How do we make Lalatina a good character?

How do we make Lalatina a good character?

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Small breasts.

Remove 2 letters.

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small breast, pervert jelly of other tits but also a lesbian.

Make her hook up with Aqua.

change nothing and call her Darkness

Rewrite Konosuba from the ground up


What went wrong? What was the moment, or point of no return?

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By doing nothing.

gangbang doujin compliation by tamagoro, ererect touch, inazuma, and GUST[\spoiler]

Make her a female brock that hooks up with everyone

make her and chris a couple

when the satire stopped being one

make her a flat JC

Konosuba already has a blonde noble JC

Don't make her be so obnoxious and in-your-face about her kink.

She needs to fully commit to her kink and tune it up a good notch.


Make her calm down once she actually has sex with Kazuma.

Make her rape Konosuba. Then make her rape him again, until Konosuba likes it. The end.

Not featured in the show, and consequently not enough lewds or doujins.

>make her rape Konosuba

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Have her actually get gang raped on the way to Kazuma and Megumin and realize that she doesn’t like her fetish

Give her bigger boobs



Volume 5 was the death knell. Pandering to megumeme fags caused the satire to become unironic and the series just couldn't recover.

Are we fighting today? Is that what we're doing?

See Loli Lalatina being groomed to be kazuma's sexual slave sounds really hot.

Make them flop around more too.


I think Konosuba is a pretty cool guy. Eh steals panties and doesn't afraid of anything

>enjoying things ironically

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Yeah, he's a great MC alright. Really refreshing.

>La Latina
Where is she from?

she's a proud maiden from pololalania

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But latinas aren't from poland

Well, I don't know. Polen are strong warriors, pretty much like the old Vikings, so they probably plundered her on one of their plundering trips through southern europe or something.

Wouldn't she be the groomer in that scenario?

I enjoyed Konosuba 100% unironically but that romance sub plot with Megumin and Kazuma was fucking terrible to read through and don't even pretend it isn't a nosedive in quality.

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It's a funny anime. The kazuma x megumin's ship can be really painful to read if you are a shut in virgin.

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You know what? You're actually right. I noticed that she isn't draw as muscular, not even slightly. She doesn't have to be body builder rippling to the point of grotesque, just 'some' muscle to her.
That picture hasn't affected my thoughts on the matter one bit! Not at all!
She... has a droplet in her navel. I kinda wanna suckle it up with a smooch. She's gay, right?

kill your self spic

Make her a mom.

Kazuma is gay for not fucking all three girls by now, but especially not fucking her by now

Bare her tiddie
Show the nipple

Shes the least well written of the main 4 characters and her jokes get old kinda fast.

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In terms of how well they are written

>Make her rape Konosuba. Then make her rape him again
>rape him again

What do you mean? Darkness is clearly stronger than Konosuba.

it doesn't matter how strong Darkness is if she cannot compete against Kazuma intelligence.


Kazuma is the main character of the Konosuba anime

What. No. No, no, no. The main character is clearly Aqua, the great. Praise Aqua.

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This is kink shaming AND sexual harassment at the same time!
On a more critical note, there is a faster way to kill your comedy series, and it rhymes with him fuckely.
Barring that, the reason rape is such an unpleasant experience is, for what I can only assume from my cis male perspective, an unwanted and violating form of intimacy. Lalatina wants it pretty bad, so the unpleasant part of the experience is pleasant to her from the get go. It's not violating to her, because she gets her rocks off to that stuff.

It's a really tough one, actually, because Darkness used to irritate me with this shit, but I feel it only works because she's so overblow and obnoxious about it. If she were any tamer, it would just be an akward side gag with no reason to exist. I still think there should be a little more to her character than her kink.

We must give her a good spanking.

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make her more of a noble knight when she isn't in pervert mode

she already is

Would rape konosuba, the MC of the show.

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I haven't seen that post in years.

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Konosuba a cute. A cute!

>The implication that he would be able to fuck them without them fucking him is asserted by you.
>Pretending to be a chad
You don't shit where you work, unless you're a plummer, and you don't fuck your co-workers, unless she's your wife. The fastest way to get assfucked is to do something reckless like a fake chad.

Make her endgame

Meguminfags think that that sub plot is the point where it gets better

and also
>Written by Jitakukeibihei (Natsume Akatsuki)
She's probably called Suebert Connor in American.

satire of what?

God I hate her after 12th LN chapter. What a cockblocking cunt she's become.

I actually like her more now, since the masochism has become a lot more subdued and the trait of being the noble straightman increased. I like when she tries to be the reasonable one in the party now since she allows Kazuma to be scummy. Plus she's actually really fun to bully.

she's much better written than megumeme or aqua
they are completely one dimensional, while lalatina is a complex character

>implying anything is wrong with her

>lalatina is a complex character
Would you like to explain your reasoning to the class?

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Masochistic bitchpigs are complex creatures user. They have many buttons that can be pushed to create a lewd reaction.

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Aqua and Eris also work as SOBs too
Kazuma is a lowly Guardsman
Megumin is an ork
Komekko is a Tyrannid


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Fuck off she's perfect.

No, it's too perilous.

What if Konosuba was a girl?

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Why doesn't Konosuba appreciate what he has?

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Nothing. She's already perfect.

Masichist noble, alcoholic ex Goddess, chunni

By giving her the abs she actually is supposed to have.


damn, that's some lewd armpits.

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Yeah since your country tends to like getting raped a lot.

reminder: the author askes his edior and illustrator for advice on the "romance" parts. but for some reason I belive kazuma and megumin's thing works

we are gonna need some rope for starters

He's interviewd on youtube you fucking pile of sea-foam

>Wiz's lap pillow

>zero embed to prove it
Come on, moron, link it.
You can embed videos. Youtube videos are embeded all the time here.
You know why I'm asking? Because I think I know which video you're talking about. If it is, it makes you a Mega Baka.

Come on, br/a/, LINK.
I think I also remember an afterword in one of the novels where he confirms it

> Isekai
> good character
Not happening. And no, Konosuba is not one of the "good ones". There aren't any. Isekaishitters are even lower than shonen babies.
FPBP, even if the thread is shitty.

>the author of konosuba wears a V-neck
i dont know ahy, but this is interesting to me

I really like Lalatina the most when she is not repeating her one joke.

Oh shit, I'M the Mega Baka!
Proceed to and ignore my fooltommery

I was thinking of Mishima Kurone, who designed the characters. Far from the author, really.

By making her a masochist in denial.... oh wait.

I don't even like Isekai as a hook
And you can stop shaming tids right now!
The correct answer to make her better is muscles, and laughter, make her laugh, I want to know what she sounds like laughing, and not from humiliation Goddamnit.
Laughter is a good way to see someones true colors

Bakuen-wo adaption when?

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Reminder that Lalatina is an attempted rapist and that no matter Kazuma's reaction (which in itself is up for interpretation) she basically declared that she did not care whatsoever whether or not he consented and proceeded to physically restrain him and straddle him anyway.

Make her recognize that her masochistic tendencies are unhealthy and self-destructive and have her try to amend her ways instead of fall down this downward spiral.

Let her arc play out how it is in the books. She gets cucked and then realizes that she loves Kazuma but doesn't know how to express it.
and then becomes a rapist

After my sentouin adaptation

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Why does No. 6 bully her so much?

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She's gotten better since she's trying to look better in front of Kazuma and has toned down the 'muh fetish' stuff but she's still hopeless.

place a slave collar around her neck

Because its not fun to bully big tits not-aqua

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That's true, but Heine is just a simple girl who loves her cliches. She doesn't deserve this.

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Why does that party sound like a paraolympics team where the most normal person being the pevert who was a neet before dying anyway

based lalatina. Konosuba is a fucking faggot.

Why the racism?

send her to GS world so that her wish should come true

Goblins would fear her even more than Goblin Slayer. Stories of hobgoblins having their penises crushed by a maniacal knight with a diamond hymen would be told to goblets before bed, to prevent them from leaving the cave.

Get her Korean otome husband.

She improves in the novels, you animeonly.

She's not gay, but because of that she actually might be more likely to submit to a lesbian

thats actually true. if she gets off imagining herself starting a family with a lazy slob, imagine if you introduced her to the idea of getting yurified and ending her noble bloodline in one fell swoop.

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>someone out there is actually shipping Megumin and Iris

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>lesbian art
it's because the nose?

personality transplant with original Darkness
make Lalatina quieter and less lewd

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Considering her dad wants her to have kids so much he was ecstatic about fucking Kazuma impregnating her out of wedlock, she'd probably see it as the ultimate betrayal/desecration.

Latina >>>>>>>> Lalatina

What's the point when she can't even shapeshift?

i like darkness more because she is not a loli mary sue

Give her more than one personality trait.

You'd need to introduce her to a girl who will really fulfill her desire to get dommed too

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She's already better than Memegumi by default.

Kuroko might be overkill though, Darkness is liable to just drop masochism as her main focus and go full lesbo


>t. homosexual

>desire to protect others
That's 3 at least. Did I miss anything?

You missed her two biggest jiggly personality traits.

if aqua hadn't interrupted she would have raped kazuma in the bath and kazuma would have taken responsibility. why is aqua the worst goddess?

Aqua was acting like a jealous wife more than a goddess there.

Clearly the correct answer is for Kazuma to fuck them both and bully Megumin by withholding dick.

Instead of withholding dick, he should bully her by giving too much dick. I'm sure a ten incher spell could be learned for a meager amount of skill points.

Are you talking about the time Kazuma though it was a succubus dream? I wouldn't call that rape since he was literally asking for it.

>well written
Her comedy is (usually) well written, I'll give you that, but she's not exactly a stand out character in any field. Consistency, growth, emotional investment, etc. are all middling at best.

Darkness is best Konosuba character you imbeciles, along with Wiz of course.

If your only metric is breast size, sure.

True. I think there's a difference between being funny/likeable and being well written. She's not what I would call complex, but she's a big part of what makes the show good.

One of the most obvious, gaping holes in Konosuba is Darkness's awful character. It almost ruins the entire show.
She's a one-note gag character that has no business being a part of the main cast.

I like Darkness... She seems like she would be a good pal. You wouldn't be friends with her?

The most powerful lesbian known

Make the punchline to her joke that she is actually a scarily competent noble who is only pretending to be retarded (and enjoying every minute of it).

Maybe someone crosses the line and she has to remind them that while it might be her fetish it isn't who she is.

>1 ft. long tongue

I wonder if Lalatina hearing about that would get a reaction like when she hears the monster they're fighting has some gross oddity.

akatsuki sensei got bored and decided to write cute and furry instead

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Can Lalatina still win the Konosuba/Kazumabowl?

That's for Aqua.

Kazuma is actually hot, what the fuck

why is she so rarely drawn in just her bodysuit without any clothes on top

Because she is a gallant knight that seeks always to be ready

Make her go through some character development by reversing the kink and have her be dominant.

>t. paddy

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what a waste

They literally did that with the tax collection scheme and attempted rape.

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It's really weird how, out of all the schlubby isekai MCs that trap up in their story, konosuba gets the best trap art when he never did.

Give her more personality than her submissive masochistic schtick, she can be noble, heroic and caring at times, just to revert to her usual self, give her some character development, so she might be able to hit anything.

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die as quickly as possible

kill yourself c/u/ck

Tina tte iuna!

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That basically is the punchline to the later novels. She's the epitome of a noble knight when she isn't indulging in her kinks.

make her a whole foot shorter but make her abs 25% harder

Gee I dunno,, how to fix a character with a single, one-note gag that's been driven into the ground again and again? Maybe have her do/be something else every now and then? Maybe hit something?

I just wanna suck on those nips so roughly that they turn purple

I had a dream last night that I went out on a date with Aqua to the movies but she got into a fight with some cosplayer dressed like her then we were killed by eco-terrorists, I need to stop drinking

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Why does every anime has a pervert girl?

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Kazuma is a dirty whiteshield