Who is best sailor and why is it Sailor Mercury?

Who is best sailor and why is it Sailor Mercury?

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300 iQ and blue hair.

>Sailor Mercury
If she's a sailor then where is her ship?

More like who is worst sailor and why is it always Sailor Mercury?

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chibiusa is the worst dont even joke

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She's hot as Dark Lady or whatever her evolved evil form is called.

Usagi. She had the most boring Jingrock doujin of the sailor scouts. She also has boring doujins in general

Delete. Almost ruined everything. Dude couldn't just ruin Uranus? Oh, wait. Uranus is already ruined officially.

Wife material


Pining for her old boyfriend

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>no one has got it right yet

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She isn't.

She isn't. No, honestly. Pluto is clearly the worst: She's so bad they even degraded Pluto to a non-planet.

Pluto is still a planet in everyone's heart.

Thats not Sailor Mars and if it aint Mars then IDGAF

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Mars, pls

This guy gets it.

my anus is officially ruined now? oh but I already knew that ;_;

>projared cosplayed as her
that's enough proof to know she's trash

That doesn't count. I'm not Eudial, so I have no way of getting my hands on everyone's hearts.

But your picture isn't Sailor Mars either. That's just some random shrine maiden who surely has nothing to do with the Sailor Senshi.

Ugh. She tries too hard to be hot (lol fire attribute). Big turn off. Almost 'whorish'. Notice how primarily Mercury gets these threads. A nice, classy smart girl is Mercury. Mars can't compete.

Don't ask.

Actually Ami and Makoto are tied for the best.

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>Notice how primarily Mercury gets these threads.
Yes, because her fans are the most retarded ones. They can't just make a neutral Sailor Moon thread instead of starting a shit-throwing contest or waifu war. That's really nothing to be proud of.


More like Who?-to

Pluto is underrated.

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Neil deGrasse Tyson disagrees.

Seething... :)

Oh, fuck off, troll. Everyone of us could spam threads like this one for every other character. The only thing keeping fans of the other girls from doing that is common decency. And your reaction here shows how much of that you have.

See she's clearly the worst without question. You don't see this level of cringe from any other senshi.

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>what makes them sailors?
>what do they do?
>are they all named after planets?

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You have to go back

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Edgy-chan a cute

I'm rent free. Hey, no one gives damn enough to make threads about the other boring sailors. That's just a fact. Cope harder. Mercury is the best. Best forever.

Ami-chan would be ashamed of your behaviour.

I'm just messing around. Not serious. Also Saturn is the hottest, but too young.

Why is she always getting ryona'd
I swear every time there is a fetish video of a SM character getting bullied it's her

Cute, and most innocent.

>most innolent.

>why is it Sailor Mercury?
She's the only one besides usagi who is not a cunt

Heidi's side-"""boy""" dressed as Uranus, oddly enough. There's a picture of them and Jared together somewhere.

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