Love it or hate it, you can't deny the impact K-On! had on the anime industry

Love it or hate it, you can't deny the impact K-On! had on the anime industry.

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Tsumugi is perfection

What kind of soul-less bitch hates K-On? Maybe it's not your thing, but outright hate? That's like hating water or happiness.

Mob psycho > K on

should i watch it ? im a big moefag and a yurifag
>shounen anime vs slice of life
are you autistic

Sorry but Given is already replacing k-on.

K-ON isn't yuri but it's a great slice of live (or moe if you want) show.

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K-On! is the worst SoL manga I've ever read.

This is about the anime. It has nothing to do with the manga.

It's plain average

>Love it or hate it, you can't deny [utterly banal statement]
This snowclone is aggravating in its sheer lameness.

K-on was good for some reason but every SOL that came after it has been pretty terrible.

When'd Mugi get a soul patch?

It had impact but a terrible one. Fuck moe SoL and fuck the mindless ants that eat it up.
>she's so kawaii uguu
>tea time teehee
Gas yourself.

Fuck you. K-On helped get me through the most difficult period of my entire life, after my parents died in 9/11.

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You weren't over it after 8 years?

K-On season 1 was Fall 2001, season 2 was spring and summer 2002 iirc

Your existence is so sad that a trash jap cartoon about nothing gets you through shit. Kill yourself.

that sucks I'm sorry. I remember the day it happened, I watched the second plane hit from the roof of my building. It changed the city forever.

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What impact did it have?

You have to be literally gay to not appreciate K-On's influence on anime and manga.

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the greatest anime

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i wish i was a kei-on

My brother died on 9/11 too, it was horrific.
It was an autoerotic asphyxiation accident but it doesn't make it less sad.

Moeshit. Lots and lots of moeshit. It's like the DBZ of moeshit.

Fucking hell

nice larp

>live action

shut up

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