Isekai Quartet S2

So, which IP(s) do you guys think "transferred" in?

>Log Horizon
>Goblin Slayer
>Shield Hero
>other (explain)

Here's hoping it's not as milquetoast as Shield + Slime.

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>Goblin Slayer

Are you retarded?

Yeah fair, kind of lost the plot and just started guessing at fun fantasy-ish anime that I like. My bad, wasn't thinking.

it would have to be kadokawa, so slime and sheild are the 2 contenders. but it could also be a yet-to-air one that'll use IQ as publicity

Would they have to rename it to Isekai Quintet or is a group graduating like survival island?

They're not going to add even more shows with even more useless characters that won't do shit because there already are like a hundret chars for a fucking short are you guys all fucking retarded.

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Like kumo desu ka? It's kadokawa's and also isekai

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So you think the transfer students in the cliffhanger are just more background characters from the other show? That seems unrealistic just because it's a waste of a good tie-in slot for at least one more show, but alright, who do you think will be the transfers if we're only pulling from the current four IP's?

the demon lord from konosuba, the rubrick cube maiden from overlord, mary sioux for tanya, and the crazy tickles my brains dude for rezero. pretty gut, eh?

>Dantalian walks in
I know it wont happen but I would actually scream and shit myself in happiness if this happened

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You have to remember that they have to be under Kadokawa's banner.

thought you're gonna call them native isekai

They're in

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Slime is not kadokawa

Probably Shieldbro. He (and the people he'll bring with him) mesh well with the previous cast, has a personality that isn't harem protag #3953, has more sauce material to adapt for a potential S2 and did well in international markets. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Slime was a near flop outside of China (but then again the same could have been said for Overlord S3 in abstract, so who knows). Plus this needs to be accounted for, they ain't advertising another companies rival series.


Fantasy under a different name

A nonsense forced meme term

Log Horizon
Brutal Legend
Army of Darkness

imagine Hajime beating up Aqua and hanging her in the halls

Pop Team Epic

please for the love of god no

A term used to indicate your lack of intelligence.

>all these people saying slime
The novels aren't published by kadokawa, why would they promote a rival series

Any opinion on the Cautious Hero next season? Seems like a joke that would run dry pretty fast unless they're that good at it.

>unless they're that good at it
It will get old pretty fast then

I heard that Log Horizon's Author is a good friend with the Gang of Four.

So... it might be in.

If we take in non-nip shit then I want Bai Xiaochun. He's perfect material for Isekai Quartet.

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I dont trust them and their non black outlines

literally who?

I sure hope so, it tops the list of isekai that I'd want to see in this. Or just any excuse for more of, really. And the personalities of the various LH characters have some good potential for entertaining interactions with the existing IQ characters.

>What are native isekai
A flat earther's made up genre.

It's far more likely though that the next batch if isekai quartet will be isekai novels that are currently pumping shit out and have had recent anime so that viewers know who they are. When has the Log Horizon guy last put out anything, anyone know?

Isekai Izakaya and Death March are possibilities, though they don't seem the most likely.

Possibly, though I don't think the format would be very good for introducing a title to someone who hasn't already read it. But who knows, it might work; in the early days of my anime fandom I got introduced to a fair few titles via crossover fanfic, and I can't be the only one. And I thought I'd heard something about the LH author writing a new one, but if so I don't think it's published yet.

I want to see characters from edgy and violent shows get isekai's and put into a cute sol:
Psycho pass
Mahou shoujo site
Black Lagoon
Angel Beats
High school of the dead
Brought from whatever hells they were suffering in and given a nice, clean environment to make friends and not be killed for a change.

The term stuck, stop seething and embrace the language development.

Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou
Made in Abyss
Houseki no Kuni

The only thing that was stuck is your intelligence

>Brought from whatever hells they were suffering in and given a nice, clean environment to make friends and not be killed for a change.
Ironically enough, that's what the setting of Angel Beats was supposed to be for its characters. It's just that they're idiots and started fighting.

No amount of being salty will change that fact.

"Have a last breath before dying" isn't a very optimistic scenario, and it fails the not being killed part.

Your right, it won't change the fact that there are you and other cum-brained autismos that think GS and Berserk have anything to do with isekai.

No, really. It's a transitional stage of afterlife; there to give them an opportunity to achieve or fulfil some lingering desire they couldn't in life, while having a generally nice and peaceful time with friends in the meantime. Once they've fulfilled what they couldn't in life, they move on, whether it's to a more permanent stage of afterlife or to reincarnation.

Blame the 2 autistic girls that keep fighting each other for who know how many years and the even more autistic guy that hacked the world

Honestly if they plan to bring more series its going to become a clusterfuck unless they make full length episodes

It's just Yunyun.

Turns out funding a whole class for one student is not worth it.

She probably funded it herself.

Kanade's legit autistic, but Yuri's more just a hotheaded idiot.

honestly isekai is too general a name. something like RPG anime is more accurate caus nearly every shitty show about characters doing vidya shit in a fantasy setting are isekai, but many isekai have nothing to do with that shit.

I see that people that unironically use “native isekai” hail from Yea Forums.

I can't call a "girl spends her life paralyzed, but gets a confession before death" a happy scenario. And that's probably the most happy point of the anime.
Here are a couple of comments from the previous AB thread about the anime point:
, also a more legthy

>tfw NEVER going to get any more hen zemi

Their life circumstances explain the difference.

Is black lagoon technically an isekai? from first world to third world?

I mean the place isnt supposed to be heaven anyway, is not a place to get your "happy ending". They lived shitty lives and went there to clean themself of the regret they ended having in life so they could accept it and go on.
Yuri and kanade are special cases there not the norm too, the former understood the objetive of that place but was too mad at god that even stopped people from accepting their deads and rest, and the later though that she would never clean her regret so worked in a way to help others for eternity (she was too retarded to make it work though).

Shield Hero is the only one that has a chance since it fits all the requirements of being popular, relevant, and owned by Kadokawa.

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I never said it was a happy scenario, just a relatively nice one (relative to what they had in life, that is) where they can settle a lingering regret.

No, Yuri didn't understand the objective of the place, not really. She kind of half understood aspects of it and decided "fuck you, God" (and not without some justification) and started rebelling.

That's the point, AB is about the purgatory where you are nudged into stop caring in exchange for maybe a brief moment of joy. The original post was about a happy place for the suffering/dead anime characters though.

It is not a hell with some torture in fire. That's certainly a bright point of the story, there are worse types of the afterlife you can imagine.

Girls' Last Tour cause they literally already have a school miniseries made by the same studio. Yuuri and Aqua would lament about having abusive travelling partners together. Chito would be great friends with Beatrice. I just want to see more of them animated.

School canteen?

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>Brutal Legend
This is a man of culture here.

Phos dorkiness would be an enjoyment to watch in a more peaceful setting.

>what is native isekai

But otherworlders come to the Earth restaurant.

>what is native isekai
And shitty bait at that.

Or genuine retardation.

MiA school slice of life with white whistles as teachers.

I want to see Bell and Hestia in it.

>The boys assume Bell is an isekai protagonist and want to find out where he is from confusing Bell
>Aqua and Hestia become besties over being godessess until she learns Hestia has hots for Bell which her mind equated to her being in love with Kazuma and then she becomes a passive aggressive bitch to Hestia
>Megumin admires how Hestia is short like her but stacked and wants to learn her secrets

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Re; Creators could've had spin-offs if it went the comedy route and not the infodump one.

native isekai == sekai

Native isekai isn't isekai retard.

it's not fair. It's just not fair.

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How would you call a native isekai, but the MC is actually from another world? Some additional qulifier would be necessary.

Then it would be isekai.
Isekai is when an MC is from a literal other world and goes on a narrative through a completely new world. (Such as Subaru being ripped from his original world and transported to the new world entirely)
Native isekai is when the MC is taken out of their proverbial world and thrust into a new experience that makes up the narrative (such as Frodo being taken away from the Shire, a self contained 'world' and thrust into another world.)

Overlord is the perfect example of both being contained in one narrative. From the PoV of Ainz, the series is an isekai, as the world the narrative is set in is completely different to the literal world he belonged in. On the other hand, for the floor guardians whose proverbial worlds were entirely contained within Nazerick; leaving Nazerick (and in turn, their proverbial world), to their PoV, is a native isekai.

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The isekai mom

Why not invite all the parents? Aquas mom and dad. Skelly's mom and dad. Konosuba's mom and dad. Tanya's mom and dad.

>parent-teacher conference
Time for Kazuma bullying

>Yunyun's parents don't show up

rape man

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>Slime was a near flop outside of China
No. The anime did well enough for itself and also boosted manga and LN sale to the point that it had the highest franchise-specific income for physical media in the first half of 2019, even above Idolshit (pic related).
Still Slime is not Kadokawa so there is no chance it'd be included in Isekai Quartet S2.

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If it's Shield Hero then he could have some pretty interesting interactions with the others, comparing his situations against what the other protags have dealt with. Too Subaru can't tell him what he's been through, he'd have the most in common with Naofumi.

I want them to put Guts in there. Alone. On a boat.

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So sexy

He also has a mage that is addicted to healing potions.