ITT: Least expected betrayals

ITT: Least expected betrayals

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for a moment I thought that was a heart, then read the filename, and the bitch is hiding the biggest magic rock? guess she likes a loli slave.

Fucking Gainax ruining christmas one last time.

not a betrayal

>guess she likes a loli slave
Can you blame her?

Looks like she's wearing a small one as an earring. I'm guessing she can somehow use magic.

Is betrayal even a thing in anime?

How is that not a betrayal? Sabu screwed over Nitta for his own gain.

Yes but it's so cliche that it's hard to remember that people aren't supposed to be backstabbing one another.

I mean, sure, it was telegraphed for like 3 episodes, but it hurt every moment of the way.

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What about most expected betrayals that didn't end up happening?

There was that one red herring in MHA that never amounted to anything

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I meant specific characters who seemed like they would betray somebody but turned out to be surprisingly loyal.

How about that whole "someone must be a mole in the academy" shit that they talked about after the attack and then was never mentioned again?
Unless they did something with it in the manga, animeonlyfag here.

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All revenge isekai use this, in the most caricatural way you can find to trigger both hatebonner and edgebonner of the people who actually like this, err, genre...

I always thought the prince on Kekkon Yubiwa would betray the party as he litterally got cucked of his wife by the MC in the middle of his wedding. Turned out the prince was actually relieved about it as he already had a dragon waifu of his own and was forced into this wedding.

Sabu screwed over Nitta by corupting Anzu just so he would get another type of ramen, to be fair everyone has at least pissed on him once

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This right here. Did not see that shit coming.