Which is worse for the anime industry?

Which is worse for the anime industry?

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Both bring them money, so I don't see how they are bad.

Yea Forums

I don't know what this is about but 2 animes that had anything to do with netflix that i watched Castlevania and Violet Evengarden were good.

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trick question. the answer is moe

Funi is based since they fired that faggot vic manana and destroyed any reputation he had

Real answer is crunchroll.


I liked Devilman Crybaby..

Netflix would be worse purely because the dead fansubbing scene won't be able to fill the gap if they start squatting on more shows. 1 or 2 a season is doable but 10+ sure as fuck wouldn't be.

>Both bring them money, so I don't see how they are bad.

Ahh yes, so that is why disney is so great. It generates cash! Never mind the fact they haven't produced a decent respectable movie with heart and soul which will become a treasured memory for many children and adults for decades to come as they push forward social issue exploitable agenda driven souless crap to appeal to and squeeze as many pennies as possible from disenfranchised demographics.

But it brings in money. It must be good.

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hands down funi, netflix redeemed themselves with the eva dub changing love to like to be more accurate and btfo all the yaoifag sjws

What do you mean "how"?
>shit subs
>shit website
>full of sjws

And now they’re getting destroyed for defamation.

>Never mind the fact they haven't produced a decent respectable movie with heart and soul which will become a treasured memory for many children and adults

Wow, you are fucking dumb. Everything you just said was SJW boogieman bulshit that ignores pretty much everything that Disney has produced in the last twenty years.

Netflix because dropping the entire season at once kills any chance of community. They should simulcast

Light novels.


Netflix. It pushes more of the talentless people forward because of their new gender politics. Funimation at least hires actual talent.

>shit subs
Make your own subs then.

Lurk more.

>Shit Subs
Let me guess they used less profanity and didn't use this word instead of that word even though they mean the same thing?

>Shit website
No Idea what this means, did you want something like kissanime?

>Full of SJW's

Miles Luna of RWBY?

Who's Miles and what did he do?

Is there anything worse than Netflix? Seriously.
Funi at least is doing dual subs and not using dubtitles.

Except that one bitch VA/ADR director who likes to but her feminazi shit into the script.

This is the only legit complaint I have seen. I will admit I love binging but when you are done and want to talk about the show its wither no one has watched it yet or everyone has already discussed it and you are too late.

They saved the subs. You can hate tem, but it doesn't change the fact that thy are the only company that is releasing watchable or sometimes good, not burger subs.

>full of sjws
true for all of them
>leftist redditspacing faggot has shit opinions
Wow, surprising.

>Make your own subs then.
Wow. "Argument".

lol he's not getting jackshit from funimation

I have enough cancer in my life to lurk on a/ thank you very much.

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The only Miles I know on Crunchyrole is Miles Luna when the Fanservice podcast moved from Roosterteeth to Crunchyroll

But they hired a literal tranny to voice shinji

Netflix is a trash but
>caring about the dub

>ironically defending crunchyroll
Yea Forums is lost.

the answer is:

>dual subs and not using dubtitles
This is meaningless and anyone who gives it credit is autistic to levels only seen in fairy tales


You can deny it, but that's the fact. Their subs (with few exclusions) are the only watchable subs nowadays. Funi is SOMETIMES doing watchable subs too (Yu-No for example), but the rest? Netflix and Amazon especially.
That's pure trash. I don't fucking care who is running CR if their subs are not retarded and burgerized.

Edgelord wannabe show me where i stated an opinion.

Spoken like a true teenager.

>How dare you expect our subtitles to have quality
Nice Argument, Faggot.

Ignorant people like you are the biggest idiots comparable with SJW leftie movement.

It's not really bad for the industry but it definitely is shit for us.
When you think about the amount of shows that get multiple bump limit episode threads every week it'd be a shame for all that to disappear. If something like Madoka was released like that it would've lost most of the progression of discussion and just had people who marathoned it all straight away instead of speculation.

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>getting actual translation instead retarded dub script is meaningless
kill yourself

Love it when points are proven immediately

Sad to be burger brained.

>Which is worse for the anime industry?

Both of them in different ways.
Learn Japanese, watch it raw.

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Where is the problem with that?
I don't want to be Japanese. Their society is a fucking nightmare.
I enjoy anime the way they have been, and all I want is them to remain that way, but especially Netflix seems to think differently there.

Of course. Yea Forums ruins the anime industry all day every day, by pirating.

Post proofs of 'shit subs'.

>Edgelord wannabe
Cool dog-whistle, reddit. You might wanna keep your shit at /r/anime

which was this?

Crossboarders like you should be banned on sight.

>all these mouse shills
So, it's pretty much confirmed that Disney will start ruining anime soon?

crossgenders like you should be executed on sight

The thing is, Netflix does simulcast anime. In Japan. I have no idea what kind of retardation made them hoard the shows outside of Japan. Do they enjoy killing their own business?

Come and join 40% already, faggerino.

You're here only to troll, not engage in meaningful discussion.
>I'll shit up the weeb board and see it degrade into Yea Forums! Take it, weebs!
Wow. Congrats. I'm sure you feel like a chad for doing that. Grow up.

I basically agree with the greentext, but guess what normal people will consume.
We can only hope the new dub is abysmal enough to make even them switch to subs.


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In the West they have no legal competition for the distribution of the show, so they can treat their customers like the pieces of shit that they think they are.

netflix japan has made some great stuff so that's a wash
funimation generally drags down American voice acting but if you watch subs anyways you avoid the issue entirely

The one positive is sometimes we get higher effort fansubs due to it. As far as I know Netflix didn't bother to do stuff like this with their subs.
The problem is if more end up like Devilman where the whole season is released at once everywhere. Hopefully that will remain rare.

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They compete with illegal fansubs to some extent.

In my understanding, the one on the right is actively trying to enter the Japanese industry to commission more Western-oriented series done by anime studios, while of course bringing its different marketing ideas in a relatively slowly changing field.
I have to admit it's an interesting phenomenon and potentially industry-changing even if I personally dislike it a lot. It feels like watching a potentially invasive species entering a previously (relatively) secluded environment, there is the potential to start a huge crisis but at the same time it's going to tell us where the weaknesses and inabilities to adapt in the current environment are.
I'd still carpet bomb the HQs of both without a second thought though because fuck streaming and profiling.

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rent free

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And that's a good thing

Netflix still thinks that dumping 13 episodes at once is a good idea.
It kills all discussion and fun of new series.

Funimation produces literal garbage with no value, Netflix produces Japanese subs.

It's not even a contest.

>Amazon especially. That's pure trash.
I'd take fifteen ways of saying anything but 'aniki' over 'satan can suck my dick'

>netflix japan has made some great stuff
I don't remember ever seeing a decent Netflix anime show. I'm still mad at them fucking up High Score Girl. I really enjoyed the manga, but the show was garbage.
And to add insult to injury with "older" (= non-simulcast) stuff they often don't even have the original Japanese "dub". That's a step back into the age of VHS.
Netflix is cancer and needs some quick chemo.

t. Netflix user

Imagine trying to gatekeep "meaningful discussion" on anonymous imageboard for foreign cartoons and then telling other people to grow up

left: Yea Forums killer
right: anime industry killer

not him but strange world we live in but thats the reality of things

there's nothing more funny
than western faggots talking about the "anime industry" as if they're a part of it

every western anime company is trash


Kakegurui was nice. Kuromukuro too. That's all.


I somehow don't even remember watching that, while I most certainly have.
That usually happens when I intentionally try to forget about a really bad experience, so it was probably horrendously bad.

>Yea Forumstards don't know how production committee works