Please describe this child
Please describe this child
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too slimy
stuttering retard
adorable and hilarious! Best character in the show and saved it from an instant drop!
Isn't she a pimp/prostitute? Advertising love for money and all
I think she's cute, and I think she's also funny.
best loli ever to exist
She flubbed it
Sexy child
flubby cunny
Dumb lewd sexy retard
I want snail to bite me
not even best loli in her own show
It’s a good thing I’m not a pedophile or I might be turned on right now
She dayed
You don't fool to anyone arararagi
flubbering retard
I know, right? Getting turned on fucking sucks.
Made for breeding.
fucking dead
needs salt
cute frogs
you cry you lose
I really hate this show for giving me this backpack schoolgirl fetish.
nice panties
>best loli ever to exist
She doesn't even exist though
I want to stick my hand in that backpack
Turn in dirty pedo
Cute and funny
no way cunt
at that point it has to be intentional
A Jew
I'm watching bakemonogatari and it's pretty good, but whats the deal with the text?
Slimy slimy snail.
the cutest
I prefer Hachikuji Onee-san
the quick colored panals? They are lines of inner monologue of araragi from the book. but it's hard to implement monologues in a tv show without getting boring and having to record so many lines so they just flash them on screen. fast enough that you just kinda get the jist of what they'ere saying.
Just there for style. It's adapted from novels where like 80% of the content is dialogue, so there's not really a whole lot to animate. Just characters talking. So a lot of liberty was taken by Shinbou and his staff with things, it's basically a blank canvas as far as visuals go so they could just do whatever. What I think makes the show so impactful is the marriage of great dialogue with great voice actors with a director that wasn't afraid to just do things his way.
Excerpts from the light novels. You're not meant to read them, they flash too quickly for that in any case. At best you'll just recognize enough words to realize what the text is about, it's easier if you've read the novels and are familiar with the scene. In general though it's just one of many weird aesthetic choices they made for the anime.
She'll sell you her love for 298 yen.
Best girl and my goddess.
Okay. That makes her the second best loli to ever exist then. Still pretty good.
>webm subtitles say "I flubbed"
>filename does it right
Where is this from? It's really cute.
bantering gastropod
They're telling you to read the novels when you're done
or at least the manga
Is Araragi a pedophile?
Made for breeding
The mobile game.
What could possibly give you that idea?
Made for pregnancy and pregnancy sex.
Ugly, saved by good dialogue, people only pretend to like her design because loli.
No no he's just checking her health, didn't you read those nanosecond text flashes?