the idea is that you don't have to open the package to display the figure.

They're just acknowledging the fact that several figs displayed on one detolf shelf look like crap unless they form a set.

>Xzibit "a package for yo package"

Attached: 1463612757917.png (217x190, 55K)


Maybe just link the website instead of posting a badly cropped screenshot.

>twelve million pixels of a book cover

Attached: 1561274692214.jpg (640x1439, 169K)

I was complimenting the joke/reference.

which reference?

Not him. That's the full picture and not some screenshot. If you can't understand then he's right in calling you a retard.

I like this image

>Maybe just link the website
Fucking retard.

I explained everything retard. Not my fault you keep repeating "I don't understand" without actually explaining the part you don't understand.

Is it recommended to let figurines breathe or can I keep them within their boxes ? Don't have place yet to showcase them.

pixelet mad

If you store them for too long they'll get sticky but that takes a couple years or so

Archonia is further down after a paragraph about its dubious status.

I wish Xzibit would start a delivery service for animoo goods.

I will have to store them this way during one more year but I should plan to buy some shit over the next few months to display them decently.
They're not sealed though, I've already opened them when they arrived so I think they're still a bit ventilated.

Bro this is not how any of this works. What are you doing

you won't ruin your credit if you miss a payment by a few days, though you might get a late fee

if you're that worried about it just set up autopay for the minimum, and pay whatever amount above that manually just in case you forget

also the credit is generally only ruined if you're 30 days delinquent but you shouldn't chance that desu

>having issues with images loading
Why do you complain every buyfag thread? Just move out of Australia.

It's a paragraph about how the guide writers don't know how good it is, it's not a dubious store, or at least it wasn't when I last used it. But yes, that was stripped out.

The problem is with images uploading, which is a server side issue.

shut up faggot

Saw that some jap artist I follow on Twitter liked it. I got no idea, sorry.

Meant to quote

Can you resize next time please

Can you stop shitting the bed, Michael?

Attached: xzibit.jpg (700x460, 40K)

Last thread they proved this was some bullshit. Get better internet and stop complaining you faggot.

You guys don't actually buy this shit right? It's incredibly expensive, and it's not like you'd want anyone to actually see that you own this shit. I can't think of a single bigger waste of money.

>which reference?
Fuck, now I feel old.

this is either a normalfaggot or bait, don’t give additional (you)s.

No they fucking didn't? They posted an image showing it took seconds or something to load the images, not fast.

and you still did

I failed my community college entrance exam if that counts. But I have a job where I make 40-60k a year so I'm good


How is that bait? Seriously dude? You're that delusional that you think it's actually acceptable to own shit like that? Anyone who knew you owned lewd anime figurines that cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars would think you're a fucking creep.

Yup, seconds. This wasn't my post, I believe this was what the other post was referring to. Feel free to link the other "proof".

Attached: 1543905856990.png (531x92, 32K)

That first one has been missing for too long

Do yourself a favor and don't buy that. Thanks.

Sometimes I think I've made mistakes in life. Which I have, but I have never had discussions online about buying overpriced dolls that I jerk off onto and hide from my friends and family when they come over. So maybe I'm more well adjusted than I thought

>all these texts and no images
Let's break this.

Attached: 28793645293.jpg (550x822, 97K)

Holy shit that's awesome.

>hide from my friends and family when they come over
lmao fag

That’s literally nothing. Seek help if this is a issue to you.

>trolling outside of Yea Forums

It's not though. My computer loads it just the same as every other image, instantly.

An image loading in seconds is fucking horrid. It should be indistinguishable from instant, so like 200ms.
You're full of shit. Tests from independent third party servers have shown that the upload speeds of Yea Forums makes images of significant size load in seconds, that's not instant.

Are you retarded?

Retard. If you let idiots get away with it, it it will keep happening more and more, until it's an (even more widespread) annoyance. A few seconds for one image is whatever, a few seconds for every shitty picture in every thread, for every person reading the thread, is a waste of everyone's time.
Stop facilitating the continuance of poor behavior and resize your pointlessly bloated pictures. The only thing you're defending is laziness.

They will almost certainly be fine. They may build up some plasticizer, but even that is not guaranteed, I had a figure in a box for about 4 years and it didn't have any. And even if it does, I don't think it's going to damage the figure and it can be washed off. If anything's going to damage a figure over time it's way more likely to be from sunlight or smoke or something.

How much do you make a year? I'm 22K+ a year ChEng.

not gonna bother resizing a picture I just took desu go fuck yourself

80k but I have a ME BS and PhD and live/work in Chicagoland so my pay is shit compared to the amount of effort and time I pissed away into education.

Congrats on being a smooth brained troglodyte who cant do an extremely basic thing

I hope that you're either in burritoland, or that that's a big ass plus

I forgot to say I live in Argentina so it's a decent amount here, still not much to buy stuff from abroad.

Retarded newfag.

i refuse to believe educated people browse a chink figures thread everyday

Then you're a piece of shit.

Attached: 1560294580857.webm (1280x720, 284K)

>t. seething retard.

Aerospace stress engineer checking in

Retail slave here, i make about 24k a year
But my Bill's are insanely cheap

Not much, usually a 2-3kus$ bonus a year in four parts, as i said here I live in Argentina.

Believe it, fag. Admittedly, I'm here for the dakis, though.

Attached: 20190714_113450.jpg (1512x1134, 508K)

I pump gas.
Just received about $65,000 worth yesterday.
Pic loosely related.

Attached: 1556979748285.webm (1280x720, 2.04M)

Software dev.

Nigga that ain't even my room.

Not him but in my country diplomas are quite large.

Attached: arton119662.jpg (799x450, 100K)

>t. rich user.

I want to buy lots of figurines and key chains from my favourite franchises, but I don't have any money. How do Hikkis do it?

Attached: 1562859456053.gif (560x420, 175K)

It's letter size paper but thicker like construction paper. I do have a PDF copy, that I had to pay for because my university is cheap, if I wanted to print it out larger. Not that I do. The diploma tucked away in a drawer.

Anyone know where I can get unused doujin tankobon? Or am I fucked and stuck with used goods covered in cum ones?

Attached: 1548281359642.png (1366x768, 1.28M)

Forgot pic.

Attached: how to waste 5 years of your life with nothing to show for it.png (1351x623, 159K)

Did you really link to the guide on reddit?
What a colossal faggot.

Attached: disgust.png (564x580, 218K)

It would be premium Japanese cum.

>step one: get a job
>step two: ????
>step three: buy figures

>doctor if philosophy
>mechanical engineering
Is structural integrity real or a fiction of the human mind?

I asked nicely Benjamin

I'm no doctor, but big weight break weak thing.

>work from home
>rich parents
>neetbux/other welfare


Attached: 1557947105688.png (479x444, 99K)

i used to be a neet and still managed to get a decent sized collection ~50 scales, scalped many, sold old ones, with the current prices I'd recommend you to abstain from doing preorders and focus on cheaper things, you can get great deals if you browse amiami/manda/jungle everyday.

How can loads be real if gravity isn't real?

I yearn for the day of sex bots designed by asanagi and mogudan.

I just buyfagged a gym membership

The tech to end humanity.

Attached: 1562726396634.jpg (289x356, 19K)

Stay fit fellow buyfag do it for your waifu if you have one

a membership won't make you fit. you also have to go there and use the gear

She's my only reason for doing anything, I know she will love me no matter what but if I better myself little by little it will make her happier

Hotglue it

Gym and sports are a meme. The only way to lose weight is to eat less. Nothing else helps. Well, gym helps if you want more muscle and shit.

This. Starving yourself is the only way to lose weight.