Is zombidol worth watching?

is zombidol worth watching?

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Ask Miyano Mamoru.

Yes, I don't like Idols and loved it, it's very damn funny

I don't know.

Can you repeat the question?

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baka zombie

It's an idol show. Watch it if you like idol shows.

its worth a skimming

absolutely yes

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its worth it to see Lily's huge cock

Part of the amusement came from the people who thought it was an anti-idol show getting reality slapped on their faces from episode 3 on so I doubt you're going to get the same level of fun by watching it now. It's still pretty good in any case.

If you're normalfag that loves ironic shit and atrocious 3DCG, yup.

Only if you like idolshit and CGshit.

wait really? i never noticed cg in the idolshit threads.

Imagine having to ask a bunch of strangers online to watch an anime.

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I unironically value Yea Forums user post over reviewers.

>missing the point this badly
>needing others to tell you what is good and what is not
Delete urself my man

I'll judge what is good or not by myself, it's more convenient to use strangers online to filter out stuff that's not worth wasting time on.

Only the first four episodes.

its worth it just for Saki's smile

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only if you're a tranny

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>my taste is better than your taste, that's an universal fact and it applies to everyone
>but people would rather trust the taste of others who have inferior taste than their own
This doesn't make sense.
And you fuck off back to Yea Forumsiscord.

None of what you greentexted was in what I said.
If there are some notable comments about the show that makes it seem interesting to me, I'll spend some time watching it, if it turns out to be turd, I'll drop it. But I'm not gonna waste time watching each and every show in existence, I'll just see what people think about it and see if it interests me.
Just because it's good for me doesn't mean it's good objectively.

Her smile protects itself

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If you like generic idolshit with a half-hearted ""twist"", then yes

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>seething tranny

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I don't watch idol stuff but decided to give this one a go. It's really funny occasionally, the drama was alright, and the girls are cute. I was a bit put off by some of the idol tropes and CGI dance scenes, but I'm going to watch the second season too.

Maybe you should ask the Fukuoka train.

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I liked the girls and humor.
But the performances were super cringy so I skipped them.

imagine being this obsessed

You always do that, though. It's what commercials are doing.

>imagine being a tranny on Yea Forums

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>is zombidol worth watching?
pic related
you after watching it

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Yes, it's actually good, not "look how wacky it is!" good.

Watch first two episodes and drop it.

if you like fun things, yes.

It’s idol shit, but it’s funny idol shit

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I only watched first few episodes. is it ever explained just how "undead" the zawmbee idowls are?

like dont they still eat and sweat? do they heal injuries? or does egghead still have a bullet wound in her chest?

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Scientists have concluded that it is biologically impossible to be sexually attracted to this dead corpse of formerly fertile young girl.

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Scientists get paid by the government to spread bullshit

It's like thirteen episodes, just watch the first one or two and figure out if you want to watch the rest. It was a fun seasonal but I don't know if it's worth going out of your way to watch without Yea Forums.

Actually, a minor correction - no matter what you do, definitely watch/listen to the OP at least once, it's top tier. Rest of the show still up to you.

Perfect size chart.

I'm getting really sick of this pussyfooting bullshit.


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It was alright.

It's a very progressive anime that treat transwomen as people, so it's worth watching.

>Implying I do what commercials tell me to instead of buying products purely on their value per dollar.

All your questions were answered within the fist few episodes. You should have paid better attention.
Yes, the do eat and sweat.
Yes, freshly received injuries do heal immediately.

>it's more convenient to use strangers online to filter out stuff
Has it ever occured to you that you might have "filtered out" something that might have become a favourite of yours just because you were a retard and listened to some dumb redditor teen shitposting on Yea Forums?

egg will always be shit

I want to have sex with Saki and Sakura!

There is not going to be a season 2.

Cute bisexual lesbians

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It is until the rap episode, then it isn't worth watching anymore

>then it isn't worth watching anymore
If you're a brainlet who only likes comedic gimmicks and hates character-centrics.

kek mods and jannies lean left so hard they got triggered by me saying only trannys can like this show.

the fucking state of sjw Yea Forums

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No but I hate a series who starts out doing it's own thing only to then turn around and go back to genre standards

>genre standards
Yep. You're a brainlet.
Let me guess: You've dropped it after episode 3 or 4, right?

No, I finished the whole thing. That's why I know it's not worth watching after the rap episode


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So you think episodes 8 and 9 were "genre tropes"? Keep pretending, retard.

Sure, just remind me which episodes that was again

Pleb-tier idolshit. Even Cheerfruits is the better show.

Look it up for yourself, Mr. "I've seen the whole thing".

Absolute doyansu body unit.

I'd give it at least the first 2 episodes, if you don't like it by then you can probably pass it up, but I still highly recommend it

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How can blobs of rotting and smelly fat be this sexy?

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The weak should fear the strong

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me on the left

I want to mating press an apathetic Sakura while she just eats chips and plays with her phone.


You’re Sakura?

>the performance were super cringy so I skipped them

Peak normalfaggotry right here folks. Probably the consensus of their opinion on the show.

Sorry for not being idolfag.

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Highly overrated, 1st episode was great but it was downhill after that

It's got a fantastic OP which should be listened to at the very least.

It still makes me sad that there was never an anime song collabo for it.

How could it be a favourite of mine if I've never seen it?
From time to time, I have gone to watch stuff that I ignore before and found them pleasant, but I won't do that for everything, if something someone said about it takes my attention or if I'm in a whimsical mood to try something I usually won't, I'll see it.
I'm content with one day dying never having seen that one thing that would have been mind blowing if I had watched it. I'm not so crazy that I feel I have to see every single thing ever made.

I propose to you the opposite, what if I filtered out something that I would have absolutely despised and leave a permanent stink in the corner of my mind because I listened to some stranger on the internet whine about it?

>How could it be a favourite of mine if I've never seen it?
Yes, exactly. That's the point. If you trust random retards about you might or might not like instead of just trying it out yourself, you might miss something you'd have enjoyed immensely, had you watched it.

>I'm not so crazy that I feel I have to see every single thing ever made.
No one is suggesting you have to watch everything. But if you're so curious about something that you have to make a thread asking whether you should watch it, you might as well go on and form your own opinion.
What this thread gives you is worth nothing: Now you know that fans liked it (who woulod have thought, when it was the bestselling thing of its season?) and that the haters hate it for the usual reasons ("idolshit", or at least what they think it is).
You'll also probably not be able to go into it without any preconceived notions and will instead try to verify or falsify claims made in this thread by either side when you watch it.

>what if I filtered out something that I would have absolutely despised and leave a permanent stink in the corner of my mind
Then at least you'd know what you think about it yourself. It's not that bad to watch something you dislike - and you can always drop it when you notice that you dislike it. That's what all autonomous people do.

Why does it even matter so much to you how I, a complete online stranger, choose to pick what shows I want?
I don't care about you, I'm done with this line of discussion.

>You will never be Saki's bodyguard
>You will never be constantly tease about how she doesnt need you since she could easily kick your ass
>You will never charge against hordes of neckbeards weebs that want to harm your Saki
>She will never slowly develop feelings for you when she realize how diligent and protective you are with her
>You will never start to hang out and start a sexual life with Saki
>You will never take revenge on her teasing by mentioning how small her boobs are
>You will never feel her corpse against your body and getting hard by her cute moans
>You will never fall asleep while listening to her cute snoring
>You will never buy a house, have a family and get older with Saki

Fuck my life bros... Im getting a VR helmet and find s way to marry her

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>Why does it even matter so much to you how I, a complete online stranger, choose to pick what shows I want?
I like you, user. I only want your best. But I'm not claiming that I know what that is. That's why I want you to find out for yourself.


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>Waifu show
>Best character is a dude

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My wife Ai is so cute, CUTE!

Yes. It has cute girls.

>Best character is a dude
Yes, but not the one in your picture.

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Some of the episodes are good, the others, terrible. Off the top of my head, skip 3-4, i think 6-7, and some of the last ones were shitty.

>skip 3-4
Nothing wrong with those two. 4, especially, was pretty great.
Also, while I didn't like 6 and 7 that much, they were still leagues better than anything other anime of that season offered, even though they did venture a bit too deep into the rather trite idolshow territory - at least they were ironic about it.

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Ai a shit

Go away, Junko.
How do you even know how to use a computer?

Fluff a CUNT

>Voiced by Risa Fucking Taneda
>black hair
>perfect legs
>great balance between tsun and dere
>prime age
You a shit, user.

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its funny enough but the typical idol show drama takes over way too much screentime later on

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Actually, it doesn't. Episodes 6 and 7 (mainly 7) are the only ones that have "typical" idol show drama.

literally no one asked you

Her personality is so shit. Besides, I still haven't forgiven her for being such a mean little bitch to my precious fluff

So, just wondering, when they kept saying Tamagotchi, did they get commercial rights to so do, or did they just say fuck it, and fuck copyright?

>did they get commercial rights to so do
You don't need "commercial rights" to namedrop something, user.


in the loose sense, they're referencing (exploit) something and generating money (revenue) as a byproduct, so the question still stands

if Franchuchu it's a Thing it's mainly because Ai

- She inspired Sakura, Sakura inspired Kotaro and he, with some help, create the band.
- She is aware how idols have to behave, if they keep themselves away from fans (like Junko wanted). Franchouchou would've been destined to fail.
- She is also the one behind every single choreography in the band and is also the dance teacher for the others.

What I mean is there is nothing wrong with her personality, she in some matter is the one with a real personality, she is always trying to improve, she worries for her fans not only in the fact they're happy and enjoy the show but their safety.

She is best girl and you simply can't prove me wrong.

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No, they don't. They pay tribute to a social phenomenon of the 1990s. At best, you can even agrue that they're giving free advertisement to the brand.
And it's not as if ZLS profits from the mention in any way. Remove the Tamagotchi and pretty much everything else is left intact.

Anyway, I repeat:
You can mention any brand you like in any commercial art you make: You can draw someone drinking cola, you can have the main character of your novel go see a Star Wars film in 1980, you can even have a Ferrari race a Mercedes in your Hollywood blockbuster. That's not even a citation, much less copyright infringement.

Lots of unconfirmed speculation in there, user. But, hey, that's fine. She has her strengths and weaknesses like all of the girls, and there's nothing wrong with that. Some people in here just like to attack anyone but their respective favourite girl.

You're probably right.

It's been almost a year and we haven't gotten anything except idol performances and cheap acrylic crap.

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>unconfirmed speculation
speed watching is bad, user.

Ai's ass and thighs drive me insane

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sure, if you're a necrophile

Don't patronize me, user. Nowhere in the show did it state that she's coming up with choreographies or generally acts as a teacher to the other girls when it comes to dancing.
Also, when you say that she's "the one with a real personality", do you want to imply that the other girls don't have a real personality as well? Because that's bullshit.
And, of course, there's a lot that's wrong with her personality. You call that "personal flaws", and those are what makes a character interesting. I don't know why you have to pretend that she has no weaknesses to be able to like her.


>still fucking living girls

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Why do you like Junko?

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It's pro-tranny shit. Not worth a watch at all.

>Nowhere in the show did it state that she's coming up with choreographies or generally acts as a teacher to the other girls
Thanks to prove my point. Re-watch the show, this time to 1.0X and feel ashamed of yourself.

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You quoted the wrong post, shithead.
Also, no, it doesn't state it anywhere. Care to provide the relevant scene?

Fuck off already. You're spamming this same post in every thread recently. At least be creative.


>spoon feeding me
No, fuck off.
>inb4 hurr durr you can't
As I said, rewatch the show, speed retard.
Not more you's for you btw.

just binge it. i thought it was ok.

She has such a lovely personality, unlike that heisei slut. I love her so much.

So, no proof for the shit you're spouting? Thought so. Fuck off then and wage your waifuwars somewhere else.

You sound so angry. Have a tea, dog.

God no

You know why zls thread always so shit? Normalfags and tourists. Good night.

I didn't watch it but I think the color design is amazing here and so, it's worth it.

spoken as by someone with a high school understanding of commercial law

No, spoken as someone with common sesnse. You obviously have no idea when and in what context copyright and name rights even apply and when they don't.

Cute face and angelic singing voice that puts the rest of the group to shame.

its cute. watch it

Tamagotchi, the name, is trademarked, not copyrighted.

Why are you idolshitters still spamming your flop 7 months later? This is getting sad, guys.

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I'd never watched a single idolshit before since I knew tons of people that became insufferable after becoming fans and that it had pretty disgusting UwU-tier communities, but this one made me bite for some reason and I really enjoyed it, so yes.

Yes, and namedropping trademarks is not in any way prohibited. That's the whole argument I was making: Copyright does not apply to names. Therefore, you're not infringing on copyright when you're mentioning something.
Naming rights (trademarking among other things) do apply, but as ZLS did not market itself as related to the Tamagotchi brand, there is no conflict with those either.

ZLS is a forced meme that got instantly forgotten by a majority of Yea Forums almost as soon as it stopped airing. A time flop that wanted to be the next Im@s but didn't even have a game series to back up its popularity.

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>time flop
Hi there, troll. And now fuck off to your "native isekai" thread.

Tae is not legendary. In fact, she is stupid!

It still gets the occasional meme and waifuposting thread, so fuck off with your time flop cancer. Hype is moderately low because it ended on such obvious sequelbait only retards think it's over

>It still gets the occasional meme and waifuposting thread
Yes, being forced by a couple of retards. Most of Yea Forums doesn't care anymore. There's a reason this board doesn't have generals, they just devolve into recycled cancer and circlejerking with nothing to discuss.

>a couple of retards
>hitting bump limit and 82 posters in this thread already
Whatever you say, pal

I have to admit you migh have a point.

latest threads have been nothing but /c/ type thread.
Ans you know what is also fun? For free guy also deletes your post if you dare to stat this.

much better with sound

>woke up
>hey thread is still going
>devolved into shitposting and tearing each other apart again
Shouldn't have expect anything else.

if you want to post your waifu over and over again open a thread on /c/.

>Trannyland Saga

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Maybe stop complaining and spamming those complaints all over the thread if you don't want, thereby disrupting it, if you don't want your shitposts to get deleted.

Yet you guys keep making and bumping these even though the result is the same every time.


And you trolls keep coming here and derailing them. Fuck off and leave these threads to those of us who care.

Fuck off retard

Because she's cute, has a great voice, and is a lovely helpful grandma.

My wife Junko

>Copyright does not apply to names
It does, retard, stop lying about laws you know nothing about
In fact, you should probably be banned for trying to trick anons to violate commercial law
This californian public school user is trying to get others in trouble
Under no circumstances should any user from the US reading this appropriate any trademark or copyright outside of Fair Use doctrine

Why does Yea Forums hates Lily now?

>It does, retard
No, it doesn't. A brand name is not copyright protected. Copyright applies exclusively to intellectual works and products of individual or collective labour. A name, however, is in itself not a piece of intellectual work or a product of any kind, and referring to one is not infringing on an author's rights.
Again, you are spouting shit and being pompous about it.
A name can be a trademark, and in that case naming/trademark rights do apply, but those are not the same as copyright.

>Under no circumstances should any user from the US reading this appropriate any trademark or copyright outside of Fair Use doctrine
Do you know what "appropriating" means? Because mentioning something is not appropiation, retard. And now read up on that stuff before you shitpost anything else.

Idolmaster does have Puchimasu to boost itself so it's very unfair to compare it to any other idol show without a comparatively superior spin-off.



He is trolling. Don't take him serious.

Cute egg


You might as well just have been honest and posted "bump"

God I want to be rocked by those hips

Then people wouldn't know how cute this egg is.

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That is indeed a very cute egg you have there

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I want to stick my head between her rotting tits!

Yes but if you want you can wait for the second season and then marathon the first

Not a bad idea .
I would have avoided the depression of waiting until next season.


It had threads for months it's just it's hard to have constant threads with no new content, such threads devolve into reposts of stale memes by autists

I'd be a shame if something happened to it

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underrated post

I want to put Sakura together again with all the King's men!

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Only if you like sexy eggs with child bearing hips and tiddies.

Don't worry, it'll happen. Just give it time.
They clearly wanted to set up for a sequel to it. Too many cliffhangers in the final episode.

I'm just hoping they go even crazier. I want a rival idol group made of fucking robots for some zombie vs robot action.

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Not a fan of cow grill costume desu

Junko is literally the subject of a Greek myth where a god kills her because they're jealous of her voice.

No, unless you're a faggot.

Cygames improperly handled Zombie Idols and Uma Musume.

Seriously, what the fuck. Great IPs Cygames did a great job advertising but then after the anime is over, Cygames started dropping the ball hard and seems to ignore these 2 IPs

Imagine not being one on Yea Forums we'll be over here enjoying neko girl dick if you care to join us some time.

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CyGames is unfortunately one of those ambitious project companies that don't actually have the development power to follow up on the anime projects they fund. I'm almost certain their Uma Musume game is either in development or licensing hell. Their actual development manpower is probably stuck with their current games like GBF, SV, and SS.

The girls are alright but you people ruin it especially you Aiturds.

This but unironically.

what is the point of this gif? low res shot of mike mouthing like 4 words but the caption is a full sentence. why not just a picture with the caption? but also the gif has nothing that conveys the idea that he's living a miserable nightmare
what a worthless gif

It's an okay show but nothing worth remembering.

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Wait what the fuck why didn't they explore this idea?

they had two cours worth of material they shoved into a single cour

That particular pic is stupid, out of character and doesn't work according the worlds logic anyway.