This is the ultimate pleb filter.
No wonder Yea Forums loves this anime but Yea Forums calls it pretentious.
Serial Experiments Lain
and you don seem to umterstan
So lemme get this straight, Lain is the manifestation of the Earth's collective unconsciousness placed into a girl's body and is also a program?
Is the wired actually the Earth's collective unconsciousness and Lain's the avatar of the Wired?
Was her father God or did God take the form of her father?
Why is the creator of the series so assmad about gaijins and japs thinking the same thing about the series?
How did the false God create a fucking body out of nothing if the Wired is supposed to be the Internet?
If Lain was more popular it would get the EVA treatment on Yea Forums too.
Reminder that lain is now open source. What will you make to prove you love lain?
All that needs to be understood is Lain is a goddess that must be loved.
I didn't get it, but that's because there was nothing to get from this show, it's pretentious and boring.
This is open to speculation, I lean toward the latter
That is one old quote, the creator isn't assmad
The Wired connects human conciousnesses to each other and can affect their perception of the world. If everyone perceives a body being created is that any different than it really being there? SEL is in part about the boundaries between our minds and the world around us, the physical effects of Lain's (and Eiri's) powers are a reflection of that.
Serial Experiments Lain tackles themes of what it means to be human, the collective unconscious, connection as a species, and how all of this is influenced by what was the incoming digital age.
Carl Jung hypothesized that man, as a species, is linked together at an unconscious level. It does not take the form of individual consciousness at it has been acquired through heredity, not individual thought. What happens in “Serial Experiments Lain” is that Lain is tasked to link humanity together as it once was. The difference between Jung’s belief in the collective unconsciousness and the argument presented in “Serial Experiments Lain” (or rather one of) is that “Lain” looks to join individual unconscious thought as well.
I’d like to synthetic Lain’s a priori if you know what I mean.
High-IQ Japanese understand Gnosticism better than anyone in the West
>implying that Yea Forums's taste is anything other than basic bitch-tier
I preferred Ghost Hound desu.
I still can't believe the Director died in 2009, literally too soon.
True, but Yea Forums is still just as shit as Yea Forums.
Yea Forums is rampant with pseudo intellectuals
Are you trying to tell me Lain is pseudo-intellectual?
Name an anime forum that you prefer over Yea Forums
Gaia :^)
It's because most of Yea Forums is accustomed to "clean" narratives, where everything follows, explicitly or implicitly, one clear line that is key to a single understanding of said fiction. Lain exists in a plane of ambiguity anime doesn't usually touch, of course Yea Forums would be more prepared for it.
unironically kys
>he doesn't like funny memes from his favorite annie may shows
I don't have to know what that place is like to know they don't know what a meme is or what funny is.
She is so beautiful bros...
have you ever stepped inside a single 3x3 thread
Not if you’re a Britishfag. They pronounce it like “Cant”.
it's full of moeshit and shounenshit now
Spotted the CIA.
posting the real lain
going outside and talking to that one friend who keeps up with the seasons
>implying it name it for it to get filled with newfags
Meguca is almost as bad as this place
>implying Id even hint about it existence
>Konaka said plans were underway on twitter this year
>ABe said he's working on an animation on his patreon
I don't know about you but I'm getting excited.
That ain't Kant.