What's the purpose of pantyhose?

What's the purpose of pantyhose?

Attached: [MMSUB x U3-Web] Miru Tights - 03 [WebRip 1080p HEVC-10bit AAC OPUS] [Subs(Chi,Eng,Jpn)].mkv_snapsho (1920x1080, 695K)

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To keep legs warm

to increase blood flow to my reproductive organ

>tfw you will never look good in them because you are male
>tfw you will never get to casually wear them and tease the fuck out of other guys


Anywhere but here.

>doesn't want to be the little girl

Attached: 1392155851289.jpg (1280x720, 145K)

There's a difference between that and being an obnoxious tranny.

and right now you're being an obnoxious faggot

To cover all the flaws and blotchy skin on your legs.

No u

hairy navajo bitches

Seminal dowsing rods

To raise dicks.

To make me horny.


It actually improves leg circulation from memory. Men used to wear leggings way back too. Need to return to the good ol tunic perhaps.

Is this pic of you user?

Attached: 1556093678820.png (700x460, 313K)

>doesn't want to be the little girl
>implies that user isn't a little girl
Spotted the neckbeard pretender!

Attached: gloomy homo.png (848x844, 660K)

>hairy navajo bitches

Attached: navajo.jpg (972x1300, 189K)

Skip shaving legs every day, visual appeal and warmth.

Why are women such whores?
Literally just wear pants or a longer skirt.

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>not forcing women to conform to victorian dresses

Actually women used to do this to themselves back in the day.

The things they did to put those dresses, though...
Victorian Era clothing looks fantastic but it's a fucking hazard to wear

Female clothing isn't meant to be practical. All female clothing & accessories have the sole purpose of attracting dick.

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to look /fa/ as fuck

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Their purpose is to summon Kongou, the feetgazer.

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>What's the purpose of pantyhose?
to harden my dick

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It is a mystery.

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Pantyhose is very practical in cold weather, though.
If you only use layers with separate socks and pants, you have to put them on alternatingly or cold air will get to your ankles.

Men don't get to wear pantyhose and they can still protect effectively from cold weather, though. Female only clothes are there just because they look good.

To keep my penis erect.

I once heard that girls' feet are more ticklish when wearing pantyhose than when they're barefoot.
Does anyone know if that's actually true?

Attached: Confused tanya.jpg (600x345, 41K)

The fabric of the pantyhose makes the irritation even worst.

Protip: IRL women who wear pantyhoses are sluts.

>mfw I'm almost 30 and never got the chance to tickle a girl's foot while she's wearing pantyhose
>mfw I've never got the chance to do that even when without the pantyhose

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Protip: IRL women are sluts, pantyhose or not.

Nah, there are some pure ones out there.


If you buy the BDs, you get to stick your finger in their tight tights pussy.

Attached: bd.jpg (842x842, 106K)

>hole isn't directly on the crotch
I guess that would have been a little on the nose

>the nose
Is that what anons are calling it these days?

The last time I touched a girl's feet was 10 years ago. Even though I was a bit luckier than you, that fact still saddens me.

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Why would it be on the crotch?
This show is about tights, who cares about what is on the crotch.

Try touching girls in the bus or something.

>not wanting to be leglocked by pantyhoses while sniffing and licking a pantyhose-covered crotch

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That's illegal and creepy. If I really want to do it, i'll just pay some whore with cute feet.

I feel that. Personally, I don't want to touch a 3D pig, but paying two prostitutes to lick and suck each other's feet might be cool.

we have enough tranny shit there already stop redirecting them there

I thought /r9k/ was the never-ending pity party for spineless losers to lick each other's wounds and convince each other that their life-ruining behaviors are okay?

Good luck with that, whores have terrible feet, it's probably their most worn down body part after their pussy.

>he thinks men can´t look good in pantyhose
>he won´t casually wear them and tease the fuck out of other guys
I think you´re just insecure, user.

that doesnt mean we want trannie faggots spamming 20+ thread everyday
i actually tend to browse more often Yea Forums now because /r9k/ is unbearable

At least they fit in, unlike here.

If I pulled that off, would she die?

She would be extremely cold.

I grabbed a 14 year old girl's foot yesterday. I don't have a foot fetish. I was just teasing her. I'm only telling you this to make you sad.

Quite the opposite, you may be the one that dies after you unleash the full force of her smelly feet.

Explain further

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they can fit on /lgbt/ where their dirty kind belongs

Just wear Long Johns, absolute comfy.

I'm not a footfag either, but I bet 14 years old girls have soft feet, so it might feel good to massage it, especially if she's wearing pantyhose. I also bet it also smells good. I envy you. I hate you.

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Just tested this, the answer is no.

Die. DIE!

I just googled it. What the fuck, this thing has a penis sleeve?

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We're going to make it bruh.

How else are you supposed to keep your dick comfy and warm in the winter?

I need precise information on your testing methodology.

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>What's the purpose of pantyhose?
To see panties trapped underneath a nylon prison.

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>Men don't get to wear pantyhose
Men in cold climates used to wear tights or hose, some still do.



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Wosn falsch daran?

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You're not dying on my watch

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