What would you do in this situation, Yea Forums?

What would you do in this situation, Yea Forums?

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[x] genuflect

I dunno. Watch?

Take responsibility and marry her

The only right answer. Rei is for loving.




man, eva was absolute trash, can't believe I watched it all

Nothing. She's nonemotional so being dramatic would be pointless. She's basically nonsentinent

Let shinji fuck me all night long

Start moving my hips.
There won't be a second chance after all.

Congratulations, you understood nothing about NGE and its characters.

why every time i see a screenshot of this guy hes always fucking some bitch up?

>caring about a lovecraftian idiot demon sultan dancing to the mad flutes and drums of neet King gendo instead of spending your days getting swole for when Asuka arrives

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Clones aren't human nor have souls. They're abominations and an affront to humanity, as proven how unresponsive she is to human interaction

Imagine being a mindless automaton like you.

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Well of course, but I’d first give her a little kiss


>Straddle the penis
>Envelop the penis

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Sorry you want to bang what might as well be a piece of a tree

clones apparently are soulless in the anime but rei as the soul of lilith nigger rigged into her

I cant believe this trope hasn't died yet

Sorry to hear that your IQ is low enough to freeze water.

360 and walk away

>Imagine being a mindless
>post wojack
oh the irony

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Cut her hair

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Do share your enlightened understanding of NGE then.


Unless that discount nichijou of yours has a brainlet edit I'm gonna stick to using wojak, deal with it kiddo.

ITT incels arguing over a Chinese cartoon

>just have sex bro

He's an alpha male who asserts his dominance.

why does she dig gendo so much? he's the guy who enslaved her soul and keeps her body in prison

Daddy dick

She thought he cared about her but it turns out only Shinji actually cared. Worry not, she realizes this at the moment of her 2nd "death".

>y-you can't stop me from being retard, k-kiddo
go ahead

Based and reipilled

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>>>Yea Forumsrules/1


Not according to the amateur videos I see on pornhub.

user only watches blacked videos

>comic is literally just the artists saying "have sex"
absolutely based

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with a shotgun right?

Leave and wait for third Rei to appear.

Get up, apologize and then go wait for best girl Asuka and begin our verbal shit flinging conversation

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unzip dick


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Take responsibility and train her as a domme.

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get a boner, slap her tiddies around and then stick it inside her and pee


Most hateable fucking protagonist ever
I watched darling in the franxx right after this and enjoyed it

Vomit on her. Woman-stink is literally nauseating.

>darling in the gender role propaganda

Absolute Bait Field.

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All your answers are wrong either way.

>the normalfags are in full force
Based Netflix.

Have group sex with Asuka and Misato

That's his mom though, you guys have an Oedipus complex

His mom is in Unit 01.

But at that episode Asuka wasn't even in Japan.

They literally have the same face how the fuck does Shinji not see that is beyond me.

Not give a fuck.

Rei would be the type of girl who would lay there like a dead fish while you having to do all the work. Literally the worst sex partner.

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Yui died when Shinji was like 4 and Gendo destroyed all of her photos.


They have similar faces because they share some DNA. That doesn't make Rei his mother.

>he can't manhandle 14 year olds
Sasuga Asukafag, can't even get off his ass and move his obese hips.

based oldfag

sniff her pits

You've never had sex and you wanting to have a girl like Rei in the sack shows it.

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But they're not hairy, so what's the point?

Oh gee, another Asukafag projecting.

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>being physically attaracted to a woman that not only has the same DNA but also looks the same is not some Oedipus complex.

Are you Reifags this desperate to get ass that you would fuck your mom?

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All I'm saying is no one wants to fuck a deadfish and a girl who has the personality of water. At least not a basement dwelling NEET

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Shout out at the top of my lungs, "YABUKI, HOW DO YOU KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT?!?"

So does that mean the useless chimp you've been dicking is your mother? You share a lot of DNA with it after all.

Real men pick loyal women that can be taught things, not whores that gladly wear chokers like Asuka.
Why do you Asuka people love getting cucked this much?

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>Why do you asuka people love getting cucked this much

Coming from the guy who picks a girl who has no personality or agency to speak of. You are afraid you would get cucked by any real woman and that's why you choose Rei.

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what a qt

I know this concept is beyond you but not being a loud and obnoxious ape doesn't mean no personality. I'm not the one chasing a whore that throws herself at older men whenever given the chance.
No amount of smugs and silly meme faces is going to make Asuka not a fence jumper.

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Would she have turned Shinji in if he raped her?

You are only afraid that a girl like Asuka would cuck you is because you are just like Shinji.

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Based quints telling the truth

Women like Asuka do not have the notion of commitment inside their heads. Not that somebody like you would know of course.
Stop being inexperienced and go to college, you'll figure it out eventually.

The fact that you acknowledge a girl cucks people in the first place should be a major red flag but suit yourself and keep being retarded, I guess.

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Definitely not. She's barely sentient, let alone capable of "pointless" things like that.

Nothing, the only Eva character I would have sex with is Kaworu

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Rei can't even begin to have any working notion of what it even means to be human or the idea of commitment outside of her duty as a pilot. Its like picking an autist because you are afraid the other girl will pick a more attractive guy than you. Its telling you have some confidence and self-esteem issues.
Women will only cuck you if you are a beta like Shinji and even fucking Shinji had multiple times to score with her. Reifags have serious confidence and self-esteem issues.

>Women will only cuck you if you are a beta
Haha, you're so naive it hurts. When you're old enough to use Tinder make sure to give me a call.

I am not saying you don't also have subhuman looks, but if you can't hold a conversation you aren't going far in any relationship be it a friendship or a romantic one.

>Women will only cuck you if you are a beta
The big difference here is you're mostly talking about real women now.
2D girls are based on jap men's ideals of the perfect woman so for any anime slut that does cuck people, I could name you a hundred that would never do, under any circumstances. The fact that you're even comparing an anime character to a 3d pig should be a sign for how shitty the anime character you're talking about is.

I'm not even a Rei vs Asuka fag. Just pointing out the obvious mistake of how quick you acknowledged that Asuka WOULD cuck people while trying to portray that as a pro.

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Gee, why is this suddenly about my conversational skills. Stop giving me secondhand embarrassment for fucks sake, you like sluts and I don't. Good god, let it rest.

So you're telling me in your youth you never met a girl who wasn't neurotypical, building up some larger than life persona for her own insecurities or would lust after guys 20 years older than them for no reason beyond their physical features?
Yes you love women who have the personality of water and will lay there like a deadfish whenever you have sex.

Tell her she is cold like fish, wet like fish, and smell like fish.
Proceed when noticing she is slimy like fish.

> Eva with popcorn
I think it is a satire that people similar to a pictured one don't notice.

I wouldnt pullout


Bonus: find a way to call her mommy during all of that.

Again, why are you bringing up 3d pigs into this? The fact that you try to draw parallels between the anime and real life shitters shows how much of a disgusting whore the character is.


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Based asukafag, keep fighting the good fight

Give it a rest man, he won't learn through internet arguments.

>why are you bringing up 3d pigs into this?
Unlike you I don't live in escapism 24/7 and like a more realistic women than some fantasy because you can't talk to women in your life.

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This and then hold hands without protection.

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The entire point of the show was to draw parallels between the characters and reality. Did you miss the entire point and themes the show was presenting?

This is why Asuka is, and will always be the best one.

Understanding that a show draws parallels to reality and using said parallels as your reasoning to explain why someone is best girl are two very different things, dipshit-kun.


In the battle of the bravest souls
Over Asuka shall the Rei prevail
If the waifu wars are crashing down
Heed the shit taste and then drown it out!


Turn 360 degrees and walk away

Besides Asuka obviously being the 'reality' foil to Rei's idealized God/Mother character (and the show blatantly pushing for the audience the embrace one and not the other thematically), she is also way cuter and actually has a personality that amounts to more than talking to a brick wall.

I also prefer back and forth friendly shit talk with a girl rather than idle silence.

asukafags btfo

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In all the years I've been aware of her, I've never once got an erection from Rei. I've gotten boners and fapped to Asuka and Misato just fine, but I never could with Rei. It's not that I find her unattractive. I've fapped to pics of Shinji's mom. I've attempted to search up porn featuring Rei, but whenever she showed up, my dick fell asleep. I just don't get it. Can anyone help? Am I looking at Rei completely wrong? I don't hate her, I've fapped to characters I hate like Mari just fine, and as stated, I don't find Rei unattractive.

I just want this to end. Everytime I see Rei, it feels like I'm being blueballed. It's infuriating. I just want a nice fap session over her. Someone please help.

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is rei tall or shinji a manlet?

Rei is for snuggles

You don’t want to fuck your mom, pretty bluepilled because incest is based but that’s basically the gist of it.

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So what was he point of the dolls in this scene?

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You are an unenlightened lesser being. My penis pretty much only responds to Rei, it's quite rare to have another girl cause a release of nitric oxide in my system and even then I don't follow up on these stimuli.

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Same for me. I think it's because her character is so flat emotionally. She would pretty much be like talking to a dead wall and it makes me see her as an 'other'. Kinda strange.

>inb4 reifags go crazy about muh you didnt get Rei

I understand her quite well and she's boring.

>I understand her quite well

clearly you didn't

there it is

I can appreciate her character arc and still find her boring and one note. She's too low key for me to like.

Admit it, Asukacucks are simply boring people who can't handle quietness

This is the biggest Reifag projection I've ever read in my life. Rei cucks really need to learn some self-awareness skills.

B-WORM was pretty good, but i wish Rei's body was more on model like Asuka in C-FREAK.

Is this a falseflag? Reifags are the most boring people there are. Her entire character is being quiet and orbiting the MC's dick. Not only that but you are choosing the character that symbolizes the retreat from reality and return to mother, aka the complete antithesis of the show's themes.

No wonder Anno hates Reifags

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>no u
Point proven NPCs

Rei orbited his dick so much she slapped his pathetic face when he offended her. Meanwhile Asuka can only throw random insults at him while sneaking on his bed and crying.

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I probably wouldn't try to fuck my mom... idk?

Nice argument mental midget

As in her entire character arc and development is caused by her learning to care for the otaku self-inset main character, Shinji, in some strange hybrid maternal/goddess way.

Her character develops from that of a mostly blank slate who only really 'cares' for Gendo and pilots for the 'bond she shares with all humans' (because she is basically Lillith, the mother of humanity), into one that literally kills herself for and gives the reins of Instrumentality to Shinji as she develops into a real individual. Obviously before her development she doesn't orbit Shinji.

>Meanwhile Asuka can only throw random insults at him while sneaking on his bed and crying.
What are you trying to prove?

>no u again!!
Are you even aware of your own actions NPC?

Rei was never a blank slate. Blank slates don't have different views on different characters and don't get physical when angry. Stop using terms you don't understand.
And saying she orbits Shinji's dick because later on her development causes changes in her is pretty damn stupid, if anything seeing her slowly change is a good thing and proof that she orbits nothing since orbiting somebody implies not being able to move away.

>What are you trying to prove?
That the one orbiting dicks is Asuka. She longs for a male companion to take care of her, literally.

She goes on the greatest character arc in the show, starting as a zero, a ghost, a nothing, and ending it as literally God, the source of all human souls. It's noted in original episode 25 that she fears regaining her true nature "because she might not have human form", and form is associated with mind. She fears she will no longer be human. Yet when she overcomes her abuser and returns to her true body, it transforms to look like her human self. So when I say her arc is great because she becomes God, it's not because she gets big and powerful, it's because she goes from someone with no strong connections to other people and no real sense of who she is, to actually being all people, as well as herself. She has mastered both self-love and connection to others.

Fair, blank slate isn't the best term to use to describe her character at the onset of NGE.

The point I'm trying to make is she is basically a wish-fulfillment character. An idealized character who can do no wrong to the main character and also a person who the main character basically molded into the person she was at the end of the series like clay. She symbolically is a mother figure and the literal messenger of Instrumentality, aka the ultimate orgy of escapism.

I like her character arc and development but I don't like what she represents thematically as described above, which is a return to mother to shield her child from the cruelties and harshness of reality. Asuka is a complete foil to Rei as she is the cruelness and harshness of reality pushed to the extreme.

You're getting hung up over semantics when that's not what I'm trying to argue.

This is true. She is literally one of the only characters to actually develop quite positively throughout the entire show. Everybody else falls to their mental trauma and vices and the only two people we see left at the end of are Asuka and Shinji, who again, still haven't completed their character development. All they know is it's up to them to find their own happiness and they CAN learn to love themselves despite the literal shithole they now inhabit.

I'm not trying to argue she has a bad arc or that she is necessarily a weak or bad character. For me she's just boring, and the fact that she becomes a literal idealized god (technically she was all the time) puts me off of her because of what that represents thematically.

Yes I know, Anno made her a symbol of escapism, one that he personally despises. But that doesn't make her a dick orbiter, that's not how it works.
And no, Shinji didn't mold her like clay. Everyone did, part of her character is realizing that some of what defines an individual are those that surround it - as shown through one of her many inner monologues, she basically acknowledges that she's allowed to exist because others are there to perceive her and this is one of the reasons why she ultimately gave Shinji control over her instrumentality.

Shinji just happened to be the one who gave a shit about her, which obviously should affect her future decisions. This is far from being a dick orbiter.

Reminder that Asuka and Rei are both the complete opposite extremes of the scale and Misato is a far more realistic example of a woman and reality.

Cory is now serving 15 years for rape

Dick orbiter isn't the best term for the love she had for Shinji since it's more of a maternal care so I'll fess up on that. Again though, it's semantics and what I was getting at.
I think we agree on most other things though.

I do disagree with
>And no, Shinji didn't mold her like clay. Everyone did
Yeah she obviously had her realizations during her inner monologue that her individual being is made from the comparison of her person to other people to see where she 'fits'. However, besides that, most of her arc was a direct result of her interactions with Shinji
>rescuing her from the pod like Gendo
>complementing her motherly aspects
>cleaning her room up for her
Didn't Shinji cook for her also or what that a Rebuild only thing?

His interactions with her were the catalyst for a lot of the realizations and actions she had.

>used goods
>tinder user
misato fucking sucks

Literally way more realistic than ayy lmao grill and 13-year old college graduate

Only correct answer

This is true but she isn't a peer of Shinji nor a pilot. Asuka and Rei were so extreme on their spectrums to exaggerate and be foils of each other so Anno could regurgitate muh escapism themes even more blatantly.

All 3 main characters of the show were heavily responsible for the changes each of them went through. Her arc is about realizing what she is and what it means to be "human" and "connected". Had somebody else cared about her things would've gone down differently; my point is that you can't really blame Shinji for every step of her development, not when Asuka showed her jealousy and hate and Gendo showed her trickery and deceit.

>Didn't Shinji cook for her also or what that a Rebuild only thing?
I wasn't talking about the rebuilds but sure. Shinji actually cooked for everyone, twice.
The special treatment Rei got from him in the rebuilds wasn't this.

Literally a clone of his mom.

R-raw with no plug suit?

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>I wasn't talking about the rebuilds but sure. Shinji actually cooked for everyone, twice.
No I was wondering if Shinji cooked for Rei in the original series or if that was Rebuild-specific.

I always got the impression Rei literally didn't give a single shit about Asuka's bitchiness towards her and Rei-I already had those emotions shown to her when Ritsuko's mother strangled her, which also ended up returning to her in Rei-III.

For Gendo I saw it as more Rei seeing how poorly he has been treating and abusing Shinji and so she decides to punish him in Rei-III mode. If Shinji was out of the picture she wouldn't really start her development since the compassion Shinji showed for her was the main catalyst for everything.

If Asuka never was introduced I don't personally see Rei diverging much from the path she took at all. Gendo is arguably much more important since he does show care for her throughout the series but it's the bond she has with Shinji that ultimately makes her choose her path and suicide-bomb + betray Gendo + stop Instrumentality and give humans the choice to come back.
I don't attribute Shinji to EVERY step of her development but I'd say he is by far the most important.

To add on, Gendo is also important because, as you said, it introduced her to trickery and deceit as a result of him using and abusing Shinji.

The reason Rei vs Asuka will never end is because they are literally two different ends of a spectrum. Think Yin vs Yang.

Some people naturally are drawn to one while others are drawn to the other.

Apologize profusely

Why do Asukucks conflate having a big loud ego with having a personality? Are they that surface?

>tonight in "Cannot Unsee":
>Why is asuka a cyclops?

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Asuka is partly responsible for Rei's realization of her own feelings for Shinji. She did anger Rei by mocking a soon-to-be-dead Shinji after all.
But yes Shinji is the major player here, nobody can deny it.

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asuka has the big tits of personality, while rei has a personality like an ironing board.

People that deny Rei has a personality are literal brainlets. People that deny Asuka has a personality and is instead just 'loud' are also brainlets.

It comes down to which spectrum of the board you like more. I like feisty outgoing girls so I like Asuka more. Rei is just too quiet for me.

Are you ok?

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>not understanding that EVA was one of the first to subvert this trope


It would solve EVERYTHING!

are you handicapped?

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Having a big ego and being loud about it isn't a personality moron

I don't see a single person ITT saying that Asuka has no personality.

I know the lighting in that scene is fucked up because of some flood but the extreme contrast with the darkness and Asuka's face being completely dark besides her eyes was unintentionally amazing

Not sure if was going for that but it sure seemed like it

Mob psycho > Eva pedo yaoi


It wasn't unintentional desu. Anno made it so their hairs and eyes were perfectly contrasting each other in order to further enhance how different they are when it comes to Shinji's dire situation.

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>Muh subversion makes it automatically good

Meet her parents and hoep we get along

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It does when done right.

Which is the case here.

>rei can't even begin to have any working notion of what it means to be human
This is objectively wrong though as that is Rei's character development throughout the series.


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I can say the same to you too fuckwit.

>I was only pretending


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Pretending to be what?

Mob psycho

Just rape her. I don't think she has enough agency to reject it or tattle on me. I thought about this the moment I saw the scene for the first time.


Rei is for love

Need a Abe version.

It takes actually being with women to realize that Asuka is a cunt who will continue being a cunt until she takes the kids and the house in the divorce


She keeps her door unlocked in a remote area of the city.
The homeless probably come in and take turns with Rei all the time.

Rape the Maids


I just spent all night learning how to fucking ballroom dance from my more suave buddy in preparation for a fucking ball I'm going to, so I'm going to explain what I learned from there. Not gay.

When your bodies are close, that is a fucking intimate position because you are close as fuck physically. As the man, if you're INTERESTED in the woman, you can not waffle and back away from them, because that makes you look like a meek pussy.

If I you are close, it will feel awkward, but the key is that if you stay in it, the fucking intimate charge will build up by the second and shit will reach intimacy, at which point you can just act natural and things will proceed accordingly from there.

If I was in that situation I would rise just high enough to be in a stable position, and just keep eye contact while I detect her mood. In her case, she would probably just fucking blankly stare at me with no emotion, so I would just get up. She's sexually dead, nothing in it for me that's not fucking weird.

If a normal woman were there and I wanted to fuck her, I would make that eye contact, and if I noticed anything positive at all I would just start rattling off observations, small talk if you would just to keep the fucking situation going. "Your hair smells nice.", whatever the fuck. At this point we would both know for a fact what was going on, if she's not telling you to fuck off, you are good to go. If, at any point, she is NOT giving me any signals to fuck off, you just let your instincts take over. The only part of that situation you cannot mechanically think your way through is for AFTER you have the green light, so even an autist can hit that point.

3. Put it in.

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