What do you think of the direction Saezuru is taking? Did you like Given? Is Touma going to kill himself?
What do you think of the direction Saezuru is taking? Did you like Given? Is Touma going to kill himself?
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I love Given so far. Super excited to see where it goes. What direction is Saezuru taking?
4 years timeskip, Yashiro fucking everyone except the man he loves, Doumeki turning into an edgy chad, Misumi going from good natured dad to possessive yandere antagonist.
I'm rather excited personally.
Oh thats bold. I haven't caught up yet. Saezuru isn't generally my thing. I much prefer Given's softer touch to BL. I'm happy that its getting the love that it deserves.
Side note: does anyone know when MDZS S2 is airing? I could have sworn it was supposed to be this summer.
Will OP kill himself?
Thanks for mentioning this show some thread, it was very cute and pure.
While I liked the mango honestly I can't muster the will to download the episode. It kinda lost its appeal to me after the first couple got together.
>Is Touma going to kill himself?
You go kill yourself.
Given is boring so far. Does it get better?
Yeah. I skimmed a lot of the setup in the first volume. The second volume is BL GOAT though.
The manga starts off pretty slowly too. I think it's going to start getting more intense on episode 4 or so.
I dont know if its an unpopular opinion but I think the first episode is better than the first 2 manga chapters. The music adds a lot.
Who "GAKU" here?
I'm a little worried about Given. I have no idea how much the anime would adapt. It can't end at their first live show otherwise they'd need to drag a lot and there's no way they're covering all of Haruki and Takehiko's arc in 11 episodes. Ending the show on the middle of that arc also feels like a terrible idea.
They can end right before Harukis arc and add in the extras. It would be ~20 chapters in 11 episodes with musical performances which isn't bad. Theres no way they can fit that arc in. Maybe if they had 13, they could rush, but not with 11.
>~20 chapters in 11 episodes
But that's the thing user, chapter 20 is when Takehiko almost rapes Haruki. They'd have to be crazy to end it there. And are there even enough extras to fill the gap? Well, I guess we'll see.
I was feeling like Saezuru only had a few more chapters left. Never thought it was going to get multiple arcs. All I want is Yashiro to stop being so stubborn and stay with Doumeki. I want a happy ending after reading this manga for all these years.
Reading any good BL lately, anons?
>before harukis arc
Obviously 19-22 are legitimately terrible places to end. They can end at the first half of 18 and add in the two extra chapters. They could probably grab some Uenoyama/Mafuyu from later as well.
nice general faggots
/y/ is for image dumps, not discussing anime.
Pachislot's Tiger & Bunny - The Slot Works are open for pre-orders now. The movie section has new game-play footage with some small new scenes slot-tigerandbunny.com
I like Given so far; the adaptation seems well done (apart from that weird effect at the very end) and the music was also very nice.
I wonder if they're gonna keep going with the YTP-tier effects.
Friendly reminder that Promare was the big "BL" hit of the year and ate everyone's lunch.
Yeah fujos' taste really is shit if they settle for so little
That was an odd choice, but since they did add it in, I think they will use it once or twice; I hope they realize that it looks out of place.
Hopefully we get to see it soon. I liked the spoilers we got so far.
Take your general shit elsewhere
Meh, the "BL" pandering is a nice bonus; I wanted to see the whole thing anyway.
Who's your best boy in this season?
I don't like bait but both the movie and their dynamic sound fun and they have size difference, so I can understand why fujos are so hooked.
Fuck off
Neither did I. I still think the initial plan was to end the manga last chapter with maybe a happy epilogue, but ultimately she kept going because popularity and (hopefully) new ideas. The last arc was wrapped up way too neatly for me to believe the original plan wasn't to end it there.
> All I want is Yashiro to stop being so stubborn and stay with Doumeki. I want a happy ending after reading this manga for all these years.
Haha I doubt you will. Yashiro is a broken guy who can only blossom in a world of pain and adversity. Giving a guy like that love and care is like giving a starved Aushwitz prisoner a cookie and a coke. He'll die from the shock. And he knows it. Being loved for once in his life would force him to aknowledge he was hurt and in pain his entire life and he understandaly doesn't want to deal with that load of bricks falling on the side of his face. .
That was one wonderful episode. The boys were so funny and cute. I love their dynamic.
That's okay with me, I'm looking forward to watching it, it looks like it's going to be great.
I may be a homo but I watch Tigger's anime for their superb style mainly. Also I don't want to be deceived by fanarts so I'll wait until I see the movie before forming an opinion
Why are mods allowing these threads
>when MDZS S2 is airing?
Nobody knows.
I appreciate the nip slip but I don't really get what this show is going for.
So I wonder what would make a good ending for Saezuru? They get together but Yashiro tells Doumeki that he's never going to be fully committed to him and have multiple sexual partners?
Speaking of Tiger & Bunny news
A friend translated for me so here's the jist
>Director has not been selected yet
>Season 2 will not happen this year (2019)
>Season 2 will happen before the Hollywood live action
>They have started gathering staff
>Tiger & Bunny seasosn 2 will happen before the YOI movie
I think they'll end up together but by the time they do Doumeki will have turned into yet another one of those possessive, violent and dominant cunts who force themselves on Yashiro. Also they'll become the top dog power couple in their yakuza group.
Though I suppose this is not really a happy ending. For me there isn't one for them but I hope I'm wrong.
Yeah, glad to see they are keeping us updated now; I read that the live action is back too unfortunately, all we can hope for now is that they don't ruin it completely. Thank you and thank your friend for me too user.
It makes sense.
Tiger and Bunny came out in 2011, even with 2 movies and other continuation materials, the 2nd season was teased way too long ago and it still isn't even going to be done by this year.
YOI came out just a couple of years ago and production delays do happen; but it is surprising how badly they have mismanaged the movie so far. I was hoping for some new info by now.
My boy of the season is from Yea Forums.
After taking so long to announce it, Tiger & Bunny season 2 was for me a never ever ever. If you had told me a year ago that it would come out before the YOI movie I would've laughed at you. But here we are now.
YOI was scheduled for 2019 and our season 2 isn't going to be done this year so maybe YOI will still come out first; but yeah, I didn't think they would wake up to make seaon 2 before the 10th anniversary.
Might as well ask here, if anyone has that cameo pic of black haired Barnaby, Kotetsu and Karina saved; I've lost mine and I can't track the original down, also if the user who shared this a few years back is here, do you know where this shout out was from.
It was supposed to come out this summer but it's china where things get cancelled 15 minutes before the planned premiere so no one knows. Watch the live action while you're waiting
>Doumeki will have turned into yet another one of those possessive, violent and dominant cunts who force themselves on Yashiro
I'd rather have an ending where both of them die or some shit
Because some things are too homo even for shonen generals.
I really liked that manga and I want to corrupt amish boys now.
When I first saw the trailer, I didn't expect Nips to like it so much. I understand the Trigger hype, because yeah animation and action scenes, but for Galo/Lio to become so popular blew me out of the water. The amount of fanart is crazy, even popular mangaka draw characters from it. I can't wait to watch the movie after the spoilers I read from anons that attended AX and the French fries. Also, Trigger pretty much said that if you think their relationship is of romantic nature, then you are legit to think so. In short, they left the fans interpret it however they like.
I haven't read the manga but I like what I saw so far from the first 3 episodes, so I am hyped. Askeladd looks like my type.
Holy shit, the movie got subbed?
A shame it looks like it's going to be straight
Is someone else watching Waver's anime of how he's dealing with the fact that he will forever be second to Hephaestion?
I wish we got more Double decker too, but since the staff are busy with Taibani and other stuff I guess we will have to wait a bit longer; at least the scanlation anons said that they will share the mega link for the translated drama cds and BDs here when they are done, it is nice to know that it is loved here.
>YOI was scheduled for 2019
It's not going to happen. They'll delay it. I already feel it in my bones. December 2020 is the most optimistic I can get.
A shame the threads are shitto.
>visting Fate threads on Yea Forums
What a madman you are user
Wait, the first ep is out? Fuck I didn't know, downloading right now.
HEE HEE best demon
Finally, some good news. I hope it airs next year. Still not sure how to feel about the Hollywood live action, I am sure they will butcher the whole thing but who knows.
I am not reading the LN, but didn't it end with Waver meeting with DUDE again at the end? I am sure I saw an image from the last volume.
Amish boys aren't for corruption but for tender loving
Crunchy added it in February simultaneously with the movie opening in Japan.
Shame; I want to the movie to have some small flash forward scene at the end at least, a full flashback movie feels like a bad move even if we get dear Bald with lovely long hair.
They will definitely age up Blue rose and Dragon kid, a forced romance plot with Karina would be annoying and OOC; hopefully they are not dumb enough to push something that got shot down so many times.
What if they're already mindbroken and corrupted?
I kinda wish the extra was a Danny rape scene honestly.
meant *wanted, not want to.
I'm getting tired of Ao no Flag
Recently every chapter feels like some except from a teens diary on the deep thinkings of life
When the heck is season 2 happening? I refuse to watch the live action.
Danny was so fucking weird. I get he didn't want Theo to leave because he had lost family before, but what was up with kissing Oz? I wish Chloe had left him.
The flashback about the other amish guy leaving clearly hinted Danny's a closet homo.
Same. I understand this is a teen manga and therefore it might be an useful read to some teenagers out there but for anyone who's over this shit it's annoying to read and only serves to stall the story. Shingo in particularly became unbearable. The sheer arrogance and entitlement of this cunt. I can't believe I used to like the guy. Kensuke is a swell guy by comparison.
W-what? Wasn't the guy who left his older brother or something?
user you can't be that dense. Look at how little he thought of his own marriage. It was Theo he loved all along.
Sometime this summer.
If you ignore the terrible cgi and wen qing for some reason having too much screen time it's actually decent and more homo than the anime adaptation will ever be. WWX and some other actors look cute even for 3dpd Just do it.
Checking back I guess they were blood brothers, but I don't think he's entirely straight. Like says and in the flashback he married the girl just to keep them all together.
I cannot stand the acting in asian dramas. Overacted bullshit.
Shindo is fucking insufferable. Where the fuck is the manga even going? We've already established that it's ok to hate homos and punching them is fine too because of 2deep4u reasons. Depending on how Taichi is going to act I'll either drop this shit or proceed with caution
I just thought he was obsessive about him because his older brother left in the past and he didn't want to lose any of his family anymore. It felt more or less reasonable, but I guess I forgot I was reading a BL. In that case I'm really disappointed Chloe didn't leave, the poor girl.
yeah they talked and then Iskandar fucked off.
Is anyone still reading hidamari ga kikoeru? Did shitty drama finally end?
That's mostly japanese dramas, korean bad acting looks like they don't give a fuck and chinese are the mix of these two. I think that mdzs one is okay though.
As for the anime, either we'll get an announcement soon or they'll just randomly upload the first episodes even without it, so we can only wait.
>We've already established that it's ok to hate homos and punching them is fine too because of 2deep4u reasons
>I just thought he was obsessive about him because his older brother left in the past and he didn't want to lose any of his family anymore
That was the case too. It's just yet another layer to it.
> In that case I'm really disappointed Chloe didn't leave, the poor girl
She's with the guy she loves at least. Moreover it's not like Danny doesn't care about her.
Ao no Fag was secretly redpilled all along?
Oh come on user, don't tell me you don't like this type of ending. I won't believe you.
>a forced romance plot with Karina would be annoying and OOC; hopefully they are not dumb enough to push something that got shot down so many times.
For the love of god, I hope not. I didn't mind her crush on Kotetsu, I get why but as you said it got shot down many times already. It's time for her to move on. She doesn't need to be in love/relationship to be fine but if they want romance at least with a guy who can reciprocate. Kotetsu is for Barnaby only and vice-versa.
Jesus, I kinda feel bad for him. I don't really ship them but I like their relationship. Which reminds me that when the FGO materials book came out, it was confirmed there that DUDE sees Waver as any another person he met on his travels but for Waver, he is the most important person he ever met. Guess everyone comes second to Hephaestion.
Just read this, it was cute. Is it even possible for a teenage boy to be as innocent as Uehara though?
It's not redpilled, more like it's taking the prejudiced and bigotted opinions into account and facing them seriously. So it suffers from the usual problem: by allowing everyone to speak, aren't we just helping the most cancerous of minority opinions to spread? But if you don't allow the cancer to express itself, aren't you just as much of censoring biggot as they aspire to be? This shit is endlessly frustrating to deal with.
I'm out of the loop, what's going on with the YOI movie?
Nothing is going on with it.
Nothing at all.
>Is it even possible for a teenage boy to be as innocent as Uehara though?
No fucking way, that's the one issue I have with this mango. But honestly the manga is so fucking cute I can't bring myself to mind. Also I love that Gaku's first reflex upon realizing the trap of faggorty is closing in on them is to protect his boyfriend. It's kinda cliché to push the uke away for his own good but still, what a chad.
Instead of reading Ao no Fag teen drama read/watch Kanata no Astra for teen sci-fi TWEESTS.
YOI movie? What YOI movie?
It's been over a year with no information at all aside from "we're working on it!". They screened a teaser but never released it online.
Am I the only one that has to turn off the sound when there's sex going on in VNs because I get 2nd hand embarrassment?
Hey Eva 3.0+1.0 Is finally happening have some hope user.
Will Karl show up?
Faggots out.
Happened sometimes when I wasn't turned on or the guy made weird sounds but otherwise no. I always play VN with headphones though. I'd be too embarassed someone might overhear otherwise.
Movie will be 90 minutes of Mari's bouncing tits
Ah, good old QUALITY.
Wasn't there supposed to be a trailer for the YOI movie a few months ago?
About to watch season 3 of KnK after marathoning S1 and S2
when I was young I used to ship KuroKaga, now that I have matured I have realized that AoKaga is clearly superior
l feel the same way about Karina; her aim to become a singer as well all as a better hero was way more interesting than forcing the crush while making fun of it, I kinds felt bad for her; but still, Barnaby trolling her has a thing of beauty.
> I said I bought a cd not "your" cd.
They ate the new teaser we were supposed to get by now. It is almost like they are killing the hype on purpose.
The art was terrible in the initial airing, glad the BDs fixed it all.
Please for the love of all that is holy, do not love triangle it
Love triangles are the only thing worth living for.
Taisho Mebiusline did it better desu. I accept this ending only in VNs when it's only one of the numerous ends
I hope so just for the tears
Look who's not invited to the next love triangle.
Well, I can at least appreciate that the author seems to be dropping hints that the characters are actually fucking gay instead of throwing a "I'm straight but it's okay if it's with you". And yeah, Gaku is definitely the highlight of the mango. I just hope they don't drag his fag awakening too much.
>T&B S2 happens but at what cost
Why are you thinking they'll do that? They know better.
There was not even love to begin with
you take that back
I'd missed them.
I'd be worried only for hollywood live action. They'll erase the homo completely, turn blue rose into blue hoes, a hag who fucks Tiger, and Bunny will be a playboy who pleases old women for money!
But honestly who gives a shit about it. How come japanese are okay with homos in their chinese cartoons and are ready to throw money at them, while amerifats would rather die than keep the homo in their kiddy super heroes stuff
Stop spamming you generals.
>while amerifats would rather die than keep the homo in their kiddy super heroes stuff
I've not seen them so I can't confirm, but there seems to be minor fujobait in the Marvel movies.
I'm still on the fence about Given since some mangafags seem lukewarm about the anime. I'll probably wait for it to finish.
>while amerifats would rather die than keep the homo in their kiddy super heroes stuff
They're just really inconsistent about it. Homos are ok in Arthur but not anime for some reason
Size difference of that magnitude is just unappealing. It's like an adult male fucking a 12 y/o.
>tfw this asshole finally got what was coming to him
What the fuck are you talking about, burgers media are obnoxiously woke today, they force lgbt propaganda and feminism shit to please the mass that is too dumb to realize that big companies like Disney are only financially exploiting contemporary social phenomenons.
In the end it'll be shit anyway.
>Trigger pretty much said that if you think their relationship is of romantic nature, then you are legit to think so.
They said literally the oposite you delusional cuck. They said it's NOT romantic but if you want to delude yourself then whatever. This is literally the go-to cop out reply. And from what I've read from jap fujos, Galo appears almost asexual and there are zero romantic vibes so most of the shipping is just conjuring shit out of thin air and fanservice.
Love triangle seems like an odd choice but some retarded tweaking with Kotetsu deciding to leave for good could have them push BR X Bunny.
Nishida likes Barnaby and Kotetsu together; the execs meddling is a problem with this show but I trust him.
Who would even care about a triangle though.
Both Barnaby and Kotetsu don't see BR that way. They couldn't even force Bunny to work without Tiger for too long after all and Ryan was a real catch.
It is probably the same thing as the dub being more no-homo and the sub having 'pal' tacked on at the end of some Kotetsu's sentences; especially in the 'too close' scene, when he was supposed to be dying in Bunny's arms.
Been away from the hobby a while. Any decent homo recently?
But I don't know nihongo.
>now that I have matured I have realized that AoKaga
Glad you have seen the light.
It's been tl'd to russian if you know vodka speak
>They said literally the oposite you delusional cuck.
Calm down user. Maybe I remember wrong, no need to go apeshit over it. Of course there is no romance involved. The staff just said that if you want to interpret their relationship as such, go ahead and enjoy it. It's not like they can stop fans from thinking what they want to anyways. Same goes for the ones who don't like the pairing in a romantic light but just go for friends/platonic relationship.
>most of the shipping is just conjuring shit out of thin air and fanservice.
Or maybe because fans liked how their relationship progressed and want to ship them regardless of the "dense, asexual MC" we see in shounen? Really, who cares? You do you. None would give a shit and argue if Lio was a girl instead of a dude but we always have to conform ourselves and double-check, not be delusional bc "no homos allowed".
>They said it's NOT romantic
This wasn't said.
I think people who haven't watched the movie have a distorted idea because of all the fanart circulating and the detailed descriptions of the fujobait moments.
It's pure fanservice to boost up the sales, like they did with the inexistent romance between Akane and Rikka
I don't know if it's because I'm retarded but when I watched Gridman I didn't see any yuri subtext. Literally zero.
It's just shipping, the same shit happens with yuri and straight parings anyway.
The boys are cute, though it's super straight.
Also edgy boy is literally Toi.
That's why there's the GaloKray option, although there's size difference with that too.
>tfw no kaworu in evangelion 3.0+1.0
don't know how to cope
How do you know
At this point in time why wouldn't they officially homo T&B? you can say whatever you want about wheter it was romantic or just buddy buddy but fact is the fujo buck stream would flow insanely fast in big amounts
sure china bucks will be lost but chinese fujos can just commit illegal crimes and import shit
>At this point in time why wouldn't they officially homo T&B? you can say whatever you want about wheter it was romantic or just buddy buddy but fact is the fujo buck stream would flow insanely fast in big amounts
Extremely stupid and newfaggy post. T&B is popular with normalfags too. You'd lose their sales.
Didn't he say that sarcastically? That user said he was being joking and coy. Tattun also gave a joking answer, seeming to indicate that they're fully aware what they created looks like a gay kiss.
>normalfags that watch anime disliking LGBT
I doubt it.
>all normies are woke and LOVE to see fags snogging now!
No. Especially not in Asian countries.
I like the different ships of Kuroko but the only that I really love and became one of my OTP is himuro/murasakibara. I honestly do not know why I love this couple so much
>At this point in time why wouldn't they officially homo T&B?
Literally the only reason why it wouldn't tank is if they went full homo IMO. Otherwise it's doomed to repeat the astronomical drop like many super successful franchises before it.
It's been ten years. Everybody is already long moven on. Fujos are the only ones keeping this boat afloat and buying out the merch.
Where the fuck do you live. Also this is not how anime are made. If the target audience is general from the beginning, there are things you CAN do and things you CAN'T.
Yeah, it seems so meh to me. Anyway, Kuroko is a harem anime.
I do it too because it makes me laugh, can't listen to explicit drama CDs either. I think the only time I've found it not overly cringey was the megane guy in naked butlers.
He's not on the teaser?
Of course they are are aware of that. I guess not even them care that much about what's the verdict in the end.
Eh, the only ships I liked were AoYellow and AoKuro. I always hated Kagami's guts.
Anons and are right, Barnaby and Kotetsu have been my OTP since 2011, but the show is too big in Japan and the suits need sponsors; old guys tend to be more conservative and it has male fans and yumejo self inserting girls as fans as well.
It can only happen if they convince the old farts that making the ship more solid will make way more money.
>Fujos are the only ones keeping this boat afloat and buying out the merch
True, they are the ones buying everything but it still has a lot of regular fans too.
Yes, you're right. I remember Nakashima taking a similar stance with KLK, where, since the show wasn't focused on romances, people were free to ship whatever they like.
>lose normalfag their sales.
Who cares? Normalfags don't buy BDs anyway. Fujos on the other hand can deliver over 100k sales if you cater to them right. The best way to do it is keep it ambiguous for almost the entire run and only go full homo at the very end. This way chinese censorship can be avoided for 90% of the volumes and incite delicious illegal import of the coveted last volume.
>hidamari ga kikoeru
lots of faggots here already dropped it. me included.
I can handle dramashit but the author kept shoving it down on everyone's throat for a whole fucking volume straight.
currently waiting for it to end so I can speed read it for my boy
No one is on the teaser. Have some faith.
>Normalfags don't buy BDs anyway
If you think only fujos bought T&B or SnK season 1 you're wrong.
W-will it be okay?
I would've thought studios would be willing to take more risks after how successful YOI was.
YoI also wasn't explicitly gay.
Gay kiss with zero romantic narrative context is still just bait/fanservice and can be played for laughs. Even Naruto has a gay kiss in it.
I can see this happening since Kotetsu is still dealing with a lot of insecurities and sorrow anyway; stuff like that takes time to mend.
user, they are probably sitting on our YOI teaser because they can't make it too homo because of that Olympic committee nonsense.
>still talking about YoI
Hurry up and get better taste.
>Manga gets transferred from a Seinen to a BL magazine
>Immediately this happens
This is based because it means the first volume is spent setting up an actual story before they start wanting to fuck each other.
I guess he meant "not explicit" as in not an implied sex scene or a visible, undeniable kiss. To me it was still very gay though.
Yoi wasn't bad; it was lighthearted and harmlessly comfy.
Is that from Yuki to Matsu author?
Yeah, we don't get plot driven BL very often so I'm very excited for this
Yes. She's really, really good. I hope she continues to make homo stuff.
T&B don't have to make out on screen with tongues for fuck's sake. There are subtle ways to convey a gay romantic narrative that will have people get behind it. Sunrise has even done so for one of their flagship properties not so long ago.
This Dilate.
Source? Google and iqdb give nothing
I was a bit disappointed we got the dead wife lingering feelings subplot. Feels a bit like cheating.
Post that one picture in your folder that never fails to trigger someone in the thread. An on topic one of course.
I'll start.
Your post is not on topic and Naruto is shit.
It's boring and none of the boys are fap worthy. There is no reason for it to be discussed this much.
>looking at random clips on youtube
>this boy gets a kitten
>I discover that he has a framed picture of Bort directly beside his pillow next to his head
What did they mean by this?
Then don't discuss it but you've really started.
Thanks for the (you). Works everytime.
I liked it, it was a good way to add homo without rushing their relationship. It was also fairly unexpected, at least for me.
I don't want to get shat on for spoonfeeding, look for the Yuki to Matsu author and find her other mangos. She doesn't have that many.
Anime don't have to have fappable characters (your subjective opinion) to be good
You know exactly what they meant by this.
I miss when you retards were shitposted out of Yea Forums
>I was only pretending
Having shit taste is no excuse for having terrible comprehension.
>Guess everyone comes second to Hephaestion
As it should be really.
>that pic
Still hurts ;_;
>It's boring and none of the boys are fap worthy
I like it for how comfy it was; the only reason to complain about a show being discussed here is if the show has active threads it can use instead, since YOI is dead at the moment we shouldn't make it homeless.
YOI is too big to be homo now, especially that's to the Olympic sponsorship
>start to kill everybody in the last 10 episodes
It was like watching Zeta, just that the MC wasn't an absolute cutie instead he was an angry manlet.
I won't waste time with someone whose take is that a show can't be discussed because the boys don't make his dick erect. Think what you want about it, really, you are entitled to your opinion, but this observation is kindergarten level.
>those two plus Takaki and Aston
It only hurts a little bit.
I wish he broke up with his deaf bf and got together with senpai. The deaf dude is an insufferable drama queen
This. Getting too big is a blessing and a curse. Being small has its own problems.
I know in mecha not even the MC can stay alive by the end of it, but IBO hurt kinda more because most of them were kids/teens. Not excusing the shit writing but I remember the posts with the staff interview and all I could think was "they really hated these kids". Shino/Yamagi was too cute, especially after Shino realised Yamagi likes him and he responded so well, even invited him to go out for drinks only for the space drama to kick in and kill him. Damn it Sunrise.
What if the trailer is taking months to come out because they're switching back to GPF or an imaginary competition? Olympics may unironically damage the product.
I don't think the scene in Promare is meant to be played for laughs, nor do I think an early throwaway gag from that manga is comparable to something that occurs at the height of the movie's drama.
It hurts a lot, it'll be a thorn in my side until I fucking die I'm afraid.
I've dropped it for quite a long while now but Taichi's early chemistry with his senpai are aeons better than that shit. it actually gave me hope it'll start shitting out BL elements for once cause of it but the author love her drama too much.
all taking about the promare scene but where it is
Sarazanmai has been in production since 2016.
It was tamer than Utena desu
that's Ikuhara work. doesn't count
That's just usual ikuharashit
Theatres for now
Ikuhara has been homo since the 90s.
>gae anime
>gae LB
>somehow gae gudaguda event
feels good
That was probably Ikuni trying out a different flavor of homo. Too bad the cops didn't have a lot of screen time.
Nagai and Okada really went for it. They said no survivors.
I hate to remember user. In an alternative universe, they are alive, together and happy raising a bunch of orphans.
Hey, Dante and Derma are doing that right now!
It was, Wakabayashi and co were being playful about it.
It's a firefighter performing a CPR so you can easily shrug it off, it's a scene that doesn't lead anywhere. Pure fanservice.
Okada didn't want to kill them, but the director wanted to.
Isn't manga froze in its tracks because of our dearly beloved editors? Because author has no idea how to pitch "yeah, homophobia is a thing and there are reasons why it exists, but it is not an excuse to bash people's heads" without setting off series of shitbombs?
>gae LB
>tfw some waifufags translators got so mad that in early translations they basically rephrased or simplified events and characters to make it sound like shit
quick rundown?
If Okada didn't really want to kill they wouldn't had killed them, but Okada was a galigalifag
Ishida is contracted for all 4 movies, you're an idiot if you think he won't get his obligated 3-4 minutes of screentime like he did in EOE.
>make a story about homo suffering
>have no idea how to show the reaction of other characters to homos and tackling homophobia
I have no idea what's up with this manga or what the fuck is going in the author's head, but it's embarrassing when harem shit like Koi to Uso did it better, even with the whole retarded mc and no homo kiss
The teaser is just the usual irrelevant Mari. /Our boy/ Kaworu will come up out of literally nowhere sticking his angle dick into shinji like a Chad he is.
They did the subtle attraction thing already, it is just far stronger on Barnaby's side. They even said it directly in DD!
The problem isn't the staff, they like the ship, the problem is the people putting ads on the suits. I would love to see them together too but I'm fine with status quo if they are under pressure from the bosses as long as there isn't a new romance forced in.
I don't wanna post spoilers but literally as it sounds for example Arjuna not being Arjuna but being an Arjunaface and things related to the role of some servants and how they deal with the LB king battle. Then Nips and anons who speak Japanese at /fgog/ started to finish they liked it and more accurate translations started to come.
I decided to delete a lot of stuff from my mind regarding IBO for several reasons. It seemed to me that both wanted some drama and egdy/"deep" stuff but it was not delivered well. Killing a bunch of orphan kids who went through brutal, military training to end it framing them as the "evil" of the show, is fucking pathetic.
Wait, is chapter 7 out already?
Too bad we will lose him soon. At least the hot cop tuba will still be there, I even ended up liking Tila a lot even though I usually prefer both partners being male. I need to go art hunting for Kei.
Yes. The fact that this is being translated anonymously is so unconvenient, I mean, I appreciate their kindness but manga updates won't notify me when there's new chapters
>A-Arjuna alter isn't really Arjuna, he's the entire india pantheon that took up Arjuna's appearance, i swear...!
I remember that. And then it turns out Arjuna alter is really Arjuna but a really fucked up one and needs another therapy sessions.
Arjuna alter a cute.
I can't believe that Sunrise, the fucking dinosaur of anime production studios is on the forefront of wholesome gay rep in anime. Even if for now mostly among supporting cast. T&B could be their first MCs. I know they could do it because FE turned out to be one of the most well liked and respected characters in the show and they went full queer with him, especially in the last movie. There was in fact only one sponsor that bailed so we know it's possible to have gay and make bank.
I hope it's not true.
They pandered back since the early gundam days too; it is true they went the extra mile with Tiger & Bunny but the staff should get all the credit for that since the execs wanted it dead.
Double Decker! is most of the same staff that worked on the Tiger & Bunny anime as well as the side materials.
>needs therapy sessions
Mana transfer with Karna*
But that's incest.
>looking at plot summaries of various danmei
>90% of them are reincarnation, isekai with system rules, or cultivation
Did Mo Xiang Tongxiu's shit come first and everyone started copying her, or did she just write what was already common and somehow her novels became extra popular?
Delicious chocolate.
This is literally all wuxiashit tropes user. She didn't invent anything.
Isekai was their equivalent of omegaverse
Cultivation novels have existed for years, same about reincarnations and isekai. In fact mxtx is far from the first danmei author to have written isekai and cultivation novels.
If you're looking for variety, try looking up Priest novels, she's a madwoman who writes danmei novels in all genres and in all possible setting including sci-fi
I saw Promare at AX for Imaishi not the cpr scene because Yea Forums told me it was going to be meh fujobait. It was a really great movie on its own and while not homo that 10 sec of silent mouth to mouth was extremely fanservice
Galo and Lio were a cute team and it made me happy that the movie ended with the implication that mad burnish are now going to work and live at the fire station
>fandom turns on gali gali in the aftermath and he falls away from the popularity polls
>marketing for IBO centers almost entirely on Tekkadan now
It's karmic justice.
History really proved them right.
Indeed. Okada shouldn't have played favourites that obviously and shamelessly.
Nothing wrong with that.
I read the raws for oni to tengoku after scanlated chapters started showing up on mrm. Really liked it
I want to isekai to the world with no Okada. I'm used to her shitty het ntr and mommy issues, but has she ever done homo storylines that don't have anyone converting to het or dying?
Yeah I am keeping up with Priest's Sha Po Lang, it's the only thing of hers that gets frequent translation updates and will probably be completed.
It's just kinda annoying to see so much copying. Nips have the same problem with isekai too of course. I guess fanfics get a free pass of doing similar AU shit because they're just for fun/faps, but most of the chink novels get professionally published. Their comics have more original content at least.
Adding to this The staff pulled the same thing Ikuni did to get on air and they stubbornly stuck to the plot they wanted to go with despite being told that it wouldn't sell; the pilot made to snare sponsors is nothing like the actual show, BR doesn't have as big a role as the pilot implies and even though the show has a lot of humor, I don't see a lot of "dirty, comedic side splitting fun" in two lonely guys learning to move forward together; the designs and the setting got changed to retro/futuristic instead of just the future too but that is a small shift.
>that spoiler
That is so sweet; I wish we can all see it and discuss it together soon. Was there any merch or other nice movie related stuff there?
Unironically this. The is literally nothing wrong with gay incest both male or female. The only forms of incest that are inherently wrong are parental and hetero incest.
Shut up retard. If it's 2D nothing is "right" or "wrong".
Liu Yao is in fact being translated by two tl "teams"at the moment, and one of them is on chapter 63, I'm fairly sure it'll get completed.rustycol.dreamwidth.org
And since most of Priest works have gotten adaptation announcements, I'm hoping for more active tl groups to pick up Silent Reading and other projects with 1 ch per 1-2 months schedules.
Olympic committee isn't exactly homo friendly, especially anyone connected to figure skating (except for the figure skaters themselves). So it's better not to have any expectations
They gave out stickers and kakusei Lio Trigger dollars at the panel. The only Promare anything in exhibit hall was the official booth raffling off free tickets to the September screening. Expecting Lio nendo to be announced at Wonfes.
I hate that Galo not only has Kamina's design but also that awful contemporary fuckboy hairstyle in one.
Yeah and I also hate that they gave him Ryuko's expression. A mashup that should have been avoided. At least make the hair black, red o whatever color. Apart from this I hope the movie is good.
Nice; glad you had fun user. Will you scan them or take a pic, it is fine if you can't though.
>not gay friendly, specially figure skating
>except for the figure skaters themselves
Top kek user
I can't wait to screenshot every second of Momo.
Reunion Live rip when? They apparentlyyplayed clips of the new Trigger MV by Trigger and a super gay Re:vale MV.
I remember at AX either last year or the year before they showed off a bunch of Imaishi's old MC designs and all the guys had the same blue spiky hair. So I'm actually surprised that Panty ended up blonde
I hate that Lio is trapshit twink material. I hate this movie character design.
anyone else reading this?
new chapter came out the other day
He can't let go of Kamina for one second
It would be more accurate to say that they're Imaishi MC clones not Kamina clones because Kamina wasn't the first one he's just the most well-known.
Wtf is this pedo shit?
When will they fuck
Who came before Kamina though?
Cute little girl
But that's the reality of having old farts in charge, until recently "girly" figure skaters were given lower scores and were just plain disliked by the judges.
Try watching any figure skating show with russian commentators and you'll even get some young figure skaters shitting on smelly homos and girly male figure skaters.
>oni to tengoku
I usually don't like rapey shit but this one is pretty alright. I guess it has just enough dubcon that it doesn't put me off too much.
Thanks user. Maybe we will get lucky and get to talk about it in detail soon.
Hopefully this month, I'm also interested in the new MVs. I also want to see the ZOOL performances, apparently it was great.
I'm very confused by this manga art style. I'm pretty sure I saw it before in a Hetalia doujinshi but the author is not the same. Weird.
Old doujins/manga Imaishi drew/designed for that no gaijin has ever heard of
Yes, but I think it's only the 1 chapter that's translated so far, right?
Kimura Subaru is great in the Hypmic lives. It'll be interesting to see him in an idol setting.
>Camillo 4th
Huh, didn't expect that. What do you guys think of Zariya's works?
I love them. I want more.
I'd to do translations for them, but I don't know typsetting or any of that stuff.
It had such a great concept.
Mangakas don't keep their doujinka names when going pro, usually at least.
Yeah, he also did some rap in this live so it was probably an amazing performance. Hope we get rips soon.
He is too skinny and his hips are too womanly. No doubt there's a alot of people who enjoy that but to me it's just a cop out.
>BL has nice art
>It's ABOshit
Is there worse pain?
Twink who manspreads and rides a motorcycle is gap moe
Submit to the Omegaverse user, no shame in that.
>shota preying another shota
I only read Liquor and Cigarettes, it was cool. It reminded a lot of Est Em and then it made me sad because I miss reading her BL mangos.
>new Zawar
ohh bby
wasted potential
Waiting for the manga that shows a dude giving birth with his ass
I used to get mad but regular BL manga is shit too so it's just more of the same shit just a little bit hotter if you turn your brain off.
Don't the Omega guys have some weird kind of pseudo-pussy? Or do they shit and give birth through the same hole like pigeons?
Just go play sweet pool for shitting meat babies
Did it get discontinued? I miss boywhore island.
Some abo manga just borrow the heat aspect from omegaverse which isn't that much different from your average aphrodesiac/sex pollen bl
I would rather fuking die than submit to this meme
I swear this already happened with Sex Pistols before omegashit was cool.
the latter
Your honest opinion on used goods?
They can do everything with their ass including thinking
It's the best nitro game desu, animated meat babies where
Did they actually show it? Sex Pistols guys look too deformed for anyone to care
I think Nanjou's had more dialogue in the past two episodes of Starmyu than he did for all S2. Nayuki still best boy though.
For pumping and dumping.
Having a backstory and past lovers makes them hotter than brand new store bought ones I think.
It's also better for the environment.
>Otabek and Yurio in alternative timeline
I have no fucking clue about anything you just said but I hate it
>Hoshitani already flirting with the new kao council senpai
RobiHachi was so much more sincerely homo than I could have ever anticipated. I miss that show.
Hoshitani is a slut that hops on every single singing dick he sees
abo can just be about horny guys it doesn't have to be about mpreg and knots
Can you post a page from this Hetalia doujin by any chance? Azuma's artstyle is very easily recognizable and I'd lose my shit if she has actually done Hetalia doujin.
Don't even joke about the worst most forced YOI pair, it will get the fangirls out.
At least this one's better than Ageha.
I didn't used to like it but now my wife of the year is one
I don't go out of my way to look for it but there are a few nice ones.
Same, I think there are a couple of lewds on twitter now too but they were locked.
good stuff
Poor Nayuki can only have Hoshitani when he's old and worn out.
Bad taste, user. Worst pair is baldfat
>my wife of the year
Don't be a slut user, a wife(male) is forever.
Absolute bottom of the barrel trash. Only pure boys for me, thank you.
Yeah I felt the same as you when I discovered it.
It's not forced when they're friends.
That's right, user. Don't be a slut like mabu
>drugless sex
I feel so ashamed for liking this shitty, ugly ass art, manga. Why must the uke be so cute?
Every yoi pairing that is not the main one is forced.
Chris/Victor isn't forced.
Holy shit, it really is her. I can't believe this.
Shota Victor/Sponsors Mob isn't either.
>they didn't turn this into a gay panic joke in the end
I honestly was not expecting that.
It's the OTP of the flashback movie.
Enjoy her edgy rapey Hetalia dark phase.
nice. gotta update her MU entry
Derick was too sweet a guy for something like that, I thought he might feel a bit sad but it turned out great.
Wait I am out of the loop there, does it even contain enough to be considered as bait? I assumed people calling the movie that were just shitposters. From what I saw I thought it wouldn't be anything but the generic rivals/antagonists working together later stuff which I wouldn't consider as bait actually.
>I'd be worried only for hollywood live action. They'll erase the homo completely,
That woulodn't be hard, there is exactly zero homo on screen.
God why fags on yoi are so ugly.
It is supposed to be deep emotional attachment for both of them + a lot more on Barnaby's side, not seeing it just doesn't add up unless you are baiting.
Don't be mean to best supporting boy, he just has ugly hair.
His heart is pure and that's the most important.
>Askeladd looks like my type.
Based opinion. He was my favorite character for a long time, starting a few chapters after his first appearance when realy VS was still getting published and till years after the first arc has ended.
It's fujoservice. Not idea why people keep making a big fuss over it, can't they enjoy some service without overthinking shit?
>ugly ass art
shit taste desu
That's what I think about gay porn
Who the fuck are you? You are not me.
don't be too late next time then ;^)
What the fuck are you talking about? Tigay and Bunny is your typical broromantic story with some homolustfriendly scenes. There is no "Homo" that Hollywood can remove, because the average person watch who watches it doesn't even see it.
Are you really going to defend ugly old fag from san francisco: the design
Mine too, user
Really? It feels like Shin and Luis barely interacted
Are you new to the show after watching the shit dub or just pretending to be new for (You)s?
Are you just retarded or pretending to not understand what I'm saying?
Do you think the average watcher actually watches it and think they are gay? Sport anime guys have more physical intimacy than tiger and bunny.
>my wife of the year
>of the year
You're a fucking slut too so it's not like you deserve any better, user
Barnaby is literally said to be in love with Kotetsu.
That totally happened in the show yes. We all remember that scene that surely Hollywood is going to erase.
This is news to me but I am not complaining
I wasn't aware JK Rowing was writing T&B.
>went from a confusing, animated homo kiss to nothing
Was it ntr
Barnaby is in love with Kotetsu in episode 14 and falling for him before that, the episode title 'love is blind' wasn't about BR, it was officially stated to be about Barnaby back when it was airing.
Yeah, that totally happened in show, we all remember the epic storyline about Barnaby being in love with Kotetsu.
Dude, no stop
You're going to make the Tiger and Bunny autist start dropping their info charts and links
Maybe the kiss was hype for the movie and the TV series is just regular ice-skating idolshit.
Louis turned out to be a girl so who cares
They replayed the kiss in the show.
This thing is a multi media project so no suprise is not definitive. The ending has shitons of s2 hocks.
>replayed the kiss in the show.
>not making a new homo scene
>Louis turned out to be a girl so who cares
I think you got it wrong.
Thanks for confirming you are baiting.
Yeah, because official statements are only okay when they are used as proof for other shows.
>impying you're not talking with that autist
She's in every homo thread ever.
>Thanks for confirming you are baiting.
Thanks for coming being a retardo. You were complaining about hollywood "erasing the homo", pray tell, what on screen homo are they going to erase?
I love bunny sluts!
He's a girl with a male reskin.
Did you not watch Kinpri TV series? Louis turned out to be a girl from Pretty Rhythm: RL in a new body. A very weird decision that simultaneously no-homo'd Kinpri and turned a character from a little girls show to a FtM.
There is nothing autistic about collecting things about a show you like as they come out, I gathered the interviews I had because people asked taibani anons for proof when we quoted something.
That and this weren't my posts.
He still has a dick and thinks he's male so who gives a fuck
>Did you not watch Kinpri TV series?
I did. It's basically reincarnation. Luis has a male body and everything. How can you claim it's a girl?
>There is nothing autistic
You are autistic enough we can tell it's you in every thread with the same retardo plosting style.
I love tsundere sluts.
>talks, acts, and dresses like a girl
It's a mentally ill tranny that still has the mind of a girl, moreover it's a girl that's from the previous series.
He has the memories and personality of a girl. Even wears girls clothes and acts like a girl.
It's not the same girl moron, June is a program. He even refers to June in third person.
>talks, acts like a girl
You're a retard then I guess, how come you haven't noticed that every single dude except for Alex fits your description? We even have a character who actually dresses like a girl and a crossdressing competition. Is everyone muh tranny meme in this show then?
It's mostly as reaction to people making a big deal out of Trigger pandering to fujos like it's something groundbreaking.
Imagine waking up to this
wtf bros you told me kinpri was gay.
I post in a lot of different ways, you went after a BSD anons a few threads back because you thought it was me, there are plenty of anons that post the way I do.
The studio has been marketing it as Bunny being in love and Tiger starting to notice his feelings; I even said often enough that they can retcon it if they want but that is how they were marketing it.
It is that simple.
I don't even pick fights with you guys, I just post info if someone doesn't know about how the staff mentions the pair. Stop taking it as more than that.
It's "groundbreaking" as trigger's first fujopandering scene I guess. Anyway don't mistake the shitposting on Yea Forums for the actual reaction. Most of it is motivated by studio wars.
Shikifag begone.
I love him I dont even mind the snail's pace of the history
It's as gay as the other idolshit series.
Nothing is safe from becoming het or "getting reborn as your boyfriend's child", bro. Our life is Kado
Was Simon and Viral's naked prison fight not fujo pandering?
user, if you translated the T&B interactions from the show 1:1 it would be stormpilot times ten. They act extremely touchy feely and emo about eachother for 20 episodes straight. Just think how it takes ONE look in a movie to make hordes of normalfags think it's "gay baiting". Just imagine if T&B had the exact same characterisation in a Hollywood movie. People would have demanded that the studio commits and makes them gay otherwise it's a "bad look."
Not really. It's a different time now too, retards like manufacture outrage over the smallest shit.
Finally, an user of culture as well. I can't wait for HT to fuck the angriness out of him. I'm glad the author doesn't care about the main pair anymore.
I have no idea how anyone can ignore the emotional development they went through and Tiger and Bunny The Rising's OP Nemesis' lyrics were also confirmation with the staff saying the movie was written to be similar to a couple breaking up and getting back together; the manga picks up as a continuation from there and it is very shippy as well.
why are taibaniggers so insane holy shit
Main couple is shit anyway. This is best homo.
Fantasy live action adaptations are always corny and shit. Has there ever being one that's good?
this is my first post itt but hard same, glad I'm not the only one with good taste
I generally hate omegaverse but Megumi to Tsugumi has won me over
>user says there is nothing shippy
>t&b anons say the staff said it is shippy
>user insists it isn't
>other said says it was officialy marketed as one sided love from bunny and tiger starting to realize it.
>why are taibaniggers so insane holy shit
Are we not allowed to point out when people are misinformed about something now?
It's just that one user.
>>user says there is nothing shippy
No, user said there is nothing gay happening on screen that they can erase.
I feel bad for the fans of the main pair but at the same time I enjoy more the story of this two
Otori-senpai should go full incest now that Hoshitani is already hopping another Kaokai dick
I'm gonna confess something here, I watched Tiger & Bunny once while it was airing and then never again but I never felt like Kotetsu and Barnaby particularly looked like a couple, and I was already a fujo back then. Whenever I see T&B fags making essays about how they're basically married it feels like I straight up watched a different show. Even SamFlam felt more homo even if it ultimately got denied later. I've never said that here because I don't want to upset T&B fujos but it's always something that gets on my mind whenever they start discussing the show. Did I fuking miss something? Should I watch it again?
>fantasy live adaptation
No, unless you're talking about western movies. But at least mdzs does certain emotional moments right and the fact that they've kept most of the scenes the donghua cut out makes the drama worth it for me.
The Rising was incredibly disappointing in that aspect. Hardly any interaction, the little interaction they got wasn't all that emotional, cockblocking everywhere, other characters got more focus than T&B ect.
Hidaka-sensei new long series when, Yuuutsu na Asa had a shaky start but turned out great what the fuck
I miss her too. Is she doing anything new at all?
I only felt it was "gay" when Barnaby was crying a bitch in the 2nd cour. Anyway not like it has to be gay to ship anything.
Guys I'm so happy that Vinland will finally get all the recognition and porn it deserves
She's working on a josei manga right now
>another one
We are multiplying!
The main pairing conflict was already solved so it's not interesting anymore. Also their dynamic it's not nearly as good as HT and Mo, I never liked the gay childhood friend trope.
I mean, sure. T&B was never my cup of tea but I could definitely understand the appeal of the ship and why it was so big with fujos when it aired. It's when people start to talk about their canon relationship that it starts getting really fucking confusing.
I watched a little after I got into anime and even though I shipped them and thought the show was super gay I would never call it canon. I watched a year (or two) ago intentionally trying to see it with a different light and nothing. I think their relationship is really well written and understand who say it's canon but not as the ultimate truth.
And the user is wrong because there is a shitton of characterisation they would have to erase if they wanted a standard Hollywood bro type of relationship. They even started to do that very thing with the dub, literally had to change the tone and context of many scenes to de-homo it. Adding stuff like "kid" to Kotetsu's lines ect.
For me, it's Einar/Thorfinn.
Why it is wrong to tell people what the staff said about the pair?
No one is saying they are dating or canon, just that it is marketed as one sided love and evolving feelings.
Define "gay"
Bunny saying he spent months learning to cook fried rice gives a peek at his emotional state, unless you are only talking about visual stuff like kisses, then yeah I'd agree with you that there is no onscreen homo.
True, but they also said that those two were separated to make them realize their importance to each other.
Watching it with Yea Forums with interviews and info coming out that expanded on the characterization adds to it.
I went through the same. Tiger & Bunny probably just aired in different times. Back then I wouldn't call it bait, but now I probably would.
Who also /blacked/ here
It is plot relevant pandering, it can be bait if they push a girl into it though.
I like them a lot too! I enjoy a diferent ship for every thorfinn age, Askeladd/Thorfinn for his edgy teen version, Einar/Thorfinn for current Thorfinn, some others here and there.
Lately I've been having a soft spot for Garm(yeah I know...) and garm/thorkell
Bleach em.
I guess people are just too obsessed with canon nowadays instead of just enjoying the fanservice and fapping to the doujinshi.
looks cute, what is this about??
Why is raceplay so hot
I want enta's manga already
I do like the childhood friend trope but I agree with you zhan and yi part is done for now and the way mo and he tian relationship slowly changes from enemies to friends to lovers fill me with joy
I've always preferred stuff that was straight up homo instead of just fanservice, which I guess is why I've always been more of a BL fujo. Not criticizing you though, whatever floats your boat.
What if I don't care about big corporate motivations and just want quality content with gays on screen being gay?
Based Yamada, DUCK Tsuritama spinoff when?
Nothing wrong with wanting your OTP to be canon or preferring the real thing over pandering but when something isn't homo it isn't. It's kind of pointless to expect shounenshit to be actual homo etc. Like the butthurt over Promare's fanservice is stupid because it's not like it's presenting the characters as a couple.
Shino was just too damn beautiful for this unforgiving world.
>tsuritama was 7 years ago
Yamada and his band of faggots was the worst part of that show
I also prefer canon, the problem is with people that can't accept their ship isn't and write books to convince themselves and others that it is. I think that's getting more common but may be my imagination.
These are all valid.
What really sealed Einar/Thorfinn for me when he used his body to embrace/shield him from Hild. Good shit man.
>this whole meta discussion
>implying Tapioca wasn't best boy
I'm just happy a hot blooded super robot work had two guys kissing. It's fanservice and I'm enjoying it.
I agree with you, I'm not even pushing that they are in a "canon" relationship of any sort.
It is an on going story, that can take a lot of unexpected turns, it is just marketed in a certain way.
Of course, that is fine.
>Nothing wrong with wanting your OTP to be canon or preferring the real thing over pandering
>but when something isn't homo it isn't. It's kind of pointless to expect shounenshit to be actual homo etc
True, but T&B is seinen and they said stuff like pic related many times so it counts a bit.
why are my mrm thumbnails borked
All of my het ships got to kiss, while none of my gay ships got to kiss. Do you think there might be something a tad wrong in here?
They've been that way for me too for maybe a week.
>-I- didn't get everything that -I- wanted. Don't you think there's something a tad wrong here?????
Just lol
Your adblock is catching some of the thumbnails, you need to whitelist everything from /uploads/ basically
>two guys kissing
Isn't it annoying how we can get either kissless canon romance or loveless canon "kisses"?
I've tried turning off my Ghostery and Adblock entirely for MRM but it didn't work.
I'm free to imagine there's whatever amount of romance I want.
Do tell how many of your non BL gay ships got to kiss. I'm sure that's going to be a hefty list.
edgy boy and purple hair boy are a popular ship.
This is cute.
>Isn't it annoying how we can get either kissless canon romance
It is this stuff this that makes people think characters aren't in love even if they are.
Shouldn't emotional romance count just as deeply?
Did they finish the homophobe sandnigger countries yet? I wanted to see Iran-kun.
Typically people in love would feel the need to kiss each other. If the show doesn't characterise them as asexual or something prior it would be a bit weird that they don't ever kiss.
But if the story is on-going and a character is not confessing then there can't be kiss right?
what the fuck
Did scanlations for this die for good?
yeah. hoshi is confirmed out of the scene and the other has a job.
it's a typesetting hell anyways, might as well learn nip at this point or google it and read the romaji
Anybody remember that manga where the parents of one of the guys are homophobic
are they lovey dovey yet or is small boy just asking for platonic kisses still?
the cutesy romance stuff comes out better when it's slowly built. pic related
last time I've seen it is sort of one-sided. I think it's being positioned to become a long time running series on Canna
Lewdest shota of the year.
How this trainwreck ended?
In the most mediocre fashion possible, to be honest.
there needs to be more of Cu and his husbando.
>Connecting with people can be painful, but it's worth it
Bravo Ikuhara
Waver's virginity!
He ain't no virgin after F/Z.
Morally wrong. Post the real version.
Ah yes, like the scandalous gay rep in Beauty and the Beast. Don’t be stupid, big companies only throw bones to the LGBT from behind the curtains so they won’t lose money. Hell, I don’t think they would but if their aim is for it to have a wider appeal than the anime they could even pull a Marvel and tone down the relationship so much because of the massive following the ship has that normal people who have only seen the movie would have a hard time believing they are even close friends
>normal people who have only seen the movie would have a hard time believing they are even close friends
Why would they do that?
I’m out of the loop, was there a mistranslation with the “too close” line?
The original.
The dub.
>too close pal.
They added pal at the end of it and a lot of other lines and calling Barnaby 'kid' too like another user mentioned; Kotetsu is around 11 years older than Barnaby but in another scene Kotetsu says 'you are not too cute for a bunny' teasingly in the sub but in the dub he says 'good talk, good talk' in a dead beat dad way. There are a lot of changes like that.
smells like green spirit?
YoI was gay, just weirdly coy about it the times it got very obvious lol
My bad here he said "as always you are not very cute" in that line. Sorry about the mix up with another line.
So literally Eva?
Source on the cover's artist? is this the Russian edition?
Yeah and his next anime is a collaboration with Khara.
You wish Anno
Never watched any of these anime but that’s the weirdest fucking “no homo” I’ve ever seen if that was the intention, just makes it even more queer
Fall sportshit battle.
Sportshit is dead.
left will be boring and right is sluts doing sport
>Sportshit is dead.
Good, it was so boring when the fujos only ate up shounensport. At least the mobageshit have a range of settings and ages that is beyond a high school sport club. Even idoshit have a wider range of boys.
>wider range of characters
I really don't know how to even address something that delusional
Isn't Haikyuu getting a new season? Sportshit may be on life support but it's still not completely dead.
Firstly they're not stuck in high school age and are not restricted to the high school sport club setting.
It is. Fucking zoomers had it easy and are now entitled. The upside is that it might change things in the long, long term, the downside is the “opposition” getting even more obnoxious feeling justified.
HQ is an established series that got it's foothold during the sportshit era.
>sports anime dead
>oofuri season 3 never
There's still sportshit manga/anime around but it's just no longer hyped with fujos.
Last for sodomy
night, homos
I see. Are the subs faithful then? It’s what I watched, but it’s been a while and I’ve been meaning to do it again
Isn't there a sport anime about rugby this season? Do fujos care or are they all watching idolshit?
Lio saves Galo by putting a flame barrier on him. Then Galo saves Lio by CPRing the flame back into him
>tfw Akira Ishida confirmed that Sariel loves Belial
Idolshit and given.
If only other threads here were as civilized as these ones. See you around, homos
Good bye and sweet dreams.
They are mostly faithful, any pal bits are added in as extra there as well though.
There are small changes but you will probably catch them if you usually watch subs; for example, subs and dubs both don't always call their carry a 'princess carry' like the original does, etc.
>Doesn't start airing until July 30
I'm still going to watch it if it get subs despite it reeks of production issues.
Gonzo really ruined the 7SEEDS adaptation and it made me sad.
That’s good to hear. Hopefully my years of experience as a weeb will pay off and I’ll catch the missing pieces. Thank you!
Also be sure to check out the 3 shorts on YT, the drama cd translations on the wiki and both movies + the continuation and side story manga scanlation here: thirdleagueheroes.tumblr.com
Good luck mode user.
Is Barnaby the top?
Yes. Officially.
Goodbye homos, it was a pleasant thread.
Have a good night.
Good night mabu
I love these pervy pure kappas so much.
Based t&b user, my weekend is set then
I have the full list here but it needs a new update for the 3dpd movie info.
I'll edit that, pic related and the pachislot works in later.
Reminder that Ashu is alive and well.
It is such a shit excuse to kill him off because he killed people when Blanca got to live (not that I mind that he lived) feels unfair but hey, such tragic endings are realistic, people die by falling off the stairs too so I can't complain too much.
Are him and Melvin gonna have more cute adventures together?
I wish he lived but I'd rather they animate garden of light than pretend the anime has an open ending
Cute and gay.