
I never learned what NTR or JC means and didn't bother finding out either.

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ntr just means getting cucked

post more christ chans

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This place made me a bitter contrarian.

i don't know what jc means but if you don't know what ntr means you're just stupid.

I tell shounenbabbies and moeshitters to watch more anime, but I have seen less than a hundred shows

Learn what SPQR means instead you disgusting one god worshipping jews

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Have a rare one, user.

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I honestly think people who watch OP are retards brailets getting cucked.

I'm thinking you guys know what JK is and just can't carry the one.

*Ahem* I enjoyed Kemono Friends 2.

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NTR means not true, really. JC in JC staff stand for Jesus christ what have they done

I loved JoJo until it became so mainstream among normies any association with its fandom is too painful. Now I hate it and are catious of any JoJo fans.

He's not I only found out last year because before I never bothered with tags other than few I was looking for. He should stay pure.

What makes you hate them other than liking jojo?

The way they behave. It's pure cringe for someone who grew up in Yea Forums and has taken hiding powerlevels to heart. I don't want association with them.

aka newnigger pretending your not new

lurk more

you need to go back, newnigger

Also the way normie newfans make it big about implicit homosexuality and the horrible fan-art that comes from that has pushed me away from ever telling anyone I liked JoJo before it was pop, most likely would come off sounding like old faggot to uninitiated.

I've been watching like two shows per YEAR for the past couple years

Centurichan is not pagan u heathen

and getting cucked means anything today so thanks for narrowing that one down, idiot.

Same, but for like 8 years.

I pretend I started watching anime in 2005 so it's less embarrassing that the first anime I watched (K-On) is still my favorite

Die name fag
I haven't read Berserk until last week

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I can't resist clicking on spoiler tags no matter how much I regret it. I've gotten spoiled on countless series and rarely feel like actually watching them since I already know the twist.

I'm getting more and more deaf so I don't even bother learning nip
that's not the confession, this is
>I too lazy to consider learning moonrunes
there, I said it
plz offer forgibness

I dont watch anime, i come here to shitpost

based. so so based.

that would do wonders to my folder

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>Western-made waifu
No thanks.

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>why do you even draw anime if you're not Japanese?!
Should I throw that dream in the garbage then?

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I've never watched Evangelion and probably won't anytime soon.

I never liked Akira

No Game No Life was made by a Brazilian. Move to Japan

>saying nigger to appear more aggressive

Confession, I have masturbated to Christ-chan. I raped that prude in my fantasy

I'll probably kill myself within the next three weeks and my only regret in life is not being able to read the ending to 5toubun no Hanayome.

>No Game No Life was made by a Brazilian
who was raised in japan
user should give up already

Last time I torrented anime was five years ago. Now I watch anime through Netflix and other streams.

I haven't watched a show since zombieland saga but shitpost here almost every day

You're retarded.

Never watched madoka, k-on or haruhi

only 'mecha' shows I watched were envagelion, ttgl and code geass

i think yuri is pathetic and can ruin a show

i've watched entire shows just because there was a cute girl whose design i liked in it

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Waifus can be fixed and improved upon. And even if the character is boring, good concepts can be added to new characters. So it's like an ugly girl having a pretty, successful daughter.

There was a post a few weeks back that speculated that the reason westerners have trouble with anime style is because the anime style is an exaggeration of asian facial features and expressions. I thought that was really interesting, but I've never drawn anything so I wouldn't know.
If it's true, maybe you could spend a lot of time at your local chinatown or watch a lot of eastern live-action stuff.

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I hate mecha and no amount of lurking will change this.

imagine doing that