No chapter this week
One Piece
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So are most of One Piece characters basically asexual?
Whats the fruit you dislike the most? I think ope ope was a mistake
Gomu gomu, the series would be better if luffy had to rely exclusively on his haki/fists to win fights.
i like sanji
Reminder that we are having a One Piece popularity poll
>Submit your 3 favourite OP character, the order is irrelevant
>The time limit, is one month from now on. I will close the polls once August 2 hits and soon after that I will release the results
>just make sure the 3 characters you pick are your very very favourite because you can't change your vote once you submit the form
20 days left
The ones with man made things have always rubbed me wrong way, but they're also more mysterious ones since surely they couldn't have existed for that long.
I want to marry Kalifa
I'm going to fuck this 22 year old
What if she washed your dick?
If her DF locked her to 8 year old body, does that mean her hymen will always be intact?
no, hymen is considered to be a wound
Not asexual but most of them prioritize other things over sex.
There is no God in Totland, only Mama.
>those boobs
>that anklet
>that tummy
How did Viz translate "I have always been free"? Who was correct, Jaimini or Mangastream?
Reminds me of this one hentai where a guy fucked a princess, but used a spell that made her younger in the middle of it, which restored her hymen as well.
Not-now sexual. Like proper shonen characters they'll keep the family planning for offscreen after their job in the story is done.
Reminds me of this light novel and manga adaptation, it's about a guy with the power to "heal" and he uses it to "heal" everyone he fucks and he can use his "healing" power to change his face and all kinds of things.
Sugar doesn't work like that, she just stops aging not ages in reverse every year.
As if Usopp wouldn't fap while thinking about deflovering Kaya in missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation
Don't really have one,but Foxy's fruit powers were pure unaldeturated bullshit.It could be really cool in combat(It slows down light too,so it could be a counter to a lot of things),but instead he used it for sabotage because???
foxy is filler
I'm still a bit mad they wasted a reverse aging DF for a movie villain's subordinate.
Excuse you, Davy Back fights organized by Foxy pirates were 100% fair with absolutely zero hijinxs
But there is. Katakuri speaks with them everyday
If he does he does it in his freetime offscreen.
such a shame that we didn't get a 28 yo mama in a bathing suit but whatevs, i'm content with smoothie AND kalifa
We'll get that after the inevitable Rocks flashback during Mama and Kaido's reunion
Yeah. Most of them have reached the very peak. No need to reproduce
How did Big Meme become fit? She keeps having autistic fits if she hasn't eaten anything for 5 minutes.
>they wasted a reverse aging DF for a movie villain's subordinate.
Bonney literally has a DF that works both ways, who gives a shit if the inferior one is non-canon?
Listening to sugita sing about delicious, sinful donuts was the highlight of this arc.
i assume you gotta stay semi-flexible for building an entire pirate empire
Calm down, Doffy, she may pass out and Dressrosa would be finished!
Friday without a chapter is so empty
I thought we were gonna get a Zoro guest-chapter? What happened?
that's with the next week issue, baby
Fuck break weeks
we've had 5 break weeks in the last 3 months
looks like oda is getting lazy
Fuck Stephen Taylor
Animal Kingdom Pirates...
sounds like a fun adventure park!
>Most powerful Yonko in the world
>Uberwarrior son and contender for lone wolfing half the navy
>Literally overpowered gimmick and infinite army of super pseudo-giant mutants with top tier armor and powerful weapons
>Don't even get to see third commander do anything
Haha is Oda just tired of this shit story already or what? Don't even get me started on the brainless creativity that went into the Beast Pirates
I don't remember this scene from the Impel Down arc
Only the men with leg hair have had sex. With women I don't know what the nonvirgin tell is.
Tashigi belong to Law
There is no tell because none are virgins.
What about Chopper though? He's definitely a virgin right?
>I don't know the meaning of the word job
Here a (you) for (you)
He is after the timeskip.
For comparison.
Why do all of chopper's forms look so ugly after the timeskip? I just don't get it, isn't he supposed to be the cute one? why make him ugly as sin.
This shit pissed me off. What kind of progress is that? Worst is horn point.
That is cute to nips, he keeps his dumb brain point head/expression on all his forms now.
How do you go from this....
To this?
blame the nips
I don't get it. I though Chopper's whole shtick is that he's supposed to be a "monster". His pre-ts forms look way more monstrous. His horn point pre-ts looks like he's ready to fucking impale someone, now they just look like balloons. Only his walk point is better. And guard point I guess.
Just once I wanna see what happens if someone other than Chopper eats a rumble ball, it can't possibly only work on him can it?
That's the worst part.The brain point face doesn't mesh with the other forms well at all and he just looks extremely derpy.At least pre-TS he looked cool sometimes.
Hobby-Hobby probably. I can't think of a single other fruit with so many different rules attached to it.
>People turn into toys
>They also are forced to take commands from the user
>They also forget who they are
>Everyone else on the fucking planet also forgets the victim existed
Uh, what?
>It also stops you from aging for some reason
Fuck off.
It reminds me more of a Stand than it does of a Devil Fruit.
literally how
Has Chopper even used a point other than Heavy, Kung Fu, or Monster since the TS? Aside from that one time he went Guard to block Big Mom, which was the most impressive thing he's done in a decade.
Kung Fu point is an abomination that should've never been made
kinemon has been with the straw hats for 292 chapters
that quality is fucking awful and the episode premieres tomorrow, calm down
>>that anklet
At last, a fellow patrician.
Every break week is a week longer with this series and shitposting with you guys so I'm fine with it.
Imagine Katakuri suffocating you with his balls haha
I love his sexy horn twink form.
considering the doflamingo arc was like 4 years long....i think they a can speed shit up a bit
gas all katafags
The 5th emperor appears
Is Kinemon the worst character in One Piece?
Imagine her rubbing those juices on her brothers back hmmmmg.
Probably the same way medicine is created to treat strains of disease instead of being a cure-all
god I want Queen to destroy that useless whore
With his penis?
How does her tail remain so fluffy, even underwater?
Sanjifags btfo
July 1: Zoro
Case 2: Sabo
Winter 3: Law
>the way her fluffy tail lifts up her skirt from underneath
God I want to pin down and RAVAGE that bun
Hnnng Tashigi.
>999 skill points to be able to see the map
This might be a while
I can play this, I get lost in games like that all the time.
snow tiddies
Why the fuck not all the Strawhats? Lazy fucking shits.
>let me tie you up nice and tight
If a fucking Wii game from 2009 can do it they have no excuse.
>Luffy, Zoro, Law
Why would you even want to play as a non Monster Trio SH in an action game?
Some people just like their favourite character run around and make cool moves. Remember tomb raider?
Would be nice to have Jinbe
Does anyone have that high resolution realistic Carrot image with the huge tail. I need it for research purposes.
I want Brook and Franky.
Those feet are way too small for a rabbit.
これは「S T A N D」ですか?!
post more bunny butt
Discuss peacefully....? I refuse.
Giving Chopper Pikachu's VA ruined him. Turned him into nothing more than a marketing tool for dumb highschool girls who just want kawaii keychains on their bags. Now he can never be a fighter again because he has ugly and in Horn Porn's case nonfunctional forms and can never have a serious fight like Kumadori again
Brook would be pretty fun.
As he got stronger and unlocked his Human Human Fruit more and more, his transformations became less shaggy, pointy, monstrous and more human, round and fluffy.
If it was a human with a reindeer reindeer fruit it would've been the opposite.
If that's the case then why have Zoro point out that he "looks even more like a monster" than before, and Chopper proclaiming that he doesn't care if he becomes a monster if it means that he can help the crew.
>Horn Porn
If only, though I'd prefer Heavy Porn.
How to fix Chopper
>Get rid of fat fu point
>Bring back old Horn Point but with the expected timeskip improvements
>Bring back the human head structure for Heavy Point
>Reduce the antler size on the new Horn Point and make it the actual Kung Fu Point or some other name, with the similar functionality of nimbler close range combat
>Make the hat shadow the eyes when he's transformed again, it always made him look dangerous as he should be, especially when he's using rumble ball forms
That's bunny cunny, very puffy bunny cunny.
So will there be more minks in Stampede?
Remember when Doffyfags got epic BTFO? Because they totally got BTFO
>No chapter this week
What the fuck. We didn’t get any notification. Oda is becoming as lazy as Togashi
Chopper is more swole now and Zoro wanted to make his friend feel good
>Fightcucks trying to tell Oda how to improve Chopper
Oda should fix him by getting him to be plot relevant, not get into fights with jobbers.
What do you think it smells like?
He was plot relevant in Punk Hazard and that did nothing for him.
What the fuck happened to his jump and arm point? Those were his best forma, did they got replaced by the shit fu point?
Carrots dipped in honey and vinegar.
One Piece is about the fights and powerlevels.
Which character that is alive do you think has the highest powerlevel of all the characters in One Piece?
please don't say im. im is probably like spandam
I couldn't care less about it
Less revelant than any other character despite being part of the main cast, Nami seemed more concerned about the children and was the one who decided to give them over to tashigi, also the arc where Law started cucking him out of the story
He was relevant on Zou though, looks like Oda can only give him transitional arcs
Law's fruit.Absolute bullshit.
>He was relevant on Zou though,
No more than Punk Hazard, Cesar was the one making antidotes.
The Gorosei seem to have a deep admiration and respect for him so that's already different from Spandam and Orochi who aren't well seen by their subordinates.
Kyros has to be a virgin because he has no hairy legs ...
Also Pound
Big mom is a slut
She cheated on pound
>Rebecca isn't his daughter and only resembles her mom
Kyros got cucked
>Rebecca isn't his daughter and only resembles her mom
Kyros is going to refer to Rebecca as Scarlett every night, now
why is kaidous crew so fucking weak? all of them combined have like 0 feats
They shave their leg hair.
Most of the marines and WG officials aside from some of the more anti hero ones like Garp and Smoker worship the celestial dragons and they're all pretty much cannon fodder in terms of battle prowess.
Is Cracker dumb?
He can kill King Baum first and Nami because of the rain
Luffy is fat
He is slower than base luffy
Fat Luffy can bounce himself like a ball to move faster
now that I think about it, all yonko crews we saw doing something were dogshit
marco and vista are the only ones who didn't get destroyed in the war
>big meme
katakuri is literally the only capable fighter. the rest were jobbing to germa shitters and alliance rookies
first 4 were weaker than fucking ace and the others couldn't match the red hair pirates
*breathes in* OH NONONONONO
Yes, he is dumb. If he had just waited for G4 tankman to expire instead of trying to end it all quicker he would have won.
None of them actually need a crew, each of them could solo the entire crew of the others single handedly their real war is as captains only.
I think the hobby hobby has different effects depending on the user. Sugar had toys because she liked them. Another guy obsessed with comics, for example, could develop different stuff.
Yami Yami no mi its an asspull machine.
Oda should have killed her to show that off.
>if luffy had to rely exclusively on his HAKI /fists to win fights.
Please commit suicide
Remember bros shes gigantic meaning you could just imagine laying on her big belly in this picture.
the only person big mom jobbed too was brook
they need a crew to manage their organization
Why didn't the WG just straight kill the Blackbeards right there. I doubt the WB crew would try to interfere.
Implying he didn't train his fruit like a madkid
That's because they're forced to worship the Celestial Dragons, otherwise they'd be sentenced to death.
But the Gorosei have no obligation to follow this dude. He's the only one cucking them from ruling the world, and yet they submit to him.
The tenryuubito are based in the sumerian annunaki. Im is basically An, the alien reptilian leader that conducts it all. His power is political.
Why is Shanks scared of Blackbeard?
3 fruit combowombo. Yami, Gura and some mythzoan
He doesn't like to fight fellow humans
I'm not arguing about his powerlevel, I'm just saying that he's highly regarded by his subordinates unlike Orochi / Spandam.
I'm surprised that he didn't bother trying to steal Marco's fruit
What do you think the odds of Zoro and Sanji getting CoC are? We've already seen the strong parallels between Luffy and Rogers, so it makes sense for Zoro to be similar to Silver Reilegh, since they're both first mates. It's also consistent with how powerful captains like Big Mom have a strong crew member with CoC. Sanji is pretty obvious, since he's a noble.
mMMMMMM! Queen will just LOVE breaking her in!
The other Straw Hats who'll get CoC are Zoro and Usopp
>queenfags forgetting that he only has eyes for komurasaki
shamefur dispray
>starts shitting his pants when he realize his branchio mating press cant pleasure her
Because of his Gucci loafers
>youll see SMOOTHEI IS A SWEET COMMANDER and she is UNBEATED therefore her power is maximum
Yup, have fun holding out on that
>Queen not moving on to another whore after his favorite "died"
That's not fun at all!
I wish Komurasaki was still around. Hiyori is just another boring good girl.
They delivered!
>Only one Charlotte family girl
Sad, but I get it.
Please be quiet. Mama is sleeping
>the arc setting referencing countless works set in the edo period
>kaido's full zoan form referencing shenron
>the beasts pirates referencing fist of the north star's and/or mad max's villains
>the new haki development referencing kenshiro's famous techinque
>stealth black referencing super sentai
>all the zoan dinos referencing jurassic park
is wano the ultimate 80s/90s feels arc?
>must be a jurassic park reference!
you're as bad as the people that un/ironically make the "is that a jojo reference" meme
Patiently waiting for the anime to show Zoro passing out because of stomach grumbles.
I'll never have a cute bun gf, I can't be calm
who's gonna have the last laugh when one of the flying six will INEVITABLY have the same laughing style as jeff goldblum's character?
Genetic modification soon, user. Believe in Nihon science.
I can only hope
Looks like a Clannad.
Who would win in a swordsman battle between Rayleigh in his prime and Mihawk?
Who do you think Mihawk won the title from?
We'll finally get an update on the live action adaptation in the next issue of JUMP.
by the way, the boichi's joint is gonna be 46 pages long with another colorspread
Wano contains a shitton of characters. Are you a bad enough dude to rate them all?
the only pirate that could convince me to commit actual atrocities
Zorochads literally can't stop winning
Those tits are not big enough user
Done and accurate
Rate my shit taste. Franky and Brook are tied for best character so you'll have to forgive their representation.
Abysmal taste
>Queen, Hyo, Robin, Franky, Brook, Speed, Alpacaman, and Mouseman that high
Extremely based
>Holdem and his lion that low
>Snakeneck teacher-kun that low
>YOOOOOtopus that low
Pretty unbased of you user
>dobon in bad
They're in "Literally who" tier, user. It means I have no idea who they are.
Stop bullying him
I'm interested in the roofying filler they add.
Is Zoro actually the strongest Strawhat?
Maybe pre-WCI. Luffy would've surely passed him up at this point.
not trying to be an asshole but those tiers kinda sucked: i decided to rearrange the list a little bit
only correct answer
I am. Rate.
I didn't want to be a furry, but Carrot really isn't giving me a choice
also, all these tier lists made me wondering... what was the last chapter that we were introduced to a new character? like, with a proper info box and all. i'm obviously not counting kawamatsu with the latest one
it was probably queen or hyo
why do you care though? there's already too many characters
>why do you care though? there's already too many characters
like i said, just wondering
>all this funk but not a single earth, wind and fire song being posted
Do you think the strawhats will get a pet as one of the crew members? It feels like something that's been alluded to and the two remaining Yonko have pets on their crew
Inb4 Chopper or Carrot jokes
How is this woman not raped on a daily basis flaunting her ass on display like that?
>want Zoro and Perona to be together
>know it will never happen
I've given up at this point
she's about to get KUROHIGE'D unfortunately
She's got a Vivi tier egghead, her face is scrunched too low.
I'm not sure if i want it.
>vivi tier egghead
Stop exaggerating
>straight up scars mihawk's former rival without his devil fruits fairly
theres a reason mihawk isnt going with perona
It's pretty close already and she's only 8, it'll only get bigger from here.
her bangs just need to cover the forehead a little bit more, i'm sure she'll look fine in the actual episode
Cute feet.
>tfw she will never kibidango her soles and toes
Law staying with the Strawhats
Vivi possibly rejoining depending on the Reverie
I've only gotten into one piece recently but has there ever been this many possible characters to join the crew in a single arc?
only carrot tama and caribou have a tiny chance
Plot armor
Kinemon's fruit fits the same theory as the Nikyu Nikyu one because they both make up 2-9
>Maybe pre-WCI
>Zoro Stronger than Luffy
Why must you do this?
The last crew member is already decided user.
zoro would barely beat base no gears luffy and lose vs raidsuit sanji
>Sunny is not a crewmate
What is this blasphemy.
franky vs luffy incoming
Tashigi could beat no gear Luffy.
Zoro's ability to sense the breath of all things counters the raid suit
Who isn't going to get kurohige'd?
Kaidous top 3 actually are pretty solid compared to other crews
>One-shot the entire BM fleet
>Barely recieved any dmg from big meme, captured her
>pernamently injured 2 scabbards, survived a fight with 3 admiral lever marines
who's the girl getting stabbed by shisui
Pudding, the artist didn't finish her up for some reason, I think he realized the proportions were off so he tried to fix it but well there you go.
the entire picture is very well made, i actually thought it was real until i saw jack because i know he's too much of a pussy to leave kaido's crew
>Big Mom and Kaido
>3 Yonko Commanders
>Whitebeard and Blackbeard
>Like fucking 10 or more Yonkou Commanders
How is that balanced?
>break next week
If only Oda didn't only do joke arcs
>Vosko not drinking
>Instead eating crackers
Its weird to not see alcohol on him at all times, but man there is something really creepy about it. Dammit Oda show these guys off more.
She's Usopp's side bitch.
Cute outfit
I drew something for the occasion, I'll finish it with color and better line art later
That's not Jack, Spee.
this is Jack
Whitebeard was King of the seas. But on a serious note, only like 4 of Whitebeard's commanders compared to top commanders of other crews.
Based user
That is not Jack, Spee D Reader.
Is this smurf or the fabled drawanon?
Are you blind? That's now Drawanon, that's someone else. I think I he might be the one who did the Carrot stretching pics? Maybe not.
To be fair, most of Whitebeard's commanders were potentially much weaker than say the Kata and Kings, same may apply to Blackbeard's as he mirrored his own structure after WB's and not just because they're the nega strawhats.
why didn't doflamingo contact kaido and ask for help
*smacks lips*
*eats meat*
*smiles in the face of death*
*stretches his arms out just for you and inflates himself like a balloon*
*beats the shit out of someone influential because he doesn’t like them*
Never thought about it until now but I wonder if Logia thieves are actually a major epidemic in the OP universe. If I had Caesar's power for instance I would probably do nothing but steal from people.
have you fucking seen whitebeard's commanders? they look like a bunch of bozos except maybe for like marco, vista and jozu
That's because you think too small like all niggers.
What does the picture have to do with you thinking about Logia thieves bro?
Cat Viper and Dog Storm together could outlast commander Dogtooth
Because Oda is a gay cuck with a fragile ego who can't handle creating female characters who have sex
How about I fart in your mouth user
bisoromi bear would blitz both
Will there be a poop paramecia? Could be pretty op with diarrhea, solid chunks, and what not
Don't know why you want to fart on your screen that hard, don't want to know, take a hike freak.
That’s what Caribou is he just lies and says it’s mud
Oh yeah, now I remember. Great work carrotfriend.
this could happen unironically
Same, it'd make sense as Linlin is in Wano and she needs to lose here and give Luffy a reason not to go back there for whatever reason. So it being burned to the ground while Teach gets what he needs to further get closer to Raftel will do just that.
>blackbeard kills katakuri
>luffy's hate towards him grows towards something really personal
>goes after him
Is this furry?
Raidsuit Sanji is the strongest SH right now. He could easily solo Kizaru.
Meanwhile Luffy/Zoro/everyone else would all be one shotted before they even realized what's happening.
Yes. Get out.
Don't act like you wouldn't.
thank you user for the cute fanart. had to cleanse my palate after the most recent posts
Have some more cute fanart user ^,^
What are you, some kind of faggot, user?
Ah yes a cute fanart thread.
I swear, if ZoroChopper doesn't become a canon pairing by the end of the series...
Is this a cleansing?
no, just don't like seeing furry porn in these threads
>Now he can never be a fighter again
He was never a fighter in the first place outside of Monster Point on Enies Lobby.
why did the arist give up on luffy? that katakuri is bretty gud
Fair enough.
I want Katakuri to stretch Luffy's asshole over himself and walk in him like a fursuit
So yes then.
Are the color spreads going to be some collaboration again or just the usual adventure or casual stuff? Not sure if they usually have Oda do more than 1 movie cover or whatever.
Yes the fabled Carrotfag drawfriend has returned, please stick around and draw more things if you can
i don't like luffy's: he's like threatening me to not use the towel
>"yeah man, i DARE you to wash your face this morning"
Luffy? Look at Katakuri!
the next color-spread is gonna be for the 22nd anniversary of the manga so i doubt it. but i did read that the two jump covers that we're getting one after the other are supposed to be linked together or something: maybe they're stampede related
katakuri only has a mean look, luffy is ready to like gomu gomu no my ass
Buttflossing with Hancock's face!
Zoro isn't going to be shirtless in the one-shot, Hiyori
We don't know that!
Too many furry & tranny post, Go deeper! Python!
Take a bath, user!
>still posting that degenerate furry japshit from 2006
You seem unusually troubled by it.
>alternate reality with Monkey D. Monkey
>never bonds with shanks for ovbious reasons
>wants to become a marine instead because he only has grap's influence now
>probably convinces ace and sabo to since he's way more charismatic than them
>become powerful marine hq officials
>reach the rear admiral or higher positions
>start asking questions to the true higher ups
>they notice the corruption of the WG
>get some info from the pirates they face
>learn the true history and put an end to the tyranny whith the support of other marines whithout the need of faggy revs
PS coby dies in some raid while working for alvida, zoro gets cowardly executed by helmeppo, nami kills herself after the village sacrifices to hopelessly fight arlong, usopp gets killed the kuro pirates, robin by crocodile, chopper and sanji live unremarcable lives as a doctor and chef respectively, brook goes mad after decades of nothingness, franky gets executed by the cp-9.
>chopper and sanji live unremarcable lives as a doctor and chef respectively
But they'd get stomped on by Krieg and Wapol.
your MOM AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH LOL fuck in PWNED NEWB really taught you ti show your faace around here hahajajajajajajaj how do you like them apples egh?
what is his appeal?
>unironically posting the hard n-word
mmm wow much laugh
>luffy's hate towards him grows towards something really personal
yeah, because being the direct responsable of ace getting captured wasn't personal enough
Kreig would have been fucking scalped by Germa if he killed Sanji
this would unironically work
luffy should have been ethnic
I... what?
Tall, dark, handsome Luffy for brocons
that makes no sense at all
He is ethnic, he’s Brazilian
Germa have been looking for Sanji since he left. As soon as they found out where he was they changed his bounty to “alive only”
If someone would have killed Sanji before WCI, Germa would have came after them
He is ethnic.
gin would save sanji and i think dalton and chopper can handle wapol
No, they changed his bounty to alive only so they could use him to get in good with mama without trading away someone they actually cared about, Spee D.
Yeah and that would still happen and they would be pissed that they got fucked out of that
Germa is a nation of warlords, they don’t put up with such disgraces
What is this supposed to mean? Everyone has an ethnicity
He wouldn't have a bounty you retard, they wouldn't have found him and he'd be long dead by the time they even got into contact with Big Mom.
like getting completely fooled by big mom to the point where they would have died if sanji had not cared about saving them, I don't see what any of this has to do with Kreig who would have attacked and probably killed sanji two years earlier in this hypothetical timeline
Kata is such a huge dork. I love him so damn much!
>should have been
They would find out he died and find out who killed him
He kills all of those dudes mercilessly you know
That makes me love him even more
>"Do you think I'd want a dishonorable victory, Flampe?"
>cuts down noncombatant Chefs who made yummy donuts for him every day as they begged for their lives
I'm with Flampe here, Katakuri is sending mixed signals.
No delete this, the rest of family would accept him.
They're just selfish dumbfucks.
>Haha, we had an assassination plan the whole time for your entire family during a fake wedding!
Brulee is all the family he needs. Fuck those other bitches.
i want to crawl inside her vaginal canal and spin around...
whatisthis . from
i sawitalong timeago
it's an oldfag classic
Chopper was set to be a mascot character the moment Oda made him small and cute in his hybrid form. If Chopper actually were human sized, he wouldn't have been a mascot.
delete these!
based charlottechad
Anatomically correct Nami
go away
Cursed Nami pictures.
>ends in 1 chapter due to shanks not wanting to save him for an arm
Who wins these?
Zoro vs. No Gears Luffy
Zoro vs. Gear 2nd/3rd Luffy
Zoro vs. Gear 4th Boundman
Zoro vs. Gear 4th Snakeman
Zoro vs. Law
Zoro vs. Doffy
Zoro vs. Kinemon
Zoro vs. Ashura
Zoro vs. Jack
Zoro vs. Katakuri
Zoro vs. Cracker
Zoro vs. Buggy
zoro unironically loses all except for kinemon and no gear luffy
Gear 4th Boundman
Gear 4th Snakeman
Sanji because Zoro dies
>Zoro beating Buggy, who even Mihawk couldn’t touch
zoro already got embarrassed by buggy once, he'll just mutoryu him
Zoro just needs to remember he is still physically capable of punching. Or just use his the inverse of "cut anything" to "cut nothing".
that doesnt disprove what he said
True, but it also proves that Mihawk doesn't even need to touch Buggy to beat him.
Wow, what an original take
>feminine voice
>The 4kids dub last episode is the cliff hanger one where the falling the ship from skypiea falling on the strawhats
Do girls frighten you?
>Luffy never got to hand the straw hat back to Sonic
>The falling ship had the One Piece in it
The end
3D Girls have cooties
You can die from that you know
Bitch would have been cuter if she continued to love her brother
Such a tragedy.
awful taste
awful taste
awful taste
awful taste
Yeah Zoro loses all except Kinemon and anyone who says different is a dumb nigger. And the jury is still out if Haki effects Buggy’s power, which I don’t think it does.
Cracker and Kata would lose to Zoro, maybe Ashura too
>This is what retarded Zorofags believe
I know most of Zoro's fanbase are edgy 15 years olds incapable of logical thought, but come on now this is too much.
Stop being retarded.
Reminder: Alive and nakama
Zoro would destroy Cracker. Not Katakuri, though, since he can't touch him.
Haki doesn't affect Buggy unless the Black Sword shit has nothing to do with Haki
He would still beat Buggy due to simply using Mutoryu
Your high as fuck, Zoro already gets shit on in the speed department, versus someone like Katakuri is 10000 times worse
Cracker is a tough one as Luffy beat him with Nami's assistance. But that could be due to his powers. Would Zoro's more cutting down prowess make the fight easier or harder for him? Can he do it by himself?
>these smug Zorofags
Just you dipshits wait until this arc gets going, your gay little edgelord is going to job fucking hard against real opponents that his plot device powers won't be able to defeat, all while Sanji actually is able to battle productively and contribute.
he already got reality checked by kyoshiro
sanji got reality checked by x-drake harder
>combatant stronger than the captain
Zorofags are delusional
>”fighter” of the crew
>barely fights
zoro would beat no gear luffy just like how RS sanji would be no gear luffy
first mate hanging out with combat specialist.
Who would win?
Zoro vs. Sanji
Zoro vs. Raid Suit Sanji
Gearless Luffy vs. Sanji
Gearless Luffy vs. Raid Suit Sanji
Gear 2nd/3rd vs. Raid Suit Sanji
Raid Suit Sanji
Raid Suit Sanji stomps
Zoro high diff
Sanji high diff
Zoro stomps
Sanji stomps
Hey anons, I've been wanting to get into One Piece lately but I'm not sure whether to read the manga or watch the anime. Any advice?
Why is almost every girl in the show shown as a loli, better as a loli?
Because you’re pedofile
Sanji fucking sucks
I want O-Kiku to rape me.
strongest strawhat
That is reserved for women only.
Blackbeard. He's the only yonkou with brawn, brain and ambition.
kin respects kiku's choice
>every response isn't kaido
>still calls him kiku
>response is "i already have a wife" regardless of gender
o no no no
Yea Forums is too contrarian to choose the guy literally described as the strongest
>All of the other 9 scabbards refer to Kiku as she because they care that much
>PROPER wife
Holy shit Kin dropping the bombs.
Just because he respects "her" choices doesn't mean he would consider "her" a good wife.
I consider her a good wife.
A wife with 15 inch monster cock.
Well user, we have a set of words for people like you:
Cocksucking faggot
but its a guy
i bet kiku would be a good waif
Why faggot? It's a girl, I'm straight.
Girls don’t have penises, user
Its a man, baby
Lazy nigger
Good job user, accepting Kiku's life choice!
Would Fujitora see a man or a girl? He "looks" into the heart and emotions of people rather than physical forms so I'm sure he'd see a cute, pretty girl.
Fujitora would see a pussy ass faggot running away from reality
Did you fap to Kiku before the reveal user?
Fujitora is too trusting, he would fall for the trap
>Grandpa Hyo
>shit and unbased
You're a fucking heathen.
No I was too busy fapping to Toko like a well adjusted individual
Oda PLEASE I am god damn begging you to let Chopper do something cool during the Udon take over. I'm fucking begging you man. What happened to the badass reindeer that saved Paulie and Iceberg? Oda even joked about Chopper going unnoticed in the spread. COME THE FUCK ON ODA YOU FUCK LET CHOPPER HAVE SOME TIME TO SHINE
... i didn't even realize your pic was chopper seen from behind. i thought he was straight-up missing from the spread
yup this fucker sucks. Worst character since Pearl.
>What happened to the badass reindeer that saved Paulie and Iceberg?
he died long ago user
give up like i did
if he does ANYTHING this arc it would be to cure smiles
my taste=truth
Hiyori fucked people responsible for the death of her father and the current state of Wano.
I never knew this is what I needed in my life.
of course she fucks the winners, she's a woman
why thread so slow
tired of joking about trannies?
Aokiji is responsible for the destruction of Enies Lobby. I don't understand why Sengoku thought it's a good idea to make him a new fleet admiral.
who cares about some gay island lmao just rebuild it
Not at all. Majority of men will fall for attractive woman's charm as shown time and time again, people who don't care are a small minority (even Luffy's asexuality is a retcon). Girls are less sex-oriented, but as Cavendish's story teaches us, their sex drive still very much exists. You also have tons of actual female characters falling for someone or wanting to fuck them (Alvida, Hancock, Pudding...).
He's quite a conservative person I think, Aokiji was the best choice to stop Akainu's radicality which had some backing among the higher-ups. Just my guess though.
Honestly, Chopper's behavior prior to invading Udon gave me strong "Usopp before SOP" vibes. Though I hope it's handled better this time, making an awesome scene as a sequel to the shitty one doesn't make the latter not shitty.
>Chopper's behavior prior to invading Udon gave me strong "Usopp before SOP" vibes
what do you mean
In a way he starts it all and has some focus, but all he does is cry and fret compared to other more determined mebers of the team. In Usopp's case it was a build up for his Trebol fiasco and eventual redemption, I believe Chopper might be set up for something like this too.
>I don't understand why Sengoku thought it's a good idea to make him a new fleet admiral
because the other choices is someone willing to explode a boat full of kids on it, and some confused old guy who cant even use a phone correctly
Was watching OP with a friend who just started. He watches german dub and is right at Alabasta. Chopper was such a great character back then. In german he has a deep voice in human form which he used the most. Watching that made me really realize Chopper is the worst char. post time-skip.
Except for Franky you're right.
Put Queen and Orochi up to the top and your chart is pretty accurate
>watermark tier
I think Kawamatsu is a pretty cool dude. Eh does sumo and doesn't afraid of anything
Doesn't matter, only if you end up enjoying it I'd also give the other version a chance.
no, he's not
>because the other choices is someone willing to explode a boat full of kids on it
Sengoku himself led the operation to destroy Ohara. It was according to his plan.
Read the manga. Anime skips cover stories, that is, stories of what non main characters after the arc they were involved in told through chapter covers, which often tie back to the main story. Also, as the time progresses, they go from 2 chapters per episode average pacing to ~0.8 chapter per episode adaptation rate in anime, making it unwatchable for many, so you'll have to switch sooner or later.
Just watch the scenes you liked in the manga on YT. Also, watch episodes 196-206 after Skypiea (god tier filler arc, the only one as universally praised I've ever seen for any battle shonen). And movies 4, 6 (both after Skypiea), 10 (after Marineford), 12 (after Fishman Island) and 13 (after Dressrosa).
He's a cheat, using a sword goes against the rules of sumo.
>Just watch the scenes you liked in the manga on YT.
But early filler scenes are comfy