>artists/doujinka that dedicate their entire decade+ careers to nearly exclusively drawing a single character
Artists/doujinka that dedicate their entire decade+ careers to nearly exclusively drawing a single character
>no good artists waifufag your waifus
>only can find guys who are dedicated but also into hairy girls and pee and other nasty shit
almost as bad as when they make my wiafus breasts too big
these are usually the best doujins too
Also Mogudan should have stopped early as his Reis was perfection but then evolved into cowgaizer
drawing off model sucks. use your own style, but don't change the design reeeeeee
We don't deserve him.
Mitarashi Kousei and Creayus are the two that come to my mind immediately, they both started with their respective characters around 2007.
I wish I could be as dedicated as them.
>that autist who's been drawing sakura for 15 years
The Slayers artist activwly draws Lina every chance he gets.
That man is a man of supreme taste.
Wokada and his Miku obsession
Best pairing. Prove me wrong!
Ringoya and his LL's Rin obsession
Kawaraya Honpo's Rei-Asuka futanari doujin
What about a franchise? because Black Dog has been drawing Sailor Moon doujins longer than some people in this thread have been alive.
I am okay with this
What of Rusty Soul, Erect Sawaru and Mogudan?
>Great doujin artist
>Only follows trends and makes doujins of FGO, Kancolle or Idol Master
>like boat sluts and fate doujins
>bask in the warmth of brown kemonomimi's
ugc is the man but wish he could draw good feet
>artist improves the official character
>can never be satisfied by official art again
>He keeps drawing the same character for nearly a decade
>He also has a terrible fetish that turns you off
Eno Yukimi and his fat grumpy draph lust
I like his Rei but hate all the ugly middleaged men and sluttiness
>Artist spends his early career drawing thick women with DSL, big tits and assess
>Goes legit and starts adding loliservice in his book
>Still gives us thick bitches now with shotas
>Next book is mostly shotas now and is stuck in a trap shota Namek arc
Watching an artist shift fetishes in real time was weird
>barely anyone draws her
I wish I knew how to make art so I could do it myself
Ormille who draws lynn from FE. Alright too
>hasn't appeared in anything since 2007
>still draws atleasy one doujin of her each year including this one
>Even made a doujin of some conce0t art where she is a JC.
I am a misorafag, but I admire his dedication.
what did we do to deserve creayus?
Someone somewhere signed a contract with the devil.
>artist draws the same character his entire career
>just makes her skin darker thinking nobody will notice
>Artists that can perfectly replicate the original artstyle of the source material
Mitarashi Kousei
The realest human beings
Still waiting, Mitarashi.
..and some amerimutt who jerks on it 24/7, then goes here to make thread. Cringe.
I've seen new art posted every so often on Manabe's Twitter.
Alright Yea Forums, riddle me this
Which character would you do this for?
Based greatmosu and Mamezou.
Dude, on model stuff is underrated. Like I love seeing someone's take on a style but when I see an artist who can just NAIL it, that just makes it way better.
I've been practicing drawing for the past two years so I can do that for my girl.
The Sailor Moon hentai guy has never drawn a doujin with Sailor Pluto
That guy that makes all those full color doujinshi of the brown loli from Lotte no Omocha. I admire his dedication even more since she's a side-character.
my waifu obviously
it's unlikely I'll ever do it though but who the fuck knows
Bless you yamamoto
Female Ike
Nynpho Kotori
>that one artist who does this but never uploads any of it
If anybody in the world deserves a Star Force continuation it's Zenra Restaurant.
>favorite piece of fanart is by a guy who made an account 5 years ago and has only uploaded that art piece
You just know they have more, somewhere and you cant find it or they dont share it
Nobody makes 1 great drawing and then never touches a tablet again
Sazanami Mio
I honestly wonder if creayus' obsession has winded up giving him a tulpa yet.
that man is my hero
Bless this man.
>>artists/doujinka that dedicate their entire decade+ careers to nearly exclusively drawing a single character
>the character is her
I've heard Creayus was a girl who wanted to be CC
I like this guy who draws You over and over again
>tfw no dedicated autist to draw eiki besides this guy
at least he does a good komachi as well
Describe hairy? Cause I tend to like side characters, and when I draw them, I do tend to add a little pubic hair, like trim, but there.
Am also into pee fetish, weird how you called that.
artists ? bonus points for wholesome content in the doujins.
Eno is a girl. Apparently it's because she loves Drang and wants to self-insert as his partner.
It's normally a throwaway account because they don't want to link it to their regular stuff.
Normally happens with porn.
>That nigga who draws Rei but she's thick as fuck.
Always puts a smile on my face to see them still going.
>good artist dedicated to pairing obscure waifu characters with fat old balding man.
>2 Akiko-san releases in the last six months left untranslated
Something about that bodytype is irresistible to lolis
144, and he's getting her remake too.
I never understood including the one on the top right. That was a vanilla story.
Takeuchi essentially turned drawing his waifu into a cottage industry. He is a god to me
For the longest time. I remember when people got upset when he kept drawing another doujin of her.
>Artist used to draw doujins of seasonal shows but now only draws mobageshit
>artist draws funny and bizarre doujins
>only one to emphasize this
>Disappears of the face of the Earth in 2015
Rip Himeno mikan
Who is this Dounjinka that you speak of user?
That's not a real word.
>favorite doujin artist posts on Yea Forums
>It's me
Wikipedia says it is
This. On model stuff is a gift, and if expressions in art or doujins are accurate too it's amazing
It sucks that art that's on model and works with accurate behaviors rarely have both traits
Absolute legend.
this is far more difficult
But i dont always appreciate it because in doujins bodies are more detailed and close, some artstyles aren't meant for that
Weird flex but okay
I feel he kinda cheats, though. The Saberface category is vast.
he's there just for being a meme
which funny & bizarre doujin you're talking?
>Series includes a canonical married couple
>Artist makes doujin of their consensual first time together
Seriously, why do nearly all of the biggest doujins focus on rape? You have a bunch of canon times people had sex and yet nobody ever does those.
You make more money off fetish than vanilla. People are more willing to pay.
Degenerates pay more for their stuff.
sailor moon doujin
used to draw sailor girls with youma
now draw sailor girls with ojisan
>It's been over a decade since Amagami
>He's still drawing Hibiki.
On day, he will be rewarded for his dedication.
It makes me wonder if black dog is a middle-aged man who's self-inserting.
nigga's gotta eat
Clicked this thread expecting quality C.C art, was not let down.
he's been drawing sailor moon doujin since mid 90s.
it's more than 20 years ago, so it's highly possible he's at least 40 years, could be 50 years ago.
I'm autistically devoted to Aiko, but Ment just blows it out of the park.
Not the artist you posted, but on a related note Piromizu likes drawing Kaede so much that one of the VNs they worked on has a wholesale ripoff of Kaede.
he's been drawing sailor moon doujin since mid 90s.
it's more than 20 years ago, so it's highly possible he's at least 40 years, could be 50 years.
I don't know the timeline of all those fucking releases off the top of my head, but I think there's been Oji-san stories in there for awhile. It has gotten more common though. Probably.
>dem sailor moon doujins by blackdog
those became more common around mid to late 2000s.
first, the ojisan were mind controlled by the youma.
later the ojisan just got aroused by the sailor girls and found excuse to molest them.
this guy is dedicated to his waifu, also Rui
>still no Akiko with shota Yuuchi like it was teased in the 4th one
Fucking shameful