Raku not picking Onodera is the biggest mistake in history since Hitler diverted the 6th Army from Caucasian Oil fields to Stalingrad
Fuck Chitoge
t. Mikufag
I baste my steak with Onodera tears to give it a nice salty taste.
Arguing between choosing Chitoge, Marika or Tsugumi is perfectly fine, but not choosing Onodera was absolutely the best thing he could have done
Different flavors to different people, just don't pick the shit flavored ice cream that is Onodera and you're fine
If he even picked Marika I could grudgingly understand. But Chitoge was the absolute worst choice.
Its not so bad. Fans who really liked her can self-insert as the guy she eventually married.
What's wrong with Onodera? She's just boring at worst.
So that they get cucked when their precious daughter gets diddled by the son of the one that stole your wife's first and true love
Why are Onoderafags such masochists
the virgin japanese doormat vs chad polish gangster girl
>have a headstart
>multiple people give you hints that you are winning
>be dense and don't notice mc's feelings
>don't even try to confess
Nah, she deserved it, she was standing right before the goal but hesitated so much that she managed to lose.
Besides admiration is not love.
Being boring is the worst thing you can be
Chitoge isn't at least.
Exactly. She's just another bland thot but she's shilled incredibly hard.
After that shit Marika arc and that even shitter final arc I lost the ability to care. Chitoge was completely wasted from start to finish.
Yea Forums are the kind of idiots who think boring is worse than awful because 'Hurr can't remember boring things'.
Which is retarded. I wish World's End Harem was boring enough for me to forget, but instead I have to think about how awful it is like every day because of how fucking bad it is and how blueballed it made me
She is also boring at best.
Maybe don't get irrationally mad over nothing then
Itsuki is going to win because the first girl curse.
Lol If youre a slit eyed gook of course youre going to choose the blond that looks like the girls you jack off to on pornhub. Why would you choose the boring black haired basic jap housewife? Isnt it a mans mission in life to get the wild girl and just beat her with your cock until you make her into a housewife by impregnating her with your seed. If the girl already is basically a housewife then whats the challenge? Whats the chase?
>always live with her knowing you are second place in her heart
Except she's never yours. She fucks Tyrone behind your back while you work hard to provide for her and be a "real man".
Once a bitch, always a bitch
>Romance needs to be a challenge!
>Yeah I'm just a lonely faggot because I'm challenging myself! Not because I don't think like a functional human being and think abuse is part of a healthy relationship!
Based Tyrone living rent free in the head of insecure cucks
I don't.
I get mad over literature that insults intelligence, the craft or fails to provide entertainment. Which WEH does all three
Not that you'd know anything about intelligence or writing as a craft.
the jokes on her, Tyrone is buttfucking me while she is at work
Like what you like, who cares, just don't complain when the second day of your marriage you're already so bored of your wife's doormat "personality" that you already start to call up some nice JK
Based Tyrone enjoying your house, food and woman while cucklord you keeps on being a real man
Said doormat wife is probably also fucking other men as well.
Tyrone only preys on the insecure ones user, he has standards as well, it's not looking good for you right now but you can change little by little
But it was decided before the first page of the one-shot that the blonde tsundere would win, user.
Plus he only goes after women similar to Onodera.
Don't complain when you already have had enough of your wife punching, kicking and throwing you around and treating you like a doormat. Unless you're a msochist I don't think anyone would prefer that over a nice wife
Some people are such high level masochists that stay on a series for 300+ chapters just to get high on the final loss at the end, even if it was the most predictable thing ever
>fuck Chitoge
Yes I would fuck chitoge.
Eh, boring just means forgettable to me. I can't dislike a character that I barely remember about.
If you manage to survive her beating the shit out of you for absolutely no reason
It's just a cute gorilla user, what are you scared of
You're not a worthy man if Chitoge can beat the shit out of you.
Imagine losing so bad, you ended up baking their god damn wedding cake.
I dont think you tards are getting the point
I picture Onoderafag to be the type of people that already gave up on life, they're just tired and sick of it, maybe even already a little bit old
I can understand why they'd prefer such a doormat as a wife over anyone else that shows even the tidiest bit of personality, they don't have the energy anymore to deal with it, they actually want the nothing that is Onodera
It's sad
>survive her beating the shit out of you
She won’t be doing that after I am done with her.
I'd still have understood if raku picked marika. Or maybe even tsugumi.
Chitoge was the worst possible choice
>chad polish gangster girl
We may disagree on the harem, but we can all agree that Shuu was the best nisekoi.
Chitoge is polish? I thought she was from the USA.
For one, she beats him for no reason. Tsugumi does but nowhere near as Chitoge
Tell me that they got a healthy relationship going.
That or he's a masochist.
No, he was the usual annoying sexual harassing jerk friend of mc, he had moments of clarity that made me act like a normal person but they were rare and few
People like you that get so hung up on a comedy trope are hilarious, but you always play the masochist card which is a bit boring
And of course you always ignore the fact that the beating is a reaction to some kind of teasing being done by the mc, it's not like the character shows up and slaps the mc as a greeting
You may sperg about on how "that's not a joke, domestic violence is serious", but that's what it is, stop getting offended over nothing
Im not getting offended by shit. I'd much rather puck a bland girl than one that shits on me for no reason
Good for you man, all yours, but i don't have the patience to explain to you how tsunderes are not just "muh violence" and how people that like them don't like them just for that
Altho i'm sure there are some actual masochists that may get off on that, but personally i'd just stop at some light verbal abuse to spice things up
Once her asshole gets unredeemable open and bleeding after the non stop dicking i'll give to her, she'll stop being a bitch.
Going real, Raku chose the option he ended up getting the most comfy and had the most fun with. There's also the japanese irony, based on real life facts. Doormats, demure, overly straightforward, honest and shrinking violets end up turning into violent cunts and control freaks after marriage, but (at least in manga) violent bitches turn into the most loyal and devoted partners after a good dicking.
Raku was shit. All the best girls got spared. One-shot!Raku was pretty good though.
But she shits on him for good reasons.
He didn't chose wrong, his friend asked him who he'd rather have at his side during moments in life, even the most minor shit ever, and for him Chitoge was the obvious answer
Also Onodera all the time to act before Chitoge even showed up, she even had amazing suppor from her friend and she wasted it all, she's the worst
It's irrelevant what your opinion of Raku is, the girls liked him wanted to be with him, they'd tell you to shut the fuck up if you dared to say to them "it's a good thing he didn't choose you"
Get over it. It was a lost cause since the OS. If there's anything to be mad about is Komi's lack of any delicacy by having Kosaki cuck herself into baking the wedding cake.
>literally own all the card to win since the start
>lose because she a pussy till the end
She deserved it,but then again having win card so early in romance is a bad omen in itself because author won't use said card for the sake of prolonging his series.
>It's irrelevant what your opinion of Raku is
No, it's not. I can understand getting mad if the MC is a catch, but in this case, he's not. I don't get waifufags that are mad over their girl not ending up with someone that isn't in their league. I'm convinced that anyone actually shipping something in shitty harem or romcom are just doing it for the bragging rights.
Ill just go ahead and say it
The author is a faggot
No one cares what you think is the best for your waifu, the truth is you don't know shit about that since each one of them would be the happiest in the world if chosen
But then you come out of the woodwork spouting "no actually it's pretty bad" like you know any better, just shut up
>final volume flopped
>live-action flopped
>two (forgotten) one-shots since the ending
wtf happened to komi? the guy basically fell over the face of the earth
Way to ruin your vanilla alternative universe doujin by making him impregnate the other girls and have Chitoge as a mistress instead of valuing the waifu you made the whole series for
You a Rakufag or something?
No one would do that, except the heroines i guess
>except the heroines
Marika was the only real Rakufag.
It's really a shame that people take dumb comedy tropes like violent tsunderes at face value, do they not understand that anime is full of exaggerations?
They self insert too much and can only think "wow i wouldn't like to be slapped in real life"
Haru should have won.
>confess multiple times
>some bullshit happens every time and he doesn't hear you
Name a worse harem than this.