Can we agree that fit girls are the best?

Can we agree that fit girls are the best?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Enen no Shouboutai - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.59_[2019.07.12_14.27.31].jpg (1280x720, 200K)

In general yes but here I'm not digging the additional shading lines on her muscle definition. Looks weird.

if they have muscles then that means they have dick and that means they're men so its 100% gay

Sorry but I’m not a faggot

Attached: 1414670796278.gif (640x325, 1.27M)

why do u fat neckbeards/twinks on Yea Forums like fit girls? do you enjoy being dominated?

Because some people appreciate aesthetics.

>fit girls
>will never be as strong as men


Attached: Ciel abs.png (1579x2048, 2.95M)

Yes, and?