MC isn't in the biggest and most important arc of the series

>MC isn't in the biggest and most important arc of the series

ITT deconstructions

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Other urls found in this thread:

HXH is fucking garbage.

so depp

Rent free

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Nah man even for free i wouldnt watch that garbage. u niggers would have to pay me.

Chimera Ant arc > Yorknew City arc

not an argument redditfag.
Try again.

That isn't new, most shonens are about reaching the top spot or finding a random item/person
Gon is just like shippuden naruto but weaker and gayer which is honestly pretty pathetic

>responds to a HxH thread
>lol rent free why are you replying
Truly high IQ fanbase

just shows how good the series is / how good togashi is when the story is still great after all these years AND didn't need gon to carry it since the supporting cast is that fleshed out.

Truly the best shounen ever made




>60 episodes
How could you possibly defend this god awful pacing

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all hxh thread are dead.
why do hunterfags even try?
why are hiatuscucks still loyal to hackashi?

Its really shitty when the character you want to see isn't being touched on at all





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HXH is a deconstruction of good anime/manga.

bro humans are the real monsters lol

>rent free
agreed huntards stay rent free in other shounen threads to stay relevant...its fuckin sad, also youre all beta cucks

clip related

>this thing is so good
>no, it's crap

Lurk two years before posting

>don't like HxH
>see a HxH thread
>enter the said thread
>make a post calling it garbage

Yes, truly rent free

I don't do that. And that Yea Forums sings is a false flag

ITT hiatus

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I can browse and post in any thread

Hisoka will die of old age.

True, but only best girl killua.

Kurapika Kurta

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>make shit threads when you have nothing to talk about because your series is always on hiatus
>get mad that people come into your thread to shitpost when it's essentially a shitpost thread to begin with

Relearn english, idiot.

>MC doesn't even meet the Main Villain

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kek based and red pilled

sunken cost fallacy

The Succession War Arc Guide Part I

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>MC is a villain actually

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Jesus Christ this is pathetic

The Succession War Arc Guide Part II

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Fire Punch is better

The Succession War Arc Guide Part III

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It's also over.

Fire Punch deconstructed structure itself.

The Succession War Arc Guide Part IV

I have some new ones if you didn’t have them already

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Not sure why everyone says Hisoka is stronger now that he has come back to life. His nen didnt even become stronger, all he did was put a condition on his nen, and if anything, when activated, he worked. He isnt stronger because he died, in fact he is missing body parts and has to use nen now to replace them. Not sure how strong those nen prosthetics are. Like when he fought Castro, he might deal with nen overload in the future.

Subversion works when a clear purpose is there and not just shock. Gon's one tracked naive idea of morality is put to the test in the ant arc while Snoke just dies cause lol who would have thought. This is made worst with Kylo becoming a sniveling villain directly after instead of him having an honest character turn

>manga is actually just generic shonenshit but everyone praises it as the most intellectual work in human history because they need to justify all their wasted time
truly a great deconstruction

The Succession War Arc Guide Part V

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Gon is not in the current arc despite being in every other arc because he would solo the Black Whale and the Dark Continent

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Basado y Gonpilado

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“I’m starting to think we might not be able to complete this mission, without sacrificing someone in the process”

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