Space Trump

Carole & Tuesday

Carole is a illegal immigrant


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Based space trump

Wantanabe is a SJW?

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>Space Beyoncé
>Space female Trump
>Space male black Ellen

What’s next?

It's ok when japs do it

Make Mars great again!

Space Michel Jackson.

>japan keeps making fun of a nation that can and has turned them into dust and radioactive glass before
why are the japan so suicide?

>there are people that defend the bullshit that is illegal immigrants not being criminals for disregarding the law

Space Hitler

>why are the japan so suicide?

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Haven't you seen Gundam?

Holy sentence structure batman.

My mistake I’m ESL

Why are studios obsessed with Trump.

Don't all countries deport illegal immigrants all the time? Why are americans so obsessed with theirs?

He said China way too often and now Japan is tsundere and wants Trump Senpai to notice Nippon-chan too.

are you defending trump you fucking nazi hitler bigote?

>What if we fused Hillary and Trump?
RIP Mars.

Sci-fi has historically had a lot of stuff like post-chinese space dockworker speak, weird fusions of culture, etc. Not everyone is trying to kill the white race, as cultures interact, both change, any hard sci-fi should have at least some take on how they think cultures will evolve in the future, it's part of the worldbuilding. Crazy how many people cry SJW and racemixing on a forum dedicated to Asian media, if you want to preserve the white race so badly go watch Rick and Morty or something.

3 months ago...
>"guys, just because it's netflix and has niggers in it, doesn't mean it'll be sjw political propaganda. back to /pol/!"
1 month ago...
>"well, it is getting a little more political but I'm sure it won't devolve into full-blown political propaganda, have sex!"
>"das rite, fuck drumpf and fuck white people! if you're not watching this amazing masterpiece you're a racist incel!"
A show's audience really tells you everything you need to know about it.

>Man does what he's been doing his entire career.
>Anons were too stupid to notice before because they were little piss baby kids.
>Get older and vote for the first time
>Just now notice what he's been doing
2016 was a mistake.

Any show that's associated with it is shit

>man does what he's been doing his entire career
Yes, he's always been a SJW.

Wanting different kinds of people in your creation doesn't make you a SJW. Is Capcom SJW for Street Fighter? Is Harada SJW for Tekken? Is SEGA SJW for Virtua Fighter? What about Streets of Rage? Is Torino SJW for Gundam? Are Seiji Mizushima and Yosuke Kuroda SJW for Gundam 00? Neck yourselves.

Because whether you love or hate Trump, he know how to sell his image.


Didn’t we get anime with Obama or Dubya as well?
Anime Justin Trudeau when?

I'm leftwing, and while I don't like the way you are phrasing things, you are absolutely right. I saw this from the first episode and I was not pleased to see it in anime.

It all comes down to the political propaganda behind his projects. Nothing more or less.

Its one thing to include diversity and progressive themes in your shows like Watabane has always done, but this pseudo Trump shit is too on the nose for me to take seriously


How do you even fucking illegally immigrate to Mars? It already costs the spics 15k to jump the border, can any of these retards afford a spaceship?

The Pluto manga had an obvious Dubya stand-in who went around invading other countries without provocation.

>Bebop was critical of neo-liberalism.
>Anons still surprised about Watanabe's leanings.

>thought she was space hillary
>she's actually space trump
will the miracle be that earth nukes itself into oblivion but mars survives thanks to keeping the terrans away from mars? basically the ending of the martian chronicles.

Then don't watch the watch and stop coming into the thread you spic.

Naaa now the boss is the china

>violence against women
>Hillary/Trump caricature
Can this show get more based?

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The real tragedy of the show is that it's a musical show with shit music and core cast.

Stick to your idolshit.

You have shit taste in music and your opinion is also shit. Nice combo.

low iq newfag here, sauce?

>you're only allowed to discuss something in a positive light! get out of my safe space!

>You have shit taste in music
I'm sorry for triggering someone who has a taste of music of 12 years old girl

>taste of music of 12 years old girl

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To sum it up in one sentence basically there's a party whose election plan is to import foreigners then bribe them with handouts to vote for them.

If a show is triggering you this much you have to screech in a thread about it, then maybe you are to fragile to continue on watching the show and discussing it on Yea Forums. Watch something a little more your speed.

This show pisses of the right and the left, it's pretty amazing.

Why is this show so god-damn ugly? I won't judge it on much since I haven't watched it but why is the it so ugly?

The guy you quoted just said it's hard to take seriously, where the hell do you see "screeching" in that?

>but why is the it so ugly?
Let Pennywise alone, he just wanted to listen to music after murdering children for decades.

>"the right" and "the left"
If you mean idiotic /pol/tards and twitterniggers, then of course, because what doesn't?

How is the right pissed when they get a show that has everything they want?

Reminder that anime is going through the same phase that Japanese videogames went during the late 2000s. Studios are trying to figure it out what do westerners like about Japanese shit and how they can compite with western productions but they're completely clueless about the rest of the world. Quoting Shusaku Endo, Japan is swamp

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Cuz he's a meme.

Have you read literally any C&T thread, starting with this one?


>used up old whore looks ugly
Stop the presses!

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I never said I didn't like the show, just that aspect of it because I didn't expect Watanabe going full Colbert.
Just because someone is critical of a show doesn't mean they hate it.

Triggered samefag

6. The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments. Please refrain from posting the following:

Irrelevant catchphrases or copypasta
Example: "What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?..."
Indecipherable text
Example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"
Irrelevant ASCII macros
Ironic shitposting
Example: "upboads for le funy maymay trollololololoxdxdxdxd~~!"
Gibberish text
Example: "l;kjdsfioasoiupwajnasdfa"

I'm so happy this WOKE shitpile is DOA

You pay space smugglers to dump you in Mars airspace. Bleeding heart Martians will take up their duty to save anyone who's stranded.


>No fun allowed rule abused by lefties
Who would've thought that would happen

High scores all over the place, threads doing well on Yea Forums and faggots like you getting triggered.


It has one thread a episode that doesn't even go to 500 post

They want a show with lgbtq shit and a lot of brown and blacks in it?

>High scores all over the place
Now who could possibly be behind those


probably the same idiots who screamed for days about goblin slayer beingrape culture and that it was anti-semitic because the goblins represented jews

I mean, like, everyone in the show looks ugly.

They look like real people and not moe

I thought she was space Clinton

Imagine being this much of a faggot.

Acts like trump

>threads doing well on Yea Forums
Can't even reach bump limit on airing day


Maybe Trump is just objectively shitty as are his supporters.

Blessed be.

Powerful and brave. Definitely changed my mind, I'm now for open-borders.

>"das rite, fuck drumpf and fuck white people! if you're not watching this amazing masterpiece you're a racist incel!"
Who the fuck says this?

Based and passpilled.

Orange man bad

I want to MATING PRESS Roddy!

I want to IMPREGNATE Roddy!

I want to FUCK Roddy!

based and oldpilled

Bring back Cybelle

This, moving the goalpost until there is no more room, then the actual truth emerges.

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Polly Jean is such a good song

This entire thread should be deported to

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Doing it for the sake of doing it is much worse than intentionally not doing it. Fucking Marxist group think is so infectious.

>Your bad is worse than my bad!

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Prettiest girl of the show.

>Affirmative action is better than meritocracy

You will be the first to go.

Stop derailing the thread even further.

The thread was derailed from the OP


Based as fuck

>Doing it for the sake of doing it
??? Doing something for the sake of it is most anime.

It's not just Japan. Pretty much every country is using Trump as validation for anti-American sentiments.

what show

>t. has never watched a single Watanabe show
>thinks the America is the most important foreign market

Is this thing supposed to be Mexican? Or maybe Irish?

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Carole and Pico to Chiko

Please let it be so

Carole and Tuesday. It's not anywhere near what some of these posts would have you believe though. It's just another neoliberal centrist show that plays it safe instead of actually getting into the dark, terrifying experiences IRL marginalized people have.

Oh, fuck off, it's just a teenage dramedy about girls wanting to be musicians, why would you expect it to go into "dark, ferrying" places?

Oh, fuck off, it's just a teenage dramedy about girls wanting to be musicians, why would you expect it to go into "dark, terrifying" places?

>Tuesday reading my posts about her big plump butt

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Not sure I'm feeling this new OP, it might just be that Kiss Me was a pretty tough act to follow and it hasn't had time to grow on me yet, but I don't like it as much.
The new Angela ED slaps though.

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has a Japanese name.


What's her name again?

This thread never had any rails to begin with.

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Katy Kimura

This is anime fag

I'm starting to lose hope in a yuri end...
