
Less than 2 hours until the next episode

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Other urls found in this thread:

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>This is now a King Crimson thread

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> fishface
He's probably Innsmouth ascendant

is this week recap or a new episode

Didn't jojo take a 2 weeks break?





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Is it airing today or not?

If you're really the king, then why the fuck didn't you stop Sword Art Online from happening again? We've begged you over and over to do it after the first time you did it, but nothing. Why did you have to play with our hearts so?

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sorry user

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OP erased three weeks and leapt past them.

Was there any romance between Trish and Bucciarati?

No. Surrogate parental relationship.


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I wanna protect that smile

Man allcaps king crimson got old fast

Guys... should we tell him?

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This meme was funny when it wasn't made by fujoshi, now you've ruined it.

This just reminde me of shoop da whoop.

Brooos where is the episode? It should be up already.

Sent ;)

bruno x trish is only as real as bruno x narancia

I don't understand this screencap.
Was SAO airing when it suddenly froze or what?

The only implied romance was between Trish and Mista, and that's because they went on a date at the end.

That's incest

i'm waiting for the wedding OVA

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I wonder if DP will add hearts in the animu scene too.

haha wacky funny face stand

Keep waiting... It'll be up soon user!

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>Part 5's almost over

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Why they froze for two weeks? There is some major event in japan or something?

Why didn't the underground power lines reconnect from the hand's ability during the RHCP fight?

Yes. And then it cut to commercial, tried airing it again, and it was literally still frozen again and they had to start the next show early.

Soooo what happened to the episode ?

Yeah, it's called sucking dick.

Oh japan!

It got pushed back to the end of July as a 2 in 1 special episode. That's fucking bullshit considering it's the fucking end. Why the fuck would they push it back?

thank god

Maybe they needed time. I'll take a good episode that's late over a rushed episode any day

RIP One Punch Man

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DP screwed themselves with all the recaps and got kicked out of their timeslot. So they had to wait for another one they could get.

July 28 double episodes

The Last episode had the sound effects, so next two episodes are gonna have a new Opening, am i right?

They might not have an opening at all. Usually I think the sound effects OP is the last one. For instance in part 4 I'm pretty sure the second to last episode had the sound effects OP and episode 39 didn't have one.

Is JoJo best anime ever?

>best anime ever
>not even an episode this week

pick one

Got some facts to back that up?

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The fact that this is happening to begin with. If they had scheduled their timeslot to account for the breaks they would still have it rather than another show taking the timeslot and them having to air the episodes weeks later in a single week.

Jojo is the most intelligent shounen ever written. Can you name a better shounen than this? The answer is no, you can't. The fight scenes are so much better than any other shounen fights. These fight scenes are written with brain and intelligence. They're very original fight scenes and don't follow a traditional fight scene formula in any way. Dragon Ball can go fuck itself. Also, the JoJo fanbase are some of the nicest and most intelligent people you will meet on the internet. We just want to have fun and share our fun little memes. I want to marry Araki, but that's muda for me unfortunately. Also, I like gay guys.


Fuck other shounens, lolibaits, romcoms, cutesy and wannabe Einstein animes

thats exactly why

Do you guys think they're gonna show a tiny glimpse of Jolyne's silhouette at the very last scene of the finale for part 5 - Like they did for Jotaro after the credits of part 2's finale? It only makes sense too! Jotaro, Jolyne, father, daughter, 3, 6 - I mean c'mon!

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Not to mention the prison/jail parallels too!

there werent teases for part 4 in 3 or for 5 in 4, what makes you think this time itll be different?

yeah lol

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if these dan nibbas taken 2 whole weeks to prepare this 1 hour long finale, it god dang BETTER have that last thing at least post credits gosh gammit


I highly doubt it. Its going to be the exact same ending scene as the manga

soon brother soon

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i'd say maybe 13-14 minutes from now, based on what i have so far with my industry correspondents, user

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Who else pumped for the made in heaven fight already?

Can the anime just end with 5? Stone Ocean is ass and I don't want DP to fuck up SBR

we go all the way and you're in for the ride if you like it or not
and maybe stone ocean is better than the manga who knows

the nips are paying for it, so no

>first Friday without Jojo
i don't know how I'm gonna keep from killing myself before best part SO gets adapted

So this is it? No actual fight? Diagaylo finally gets his body back and one second later GER uses the I WIN button and wins?

I loved all the fights in this arc, they were much better than previous battles. The enemies trying to actually win and reversing the situation with brains, like if they actually wanted to live...but Diavolo has the worst fight of the series, barely a fight we could say.

Silver Chariot had a stupid weakness Diavolo found in seconds, are you telling me Diavolo just loses because Golden Shower experience says he wins and thats it?

Best stand but worst villain ever.

>zoomer wants to fit in because some shits from plebbit are saying "SO is ass lol xd"

>SO bad SBR good
When will this shit meme end?

its not gonna be an hour long finale retard. it's gonna be two episodes released at once.

Predict "to be continued" panels for part 6. This one just fits too well not to be.

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I hate you all fucking retards

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Part 6 never.

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Foo Fighters is fuckugly for a main character, hopefully the inevitable adaptation fixes 6's art issues somewhat

Anyone who tells you Vento Aureo's climax isn't the worst in the series is lying through their teeth

Part 6 unironically looks better than every part before it, barring maybe part 4. Part 5 looks like straight-up ass in the manga (not that you've actually read any of it)

3,4 and 5 look way better

Do yo forget the amount of recap and "specials" we had? All of those were unscheduled, so by the time their allotted run time was over, the actual show wasn't done yet, so now we have to wait until there's a timeslot available to air the final episodes (end of July).

They weren't going to delay premiere of the show taking Jojo's spot because David Productions fucked up and needed to make some impromptu recap episodes.

>Part 5 looks like straight-up ass in the manga
What is this man smoking?

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>All of those were unscheduled
what makes you think this wasnt planned from the start?

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The second half of Stone Ocean has the worst art since Battle Tendency.

Is this supposed to look bad?

>there were no teases for part 5 in part 4

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does anyone have the pic that’s this but ghiaccio is talking about hentai games?

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He meant like end series teases. Like Old Joseph at the end of the Part 2 anime.

It's possible it was but even if it was it feels improvised. I don't see any reason to stuff two episodes into an hour special in a much earlier timeslot on a completely different day weeks later unless it's all they can do to finish the series after messing up. Especially when we're in the middle of a "fight" technically.

Having a sign that's easy to miss in the opening and having a several minute long teaser are completely different things.

Everyone always says part 6's art is bad but I've never seen any concrete examples and comparisons and I never had a problem with it.


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I liked SO better than SBR, though I will admit SBR had the best villain out of any of the parts (and thank goodness that they just didn’t randomly give him another time ability like all the other parts)

>better than Pucci

So, what the FUCK and who the fuck is the head doctor and why is his face hidden?

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King crimson looks so fucking dumb holy shit

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oh god


Same shit happened with the final episode of Kekkai Sensen, we have to wait 3 months for the conclusion.

What the actual fuck... Okay, Bucciarati, you can keep that arrow of yours. I'm out.

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Please someone make a BLACKED edit.


How do you retards browse these threads without knowing what's going on?

The SCR fight is the worst stretch of chapters in part 5 (SCR part 1 to Diavolo Surfaces part 5 - which is 13 chapters) despite some good moments (King Crimson appearing to be with Mista but nope it's with Trish, the straight up word savagery when Trish is sent flying over their heads, Bruno in general) and definitely the worst finale of all the parts.

After rereading it several times in the manga my rating of the arc was a 3.5/10, and the anime actually raised it to a 4/10 so good job DP.



Are you fucking kidding me?

Here you go:

>wait three weeks
>the episode is only going to be forty minutes long

youre joking, right?

The fuck? While the first few chapters (up until Foo Fighters begins) of part 6 has the worst art of parts 3-6, the last third of part 6 is the best looking part of Jojo until about a quarter way into part 7.

ononononon it's true

Weve known this for like three weeks

this is the real gold

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funniest night of all time

Hey kid, you see that faggot in the retarded zipper outfit? I'll give you 20 bucks if you nab that arrow in his hand..Kid why are you barking at me like that, I said grab the arrow!

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>yfw you'll live long enough to see stand with a gun and Jotaro's death animated

can someone reply to me the gif of Cioccolata flopping around with his spine out

That's a very specific fetish user

Uh oh

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Characters that would have been better final villains than Diavolo

>Punished Leaky Eye Luca
>Truck driver
>Pistol no 4
>The Fly
>The gangster from Giorno's backstory
>That one guy Abbacchio/Mista/Narancia beat up for no reason
>The female prison guard
>Solido Naso
>Reincarnated Janitor Mario
>Punished Polnareff
>Another Jojo
>Some random faggot from a gang members backstory

less talk more spine

Posts that would have been better than what you sent


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God damn it I love Doppio

>said no one ever

Diavolo thinks he is cute though

Stop masturbating, Boss.

Well he's dead, infinitely so.

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how many episodes until the whole season ends?


I wanna see the archive now.

Silver Chariot Requiem's introduction was godly.

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I'm still fucking seething over the fact that Araki forgot that Shizuka exists. Give me a part where grown up Shizuka is the main JoJo already.

>mfw no one will make whitesnake bleached/blacked edits just to poke at race obsessed snow/niggers
How could we let this happen

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>random plot device
>main jojo
Are you high

fucking NO

iF there wasnt a teaser at the ending of part 4 of Jotaro's kid flying to France, nothing else makes sense.

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bad thing about part 5 is secco and chocolate fight and soul swap thing that makes for an underwhelming ending sequence.

She's a JoJo(adopted, but still), and she could be pretty interesting, her stand ability is good too, not that good on the offense, but invisibility is still good. She could be like a tiny tribute to Lisa Lisa, she already was wearing sunglasseses as a baby.

retard, I love stone ocean but vento aureo is top aesthetics

retard, battle tendency and stone ocean have superb art.
you just went full pleb

Why is GioGio clothes blue?

No canon colors.

fucking hell cucks are really pathetic

David Pro only did that because Araki did that in the Battle Tenancy manga.

There was no hint to part 6 at the end of part 5, so I highly doubt it.

can i blame fire force for this

not really

im gonna anyways

No joestar birthmark, can't be a jojo

Did Giorno have a birthmark?

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When? The last chapter of battle tendency has no mention of the next part let alone Jotaro.


It ends with Old Joseph going to Japan, and it does meniton his grandson, though not by name. The shot of Jotaro in prison was anime only.

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BT art is the best it's ever been in weekly JoJo.

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Holy fuck, I forgot what a polished turd the part 2 manga was.

he deserved better....

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Why is his hand so fucking big?

He was a horse fucker so he had it coming.

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I think it might have been cool to have her as a main character but you're retarded for playing up the "lol Araki forgot" retardation. I guess Araki forgot 99% of the cast of the previous parts too just because they weren't in any of the parts after that had nothing to do with them. Why wasn't Lisa Lisa in part 6? I GUESS ARAKI JUST FORGOT ABOUT HER LMAO! Kill yourself.

I still think part 5 is ass because there's too much shit going on

>dude one good 2 page spread means its all good trust me

no he respects horses like he respects women!


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When Araki rewrites SBR and fucks it up. When that happens it will be bad, until then its probably his best work.

Diego canonically fucks old ladies.

I never noticed how tiny the waist was.

For money, yes.

Thanks for the explanation. That fucking sucks.


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What game? Also
> Yea Forums- anime and manga

Go The Fuck Back

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Giorno didn't deserve to win, it's not FUCKING fair

i want a tiny glimpse of jolyne's silhouette masturbating.

Shut the fuck up already bossu
You lost, it happens, get over it.

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>there are animeonlies expecting a fight in the next 2 episodes

wrong tab

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>stone ocean op
>sharp cuts of jolyne in various sexual positions, and implied moaning

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I'm sure they'll appreciate Olive Garden being brought back and Mista development.

Can I get a pic of King Crimson dabbing?

That's the main plot. She ain't a Joestar by blood but she will be by her parts end.

If you had trips I would've given it to you, too bad.

Does Ungalo have the mark?

Check 'em for me

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SBR anime when?
Can't wait to see all the dino diego x hot pants porn

I don't know if it's shown. But at least one of them does (I think the rods one is shown), so they all should.

>She ain't a Joestar by blood
That's why it will never happen.

Another one of DIO'S son's

How old is she in SO anyway?

you mean hot pants fucking diego with a futacock made out of cream starter

12-ish I think

>That fic where Diego paid Hot Pants to peg him.
Can't stop laughing.

going to the archives was a mistake. i regret wanting to see that image.

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What doesnt throbbing throatpussy turn you on.

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Dio's additional sons are so fucking dumb. Couldn't Araki have at least designed them better?


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>when you see fujoshit.

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>cursed image

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No thanks I already have too much.

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>name of the next jojolion chapter is "The Wonder Of You"
im think that TWOY is going to be Speed King's second ability or some stuff like that

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>thats canonically possible

damn, another reason to make me hate Araki even more for killing them

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Lets not.

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That's the title of the next volume, which has chapters we've already read in it. The chapters mostly dealing with the head doctor. So it's the name of either the stand that attacks the group from behind or the one making them run into things.

Why are fujos like this? What drives a person to draw such degeneracy?

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The same thing that most , waifufags, hetshits, and husbandofags are driven by.
Degeneracy runs the art world.

So you mean people with muses?
Oh, you are a degenerate.

>convincing yourself that wanting to fuck a 2d girl is any less degenerate than wanting to watch 2d boys fuck each other

waifufags are no more or less fucked than fujos

I mean, you arent wrong.

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not this shit again

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Based hair poster.


Rikiel and Versace are fine, Ungalo's just ugly because he got the Dario genes.

What is jojo about?

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Gay men doing hetero stuff.

Vampires, stone men, vampires again, serial killers, mafia, prison priests, cowboys, and stone men again.

Bizarre stuff happens

Everyone is out to end this fucking bloodline.

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What's his stand called again?

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Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap or D4C

Filthy Acts at a Reasonable Price

Its the tale of Yoshua son of Joseph.

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Only DIO and Pucci. Kira and Diavolo just wanted to live quiet lives.

The only romance in Pt 5 was between Trish and Bruno, at least that's what Trish would have wanted to happen.

I just want to have an stand.

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>What is jojo about?

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>at least I still have my walkman
Joseph had a hard life.

He looks like c moon

I love how Epitaph sweats too

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hey, faggots, the digital colored volumes 16 and 17 come out on July 19 along with the regular volume 21 and the chapter 88.

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He took a chunk out of the ground. It would only rejoin if the entire earth was split in half with The Hand.
Also Araki forgot, pretty sure that ability was only shown in like a third of Okuyasu's fights.



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Why did the drowned prisoners get so bloated in the punishment ward?

people whose have nickname Jojo keep getting in a bizarre adventure.

>implying JoJo is a thing after Part 2

JOtaro kuJO
JOsuke Higashikata (JOestar)
GIOrno GIOvanna
wtf araki is truly a 200 iq artist

>JOtaro kuJO
Kujo isn't Joestar
>JOsuke Higashikata (JOestar)
>GIOrno GIOvanna
Gio isn't Jo


Ku'JO' 'JO'taro
Higashikata 'JO'suke('JO;) - 'suke' can also be pronounced 'jo'
'GIO'vanna 'GIO'rno
'JO'lyne Cu'JO'h
'JO'nathan 'JO'estar
Higashikata 'JO'suke('JO')

All JoJos

>Gio is Jo

Do you hear the pronunciation of the name? Both in the anime and in the speech of actual Italians.
The 'Gio' makes a sound very similar to 'Jo'.

gio is pronounced like jo in italian

>JOsuke Higashikata (JOestar)

Why the fuck is this so funny to me

If you're not a Joestar, you're not a JoJo.

Don't even reply to me.

If you got a star and some Joestar blood you are a Joestar.

Notice how they never say JoJo after Part 2.

Jotaro is called JoJo during part 3.

I mean, Dio was using Johnathan's body right?

>Jotaro is called Jojo a couple of times
>Josuke is called Jojo by the bullies at the beginning
>Jolyne is called Jojo by her mom and I think at least one other character

you are not so going to like the next final fights in the next arcs either then.

Gio is pronounced Jo in italian

Is this the best stand cry?

Attached: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5 - Vento Aureo [Official Colored] - Vol.12 Ch.100 - Spice Girl P (1560x1200, 1.09M)

what do you guys think will be the EDs for stone ocean


because drowned corpses bloat

I hope Stone Ocean doesn't take time away from Vento's ending.

If it's not Sweet Escape we riot

>time away from Vento's ending.
user, the VA ending is just someone kissing giorno's hand. it'll last like a minute tops

gangsta paradise

Questionable behaviours done within an attainable price range

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wasn't he a fat fuck in early SBR

You're literally retarded.

I like going onto youtube videos of certain songs and seeing people getting confused at all the RIP comments thinking a band member died for something

Superstar would be the most fitting but Araki probably never listened to that stuff

What the fuck is this shit LMAO

Don't know if anyone has seen this, but the artist who worked on the original Jojo ova's has drawn other franchies' characters.

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I have only seen the Hokuto no Ken's one though.

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>89 soon

Amoral Actions Accomplished at an Affordable Agreement

imagine not being able to follow a shounen, lmao


Virtual Insanity would be pure kino

god damn after catching up this part's been the best one so far. The anime's been so good, i can only think of like 1 ep with wonky quality but the rest has been top-tier shit. i think I've rewatched the most recent ep and King Crimson vs Metallica like 4 times now

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Part 5 has been pure kino

If they salvage part 5's ending by actually giving it one I'll be willing to admit it's better than part 2's adaptation. Doubt that'll happen though

Attached: aniki you just posted cringe.jpg (500x640, 45K)

They've adapted everything perfectly and even better than the manga in a lot of cases. Shit like the dance scene and King Crimson's reveal was fantastic

>he doesn't like hand kissing

Attached: kira koichi.gif (480x270, 351K)

But we got that in the OP!

>will skip part 6 because it's worse than part 3
>wont watch jojos until 2024 when part 7 comes out

part 5 is GONE

You don't deserve to watch the series in general

I've read every part. There isn't anything in part 6 i'm excited to see animated except maybe weather report and made in heaven.

It's been a fun ride. Hoping that when part 6 airs the threads aren't so full of falseflagger shitflingers though. Not like that'll ever happen but still, the threads were more fun when they were full of people that actually liked the series instead of Yea Forumsedditors

go back to watching your jojotubers

I'd recommend giving part 6 another read senpai, or just waiting to see it done in the anime. DP improved part 5 a fuck ton from the source material, I'm sure part 6 will be way better than anyone's expecting.
part 6 is overhated, it has its lows but its high points are top-tier and do more than enough to make the part great overall.

Never gonna happen. Partshitters are physically and mentally incapable of discussing without going "PART X BAD PART Y GOOD"

you're talking to a part skipper user, he won't listen

Jolyne VA better be super sexy.

>has read the part
Are you braindead?

I've read it twice. I might check it out, but the first few episodes are going to be really weak. It takes so long for the part to even get started. Compared to part 5 which had an amazing start with Giorno outsmarting koichi, bruno being introduced, and black sabbath.

DP have been perfect with their voice casts so far, Gio's was great enough to make me like his character even more, same with Bruno's.
that said I still hope Jolyne's voiced by Sawashiro. Who could do Pucci though?

>amazing start

Considering I thought part 5 lost a lot of momentum after its strong start while reading the manga, the anime made shit like Soft Machine and Little Feet go from meh/alright to god-tier thanks to how well those eps were handled. I'm sure DP'll make the less fondly-remembered fights great, especially if they go all in with the bizarreness of part 6.
as much as I love the part I think the art for it isn't too great, it'll be much nicer at least to see it looking consistently good when it's adapted (unless they rush it)

But it does have an amazing start. Ep 1 and 2 are pure solid JoJo, the entire encounter and fight between Gio and Bruno is superbly done.

Yeah part 6 backgrounds are super weak. So many panels with 0 background or just a wall or hall way background. DP will definitely improve that. But I also don't know how much effort they would put in. I mean part of the reason this part was such a great adaptation was because it is Japan's favorite part, probably the animation studio's favorite part as well. I mean it even got it's own /fa/shion wear from a pretty reputable designer clothing company.

It really made me dislike giorno, he was a piece of shit yet still moralfags, it also sets up powers that giorno will never use again

Little Feet was always god tier. I think people overlooked it because Formaggio was the first Squadra.

I want to have faith that DP will only continue to get better with each adaptation. It's clear that the studio's full of actual fanboys for the series, I'm sure that'll extend to part 6 since it's still the ending of the original universe. All it'll depend on is when they do it, part 5 was so good in terms of production because they took a lot more time to do it in-house, which is why the QUALITY has been minimal. If they do the same with part 6 I can easily see it matching, if not, surpassing part 5 in terms of adaptation quality.
That's the fun part of the start of his character arc and how much he changes from that point onwards to stop being a little shit for the sake of being a future leader. the counter-thing was pretty stupid though, but the rest of the fight was excellent.
>Gio tearing his arm off after getting it zipped just to extend his range to get a hit in on Bruno
That shit was great.
It certainly was way better than I remembered it being. The additional scenes they made for La Squadra and especially Formaggio also made me really like him as an antagonist. The final bit with him and Narancia having a mexican Stand-off in the burning street was top-tier

>Gio tearing his arm off after getting it zipped just to extend his range to get a hit in on Bruno
I would pay Araki to make a one shot colored page of a bystander witnessing Giorno and Bruno's fight. Since a non-stand user wouldn't be able to see the zippers on Giorno's body, they'd just see a guy sitting there pulling his own arm off, blood splattering all over, then throwing it at someone, reattaching it, and watching as that person is stood completely still and petrified (I mean I would be too if siomeone ripped their arm off and threw it at me). What kind of shit would go through your head if you saw that?

A lot of fights in JoJo would be fucking hilarious to watch from the view of a non-stand user.
the concept alone's what made me really like characters like Wekapipo, having a non-stand user actually participate and be a threat in a fight was wild

there was no romance, but it's implied the two cared a lot about each other, and something might have happened if bruno survived

they knew each other for like a day and a half. I really doubt she saw bruno as a father figure

will there be a jojo ep next friday or the friday after that?


it'll be in the 28 so a sunday

why tough? is david from davidpro disabled?

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It's being aired as a 1 hour special

New anime season

I just found out that the guy who voiced(japanese) Dio also voiced a guy in Neon Genes Evangelion, nice

Koyasu's voiced everyone my nig


Wait, there are TWO episodes left? What the fuck are they gonna do, they have like 3 pages to work with.

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Extended epilogue like they did with part 4 but on a bigger length I'd imagine. Them making it a special makes it seem like they're gonna give part 5 a real good sendoff

>It's 39 minutes of Diavolo dying in different ways and 1 minute of closeoff

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Pretty ugly too, but thanks to glorious stando power he got beefed up, reminds me of how Kira mentioned once he wanted to go to a gym to get physically stronger even though he's fucking ripped already for no reason.

Sleeping Slaves, nigga

>fucking ripped already for no reason.
That's what having a jar of nails does, i started putting mine after i saw kira do it too

>Just because he looks like weather with the hat


because it's a fucking good song, you brainlet

That guy is wrong Josuke is a JoJo because the suke (助) can be pronounced as Jo, hence his nickname. Also, what does the last name Joestar have to do with being a JoJo? It's just about the nickname fitting.

so how will shizuka fit in? is there some katakana/hiragana thing to it or it's just too incompatible?

technically you could call him josuke joestar because you take your last name from your father

Where's the ep

There's still only 6 chapters left of part 5. I hope there's a lot of new scenes for the epilogue.

Shizuka could also be read as じょう, so it'd be like Jo Joestar.

what about holly?

not a protag, doesn't matter

if you combine her married and maiden name it could be Holly Joestar-Kujo

Do we have a preview for the next JoJolion chapter? The wait is killing me, shit's probably going down next chapter.


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that works.

He's gonna win next episode r-right bros?

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>His last scene is getting barraged by GER


If by "win" you mean "eat shit and die for all eternity" then yeah.

At least he doesn't die.

Why does Yea Forums hate him?

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all jojotubers are retards

literally who

I liked the ranking every stand videos even if they say stupid crap

He's an NPC drone who subscribes to the "le part 6 BAD" meme


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People knew part 6 was shit over 10 years ago.

Partshitter revionism at its finest, the "part 6 is shit" meme has been around for years and that's all it's ever been, a meme that braindead retards like you parrot after speedreading the manga to get to SBR.


you listened to his PHF audiobook, right user?

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Joshu is very skeptical, he doesn't believe in shit unless he's seeing it with his own eyes, let's see how much this holds true through JoJolion.

I'm not gonna partshit but part 6 has been the most disliked part by the community since the dawn of time, sorry you can't cope with the fact a lot of people dislike something you do.

What is my Stand's power and Name?

Attached: stand.webm (960x960, 1.39M)

based retard
>but part 6 has been the most disliked part by the community since the dawn of time
Fucking newfag, at least pretend like you know what you're talking about. Part 5 was the most disliked part for years due to shitty translations, "part 6 is shit" has only been a meme in its place because retards like parroting the most popular hip memes. Partshitters aren't people, they're subhumans. I bet you think part 6 is hated in Japan too

based. do you think the part6 sucks meme will go away after it gets an anime?

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not him but 100% yes it will. Same shit happened with part 5

It will, just like it did with the "part 5 is shit" meme. The only people who say part 5 is shit or repeat the same boring "giorno is boring/diavolo sucks" memes are contr/a/rians, everywhere else the series is only being seen as improving with every adaptation.
Mark my fucking words when part 6 gets adapted it'll be loved and niggers here will still keep trying to push the "N-NOOO PART 6 IS OBJECTIVELY THE WORST" ''''discussion''''

>Part 5 was the most disliked part for years due to shitty translations
First, part 5 AND 6 were both disliked since forever.
Second, I don't know you but I'm sure there are several other reasons as for why part 5 is so shitted on other than muh translations, are you telling me everyone enjoyed part 3 and 4 reading the piss-stained yellow SC scans and fucking duwang DiU with no problem at all but somehow part 5 having just a meh translation ruined everyone's experience? The anime made me like part 5 way more but I had the most miserable time of my life reading Vento Aureo.

Not hated in Japan, more indifference. It had some pretty low sales back in its original run, and isn’t as beloved as parts 3 or 5 over there.

>First, part 5 AND 6 were both disliked since forever.
Part 5 in particular, part 6 was treated with as much indifference as part 4 was back then, didn't help the scans we had were shit too (try fucking reading SO in black and white, the scan quality for it is STILL bad)
>Second, I don't know you but I'm sure there are several other reasons as for why part 5 is so shitted on other than muh translations
The majority of the issues came from the translations, that's why the "giorno is boring" meme is only regurgitated on here by manga readers who want to make partshitter threads. Look literally everywhere else, people love Giorno as an MC and part 5 is currently the highest ranked adaptation in the series yet. Of course it's not flawless but, like with every single part, partshitters overexaggerate it's flaws to shit and kills all discussion in doing so.
>are you telling me everyone enjoyed part 3 and 4 reading the piss-stained yellow SC scans and fucking duwang DiU with no problem at all but somehow part 5 having just a meh translation ruined everyone's experience?
Part 3 and 4 had charm due to its shitty scans and translations because they were genuinely poor but fun quality. Part 5's translations were as lifeless as you could get, it actively took away from the characters by making them all sound exactly the same while also butchering really important lines. (fucking "resolve" being translated as "conscience" in White Album)
>The anime made me like part 5 way more but I had the most miserable time of my life reading Vento Aureo.
I'd recommend you give part 5 a re-read in the new colored scans then. Personally I think the anime has given us the best incarnation of it though since it improves so much upon the source material

>Not hated in Japan, more indifference. It had some pretty low sales back in its original run, and isn’t as beloved as parts 3 or 5 over there.
Pretty much, but it's not hated. The following for Stone Ocean is growing though, there's been a lot more cosplay of characters from it over the years and I know a few fans who really love Jolyne and F.F.
i'd say part 6 is treated sort of the same way part 4 is in Japan, they're both not really that popular but are still appreciated. Remember, sales don't always indicate quality, SBR's sales were pretty meh too.

Stone Ocean is pretty meh but Its not objective shit like what people are saying. It just has some weird pacing and fights.

I'd argue it starts off good, drags a bit in the middle (has some top-tier fights there though) but the last third is god-tier and some of the most exciting shit in the series up until that point.
I hope the anime can do what it's done with shit like The Lock, Ratt, Soft Machine etc and can make the fights people don't remember too fondly (Yo Yo Ma, Dragon's Dream) into really good episodes.

Anyone who says part 6 is unjustly treated hasn’t read it. That stretch from dragons dream to yoyoma is so lame, it kills my interest every time while trying to read through it again.

Dragon's Dream is the objective worst fight in all of Jojo, if the anime skipped it I would be happy as fuck

If DP made me not want to close the tab on the part 5 anime I hope they do the same with part 6, I like Jolyne but everything felt like a gigantic clusterfuck and the setting is awful.
I think all JoJo parts are great on their own, but compared to the other parts, 5 and 6 felt specially dull.

The people who treat part 6 like shit are retarded. Dragon's Dream and Yo-Yo-Ma aren't even THAT bad. My main issue with both fights is that they come right after eachother, but even then if you could manage to read through SDC's monster-of-the-week but find those two fights of SO unreadable you may just have other issues.
>objectively the worst fight in all of JoJo
There isn't a worse fight in the series than half the randies fought in SDC that Jotaro just beats with an asspull.

Personally I feel like part 5 and 6 have some of the best work Araki's done for the series. Part 5 has the greatest fights and some of the most interesting Stands and especially the best group of antagonists, part 6 has the strongest villain in the series for me for just how much he drives the plot forward, and Jolyne is indeed great.

I do think DP will do the part wonders though. They did so much to make part 5 better, if they go into part 6 with all they've learned through adapting the series so far it has the potential to be the best adapted part yet and a really fitting send-off to the OG universe.
If DP can somehow turn a meh fight like Soft Machine into a fantastic 2 eps, Dragon's Dream will probably turn out really good in anime form

I almost agree, but I don't know if all of the last third is God tier, Its somewhat average until the C-Moon part begins and then its great, but I do like how some of the fights like that living cartoon fight and Heavy Weather are so fucking crazy.

The special punishment wing arc or whatever the fuck it was called is like that one area in a videogame that makes you go "Oh right, I gotta get past THAT place again", Panet Waves don't make up for it.

Dragon's Dream isn't so bad, but I legitimately wanted to kill myself a couple times while reading Yo Yo Ma. And this is coming from one of the biggest part 6 defenders on this board.

I personally think it is. Sky High is a really underrated fight and has one of the best minor villains in the series with Rykiel, which I never expected. Bohemian Rhapsody is quintessential JoJo bizarreness and is fun as hell to read, Underworld was a fantastic fight with a fantastic and unique Stand ability even before the Heavy Weather shit kicks in. imo the finale is the strongest part of the series too pre-SBRverse. Imagining seeing it animated gives me chills
Planet Waves was really damn good though, it strengthened Jolyne as one of my favourite joestars a lot
I found Yo Yo Ma fun honestly, but that might just be because I had a lot more fun pacing myself with the part on my re-read. Also that match puzzle drove me insane

There is literally nothing wrong with Dragon's Dream. It was actually a pretty damn cool stand.

>new Elvis Stand
based Araki

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>2 elvis stands in 1 part

Sky High I liked because Jolyne setting herself on fire was great, I just felt the rest of the fight was meh.

Maybe I should reread SO again. I only read it last week and I have some mixed feelings on it, maybe I'll enjoy it more.

I haven't read SO in like a year now, I kind of want to save it for the part 6 adaptation so I can go in a bit fresh like I did when part 5 aired. I enjoyed part 5 a fuck ton more that way since the anime made me feel like everything was far better than I remembered it

>Speed King's new power revealed
>it's Burning Love

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I do work on marshes and mosquitoes so I really enjoyed yo yo ma

I started as anime only but I started reading through the manga like three weeks ago and it really changed how I saw some of the parts. Like reading PB really made me enjoy it way more.

Not sure if I can go back and reread SO right away though.

Yo-yo Ma and Dragon's Dream are bad but no where near as shitty as trash like The Sun

Phantom Blood is tight as fuck in the manga, feels like you're reading Hokuto no Ken or similar, the anime loses the hardass 80's feel.

The Sun is really short and simple though, and the part in which everyone starts laughing like maniacs is amazing.

>15 and 20 year old dating
Yuck. That is equivalent to literal faggotry.

So in short, Giorno wins at the end of part 5 because Bruno uses the power of friendship to teleport the arrow to him?

Yeet. Its Bruno's last selfless act.

Giornobros unite.

>15 yo
>Playing chess while everyone else playing checkers
>Jonathan's nobility
>Dio's ruthlessness
>His resolve, fought from childhood instead of running
>"I hate repeating myself", badass, stoic, calm, cold and calculating
>Crew would be nowhere without him

Can we just admit Giorno was/is by far the best character?

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Trish sees Bruno as a mature and reliable man who's risked his neck several times to save her, if Trish had a crush on him it'd be no mystery.

>Jonathan's nobility
You should be ashamed for comparing Giorno to Jonathan. Of all the Joestars, Giorno would be the one Jonathan is most ashamed of.
>>"I hate repeating myself"
>Crew would be nowhere without him
Three of them died because of him

I've always shipped Giorno and Trish. Mostly because in part 6, Pucci could abduct Trish and her child with Giorno to lure him to Florida. That would've been really cool imo.

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>Three of them died because of him
Better than ALL of them dying without him

They were supposed to be fucked up since Dio's bloodline is cursed.

The only reason Giorno didn't get fucked up too was because of the gangster he saved.

Trish having a crush on Bruno is fine, Bruno on Trish is detrimental to his character.

I didn't mind Giorno, up until he gets GER. Watching Diavolo get muda'd actually made me mad. Giorno is a bland Gary Stu and bossu did nothing wrong.

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Why would they all die? Only Trish would have, and that probably would have been via Polpo

How can you write a stoic, introverted character without making him a "bland Gary Stu"?

He's okay. Although he doesn't have nobility he just wanted to become a mob boss

Bossfu should've ordered Trish to be assassinated, that was his biggest fuck up.

Mista x Trish desu

>Man in the Mirror
Abbachio and Fugo dead

>Train fight
All of them dead, perhaps

>Supposing not all dead in train fight, but in later fights?
For sure, all dead.

You think she uses her hair to fuck Koichi's ass? Or like they use it as a makeshift sex swing or some kinky ass shit like that

How big is Koichi's dick though?

Dumb Mary Sue.

You can't to some people.
Unless a character is constantly shouting whatever emotion they are feeling in that moment they are bland.
Unless they are constantly being used for gags and humor they are bland.
Unless they are shown to never win by skill, only by luck they are a gary-stu. You can't be competent dontcha know.

user why would they be doing all this in the first place? Giorno murdered Polpo, which is what lead to all this happening.

I'm pretty sure johnatan would be the most ashamed of joseph and edgy jotaro

This, a million times, user. Thanks.

Giorno is easily the worst Jojo. He's bland as hell, and when he does show a degree of character to him it's usually just him being a smarmy, unlikable prick. Gold Experience is lame not only because Araki kept changing his mind on what he wanted it to do, but it was usually just dumb asspulls with "I added life to that tacked on". Baby Face is the worst fight in part 5 by far, and it's not a coincidence that it centers around GE. It's literally just "uh but actually I gave that life so you lose kiddo lmao". Not to mention how bullshit it was during the Green Day fight. It was fitting when Joseph had massive asspulls because that was part of his character, but with Giorno we're expected to believe it's because he's smart or some shit. GE just ended up coming across as a lame rehash of Crazy Diamond

Bruno was the true protagonist of Part 5. He's considerably more likable, has a better backstory, and has an incredibly cool stand because he actually utilizes the simple premise in creative, entertaining ways.

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Give them realistic emotions beneath their stoic exterior. Even Jotaro was more believable as a character than Giorno.
Epic strawman.

If he didn't, the Boss would continue to rule, which they ALL wanted to stop.

Make him wrong sometimes, instead of always figuring out or knowing the answer to everything. Making his abilities more consistent would have helped him too. Really, just give him some more obvious character flaws.
I don't understand why Diavolo had to try and kill his own daughter. It could have been more interesting if Trish decided to rebel against him because she didn't want to live in isolation like he does or something.

>which they ALL wanted to stop.
Only Bruno did. It wasn't even him wanting to stop the boss entirely, it was him wanting to stop the drug trade

It's JoJo's Copyright Free Adventure's In Italy

That would’ve been stupid.

I just wish Araki gave him like anger issues like lack of patience or something. Then we could see him having episodes where he's so heated it disrupts the chemistry of the group or leads him to making crucial mistakes.

Boss = drug trade tho

This user gets it.

I already knew it was going to happen but I still miss him lads fuck

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>Giorno is easily the worst Jojo.

I don't think it's possible to deny this. Only redditors can dare say otherwise.

Isn't that fugo's thing

Because Diavolo was nuts and did extreme shit to protect himself, its why he became a mob boss. I wish the real conflict was Doppio rejecting Diavolo or something.

Diavolo’s plan should’ve been to keep Trish under his floor like he did with his mom.

Those faults aren't even Giorno tho. It's GE which I absolutely detest. Separate the stand from his character.

>Giorno is easily the worst Jojo.
>Everyone who likes Giorno is reddit

I never thought my favorite character (besides maybe Kira) in the entire series would be a metrosexual gangster with a Mom hairdo

The only reason I don't dislike Giorno more is because I'm distracted by him hanging out with a bunch of cool dudes.

Oh right, forgot about him lol. They could've literally be one character. But a little less schizo than Fugo, anger issues like normal people I guess.

you do realize Fugo was supposed to be the brains of the group until Giorno replaced him, in the end giorno replaced him in the group dinamics like how he took the spot of "mista's friend"

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Giorno also replaced Narancia as the group’s onahole.

>>Everyone who likes Giorno is reddit
>>Giorno is easily the worst Jojo.


tf was he gonna do when he dies of old age? why wouldn't he want an heir or something

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How? he commited adultery once but he's a honorable guy, even adopted a kid. Not to mention he deafeated pillar men
he has a good heart and is a family man deep down, just like Jonathan noticed good in a thug speedwagon, he'd notice good in an edgy jotaro

That was probably his plan because he didn't kill her and was heading to the bottom of the church.

Why would Bruno do that to his husband?

Where does Johnny rate as a JoJo, ignoring how OP Tusk is?

He's a delusional nut job who thinks King Crimson can protect him from fate, he probably never once thought that far ahead.

You know, reading the plot of episode 36 there really makes you think how crazy this shit can get.

>character has no flaws and all his personality traits are him being great at something
he looks so bland in comparison to every other Jojo, very typical shonen protagonist, without him pt 5 could easilly have been one of my faveourites but thanks to him it's stuck in the middle

Please don't forget him

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He attempts to finish her off once he’s down there.

It's satisfying to see him stand up for himself after being bullied by dio

Part 5, as a whole, is mediocre not because of Giorno, but because of it's heavy reliance on fights instead of good writing for quality.

I can agree with that to some degree. having more scenes focused on group dynamics would halp out a lot, I wasn't even that sad at the deaths because of that

Jonathan gets a pass because he was the first and was written in the dark ages. Giorno has no excuse.

Maybe he was planning to become a vampire.

there is no reason he'd know about vampires, besides the last vampire was dio and all the stone masks were smashed in pt 2 (Vanilla ice wasn't a vampire btw)

Giorno takes all of Jonathan and Jotaro’s worst traits, exaggerates them, and discards their better traits.

>Less than 2 hours until the next episode

You lie. It's been two fucking days.

does anyone have the black and white version, i swear i remember it being 10 times better than colored

They could reveal that there was a stone mask hidden somewhere in Italy like in PHF or that SWF was keeping one for research purposes and an undercover Passione agent is trying to steal it.

I would love for Diavolo to become a vampire and then Doppio wouldn't know and walk into the sun and die.

Now that'd be an asspull. There is no reason for a mask to be in italy. There was one mask on board of zeppelis ship, got smashed in part 1. The rest were left at the mayan temple and got smashed in pt 2

What if Doppio could remain human?We know that Kars brought some stone masks to Europe with him.

>Vanilla ice wasn't a vampire btw
Yes he was.

>implying speedwagon foundation didn't eradicate that place after kars and his goons left it
also the mask with the aja stone fell apart. there are none more.

No! He was clearly a zombie. Dio in part 1 made zombies, not vampires, this is why they didn't have any powers. Notice how quickly VI falls apart after going into sunlight- instantly, this was neither the case for Dio nor the pillar men. Dio also didn't use the mask, but rather his own blood. Dio in part 1 used his own blood to make the cops into zombies, not vampires.

>implying speedwagon foundation didn't eradicate that place after kars and his goons left it
It wouldn’t be unrealistic to say that they missed a few or decided to keep one in a vault.
>also the mask with the aja stone fell apart. there are none more.
How do we know that he didn’t have any other masks?

>Notice how quickly VI falls apart after going into sunlight- instantly, this was neither the case for Dio
When did we ever see a vampire go into sunlight without dying instantly?
>nor the pillar men.
They’re stronger than vampires.
>Dio also didn't use the mask, but rather his own blood. Dio in part 1 used his own blood to make the cops into zombies, not vampires.
Either Araki changed his mind or Dio learned how to make people into full vampires with only his blood.

>It wouldn’t be unrealistic to say that they missed a few or decided to keep one in a vault.
>implying speedwagon who to that day mourned the loss of jonny boy would let that happen
>How do we know that he didn’t have any other masks?
Wheere would he have carried it? We only see him having this one throughout the whole part

t. Araki

>implying speedwagon who to that day mourned the loss of jonny boy would let that happen
>implying that Speedwagon monitors every single one of his men at all times.
>Wheere would he have carried it? We only see him having this one throughout the whole part
He probably took a few to the mansion in Switzerland and kept them there.

>tfw we never see doppio interact with trish
>tfw we never see doppio interact with the rest of the gang
>tfw we don't even get to see diavolo's reaction to doppio dying

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Imagine how Diavolo felt after losing the one person who he could actually connect with.

And you think they just left that swiss hotel the way it was afterwards? A stone mask appearing past part 2 is an asspull and you know it.

Soft Machine was always great though. I remember the 2 boats reveal panel being the exact moment I got hooked into loving Part 5

Attached: 2boats.png (867x1002, 2.07M)

>And you think they just left that swiss hotel the way it was afterwards?
Of course the SWF would’ve searched it, but they could’ve either kept one mask or missed it during their search.
>A stone mask appearing past part 2 is an asspull and you know it.
It sure would make more sense than Dio surviving Part 1 or having given one of his followers one of his bones.

I hope DP adds Diavolo shouting for Doppio during one of his deaths or something. Like he had final words for Risotto, but not Doppio? Come on.

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They did that pretty terribly in the anime imo. That frame was there for a couple of seconds but you couldn't tell what the fuck it was supposed to be because it wasn't as detailed as the manga panel and it had a bunch of filters slapped on top of it.

I'm going to miss him

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Seeing KC get MUDA'D just looks off, would have made more sense if the final fight was a battle of attrition instead.
This will make me sad, so I hope they do


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because he inherited the chad genes of Dio

For the 2nd one, "What a wonderful world" but 90% chance they can't get it.

what was it brehs?

Bruno having a throat pussy.

Maybe if you erase two weeks.

One of kenzou's abilities is to expel water out of his hand and he puts it into their lungs and stomach so they drown

Name: Night Fever
Power: Any light that reflects off the stand gets fixed to whatever it comes in contact with. Ways to utilize this include creating a permanent light source for traveling in the dark, making your opponents perpetually blinded, and probably some other shit.

Because Araki needed an excuse to draw this.

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what time is the episode coming out

360 hours

A lot of people try too hard to rationalize the logic behind bizarre things in Jojo, but I feel like the reason shit happens is 90% of the time "Araki wanted to draw something happening to the human body". Sometimes I wish he was a movie director

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C-can he do that?? I wish he'd rewrite Stone Ocean's ending so that it makes a lick of sense
>C Moon awakening draws sons of DIO to Pucci
>Giorno is nowhere to be seen

But then again if there were a Gio ex machina, SBR wouldn't've happened

does this mean jotaro has been wearing that purple outfit for years by stone ocean?

t. retard

I love all the parts

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Why the fuck would Giorno be in Florida

>wanting giorno anywhere

I-IMPOSSIBLE!!! How can one man be this brave?

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Haha yeah Araki forgot amirite

He wouldn't, it's dirty lies. Bruno is nice to Abba.

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fuck off fujoshit

florida mob wars
being a bad influence


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>le irony meme
Fuck off back to instagram and never post here ever again.

No mafia would want to own florida, it's not worth the effort

the loser GETS florida.

>When you lose a stand battle and get evicted out of your mansion in Naples, Italy, and now have to live in Naples, Florida and think about ending it all

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says the fujoshit plauging every jojo thread


>if you don't like my retarded unfunny meme you must be posting gayshit
lol project more

>lashes out at someone saying posting gay shit is cringe
>lol guise im totally not a faggot


Man got completely robbed, Giorno in no way qualifies to be the new boss, he's just a walking plot device.

i accept your admission of defeat, queer

have sex

Alot of fights suffer because of the bad writing tho, especially post train arc.

I wish doppio fucked trish without knowing he's her dad, and her daddy at the same time.

not with you, but I'll have you know i received a blowjob from a qt in a dream today so I'm basically a chad at this point

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plot magic and teleportation thanks to GER's new ability: teleportation

Too bad you'll never reach the truth user

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I went with my mom to night club that actually was clothes store and ate spaghetti with her in my dream.

Why Requiemu got dong

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closer than you ever got


>I don't understand why Diavolo had to try and kill his own daughter.
It makes no sense, in the worst case scenario she gets killed along the way and he still gets exactly what he wants. Or just send someone to dispose of her. Done. How is bringing her so close to his location in any way benefitial to his chronic paranoia of people finding him? Not to mention that red herring of showing the boss all covering inside the hotel room like he's in some threat or something only to lead nowhere. I feel like Araki forced that "twist" just to shock for the sake of shock. It's lame as hell.