
I've neglected my toilet wife for a few days.
I'm sorry/a/.

Attached: FateStayNightRin.png (177x564, 88K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Scat, anal, yurifaggotry, weight-gain, watersports, is there a fetish Rin DOESN’T cover?

No, that's why she's perfect

Attached: 75442913_p0.jpg (600x800, 211K)


Attached: 74991724_p1.jpg (1804x1400, 1.31M)

Part 2 when?


Attached: Rin 31331331313131333.jpg (1024x1024, 188K)

With what?

She is BadAss

Attached: AdulT Rin 1.jpg (977x2047, 156K)

Don't forget to feed your toilet, lest she get cranky.

Attached: 1452930181106.webm (960x540, 332K)

She has bad ass situations

Attached: 1491802547717.png (796x592, 419K)

Why was the original Fate series so lewd?

Because Jap shit doesn't sell without sex

Rin is BadAss Agree!!!

Attached: Rin 123123123.jpg (820x461, 52K)

Sex yyy

Attached: Rin 3133131333.jpg (360x360, 40K)


Attached: 1561428386349.jpg (1280x1460, 156K)

But that was Rider, not Rin.

Reminder that this is a Korean redditor named "asssa123123123asa".

My cute and 100% heterosexual waifu is not a toilet.

Attached: rin saber contract ubw.gif (320x181, 3.12M)

How do you know?

You're right, Saber is not a toilet.
Rin on the other hand...

Attached: Luviagelita_sleeve.png (650x1550, 1.4M)

But I'm talking about Rin, not Saber.

Google-fu. Seems he got cold feet and made his Reddit profile private or something, though.

Rin is a meat toilet for fat old men

Rin is both gay and a toilet though

Fake news. She's as heterosexual as I am.

Guess you're at least 50% gay then homo bro

I would eat all of tohsakas poop

My nig

Attached: 1562224274814.jpg (238x212, 12K)

Wrong, we're both 100% heterosexual, not homosexual nor bisexual.