One Punch Man
Give her a dick, hairy tits, and a pixie cut and then I can fap to it.
Meant to say hairy pits*
> 11 trillion 449 billion 1 million 712 thousand 554
where is the new chapter murata you fucking hack
>Tareo getting constant nosebleeds
nice design, good drawing skills!
>grey hair
Yikes. Some characters just aren't meant to be genderbended
You could have the biggest harem of all time
I'm not gay but male Garou is unironically hotter
What about Sonic?
Man I can't take gerderbent art with him seriously, it just looks weird and not Garou. Even when the artist can draw his hair decently well.
Garou's design is pretty much associated with the extremely masculine V shaped body and sharp edges everywhere down to his eyes. He's one of those characters who do not work in a genderbend.
No need to "no homo" when you're stating an objectively true thing user.
is- is child emperor even human?
are we sure he isn't some experiment gone right? some sort of superhuman breeding experiment? did Genus rob a sperm bank once and replaced all sperm with genetically modified supersperm to see what would happen?
oh I forgot the pic
Not him but Sonic is also unironically hotter as a male. If he were female he’d just look ordinary
>power levels
its about time
sonic a girl silly
I think you might be gay.
Garou better bust this shit out when his God Slayer Fist doesn't work
what about Metal Bat?
You know what, I’ll take cuntboy sonic any day. Guess I was thinking more about big-tiddied sonic then
Agreed 100%
I think that would work well enough.
He’s just a super genius. Lily is 14 and is seemingly as strong as a bear, it’s pretty crazy by itself too. MB is 17 and was 14/15 when he joined the HA, too.
Perfect design
Go to hell forever.
Hope he has enough Hamon for it after Saitama knocks the wind out of him a lot.
I can't believe King is going to turn Garou into the authorities
maybe there's something in the water or it's natural human evolution
gotta keep up with all those monsters and only the strongest survive
no MB don't go there! you need room to swing that bat! it's a trap!
Way hotter.
What? And you /aren’t/ a male weirdly attracted to Sonic? What the hell is wrong with you
He's surprisingly mellow for a man with all that power.
>Awakaned form will remove his abs.
Well, they’re exceptions.
Awakened form is actually one of the times where even ONE drew Garou's abs in utmost detail.
Murata always does.
Garou x fem MB doujin with creative bat usage when
Would it? Would Murata allow it?
Garou will grow a ten pack like Bang
>posting an inferior skank version
That thing can't possibly compete with this pillar of perfection.
Murata doesn't need to follow ONE's doodles faithfully, the design is probably gonna be different.
Already has.
So does she just have a bunch of flowers somewhere in case the one on her head gets knocked off
Liking Sonic isn't gay in the least.
>200 pack Garou in the Murata version
It is an absolute shame that she had to run into Sweet Mask.
What, you wanted her to get vored by Pig God?
OPM runs on DB power levels as much as people deny it.
Match ups only matter when characters are at a similar level of power.
She was a cosplay monster at best, you can get more of her whenever you look at some other big tiddy bitch that Murata draws. I miss Eyesight.
That actually looks like a fucking 12 pack. ONE is thirsty.
and some characters are meant to be genderbended
Honestly I was hoping she'd have a rematch against Fubooty. Maybe even get forced to join Blizzard Group.
Would you buy Eyesight as a pet?
Murata finished an hour ago. I forget how long it usually takes for editors to upload it?
3-4 hours
Damn. Thanks.
what's the upkeep?
2-3 hours usually.
It really did seem like they were gonna have a rematch, but I don't think Fubuki needs another fangirl who follows her around all day
>creative bat usage
it's an instrument of destruction
wonder if Metal Bat gave it a name, like Silvia- because it is silver
Fresh heroes a day and watch out for her snakes.
Even if Do-S was forced into submission I don't think she'd be a sycophant like Lily.
I'd give her a cow every few months. Take it or starve. As well as a dicking every other day.
How? There is no hole.
Why are the tits drawn like massive olives
Probavly less sycophant, more someone who tries to sleep with her constantly
I had a nightmare last night that JCStaff continued to release episodes after the EC fight. Hopefully this dream will never repeat itself.
Did you forget about the OVAs?
W-what OVA's?
Her fiirst design implies there is one, so maybe under the skulls
Miss the cloth of the first design but second design is way better.
I see at least one hole in that image but she has at least two, how else would she expel waste? That also begs the question how would she eat? She is implied to want to swallow them whole but her human mouth wouldn't do. The only other thing I see as possible if her snake half consumes it somehow.
>Meeting about Do-S constant sexual harassment and wearing an indecently small suit jacket and miniskirt over her normal bondage gear.
>Still becomes the second highest B 2
She has her transformation so that may help. Also you posted best Snek.
but what if tareo was an ugly loli
go back
Why I want to fuck him less now, turn him back.
It’s out
Wonder what her Fanboys would be like
>Probably put up an online count down counting down to her 18th birthday
>And they set it up when she was 15
Literally gay
FUCK I was just about to go to bed
>Black Sperm and Homeless Emperor
Looks like KINO is on the menu boys
Zombieman got fking destroyed.
Holy fuck Emperor is cooler than ever. Also didn't expect Atomic to be agile but man he got fucked.
If shes a demon level already and monsters advance faster than humans I imagine she'd probably get to S-Class, although I'm sure passing Mask would be awkward
Can you get all the raw page
female sonic!!
I hope OPM S3 gets picked by David Productions, the only studio that could give us Zombieman vs Hobo Emperor completely uncensored.
oh no HE is sexy
Not him but just use Inspect Element and find the link to every image.
Amai would be pissed, really pissed
He can barely tolerate zombieman if they let in monsters into HA....
>And Zombieman is already a borderline case
i just screenshotted with gyazo
Garou's motivations make more sense as a female. I can only imagine a woman being as petty as Garou.
I'm not going to get banned for this image right mods?
Not /our/ Sonic
Next chapter we get Hobo backstory and GOD.
The pacing has been great ever since Phoenixman vs Child Emperor ended.
I don't think we've ever had a scene this gory, not counting the monsters. Hobo kicks ass.
fucking great!
Homeless Emperor is giving off a few Doctor Strange vibes.
Emperor showing why he is a Dragon level threat. Blocking bullets like that means he has super human speed.
Onendid say his schedule was messed up around the Emperor vs Phoenixman fight. Plus the redraws added more time but yeah pacing is back in track. Really it was the only fight that took up a lot of time.
Hobo got boosted as he did a big attack while simmotanously hitting zombie man with smaller attacks. I'm surprised he tanked that. Also cool moment of zombie man here. Reminds me of some comics.
Chapter also confirmed Zombieman regeneration got retconned. He regenerated half a head and 2 arms instantly.
The chad sperm vs the virgin samurai.
This reminds me that I just wanted to say I love the part in the earlier chapter where Zombieman obliterates his wrists shooting his guns at the vampire.
disgusting OP
Murata wssting time as usual but it is pretty cool.
like this cdn-img.tonarinoyj.jp
Ctrl-Shift-C on Firefox and navigate here, every one of the lines below represents one page. copy the link and open it in a new tab.
Thought I should post this so people don't need rawanon every week.
That dabbing Black Sperm on the front.
the chad stride
He's preparing to do s3 himself.
>what you truly wanted was to get dicked, but you settled for being a monster
That small head reminded me of S2 Suiryu, does anyone still has that image?
>I'll win because my speed is superior
More like
>I'll win because my slashing skill is superior
you mean this one?
Already out, just waiting to get translated
Next chapter, naked Zombieman.
nigga's less than a skelly now
>STR CHAD vs DEXshit
Surprise mothafacka
Or his energy balls have a mind of their own. Like the sand protecting gaara in nurutu.
Peak Suru
> ZM had a fucking gun hidden in his body
> this amount of gore
> that growing hand
Fucking perfect.
Wait, I thought homeless emperor is human
So, criminals are ranked like the heroes and then there are human villains ranked like monsters?
When do you use what?
Finally some fanservice
We hadn't had any in ages
>Atomic Samurai isn't agi-
Since Honless has powers he's ranked as a monster especially as an executive. Normal human criminals or just powerful hunans with no abilities get ranked the criminal scale like that buffalo fellow or Sonic.
>jc staff is still doing opm anime
>entire body is cgi texture
he's physically human, zombieman is stronger than he is and manages to pin him down later
however I assume his senses were upgraded along with being given his ability to spam energy balls
So what is Hobo Emperor power is? Ki Blasts? That's all? How can he be cadre with only this?
Except Hobo works with monsters and unlike criminals who just do underhanded shit, he's straight aiming to destroy humanity. Also his threat dragon was basically given by Psykos.
The small additions to both fights were fucking amazing. It's sad that the fights open with the two best ones, I really hope that ONE has something planned so that the other three are better than in the webcomic. I'm sure that at least ENW will get an extended fight, since his fight in the webcomic was barely anything, and CE is basically one the protagonist of the raid.
flash wouldn't have to bounce off the wall every floor, he'd just jump straight to the top
Because he can go up against s class heroes
Pretty much powerful ki blast that he controls. You can see how devastating they are if any opponent wasn't Zombieman. Plus I'm sure he'll get more feats later.
It's this one.
>That's all?
Are you joking? It's not some random DB tier ki blasts who does jack shit. each of his energy balls are as powerful as the one Choze used. Now imagine being spammed from every side by explosive versions of this.
god imagine how destroyed she'd be after millions upon millions...
>Homeless Emperor doing a pistol finger
That shit's hilarious
he's basically the artillery of the MA along with ENW
in most respects he's just a shitty version of ENW though, can't wait for that big blob of water to give the heroes PTSD
What the fuck are they doing.
dabbing on AS
"Only this"? It's basically the same as Rover, only with less power in trade for more control.
More or less a glass canon of Vaccine Man.
Top sperm kek
Just cause Child Emperor could beat up a bear does not mean he's physically strong.
less power is debatable. He likely have more, since Rover have endurance and agility. He just has no need to destroy everything, Rover doesn't hold back on the other hand.
I'm really excited for ENW. He's one of the most underrated Executives.
>I'm going to make Normandy look like a fucking joke
what did ENW mean by this?
Murata doesn't disappoint
Draw me like one of your french sperm.
who's the dad
>He just has no need to destroy everything, Rover doesn't hold back on the other hand.
That's part of the control I'm talking about. I doubt Rover can throw small precise energy balls like HE can. But yeah, we have to wait and see for HE's biggest feats.
He can't. Rover shows he only shoots just smaller versions of his fuck you blast that do a big amount of damage and destruction.
you said he had "less power", which I don't agree about. Again, Rover have other things to compensate.
glop* glop* glop*
>still has a trillion to go
I did, and that's the part I now said we have to wait and see.
How can Miura make this any better than it already is?
Doubt he'd do it, he's too busy with Idolmaster.
two pages, Emperor is closer to it, better background
Miura's dead.
Yes, Hobo is a glass cannon with precise energy blasts, whose destructive power is below Rover and Orochi who are on the higher end of MA's staff. He's an annoying matchup for ZM and that's the point - he was matched up against him deliberately.
>God is some SCP alien thing
With how good Orochi looked in every panel, I don't doubt his abilities. I wonder if he'll show up next chapter in some form.
He died years ago user.
It's totally manageable.
In the backstory he was swirling wind and didn't show his form until he went to kill Homeless emperor.
I know. That's why I'm wondering if he'll show up, otherwise there'd be no doubt.
He's cool as fuck.
Oh god, he look like this famous Japanese hobo, who is handsome as hell. Or some Jojo character
Murata will probably make him windy and even more ambiguous next chapter. I see him doing his real form similar to Melzargard's veinsDidn't expect him to be so cool in the manga. Murata proved me wrong again
Garou wore it better.
He is. I wonder if Murata will redraw his first appearance for volume 21. He looks fairly different.
it's everything I wanted it to be
He's good looking as well. It's like Alucard in his Dracula form and Vincent Volaju had a baby.
Here are the raws for the chapter
ibb.co album egPkka
I recall he did redraw this panel like Gums position of her mouth and made Homeless emperor more dirty looking
Am I reading this wrong or did ZM activate a gun he had hidden inside to do a surprise attack?
He did, I posted the redrawn version, but now he looks different from that too.
>character can regenerate/be rebuilt
>gets fucked up horribly in every fight since the author can get away with it
>no other character ever gets nearly as graphic violence done to them (not even monsters when Saitama punches holes in them show nearly so much gore)
I don't know if I love it or hate it honestly.
The CHAD Sperm fucking around while casually beating up the 4th ranked S hero.
>this many 10/10 panels in one chapter
I think its because he now got used to drawing him. He's a mix of web design like he has more circles but his hair is more streamlined and messy rather than curly like his first appearance
But he's weak! Any S Hero can solo him one vs one. Flash cut him down in one second. Same with Bang,Samurai and even Amai Mask. And Guys like Black or Puri puri can tank his attacks and obliterate him
Zombieman wouldn't work as a character if you censored him.
> casually stop a gun
> takes out Bang
> implying PPP can tank his blasts
You're retarded.
AS is using a new technique, the Concentrated Atomic Slash. That way he actually kills some of BS's cells, but they weren't even part of the main body.
So yeah, AS isn't a one trick pony anymore, after these two chapters.
Put more chads user, there are other poses as well.
The enture point of that chapter was to show that power levels can't be measured.]
>King always wins despite having the same power level as fucking Sitch
>Metal Bat gains strenght by being beat up
>Zombieman relies on losing until the opponent is tired
>Pig God eats monsters
>Genos loses every time even when he's more powerful than the opponent
>Garou defeated several heroes and monsters strobger than himself. He could also keep up with Saitama (infinite power level) because he's a master martial artist
>Fubuki and Tataumaki have power levels lower than those of C-Class heroes
The only chatacters that rely on brute strenght are either jokes (Tank Top Master and his underlings, Puri Puri Prisoner) useless (Superalloy Darkshine or Blast.)
Even with Saitama power levels are useless because he will always win. That's it.
It's just funny to me, same thing as Genos getting de-limbed in every single fight. I guess the comic doesn't really shy away from gore in general though with stuff like WDM ripping this monster's head off.
Ever cut damages Black Sperm.
>that zombieman vs Hobo Emperor
10/10 Murata killed it
Seems that way especially after the whole toothpick thing. Plus here he's shown to be more agile than previously thought. Same way Zombieman's regen got a buff and less time limit to heal
Zombieman isn't known for his durability.
No you are retarded. Bang was fighting against others monsters and was distracted. Zombieman who have just a little more than human streight can pin him down and beat him
Imagine if this guy decided to attack the world all by himself, divided by a billion or so. Would wreak a lot of fucking havoc, the heroes are lucky to have dealt with him in one spot
>Zombieman who have just a little more than human streight can pin him down and beat him
ZM is way stronger than a normal human. And it litterally only worked because Hobo was focused on King. ZM would never have been able to do it, otherwise.
Well, this sequence is all about matchups. Hobo isn't a versatile dragon and would've been killed by many other S classes on his own, yes. Even if he's a bad matchup for ZM because ZM isn't that great physically or weapons wise, Hobo can't even wrestle out of ZM's grip either.
>27 pages after 3 WEEKS
>Hobo and Black Sperm extended fillershit
>Making HE handsome when he's ugly to average
Murashit strikes again, another garbage chapter call me when Saitama or Garou is back
There is always some power limitations. Maybe his cells can't move away far from each other?
> The gun was ZM's dildo
>Making HE handsome
I know this is bait, but it made me laugh.
>that bulge
they remind me of LISA characters
His limitation is that he doesn't have an infinite stockpile. Plus the more he divides the more power he loses. If he divides a big number at best it would be millions of wolf levels unless one secretly is holding a huge number if stock to divide from.
What the fuck did you expect from HE? Murata will not him ugly bastard like from your favorite NTR comics
>This is what webcomicfags actually believe
>Brothers, this weeb has lost his composure.
>tfw Black Sperm is what happens when Saitama faps
> that ass though
what are the sperms on the left talking about?
it seems you don't realise just how big a number 11 trillion actually is
if he was to divide into 1 billion parts. that would be 1 billion specs of 11000
Keep in mind that he has TRILLIONS of copies. Even divided by a million that is a lot of power packed into one body, probably around demon level
Reminds me of the 'Just do it' meme
Translations soon, is typeset user here?
Remember that a pack of 100 cells went and attacked Garou. So clearly even just 100 cells packs lots of power.
>Not liking a black sperm chapter
I get that Murata is taking too long but get better taste
all cuts reduce his cell count though
I was going to correct myself on that statement if wolves but yeah he dies have trillions. I was just think king on the motion that he still has a set limit to how much he can split.
He’s already hot as a guy
didn't garou just tear the 100 pack effortlessly into pieces?
Isn't that a kids show?
>probably around demon level
I really doubt that. His cells aren't all that strong unless he fuses them together. Otherwise his base form would've been the same as GS.
Black Sperm says it himself this chapter. The "bodies" hit with the new technique don't split anymore. That's the real difference.
With the current number he is dragon. Millions won't make a demon.
he did of course, dude was god threat tier at this point. My point being, they were confident enough to attack him.
AS makes a comment about how much power just one copy of BS packed, so it is definitely influenced by how many cells he still has. It's just that fusing them together permanently makes them even more powerful
>when you see Tatsumaki
Allucard voice would work with Hobo, Sugita would also be a good option.
FUCK this chapter is hype
this is when the arc really picks up bros
Fresh from the meme factory. Quality: standard.
that's kind of dumb, will AS come up with a technique to instakill ENW too?
Your calculations are shit. BS's level is off the charts, he's not just 100 times stronger than a demon.
>Do we take turns or...
>My point being, they were confident enough to attack him.
because a couple hundred cells is nothing in comparison to 11 trillion, BS wasn't worried
He vaporizes them so they can't divide.
that makes no sense. They wouldn't have attacked, then.
The perfect reaction once he faces Tatsumaki
He can't make it big enough to hit ENW's whole body so it wouldn't be that effective against it.
yeah I know, so if he used it on the main body he'd instantly kill trillions of them
what? are you retarded? how doesn't that make sense
But the point is that Black Sperm being Dragon level doesn't mean that him at the beginning could go toe to toe with an S class hero just like that. His threat comes from being able to divide himself, and without that, unless he's fused, he isn't all that powerful.
Sure, a billion copies is insane, and that'd wreak shit, but one of those copies on its own wouldn't be a huge threat for many heroes, since a single unfused cell has never been that strong.
tought the same thing after seeing it.
Yes, but Tatsumaki pantsu when? Because that's the real question right here.
Plus EnW was pretty much immune to physical attacks until Saitama showed up.
I'd say if a couple dozen cells carrying about a million copies within themselves is enough to get around AS's impenetrable defense, then that instantly puts them above like 95% of heroes
Don't forget the written test. I think Fubuki would have to help her cheat on that.
How is it dumb? It makes sense for AS to be able to go even beyond Atomic Slash, since he spams that all the time. And this new technique isn't easy to use, he says it's the first time in years that his arm has been in pain, and he can't use it fast enough against BS's main body at the end. BS won precisely because he didn't underestimate AS, and he used some cells as decoys to catch him by surprise.
While the chapter was excellent, I hope Murata goes crazier on the cells amount.
What are you talking about? These cells are in the billions, not millions. And yeah, these are the strongest ones, when they are down to a millionth of that, they'd be a lot weaker.
doubt it
this. making him a girl makes him objectively worse.
>Atomic underestimates Black Sperm
>Gets fucked
>BS doesn't and begins to win
Black sperm being the best
imagine coming into an opm thread on Yea Forums and complaining about any sort of spoilers kek
It's dumb because an AG punch could only kill 99 cells per punch but AS seems like he's capable of killing way more than that with his attacks now
Basically it throws the power scaling into the trash
Me too. Especially once they are on the surface, since he can do an aerial view. Being on crammed hallways probably makes it difficult to show a lot of them while keeping the size consistent.
okay sorry, *billions. but my original point was that he numbers over 11 trillion, meaning he'd still have a sizable and dangerous army if he just went rogue before this whole thing. would take days for tatsumaki and metal knight to clean them all up, and not before killing the majority of heroes
But they are different things. Cells are easy to kill, they are weak as a puppy. AS has the perfect ability to kill many at once, that's his whole gimmick. This isn't DBZ, different attacks will work differently against different opponents.
>Basically it throws the power scaling into the tras
If you were smart you'd have done that ages ago.
she's not shredded and muscular enough
genderbent garou isn't supposed to be goodlooking in any way
Atomic's new vaping technique is neat. But it's kinda common sense that destroying/disintegrating Black Sperm's bodies completely prevents them from multiplying and Atomic's great attack power should be pretty well suited for that.
I do agree with that, just not with the idea that individual cells would be Demon level. As a group they are Dragon, way smaller groups could be Demon, but individual bodys aren't much before dividing or fusing.
Would it thought she's shown she can handle large amounts of stuff like the debris, Boros ship bullest and large enemies. Shouldn't take longnunless they are hiding. Metal knight shouldn't have an issue either since he's known to just blow up the vincinty along with his enemies. Plus he has drones so he can scout out any stragglers
yeah but AG is on another level of power, his punches should disintegrate shit just as well as any of AS's stupid bullshit, but they don't
We don't know if it is linear.
>sword can kill better than a punch for normal beings
Who would've guessed?
He says he figured the technique out when he fought an "alien against whom his katana didn't work" so Meltzalgard. He needed a technique suited for fighting that kind of opponent.
This would fuck Flash up. Come at me flashfags.
I disagree I think he'd make a wonderful tomboy.
Here's ultimate proof that AS>Flash. Flash can cut hundreds times a second. AS number is in billions
Why? He's not Saitama, at most he'd kill the cells he touches.
Fuck off with this dumb fake fight.
blunt force should be better at killing multiple sperms than rapidly slashing a sword
it's stupid
or he'll rework s2
He's not Saitama but he's not far under Boros level in terms of physical power
AG fight could change too.
AS attack literally vaporizes them, Garou's punch doesn't. It's not a matter of which character is stronger, it's a matter of how effective the attack is. Get over it
And a Boros punch wouldn't be any different. A punch isn't a good attack for this sort of thing. Are you not following the conversation?
found this really funny
At this point that season is beyond saving. There are no brotherhoods or ultimates for shitt anime to recover from
But it isn't just rapidly slashing. He is using the trans girl technique that slashes air and creates something like a beam.
Cover Page
Chapter 112: The Power of Light
TEXT: Only because he’s marching forward, step by step
TEXT: Only because he is the strongest-----.
Page 1
ATOMIC SAMURAI: Even after splitting
ATOMIC SAMURAI: The monster still has so much power
ATOMIC SAMURAI: I miscalculated its strength!!
ATOMIC SAMURAI: This isn’t good
ATOMIC SAMURAI: There are too many!!!!
Page 2
Page 3
BLACK SPERM: Trying to run?
BLACK SPERM: That’s so pathetic! Still, you’re not getting away!
BLACK SPERM: After him!
punching really hard is fundamentally better a vaporizing things than slashing a bunch
You aren't understanding the amount of slashes in AS's attack.
Dude what. Awakened Garou wasn't going all out or even using his spam attacks and insta-killed BS' big body, killing all of the 99 cells aside from BS' last remaining one in a single, instant blow. Atomic had to pull out some new type of slash just to kill very few of them.
S-Class heroes who can defeat Homeless Emperor :
>King : No fight (HE surrenders)
>Blast : Probably no diff
>Tatsumaki : no diff
>Metal Knight : probably no diff
>Flash : no diff
>Darkshine : low diff
>Bang casual mode : mid diff
>Bang serious mode : no diff
>Atomic Samurai : low diff
>Watchdog-man : probably low diff or mid diff
>Drive Knight : Dunno
>Sweet Mask : Mid diff
>Emperor Children : Mid diff
Heroes Homeless Emperor can defeat, but are strong enough to possibly beat him :
>Pig God
>Metal Bat
Heroes who cannot defeat Homeless Emperor :
>Tank top Master
>Puri-Puri Prisoner
>Atomic Samurai eating shit in general
>Cutting the floor to make a quick getaway
>Improving the air cut technique to vaporize sperms
>Surviving the fall and immediately jumping back up several floors
>Getting nailed by that fuckhuge punch and STILL cut sperm to pieces by the time he's launched away
>Homeless Emperor's looks in general
>Him pulling a batman on Zombieman before instantly vaporizing his face
>Zombieman having a GODDAMN GUN IN HIS GUTS in case this exact situation ever happened
He pulled that trigger with his abs, by the fucking way
>Juicy Zombieman regen gore
>Proper conveying of Emperor's destructive abilities
I hate this because i immediately want to read the next chapter, they really delivered
and yet, Zombieman defeated him
Only because of king which allowed him to get close. Otherwise before hand he didn't even get a hit
>Atomic had to pull out some new type of slash just to kill very few of them
Yeah, but if BS was retarded then AS could just flat out kill all his cells with his mary sue attack
not on his own, no.
We talking in one vs one situation.
Good analysis, but i like to imagine Metal bat homerun HE ki-balls right to his face
he will start with a blank page then
>but i like to imagine Metal bat homerun HE ki-balls right to his face
Those explode and he can precisely control them. Would never happen.
you didn't include genos at all and personally i'd say he'd be fast enough to get close to HE and beat him easily enough. obviously depends on the conditions and place where they're fighting but i'd say he mid diffs him. also how can you say WDM low-mid diffs HE but then say you don't know for DK? we know basically nothing about either of them, drive knight could probably do the job WDM does just as well
Hobo just showed in this chapter he can casually stop bullets. His reaction time is fact as fuck.
More detailed flowers and hair on the ass cheeks.
>oh shit that black sperm guy can split? and every cell is pretty strong, I wonder how many he has?
>oh fuck, 11 trillion cells? how the fuck are they going to kill him? this is insane
>wow that black sperm guy is kinda scary but it seems like AS found a way to beat him in literally 2 chapters, he's not that strong
>11 trillion cells? eh, whatever. just give AS his sword he can just kill them all in one attack :^)
Yeah too bad. If only HE could summon a barrier like Tatsumaki, S class would have more problems to deal with him
i'd say bullets were no problem for sonic and genos even back around the DSK arc, but now? yeah they're way past that, current upgrade genos would low-mid diff him for sure
What? That's false. Atomic's concetrated slash isn't that powerful or large in range. He freaking preps one just to kill a single body.
What Garou did with a single punch is basically like Atomic's regular slashes packing so much force they disintegrate Black Sperm's bodies on contact, which Atomic clearly can't do - he only cuts them.
> If only HE could summon a barrier like Tatsumaki
Dude, while it's not the same, he showed being able to surround himself of balls to protect himself.
that stance of the middle front black sperm is badass
>has move to deal with Sperm still beat the fuck out.
>but it seems like AS found a way to beat him in literally 2 chapters
Atomic litterally used his special technique which is the equivalent of Flashy Slash. He didn't particularly "find a way".
Your reading comprehension is worrying user.
even worse, psykos was supposed to send the cadre to "counter" the S class, but she sent black sperm against someone who already knew an ability that could kill him
I See you left Genos out but it doesn't really matter he'd just Job as he usually does
If my memory is right, when Zombiman pinned down HE he couldn't do anything because ZM was too close and his blasts can hurt him too. That's terrible defence
females can't have anti gravity hair
she also sent HE after ZM, should have sent him after AS instead. he wouldn't be able to slash/deflect/dodge a massive barrage of orbs in a small corridor like that
true, makes me wonder why ONE even added the whole "counter" plot to the manga, just makes psykos look like an uninformed idiot
Because ZM was litterally touching him. That wouldn't normally happen. It's like how Tatsumaki's body is weak but her shield prevents her being normally wounded.
Why are there so many people granting him the title of glass cannon???
He was never actually defeated and showed to have quite a lot of defensive abilities too — the only reason he died was because his god abandoned him once things started getting risky.
And I’m pretty sure whatever that thing is will be the next big enemy on the ONE manga.
i mean even if she planned good matchups she's still done plenty of stuff to look like an idiot anyway
Both of you are massive retards
not an argument
This so the same woman who both web and manga underestimated Tatsumaki and thought she could win. Also its not like the counter thing didn't work as black sperm is still handling his ass despite this new technique.
I'm not making an argument, I'm stating a fact.
probably because he's literally the definition of a glass cannon, his defence is absolute balls.
x2'd, i'll crop it if you guys want
do it
Wouldn't it be even easier for him to slash the orbs coming from a narrow range?
yeah but that's only because AS is stupid and BS isn't
his defense is only flawed because of King taking his focus.
>Black Sperm is checking out that Atomic Ass
>t. brainlet
>Black Sperm can multiply
>if you just hit him harder and explode his bodies into smithereens he can't multiply
Wow, what a complicated concept we already knew from the webcomic and Atomic personally figured out after fighting an alien who can regenerate. Sperm still has millions of bodies and stamina isn't Atomic's forte.
>looks at official hero rankings in intelligence and Atomic has a 4
Your not wrong plus he underestimated despite the fact he knew enemies like Mekz are hard to cut through.
Based sperm poster
Because compared to outstanding defensive and healing abilities that some monsters have (BP, Evil water or Phoenix man) he is soo fragile, it's not even funny
the blitzing will be super gruesome just because of how natural water and liquid is. man
>we already knew from the webcomic
no we didn't, there's not a single instance of BS being unable to split in the webcomic
based ENW ensuring that the S class has proper hydration
Wttttffffffffffffffffffff where is the TRANSLATION?? Work harder.
how the fuck would mask beat homeless emperor
Now with the additional heroes well have more if an audience seeing the s class fail.
>ENW: Drink up Mother fuckers
hit him once
you might say he's giving them their daily dose
Are you retarded? There's an example with Garou instantly exploding 99 of BS' bodies with one punch.
It's common sense that hitting Sperm's body hard and fast enough that it just explodes entirely would leave that body unable to multiply in time.
Page 4
BLACK SPERM: “I” got annihilated before splitting!?
ATOMIC SAMURAI: I have dealt with space aliens that rendered my blade ineffective in the past
ATOMIC SAMURAI: I have been thinking about this since
Page 5
ATOMIC SAMURAI: It’s just a simple thought...but what if I just increase the number and speed of my slashes further
ATOMIC SAMURAI: Even though the range would be greatly reduced
ATOMIC SAMURAI: But my blade can penetrate with greater density
BLACK SPERM: That was close…
ATOMIC SAMURAI: Concentrating my slashes at one point, it’s a technique especially meant for monsters like you
ATOMIC SAMURAI: Reduce to dust
BLACK SPERM: He ain’t messing around…
Glad to see AS isn't a retard
Fact: Gums is the most underrated executive because nobody gives a single fuck about it
this chapter is amazing. shit is going down. can to see murata add more kino panels and extra fighting moments
except the last living black sperm is literally a split from the 100 sperm body that garou shoryuken'd
My favorite thing of how Murata has done this arc is the backgrounds. I really expected it to be like in the webcomic, so only gray backgrounds, but he is trying his best to do as many different locales that stll fit the base's theme.
The only really bland backgrounds were Rover's and Do-S's, but at least Rover's was so it could then be destroyed.
Hard to when its just Monster pig god and it only fought pig god then jobs to Bang in one hit.
he's literally a chattering teeth toy with arms & legs, of course no one gives a single fuck about him
would AS concentrated slash work on Zombiman?
No way Gums is dragon. He's demon at best
I hope Murata has something planned for him. He could be a lot more interesting if we saw more of his stretchiness and how big he can get. He deserves more of the spotlight, and so does Pig God.
>does the least out of any of the cadres
>has no special powers
there's not much to rate
Pig god has casually eat demon level
AtomicCHADs, arise! Also, Sonic > Flash
I think ONE said that being reduced completely to mush would kill zombieman permanently, but then again he also said that it takes several minutes for zombieman to regenerate an arm, which is clearly much slower than what happened this chapter, so it's unclear if that can still be considered canon for the manga
here's a better version
Nigga, a demon gets inta eaten by Pig God. Meanwhile Gums destroyed Pig God.
It's canon for the webcomic, the manga versions of everything have always been stronger
the dose is real. hydration is good for the body. and all hope is gone
He bit off Genos's arm
So what? The fact of the matter is they got instantly disintegrated in one punch and BS can't just scatter as he pleases. His last body basically survived because plot. If you hit him hard and fast enough, his bodies are done, they can't multiply/divide. Just like ZM can't regenerate if he's destroyed entirely at once.
what an amazing feat, truly a top tier dragon threat
I never understood why didn't ENW attack the other monster, isn't he supposed to be a mindless beast who attack everything with killing intent
Okay, but still he got one shot by Bang. No healing abilities, no special attacks. I even doubt he's sentient
done, make some stuff
the MA gave him a fish tank so he sees them as friends
Who hasn't at this point?
this is why ENW is my favourite cadre and probably my favourite monster of the series
he looks so damn cool, and he is what a monster should be. no stupid plans, no fear or anger, nothing except instilling terror in everyone he goes up against.
because they didn't show killing intent towards him, user.
Page 6
ATOMIC SAMURAI: Focused Atomic Slash
ATOMIC SAMURAI: That was one tough monster
ATOMIC SAMURAI: Ouch…it’s been years since my wrist hurt like this. I shouldn’t be winging unfamiliar technique like this after all…
Page 7
ATOMIC SAMURAI: I have to go after the kid
Page 8
BLACK SPERM: Well, I hid my true self from the very beginning
BLACK SPERM: And sacrificed a tiny fraction of “me”, which really helped
ATOMIC SAMURAI: Focused Slash…
ATOMIC SAMURAI: It’s too late!
Page 9
1,000,000,000,000 IQ Sperm
>Atomic loses trying to save the kid
A real hero.
>he looks so damn cool
He does by the end, but don't forget he's supposed to look like a low level monster at first, parodying a slime from DQ.
If only head was left of Zombieman and it were cut in half vertically from what part would he start regenerating?
>up against a sperm monster
>it's been years since my wrist hurt like this
It's just strange that BS would bring up his cell count to King later on if it literally didn't matter how many cells he has if you hit hard enough
Page 10-11
BLACK SPERM: Told you it’s useless
BLACK SPERM: Just accept it
BLACK SPERM: For someone like you, I am the worst possible matchup~~
BLACK SPERM: Gyoro Gyoro did put some thought into this
Page 12
BLACK SPERM: The ceiling!?
Page 13
Page 14
ZOMBIEMAN: This vibration…what’s happening?
ZOMBIEMAN: I’m really concerned with the current battle situation
Page 15
HOMELESS EMPEROR: Are you really concerned?
HOMELESS EMPEROR: With the way other heroes are being killed?
Page 16
ZOMBIEMAN: When did he!?
HOMELESS EMPEROR: For example, being killed like this?
Page 17
>parodying a slime from DQ.
The very first time we see it in the webcomic it's massive and tries to instakill child emperor. In the Manga it's shown during a dialogue praising how monstrous the Cadre are. What about that is a parody?
Garou x Fem MB is unironically the best
CE literally says he looks like a low level monster from an RPG. Have you read the webcomic recently?
Both, stretching outwards trying to bring itself together
he's only a dragonquest slime right before piggod eats him and when that A class boomerang nigger tried to kill him.
before that he's nothing to do with them
Sweet Mask is going to be way more impressive against Sperm than him.
Obviously his cell number counts and BS literally says he used a tiny fraction of himself in this chapter.
The fact of the matter is his bodies can be destroyed with enough power and speed. That's completely self-explanatory. If you disintegrate them entirely they can't multiply - there's nothing left in the body destroyed and Sperm can't react to absolutely anything in time.
Reread his introduction.
Its just isnt the same. For once adding tits is a downgrade.
what if it were separated by few meters
Atomic is better at cutting cells.
Mask is better at holding up.
Page 18-19
HOMELESS EMPEROR: He couldn’t even fight back. An instant death
TEXT: Disaster level: Dragon. Homeless Emperor
Page 20
HOMELESS EMPEROR: Is this the end for the one they call hero? How underwhelming…
HOMELESS EMPEROR: I’ve checked the official Hero Association website you know, there are 17 S-Class heroes like you, right? I can eliminate that number all by myself
Page 21-23
i think that the only reason that Mask is still standing is because of his auto-healing body.
But yeah the fight will be insane
It's a French show, very important distinction.
>HOMELESS EMPEROR: I’ve checked the official Hero Association website you know
So, does the MA have a cybercafé?
>CE literally says he looks like a low level monster
That doesn't make him a parody though. There's no joke about his power just a minor comment. Even it's weaker form is lethal.
>Torture Dance starts playing.
well, it's like how phoenix man have a ridiculous backstory. They both have a ridiculous thing about them.
That's the joke. He looks like a Slime, yet he's insanely powerful and indestructible. Or did you really believe he was a serious water monster with no joke? How did you even think he fit with the other Executives?
the dude used to be a normal salaryman not too long ago, it's not that far fetched that he would have a computer
Same thing, but crawlier
he was a hobo for some times before being given his powers.
Libraries with computers exist.
he was still a normal guy as recent as a few years ago so it doesn't matter. also what that user said
the end is near
this popped into my head
>Hobo thinks ZM is dead
>his initial blasts didn't even tear ZM's clothes
Page 24
HOMELESS EMPEROR: Looks like it hurts~~
ZOMBIEMAN: He managed to block such a close-range attack!!?
Page 25
ZOMBIEMAN: Tsk, I had totally prepared this as a hidden ace…
Page 26-27
Page 28
HOMELESS EMPEROR: I guess I shouldn’t expect anything less from a top hero
HOMELESS EMPEROR: You remain standing even in death
HOMELESS EMPEROR: I bet you were really strong
unlike a certain sperm fella, hobo is a retard who thinks too highly of himself
And some fans claimed he was a selfish douche.
He's definitely a bit of a douche, but yeah he's not selfish
Taero seeing heroes job in front of him twice. first the a class and now the upcoming S class. This boy has seen some rough shit.
to be fair, ZM's clothes seems to be ridiculously tough.
at least the first time it was by Garou. Seeing them being massacred by a dragon monsters with creepy ass eyes is something else.
Hobo used to work in the office so..
looks like an annoying feminazi, meh
It's a shitty translation. He says "A death without being able to fight back". He doesn't think he's dead.
i would say most heroes S-Class arent irredeemable assholes. They tend to operate on their ideals, a lot of times in the extremes - since they're so strong, they dont get challenged in those beliefs often.
these are my favourite panels from the whole arc in the webcomic
the adaptation of these will be my wank material for months afterward
It looks like he farted just to piss off Zombieman
That boy won't see water the same again
>You see Zombieman, im about to shit on the ground just as hard as im about to shit on you.
If this was his actual dialogue I would believe it. Also a fight between them could go fuckig forever.
sonic doesn’t need to be genderbended
I really hope Murata doesn't hold back at all here. Black Sperm clones, Homeless Emperor balls, and ENW's size, should be a proper representation of the threat they represent.
funny because he's basically a monster sjw in regular mode
>hidden ace
>glock 17 in his chest
only getting more based as the story goes on
ZM and his clothes got fucked up by some tiger levels when he was fighting Vampire.
They would give up trying to kill eachother most likely
what do i win
and they seemingly regen'd after that because those were mostly fine once he put them back.
he took his big ass coat off halfway through the fight with vampire
unless you're talking about during the fight in that room, zombieman's clothes after he left that room and in the first panel we saw him this chapter look the exact same. like murata definitely went back to check what he had them look like
Yeah but at least damage on ZM was shown. Hobo's first barrage of blasts looks like actual fucking soap bubbles or something.
But she's a fujoshit!
c-cute i want a king best friend now. i wonder what she ships...
her penis x your butt
fuck off
HE looks HElla cool now!
Meanwhile, Rover:
>one blast destroys dozens of floors
>a barrage of blasts underground creates an earthquake on the surface
>can move real fast
>endures an earthquake inducing punch from Saitama
Rover is one of the strongest dragons in MA.
There is no joke for ENW, just a minor line not delivered in any jokey way. It was a tense situation at all times it's on screen and it's first action was to snipe a kid, I have to repeat that again. Just because OPM has comedy doesn't mean every thing contributes to it.
A water monster was shown to be one of the most dangerous members is the MA in the webcomic, nobody save tatsunaki and Saitama had an answer for it. And it was only truly defeated after being reduced to a puddle.
She ships Child Emperor with herself
Pochi is a mindless dog. Why would HE willingly fuck up his own base when it's not necessary?
in the series*
why my butt
i bet she ships the other s-classes though.
So Garou is a hard worker and has some kind of talent?
I really like how this arc shows that monsters are no joke and are more than a match for the strongest S-rank heroes. In fact, if Garou and Saitama weren't around, they would have wiped out the hero organization, wouldn't they?
>hard worker
not really not moreso than anyone else, especially.
>has some kind of talent
he's a freakish prodigy, yes.
>There is no joke for ENW
There is, you just choose to ignore it, despite it literally being spelt out.
>just a minor line not delivered in any jokey way.
That's retarded, and you should realize it.
> It was a tense situation at all times
So was BS, who was running after Tareo to murder him. His design and concept being a joke doesn't mean that the character is.
>Just because OPM has comedy doesn't mean every thing contributes to it.
Literally everything in it has some comedy or parody aspect to it. Under your interpretation ENW would be the only full serious monster.
I don't even know what you are trying to say. His concept being a joke doesn't mean that he wasn't one of the strongest and most intimidating characters in the arc.
gotta admit, it feels really fucking good to be a ZMfag right now, even though he's getting his ass kicked
Yes, Garou is both natural talent and great work ethic. You know, the best and most realistic combination for success.
don't forget
>is a good boi
He looks like prince
Looks more like Jean Reno to me
most definitely, if garou hadn't showed up when he did GS would have obliterated them all including tats and he wasn't even the last one standing.
I bet child Garou never knew he had it in him to become this strong and talented.
He looks like a japanese hobo, nice
>Oh I already know what happens so I'm going to be cynical about it
>Human heroes pass out
>Cyborg heroes lose their limbs
>Zombieman gets btfo'd constantly
It's a running theme. If a hero can get mangled while surviving, they will
More than that, if not for Saitama, they'd have to deal with Rover and Jobrochi
Thats so obvious, it shouldnt have to be mentioned, user.
and EC, and Gouketsu......
Not really, since Metal Knight and Blast didn't participate, and they are both insanely powerful. The raid team would've been fucked up though. But it's hard to really tell, since Flash and DS were out of the fight due to Saitama and Garou, so maybe with different circumstances Tatsumaki wouldn't have fallen for Psykos's trick.
How things were in the past...
Most people discover their talents as they go. You've got to try something first. Garou also wanted to be strong, a lot, since he was a kid and constantly sought a challenge. That's also important.
i wasn't even thinking of those, yeah the HA was totally fucked if not for saitama and garou. though i do wonder how helpful gouketsu and EC would have been in the base since most of the corridors are too small to actually fit them. i guess murata would just magically draw ones that are big enough to support fights with those characters and pass it off because the base is huge
I love it because of the way that zombieman takes full advantage of his nature to push his offensive capabilities beyond that of a regular human, for example by firing bullets with enough recoil to break his arms
it's a really clever bit of writing
Bang genuiely cared about Garou and his potential, but was the feeling Mutual?
Will Garou be able to kill his former master?
>"If a civilian's cat is stuck in a tree and you see it, what do you do?"
>"Eat it"
>There is, you just choose to ignore it, despite it literally being spelt out.
No, it was never a joke. Read it yourself. At best child emperor was being dismissive.
>Under your interpretation ENW would be the only full serious monster.
What are you making up? Gums isn't a joke either for your information. It's just a glutton monster. I hesitate to call any of the Cadre jokes though. Did you think black speed chasing Tareo was funny? Did you think Nyan slashing PPP was a joke?
Where is the comedy here user?
> His concept being a joke doesn't mean that he wasn't one of the strongest
That's your conjecture that islt is supposed to be a joke. But I've yet to see how a monster played completely straight and one that has no moments of levity like others is a parody of anything.
Orochi, monster ninjas and phoenix man fights got into areas with bigger rooms, Rover made his own arena
There's probably a computer monster in the ma
>No, it was never a joke. Read it yourself. At best child emperor was being dismissive.
You are retarded, and it isn't worth to continue discussing with you. Go back to powerlevel threads, or whatever.
>Did you think black speed chasing Tareo was funny?
Yes? Also don't you mean Black Sperm?
the massive ravine for the orochi fight wasn't there originally but you're right about the rest which is why i said he'd probably just draw massive rooms and be able pass it off because the base is huge
black sperm is literally a joke
he's a walking talking killing sperm
he is cum
Imagine being so autistic that you can't see how a puddle of water or a walking sperm are comical designs.
Garou's nostalgia is what made Bang stop attacking him after Saitama defeated him
either trying to make a joke about how he was chasing tareo or trying to make a bad translation joke and call him "black seed"
Someone in the last thread wanted more fanart with Saitama and Garou or King. Here's a fresh one.
I accept your concession. Or for you car to comment on Cadre like Gums being a joke too?
I know he's specifically a joke but I'm trying to highlight that parts of these things aren't for comedy.
Worse autocorrect
Saitama and Garou both have great butts
doing gods work, if you get time could you draw Awakened garou at some point
Someone dump this in the next thread
>he's specifically a joke but I'm trying to highlight that parts of these things aren't for comedy.
Exactly. Which is why ENW is still a joke in concept. Do you really not see this?
looks gay as fuck. awesome
Gums is a walking joke, dude. If you can't see this, you missed the point of the series. He's literally a blob with big human teeth.
This guy looks cute and has potential to become a S-class hero
>Which is why ENW is still a joke in concept
>giant killer water monster that attacks without conscious or regard
>"joke in concept"
You don't know what a joke concept is much less what a parody is
>Gums is a walking joke
The only joke about Gums is that he's basically a non-character. Other than that it's a reference to ONE's previous works but nowhere near a joke/parody/comedy/etc.
so uh
you mind drawing fem metal bat x garou?
The HA have Tatsumaki, as well as Bang, Darkshine, Flash, Atomic. They can deal with them. Bang would have just killed Elder himself.
Will someone make a new thread after this?
shadow ring is cute! CUTE!
I believe the word is "thicc"
New thread
>compliments a B rank Hero
>shit talks two Dragon tier Ninjas
What did autistic Itachi mean by this?
he wants to have fast babies
also he was trying to learn more about her origins
big doubt on all of that, we all saw the state they were in. if the MA had the other cadre and even other monsters like the demons that were put down by garou and saitama they definitely would not have won
She's A ranked hero, so she's the highest ranked girl after Tatsumaki
>nowhere near a joke/parody/comedy/etc
You need to read more serious manga if that's not comedy for you.
Tatsumaki alone can trash both Elder and Gouketsu easily.
>compliments an ally
>shit talks an opponent
What's wrong here?
Wrong, Twin Tail is higher ranked.
that doesn't matter at all, the situation would go down the same except the MA would be even stronger and there would be no garou to save them from GS and no saitama to save them from garou (and ENW)
It would come down to the heroes group fighting GS. The hostage can be dealt with one way or another, and Darkshine and Flash comes help with Tatsumaki still having some strenght left.
The reason why there's 11 trillion black sperms is because AS did the Atomic Slash over and over again. The reason why HE was sent after ZM is because Psykos thought he was the only one who had the raw strength to take him out
yeah Darkshine wouldn't have had his ego done by Garou so he would be fighting fit, even if they did damage to GS and GS beat them Zombieman would have finished him off.
Tats would have been best suited taking on ENW and pig god would finish ENW off
they would have won, but only just