What is the point of these impractical cities/castles in isekai/fantasy...

What is the point of these impractical cities/castles in isekai/fantasy? Pic related looks extremely hard to depend and doesn't have any real strategic value. Didn't they do any research before drawing?

Attached: isekaicity.jpg (1280x720, 118K)

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They're supposed to look cool.

Would you expect ancient vampire constructions to be practically defensible or to look FUCKING COOL and shit?

Attached: Owari no Seraph I don't want nobody to get killed.gif (540x302, 1.81M)

>contrivances in city design and architecture is unrealistic
ohshit hes retarded

Attached: palmanova_dall-alto.jpg (1080x616, 168K)

whats the point of a humanoid shape in mecha when its shit when it comes down to tactics and fighting

And you posted something practical why?

what the fuck does that even mean
practical for what, its space inefficient and clearly designed around aesthetic and geometry
"muh castle siege defense" is a dipshit argument for retards, not every town and city is fort knox

They have more flexibility and can dodge artillery shells better?

>impractical cities/castles in isekai/fantasy
Castles were impractical historically.
Cities were not.

There is a difference that you should pay attention to.

>Pic related looks extremely hard to depend
If the enemy has access to modern weaponry, which was not an issue when the thing was built. Are you stupid? How would you attack that castle with medieval weaponry?

For your information, the pic in OP is the capital of a fucking empire. Not making it defensible is what real retards do. The same thing remains true for most isekai cities since they tend to be some important strategic points where some crucial events happen.