Have YOU ever dropped a show really fast, Yea Forums?

Have YOU ever dropped a show really fast, Yea Forums?

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Bet I dropped it faster than you pleb.

I dropped Liar Game after the first volume.

I dropped a show within the first 2 minutes once.
That one about girls cute girls working at a games company or something.

>not dropping it when you read the synopsis

Dropped Your Lie in April during the break of the first episode, it was the most vapid shit I'd ever sat through

Well I dropped your pic related manga, though not as fast as I should have.

i dropped a show so fast it was never picked up

So many times.
I've seen some horrible abominations that should never have existed.

literally walked out of the theater when this happened

literally me

I was plep filtered by lucky stars crossiant fellatio episode.

I drop 90% of shows in about five minutes.

fucking pleb but seriously this show is so fucking bad, literal reddit tier

Dropped Darling in the FranXX in the first episode the moment the blandest-looking self-insert MC walked in on the pink-haired girl character with the laughably blatant waifubait design.

I wanna call such reasons dumb but you dodged such a fucking bullet I can't blame you in the least

I didn't even pick it up in the first place, that's how fast I fucking dropped it. Quickest drop on a show I actually tried to watch was brother hood alchemy thingy, which I dropped during the first episode because MC was a fucking jackass. Something you can tell right away watching at one or two picture of this shit here.

>plebbitor trying this hard to fit in
ara ara

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I dropped Ga-Rei Zero after the first episode. Fuck those cunts for killing that awesome demon killing team

I tries to watch jojos bizarre adventure once and i didnt even make it through the first episode. It was so fucking boring i was checking the time on the episode every minute until i gave up

Pic unrelated.

I lasted two episodes before dropping it for good.

jojo is fucking overrated and normie tier shit

>soap is Dr. Stone
>Eren was the Shingkei no Kyojin all along
who did it better?

But the real Dr. Stone is the petrification beam

I often drop shows a few secs in. I don't need more fujoshit or CGDCT to know it will be shit.

I dropped Enen no Shouboutai first episode right as the OP started playing.

So much is certain: the "three episodes rule" is fucking trash. What idiot even came up with this?

Only Plebbits drop shows.

Why's it dumb? A generic-looking self-insert male MC walking into a naked waifubait girl character in the first episode is a perfect reason to drop a show since it's a clear indication that the show will pander to the lowest common denominator of anime watchers.

>see show about magician girl with big milkies
>hells yeah.jpg
>it's 12 minutes an episode


Yeah, everyone has. Now I just don't even bother with most anime now. The medium is dead

Also if you're going into Dr. Stone thinking it's anything but a retarded civ builder shonen then you're at least 1/8 of what's wrong with this board

>It's our Dr.Stone
Cringe and dropped

Back when I couldn't identify the shit from a cursory look over the anidb page I would watch a couple of minutes from the first episode of the potentials shows I might be able to stomach every season.

I don't remember what's my record exactly, but I know it is within 3 minutes of the first episode. I vaguely remember it's some pretentious shit Yea Forums hyped, but I can't remember which one exactly.

Made it through the first episodes of Fairy Tail and SAO. It wasn't easy.

I've dropped shows so fast I never even finished reading the title. I don't even know what I dropped, I just know I didn't want to watch that shit.

The real doctor stone were the friends we made along the way

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That Netflix one the name of which I can’t remember after I realized it was a worse Tokyo Ghoul

I dropped it at the bathing scene, I knew it was completely uninspired shit right there.

Roll credits

I dropped psycho-pass when I realized that the protagonist would be a goody-two-shoes female. Such a wasted concept

Nice watermark, nerd.

Before you in fact, dropped it when some naked high schooler punched a lion and sent it flying, killing in instantly

B: The Beginning?

The spiral that was a paradox did it better.

A generic-looking self-insert male MC having girls be all over his dick and still going "damn, I wish I had a girlfriend" when they leave is worse.
Looking at you, HenSuki.

Carole and Tuesday.
Watching anime """"originals'""" really is a hit or miss.

>he dropped newgame
shit taste

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This Word doesn't exist

I drop shows so fast I don't even start them.

Forgot the name of it but it's about some artfaggot moving into a dorm room, within 2 minutes he wakes up with some naked girl and a 15 year old gets out of a car with a grown woman after clubbing all night

had to drop that shit like it was a hot tumour

I dropped fire force at the part where it overly animated the main character picking up the nun for no reason. also dropped mha 1st episode when i noticed it was another cuck mc

Overrated is such an overused word and it just seems like a passive-aggressive way of saying you didn't like something. If you don't like something just say you don't like it. Saying "overrated" just downplays other peoples tastes and opinions and comes off as super pretentious to me.

Like what the FUCK does OVERRATED mean? People rated it that high because THEY ENJOYED IT THAT MUCH. Its especially irks me when people say "x anime isn't as good as you think it is". How the HELL are you gonna tell me how much I enjoyed an anime? I'm sorry my favorite anime wasn't exquisite enough for your tastes, but don't tell me how much I shouldn't have enjoyed it.

Same. I was really looking forward to Watanabe's new show since I loved Space Dandy, but dropped it like 7 episodes in when it was like 3 boring X-factor episodes in a row.
Plus the music ended up not being that good. It doesn't help when the characters *say* the songs are good when you personally don't like them.
Plus I expected Carole & Tuesday as heroines to be super like-able and for the show to be driven by them, but they're very bland halfway through the show.

>>not dropping it when you read the synopsis
>not dropping when you see the poster

Dropped MILF online after fifteen minutes but I was pretty sure I hated it after four
>hey kid ever heard of isekai well good news it's real let's hit the road!

I drop any show that's popular and pretend the manga is better.

>Ripped teen defeats lion bare handed
>B-but it's smart because science, it's not your average shonen shit


Pretty sure that "overrated" has always carried the implication that the person using it is calling the masses stupid for liking something he thinks doesn't deserve it. It's not criticism, just a convenient one word way too insult both something and every single person that likes that something.

In short, it has always been a shitposting word.

The plot seemed generic but the mom was so hot I gave it another try, it was even worse than the manga because of the mom's voiceacting. Not to say the VA is bad, but next to the other character making full use of their range for different emotions, her carefully crafted waifu voice fell completely flat.

Might just just give the manga another try one of these days, for more mom art if nothing else, but no way I'm enduring this animated.


>this is a premiere manga published by SJ
is anime fucking finished? worst writing than capeshit desu

>t. absolute brainlet

I dropped it like a stone

>I guess in the end, we were dr. stone

whoa, deep

>the anime is actually about soap
What a fucking twist

I have never dropped anything for real.

Almost every isekai.

t. saw the smug character sedign with the e=mc^2 and didn't even give it a chance

I dropped the one from last season about the island that popped out of nowhere with monsters. I forgot the name.

haven't finished a show in 5 years.

>>he dropped newgame before s2
>shit taste


>tfw Kayanon half-assed Online Okaa-san so she could focus on the superior anime this season

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Preach it brother.

>watch the first episode of Darling in the franxx
>realize I've seen so many bland mc meets super duper special girl who remembers him from somewhere that Im just done with that shit plot
>drop it

>Naruto is MC's name
>Dragon Ball(s) being the central macguffin
>One Piece being the location the MCs are aiming for
>Death Note is the central macguffin
>Ichigo's Quincy mom's genes give him hair that makes it look Bleach[ed]
>Yugi is possessed by the spirit of the Yu-Gi-Oh
>Hikaru plays Go
>a Slam Dunk is a decent way to get points in basketball
>Kenshiro's martial art is Hokuto no Ken
>Jo(nathan) Jo(estar) and his descendants go on Bizarre Adventures
>Seiya serving Athena makes him like a Saint
>Deku goes to an Academy where he is taught by his Hero
>fujos ship GonxKillua, thus "HunterxHunter"
Weekly Shonen Jump does this shit all the time.

I rarely actively drop a show. Usually just forget to watch the next episode or just say "meh" and watch something else.
Actively dropped FLCL less than 10 minutes into the first episode.
Tried watching again years later and now I fucking love it and rewatch it at least once a year if only for the glorious Pillows soundtrack.

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That scene in Beatless where the protagonist (who is apparently the only ) sees a hot robot girl escorting an old woman across the street and he rushes over...to help the -girl-.
And then his friends shill how rare his niceness is and how NO ONE else would've felt sympathy for an AI ever.

This shit right here, I couldn't even finish the first episode. Before that I probably dropped a max of 4 shows the last decade.

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dropped free at 15 seconds because their VA's didn't match

>it's our doctor stone

>I guess this really was a my hero academia all along
>it turns out the real question has always been, "is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon?" the whole time

>Pic unrelated.

>reading synopses

Bakemonofaggotry in 10 seconds.

That ended up not being the actual problem

Doctor Stone? Like the soap?

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Yeah HxH I saw the first page and though
>Wow the Mangaka really put effort in his art.

Then I flipped the page ....

beat you both. dropped it on the summary and I have watched lion in march so it counts

yeah BNHA first ep i saw, i knew it was gonna be shit, then i saw all the shit posting train wreack it became lol happy i skiped that crap

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P&SG and Re:Zero are the only series I've dropped after one episode.
I generally seem to give most things a bit more of a chance.

Good call, I wish I did the same