ITT: Valuable life lessons anime has taught you

ITT: Valuable life lessons anime has taught you

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Non shitpost coming through.

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Have sex.

Not an evafag but this was legit good

I'm never going to get laid.

>Casual sex
What, normal sex too hard for you? fucking casuals.

3d women are garbage

Charity is pointless.
Economics is a system of extracting value from the weak. To turn around and give some of that back is a pointless act, akin to swinging a door around and around.

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sup roastie

Normaltards will never understand how deep this is.

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So are 2d.

actually he took her virginity and they stayed in bed for a week. it was a passionate love affair - not casual sex

If it didn't come with a long lasting social contract then it's casual.

Incorrect. My wife kobayashi is beautiful

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ep3 never

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>you die if you are killed.

based and moe-pilled

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Stop... these...lies

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Wasn't Anno still a virgin at the time?

it was great

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there's literally nothing wrong with any of that

>t. Misato

It's wrong if you use sex as a replacement of self-worth, which is what a lot of roasties do.

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And Chads.

Japanese are always banging on about stuff getting along with stuff. What word is this that keeps getting translated this way?

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I admire a person who wrote this. I myself am absolutely unable to write lots of something so meaningless.

most of those "chads" ultimately are weak-willed fags that can't stand being alone so it's the same

If crippling your own growth and matury by depending on something that doesn't actually work outside very specific circumstances and only purpose is to ignore your problems until they go away isn't a problem for you them you have problems.

I wonder if I've still got that folder of Asian girls licking doorknobs somewhere

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I've lost the ability to have fun.
I tried playing a game. It felt utterly mechanical.
I tried another game. Ditto.

Gaming is dead to me. It's all mechanical.

Go to bed Tohru

>economics is a system
Economics is a study. Fucking waste yourself brainlet, hows that for a life lesson.

And that, kids, is how i rationalize my crippling drug addiction

Zetsubou, zetsubou

That's a different one. I mean "get along with" like friends do.

Would you repair the statement?

Replace economics with capitalism