So is this shit just another trash isekai?

So is this shit just another trash isekai?

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is it worth watching?

They're on Earth

Probably. I don't know, I'm not going to watch it.

watch it faggot he's saving the world with the power of science

It’s not isekai, but it’s very certainly fucking trash.

It's not isekai, and it felt more like a shounen. But it is trash.

no. it's more of a post apocalypse or a primitive apocalypse

Not an isekai at all.

I haven't touched the manga but I want to say definitely yes based on the first two episodes, as long as it lives up to the potential.

I am giving it a chance, I mean a lot of the premise of it is really retarded. But counting does keep ones sanity but not for 3700 years. People cant handle 3 days of isolation chamber let alone being frozen still for over 3 millenia

It's Native Isekai to the t, extremely appropriate for those people who propogate the term

It's not isekai or even native isekai. There are no RPG mechanics.

its a post apocalyptic anime shonen.

Not isekai, retard.

Yes only danmachi is the isekai worth watching.

It's literally native isekai

Isekai dragged EVERY other genre. Like how "trolling" took over "joke" and "devil's advocate".

Where are the elves and slimes?

Electro magnetic waves...
Amazing stuff
Anime is going to be great

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I think Dr. Stone sucks!

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We have gone over this countless times. You cannot go insane trapped inside your subconscious. You need to have a need for external stimulation to go insane and then be denied that stimulation. In your subconscious with your body completely preserved that needs no food, water, or entertainment you will not go insane. It's the reason someone in a coma doesn't go insane.

It is not isekai thus understanbly the denizens of Yea Forums could only cower in fear over what they're seeing playing on their media player

>W-what are they saying? "So-so-dee-yim car-carb-b-b-b" Oh WHAT THE FUCK is this?! I didn't finish 5th grade so why are they making something different from what I like?!?! Where's the flashy fights with pretty colors?! Where's the big boobed harem slaves who craves my dick because I was nice to them once?? Where's the broken cheat super power?! WAAAAAA KIRITO FROM SAO HELP MEEE!!!!

Mexicans would flood it

Take the Code Geass aproach, the show tries to be smart but it really isn't, go in knowing that and suspend disbelief with the most dumb/animey stuff and the show is pretty good.

It's shitposters, you should have learned by now.
Bet all the people calling it shit love it the most but can't actively participate in discussions without going full sperg, so they just pretend to hate it, so it still gers a bump.
t. Gen

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When is he going to invent szechuan sauce?

Wubba lubba dub dub!

Thank god I'm a mangachad and not a subhuman animeonly

I dropped it because I read Sunk Ken Rock and I can't stand how he put the face of a muscled Chad on a high school body.
The plot though is certainly interesting.

Do you think if Senku never made him Cola he'd be kissing Tsuka on his beautiful lips right now?

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it's le smart guy meme
just watch jimmy newtron they've done it already


>he so smart he even has e=mc² on his shirt
>he uses technical terms instead of expressing himself like a normal person
>he so special i bet he can even rotate crops
just fucking off yourself nigga

I think the cola was the icing on the cake, the dealmaker. Gen was already on board before the cola. He might've crossed him if something better was offered to him without it tbo.

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Read the manga retard

you wanna know the diffrence between someone in a coma and this faggot?
people in a coma are not contious you idiot, he's been cleary of sound mind when he was stuck there he could contiously think and contemplate his situation
it's full of shit you idiot stop pretending you know shit

Kill yourself you ESL shit-for-brains retard. Many people who come out of a coma claim to have had dreams, thoughts, memories, and all sorts of other stuff. Hell people have lucid dreamed while inside comas.



>"please s-s-stop bullying us mangaChads, it's not f-f-fair"

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Luddite tard

>cleary of sound mind
>third worlders posting on Yea Forums

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>he uses technical terms instead of expressing himself like a normal person
He's just a kid who likes Doraemon

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He expresses himself using technical terms because he's talking about something the average person, (You), have no frame of reference to infer from, so he has to point out what he is specifically doing and not just calling it fucking clam powder he needs to make rock mud, dirt food, bubbles, and boom-booms.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand dr Stone. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Stones's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike dr Stone truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Stone's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a dr Stone tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Low effort

Yeah, Dr. Stone is an isekai just as much as MD Geist and Hokuto no Ken are Isekai shows

those are isekai though

Is durarara isekai?

Is God Eater isekai?

if it takes place in a fictional world then it's isekai

>humor is extremely subtle

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All anime are fictional, anime=isekai

I cringe at some small details like the lion male hunting for food instead of letting his pride bitches do all the work, but then I realized yeah Tarzan needs to skin it to become the metaphorical Lion... Which also does everything for himself instead of letting his bitches do the work, unlike a lion.


He doesn't know...

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>literally the same world

Definitely The first few episodes will be kind of badly written. But once the actual supporting cast gets introduced it changes direction towards KINO.

what ISN'T isekai?

Your life.

I don't watch R and M, don't know what kind of humor it has.

Dr. Stone is just an isekai where the video game the MC ends up in is Minecraft instead of Dragon Quest
prove me wrong

He did invent soda

Cars in minecraft when

It's too smart for you.


this guy is right

yea it's chill

It's run of the mill at the start, but after the villagers show up it's fantastic