What a cocky butt slut.
Maou-sama, Retry!
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Rum is really cute!
Thats not butt slut. Thats poop slut.
Butt slut is the pink-haired one.
They're all butt sluts as far as I'm concerned
poop loli best loli
>wasting this precious gem on sewage and trash removing jobs
Retarded villagers.
why does she sit like that?
This studio is fucking pathetic. I can't believe how low budget and low effort this show is.
just like the mango
Unironically the best isekai this season
That really isn't saying much. Every isekai this season is absolute, bottom-of-the-barrel trash.
That's someone else's stomach problems now!
but this is FUN trash
Why is he so fucking based?
>you will never happily spank a holy maiden for being an an obnoxious shit
It's not fair.
Feels bad
Maybe her butt hurts.
>you'll never rescue a crippled poop loli and give her the pampering she deserves while reminiscing about Shenmue
This show hurts so fucking much.
I don't know what will be AOTS but this is easily the most based show this season
He has a functional brain.
>he isn't an angry womanlet like Tanya
>he isn't a retard dicklet like Kazuma
>he isn't a retard edgy boy like Ainz
>he isn't an emo boy like Subaru
>He isn't an edgy boy like Kirito
>he isn't a faggot like Rimuru
>he isn't a slut like Haru
I wonder what it's like to have your own loli scarf
They will fuck right?
Anime is bottom of the barrel already there’s no difference:
the OP reminds me of the late 90s anime, it's so fun
What about naofumi?
Naofumi is based, he did the best he could in his setting.
probably pretty comfy, I've heard tell that lolis are very squishy and soft
Anyone else literally self-insert and get a thrill off of the power fantasy because it helps them escape how shitty their life is? I live for this stuff.
That scene.
I enjoyed it. Greatly.
What is he? I read the translated manga and so far I don't really see who he is, especially when he starts transforming into his other characters
Naofumi would've skip a lot of shit in his world if only he would've spank the girls into submission.
This is why anime and Yea Forums exists.
>if only he would've spank the girls into submission.
He lacks damage output necessary for such a feat.
I would but there is no fantasy, often these guys do stuff that I can already do in real life. It just seems special to people with no technology
also half the time I just get angry about how much dick sucking the author is doing for his protagonist and how everyone else is made dumb, evil or annoying. all the while whatever mc does is viewed like a saintly action by his cheer squad
For what?
wait is this from an OVA or something? I don't remember this scene
Perfect daughter-wife.
Spank princess is the daughter wife bait though.
She's not that kind of daughteru
Unlikely since she's really behind in the Kunai bowl.
Trap is going to rape him soon
he could have use the shield, though.
How is Subaru emo?
right, he should have been shit
Only the butt.
This is a good face.
There was already a crack in it when I found it.
You don't know
The last episode.
Depends on the weather I guess.
Really? You've never spanked a nun? What are you doing with your life, user?
So, who's gonna fuck with him? Pink girl?
Does tge trap have the bigger dick?
Post more Emilia Pink.
Delet. Pink Chihuahua it's at least useful.
More like meguman amirite
I hope this will be a harem show.
oh wow a koume clone, who would of thought she was so popular
Underrated post
She makes many good faces
I don't care for traps, but now I want someone to draw her(male) as Roll.
I want to puff her other cheeks as well.
I love her voice. Her voice sounds like she's in heat all the times.
Especially when her ass was getting aulted.
Just like my hentais! Also gonna save this for redubbing any future spanking scenes in anime.
Replace the slapping noises with sloshing sex noises.
Would make great fap material.
I love her puff.
>sloshing sex noises
Do you mind if use Makoto's sex noise from School Days?
poop loli
If you're going to redo it, could you extend the end a little? The sound cuts a little abruptly.
Why do westerners like butt stuff so much more than easterners do?
Which anime?
imagine the smell
Her manga design is so much cuter.
Americans != Westerners
Americans are the perverts, petty criminals and fanatics that have been banned and deported from Europe in the past 500 years.
Manga design made it look like he slapped those cheeks too.
Maybe if they banned and deported muslims instead, things would be nicer in Europe
This will be a harem show wont it?
Things are nicer in Europe, Billy-Joe.
!zangief best girl, all the rest a shit. A SHIT!
>deport americans
>import muslims
And you're proud of that?
It's very important to wash your food before eating.
she is the most disgusting isekai main heroine ever
If she says she isn't tasty it has to be true right? It's like the opposite of Kobe Beef
You need to go back.
the only one you're right about is kazuma
Only one way to find out.
If there's an "isekaied into a constantly falling apart zombie body" heroine, they'd be more disgusting. Otherwise, yeah, Aku ranks. Literally.
haru is literally a slut
Her juices would make a fine dish.
Her sweet cunnny?
The sobbing gasps really sell it for me.
Look how flat she is.
I might start watching this show.
Have they introduced the second princess slut and the big tits doctor?
>Have they introduced the second princess slut
Next episode, if you mean Killer Queen.
>and the big tits doctor?
Probably episode 4.
So, butt slut or poopy loli?
Why not both?
Face to face hug with polished turd loli, while reaching behind yourself to spank butt slut loli as she spoons you.
I was actual talking about filling her mouth so her cheeks puff up.
I hate isekai but somehow I really enjoy this one. That's weird.
that's because there's not an ounce of seriousness in this while most are written by edgy teenagers trying to be serious with nothing to show for it
Why do I get a boner every time Aku is on screen?
Because she is yellow rem
Where is the green ram ?
This show is absolutely terrible and I'm loving it. MC carries his anime.
Would be even better if that pink cute cunt got sexually punished
Wrong eye. Polished turd loli is golden shower Ram(complete with dfc). With the personality of Rem. I guess she's Ream.
She's Aku.
Is she getting on the daughterwife trend?
>She's Aku.
ah now i get it
I want an edit with the doctor and Aku saying "extra thicc"
Butt slut
doctor=bully bait princess>yellow Rem>butt princess>trap>tsukomi>saber clone
So that's how it is
The lard whale is pretty hot once she loses her fat, we're probably not gonna get to that point in the anime though.
I hope
Like Pork Miso Soup.
What a cutie, she'd look great covered in my cum.
My cum would look better
Step back, cucks, that's my cumrag.
>>next episode when?
It's funny how even though the studio is putting zero effort into actually adapting this it's still kind of fun by virtue of the story and characters being enjoyable by themselves.
Next week
Do not lewd best daughter
She's made to be lewded
I don't know why this made me laugh so hard. Thanks user, I needed that.
Because you're not gay
Yellow is for protect.
Pink is for lewd
Pink is for gentle bdsm.
Based and redpilled.
Rum a cute!
This loli looks familiar.
I like how there is always an excuse to get the blond loli naked in every episode.
Man, her design is so shitty compared to her manga version.
Can you sell this anime to me?
I still can't believe they would use a cute girl like this for manual scavenging.
No, I'm legit curious why they just didn't use her as a sex slave. She looks ill-suited for menial labor.
>Constant shots of her bare back and feet
You wont see me complaining. And Im not a secret lolicon like Kunai
Is that her name or are you just taking the piss with the fact that she's basically a yellow Rem from Re Zero?
If doesn't convince you, nothing will.
the poop smell doesn't come off
>taking the piss
Is it because she's a blonde toilet? That's racist, man.
Maybe they thought she was cursed and will infect them with super AIDS
It's shit but unironically good and funny.
That bum leg of hers is a mark of the devil, she'll bring misfortune to the whole village!
this ain't your edgy overlyserious isekai. if that doesn't sell this to you then drop it.
>That bum leg
How was she able to escape from that demon when she was barely able to walk?
Missionary with her must be GLORIOUS.
Only one way to find out if you'll like it or not.
No man. Only passionate missionary.
Anal is gross, never understood the appeal outside of DP
but this bitch likes rough, though.
It seems to hold greater appeal with circumcised men. Something about it being tighter, which helps with the decreased sensitivity. Also, universally taboo, which has its own appeal.
I don't understand why butt slut
>inb4 lurk more
Why not?
Does it have a dick? Thats what I wanna know. I've read the manga and Aku bathes with the girls and no one says anything, but the translation I read didn't seem sure if Aku was being referred to as male or female
Can't wait for the doujins.
It's like if Overlord and that poorly animated fantasy from this season with the devil loli we mashed together.
I like it for it's character design, but I've read the manga and fucking nothing happens. If you want waifu bait though, this is the show for you.
on a scale from 1 to room temperature how low IQ is this anime
i need something dumb to turn my brain off to this season
The maou's grand plan for world peace is making a onsen resort and making rabbit people dress up in bunny suits.
sign me the fuck up
The best girl is the oldest sister
>Thought butt loli sounded familiar
>Look up her seiyuu
>Kaori Ishihara
For any Nepfags out there, she also did pic related. Let that sink in during the spanking scene. Now I have another reason as to why I got an erection from that.
>ruining anal with DP
Sex is only exciting if you know she can't get preggers.
Anal is hot because she is pleasuring you.
She is also sings the opening. That means Luna Elegant is actually the main heroine?
>Sex is only exciting if you know she can't get preggers.
You got that backwards. Sex is only exciting if you're saddling her with a kid for months and she STILL wants it.
What size bunny suit do you take, sir?
There's also the added sensation of playing with her funny bits, and maybe even massaging yourself through the thin wall between her passages.