>just when you thought the hero was at his lowest low, he rises to the challenge with the help of his nakama
Just when you thought the hero was at his lowest low, he rises to the challenge with the help of his nakama
He'll get his revenge
go to bed Nick
>the goody-two-shoes becomes an antihero
Something good happened?
I stopped following the Vic drama months ago. What ever happened with it? I know he was planning to sue Funimation and all the other VA's or whatever. I also know SOME anime conventions where still asking him to come and speak and make an appearance. I also know a lot of them cancelled his appearance as well.
can't believe I lived long enough to see Yea Forums, one of the places that shat on vic the hardest and used to compile a lot of evidence of his pedophilia and cosplayer harrasment turn to support him to own the libs or something
His depo is being aired tonight
[spoilers]He cucked Ron[/spoilers]
>a lot of evidence of his pedophilia
I think those retards just moved to /cgl/
Yea Forums thrives on contrarianism. Despite years of calling out Vic for being an asshole, pedo, and just terrible voice actor, they're now sticking by his side after it all bubbled up, just to make some people mad.
And for what? Vic is never going to work in anime again. No studio is going to hire him.
you can read his court online, look up "Vic Mignogna deposition"
>cosplayer harrasment
What I've seen are fans requesting him to do fanservicey shit and his mistake is humoring the female fans who now changed their mind & their story and decided they were a victim of sexual harassment.
I literally never heard about him until this whole drama started, but I'll support anyone who made w*men suffer
Maybe not.
But it'd be fun to see people like Monica, Jamie, Marzgurl, ANN, and io9 go burning down crashing into bankruptcy
>imagine being Ron
>imagine thinking you can say "I don't know for 3 hours straight in deposition
These chucklefucks are gonna get hit with a hard dose of reality
Vic is already screwed, but Yea Forums want him to kill the eng dub industry
Vic deserves to go to prison for his terrible performance as Ed, and if he manages to take down the entire dubbing industry with him then that's a plus.
Long story short
>people rallied behind him
>raise 200K so he can sue his accusers and other involved parties
>got him tons of convention invites back,
>pissed off the people against him because they completely lost the narrative, started being dropped by cons themselves
>at one point was being reinvited to conventions almost every week for like 2 months in a row
>Funimation might get off the hook, but Monica, Ron, and Jamie are pretty fucked
People tend to get testy when you don't follow through with the terms of your contract, stuff like having space for a little Bible study or whatever. Most of that can be chalked up to cons being run by incredibly unprofessional people
Prudishness on behalf of someone who had no apparent problem with being hugged by a guy does not a pedo make
>terrible voice actor
He's has more than two voices, which puts him into at least the top 50%
Go cry on /cgl/
>Vic is already screwed
Press X to doubt
You seem to be confusing Yea Forums with /cgl/
To be fair, he got away with it so he was right, you can say I don't know for three hours straight when your only options are "Yes, no and I don't know."
The people who are supporting him are the sort who got into anime less than 3 years ago, and probably didn't even know who Vic was until this drama cropped up. The fact that his fans are able to push this bullshit here is proof that Yea Forums board culture has changed for the worse over the years. Anyone who claims otherwise is a newfag pretending to be an oldfag to push their shitty agenda.
It's called memeing, newfag. We meme'd on him for "the lols". We were never serious about it like these people suddenly are.
Next you'll tell me you believe Yea Forums when we say Sam Hyde is behind every shooting
>fired from Funi and RT
>blacklisted by the industry
>his smile and optimistm...gone
>public image stained
he's not working in the industry never again, that for sure
he deserves to have his life ruined for the complete fucking hackjob he did on Rohan
Why didn't Ron just go "I was upset about my fiance, and this is what I thought and continue to believe to be true." A well--intentioned zealot is probably more sympathetic to a jury than a lying weasel.
this thread is a newfag filter, just recently before that people were roasting him (for the 3485934754th time) for lying about chatting with CLAMP to ask if Fay and Kurogane were gay in a conference
Any information he gave would be used against him. It's better to try and deny your way into a victory than give your opponent your honorable defeat.
It's a good way to get slapped with punitive damages, like a certain college discovered.
>pissed off the people against him because they completely lost the narrative, started being dropped by cons themselves
Who dropped who?
Justice will only come for Vic when his detractors are bankrupt and he can make a new season of Star Trek Continues.
>he got away with it
I seriously doubt he did. His lawyer will probably get sanctioned and Ty got Ron to admit to some of the tweets at the very end of the depo. Basically, Ron is too much of a brainlet to lie consistently for 3 hrs.
Based Vic
Honestly, it's better than most of his anime work
>The people who are supporting him are the sort who got into anime less than 3 years ago
Oldfag here, old enough to see stupid con shit like his Resembool Rangers fighting it out with Travis Willingham's Miniskirt Army back in the mid 2000s at anime conventions. Vic, if anything, is an oldfag magnet. He peaked during the 2000s. Most of his fanbase is in their 30s.
he still gets attention from young people because he voiced the rival from Free!
Like 5 of them dropped out of Kamehacon once Vic got invited back. They held their own thing at some comic book shop and it was embarrassing.
Costhots like Jesse Pridemore and Dominique Skye were bitching on their discords about being disinvited from cons because of their shenanigans and mad Vic was getting more invites than them these days.
Honestly, if I was to be 900IQ about this, punitive damages doesn't undo the social assassination that has happened so far.
As long as the result is a conclusive "He did it" or an inconclusive "we can't say for or against" then Ron/Monica et al come out on top due to having already gotten him removed from his work.
I'm going to presume he got away with it until proven otherwise. Consider it a practicality of presuming the beneficial outcome over the negative outcome for Toye as a way for my uneducated ass to cover itself.
what the fuck is RT?
This is true, a person I went to an anime club with back in 2007 was a Vic fangirl. Like your stereotypical fat as fuck female anime fan who glomps, goes "NYAAA" and uses emoticons like ">w
so... is he finally in jail, sharing a cell with big dick Tyrone and being his cumdumpster?
RoosterTeeth, Vic was voicing in one of their shitty shows. You know, one of the ones retards try to claim is "anime" despite being made by texans.
Roosterteeth. He voices a main character from RWBY. Used to anyway.
>The fucking cunt still hasn't given me back my Ouran Host Club DVDs either.
Every Ouran manga and dvd has "water" damage, you don't want it back
>The fucking cunt still hasn't given me back my Ouran Host Club DVDs either.
they are probably moldy or worse now
Based Vic.
kek, had no idea he was working for them
Did he sue them too?
Based Vic
Nah, RT handled it pretty well. They just quietly fired him and moved on. Funimation was the one who made a grandshow about condoning harassment and stuff when they fired him which is why they're open for a lawsuit
didn't RT tweet about exorcisim a demon out of the character
it's been dismissed