Will any other shonen fight ever top this?


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gon vs pitou

>Completely one sided
>Utterly jobs
Literally any

gaara vs lee

For a character so keen on strategy, there wasn't much in this fight. Meruem literally just kept leaping at Netero until an opening appeared while Netero didn't even move from where he was standing until he lost a leg. There's also the problem that the stuff that got foreshadowed, Meruem's premature birth and Netero's aura meditation, were both meaningless while Netero having a bomb implanted in his heart, which came out of nowhere,(no, his heart references don't count as hinting toward having a bomb on his person) made all the difference.

Gon vs Pitou was barely a fight. Pitou sucker punched gon 3 times and the third one worked, then Gon destroyed Pitou's body. Great character moment, but an absolutely disappointing fight, especially compared to the strategy involved in Gon vs Genthru which capped off the prior arc.

Polnareff and Iggy vs Vanilla Ice, Scar vs Wrath, and Hero Academia's Stain fight are all better.

Takamura vs Hawk

T-This is bait right?

>Hero Academia's Stain fight

That's not even close to the best fight of the whole manga.

Also Meruem vs netero is also not the best fight of Hunter Hunter but it is actually close because there's like 10 fights in the entirety of that manga.

Gotta agree with this.

No, this was the peak.

>Power level wank

Top it in shitness? Probably, but you can never be sure.


What's with the whole "humans are worse than ants" bullshit? How the fuck can you come to that conclusion?

Do you people even know what jobbing or one-sided even mean

World Trigger did, in every.single.fight.

'Jobbing' has lost its original definition, user. Shitposters always butcher any word for their gains

This is by far the worst shit ever and i'm glad everyone agrees.
>b-but the context!
Wow, you need to read 100 fucking chapters to enjoy... a single fight, a totally lame and shit fight, BUT WITH CONTEXT WOW, yeah man, the context is so, wew, now that's some good context yeah.

I could name multiple fights from Yuu Yuu Hakusho, FMA, One Piece, and Dragon Ball that surpass this "fight"

But it wasn't even good fight nor duel. Some decent dialogue and good looking spreads here and there but that's mostly it. Naruto and FMA have the best fights when it comes to long running battle shonens, and there's a lot of better fights in shorter shows.

Ichigo vs Ulquiorra is better, it's in fact the best shonen fight ever.
No bullshit, raw power and emotion, hypest moment literally ever.

in a way this is true though
the best part of netero vs meruem isn't the fight, it's the conversation. i disagree with pitou vs gon a bit more, since what matters is gon's emotional outburst and seeing him express that, but it''s still not great as a fight on its own
the stain fight is fucking sick. stain is purposely holding back the entire time, you're watching someone incredibly strong fight 3 amateurs, but he has to deal with multiple handicaps (he's on offense, trying to kill hostages, and he's unwilling to kill two of the fighters). idk about the other two, but stain was one of the high points of mha

dont mind me, definitive shonen fight coming through

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Luffy vs Rob Lucci

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Based but Ichigo vs Byakuya and Ichigo vs Grimmjow are better.


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>good looking spreads
Lately I read too much manga. I meant still frames*
Here you have better HxH fight scene

Read One Piece

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Who cares?

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I really hope you're joking.

naruto, worst arc, what do you honestly think

I mean like that’s probably my favorite fight out there in anime but the Chrollo vs Hisoka fight was also pretty good and might be better. Can’t wait for the Hisoka vs Spider fights.

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Based OPchads. Those are the best fights.

If togashi stops with the series hiatus...

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I'm still not sure if people actually liked naruto or if it's just a big meme.

>Fast and punches hard. Uses the most predictable kind of prediction, best fight ever.

Best shonen fight. Manga version better though

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>people actually liked naruto or if it's just a big meme
liking a few selected fights from naruto ≠ actually liking naruto


Naruto was great other than the fillers. Still beats the hell out of SNK same as MHA.


Was topped before

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Fuck that wasn't the original

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Thsi fight is amazing not because of the "fight" but because of the emotions behind the fighters through the fight, pure kino, specially in the manga.

Both of those fights are terrible. One is literal slapfest with one character standing still while the other whaled at him with the most simplistic approach ever, with the added sin of the author telling the audience repeatedly that the latter is a "strategist". Did I mention the King's powerset at that point was the most basic bitch shit ever? He punches very hard and moves really fast, that's literally it.

Gon vs Pitou was just a one-sided stomp that lasted like a chapter and a half, which considering how much build-up it received, was right down insulting. There's so many better fights in shonen than those that I won't even bother listing them.

Togashi is a Jap champaign commie. His brain is literal oatmeal, don't evem try to make sense of it.

war arc ruined narutard
>dragged out for 100+ episodes before mardara shows up
>mardara op asf, literally created plot holes
>narutard and saucegay given power ups for fucking free
>big bad is some milf with no character

itt: sub 200 IQ troglodytes not being able to comprehend a true masterpiece
Not surprised at all, to be frank.

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