ITT canonically beautiful characters

ITT canonically beautiful characters.

Attached: 125_02.jpg_res.jpg (836x1200, 357K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Utaha.png (787x1152, 468K)

Attached: Shizuku.jpg (3047x4312, 847K)

Attached: Shizuno.png (1066x1600, 1021K)

Attached: Shirayuki.jpg (2414x3482, 567K)

Attached: 71271512_p0.png (848x1200, 1.42M)

This is what genuine mental illness looks like.

Attached: Yoruka.jpg (640x800, 113K)

All anime characters are made with the image and likeness of their artist, and every artist is made through the image and likeness of God
Therefore, every anime character is beautiful

Attached: Ikaruga.png (547x422, 257K)

Attached: Ayaka.jpg (4819x3320, 889K)

Attached: 1464576991410.jpg (854x1206, 486K)

Attached: Fujiko.jpg (3500x1969, 339K)

Attached: Karen.png (1920x1080, 1.64M)

Attached: Restia & Est.jpg (1200x864, 229K)

Anime girls are as closest thing to the Platonic form of beauty.

Attached: CDaEoBw.jpg (1366x768, 99K)

Attached: Belldandy.jpg (3508x2415, 763K)

Attached: Mariel.jpg (1147x1716, 288K)

Beautiful in an odd way

Attached: 027.png (1091x1600, 403K)

Gee, thanks. I thought I was faking it.

>every anime character is beautiful
You were saying?

Attached: 177727.jpg (400x500, 58K)

Attached: 73EB5FF6-19F1-46A2-992E-6C243350D72B.jpg (400x545, 43K)

Attached: mooty-kun.jpg (1594x2057, 583K)

>every anime character is beautiful
>who is Tomoko

Attached: images (4).jpg (450x681, 40K)

>implying I’m not desperate enough

Not OP

Beautiful and doll-like according to the novel.

Attached: e777eedf98ff66c4515aeaa6865a0a6d1486234310_large.png (200x200, 72K)

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Attached: 1545475812447.jpg (1333x1600, 212K)

She's not that bad just needs to ditch the glasses and lose some weight.

She is so perfect.

Attached: 0001.jpg (1440x1687, 384K)

Attached: 1550959476975.jpg (1276x1242, 574K)

Is she supposed to be canon ugly or just average-looking and a slob?

Attached: 1555647679573.jpg (1280x1825, 422K)

Attached: 1551544758271.jpg (2064x3024, 792K)

I want to lick her beauty mark!

Attached: Asuka.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

Attached: [RAW] Kizumonogatari Movie III - Reiketsu-hen v2 (1080p Blu-ray 10bit DTS AC3 AAC FLAC).mkv_snapshot (1920x816, 105K)

Attached: 11093644755.gif (320x180, 1.1M)

Beautifulest and perfectest girl

Attached: img3.jpg (1000x1406, 145K)

Attached: 1526299222410.png (1140x695, 1014K)

Attached: 1558602959041.jpg (565x800, 195K)

God why does she have to be from such a bad anime. Is there a manga for it, and is it any better? Or any spin-off? Anything?


Attached: Shidare.Hotaru.full.1963600.jpg (900x900, 543K)

It's a great fucking show, please kill yourself.

Hotaru is way WAY too good to have been stuck in a Japanese Candy Ad both in appearance and character.

Attached: mirror.jpg (488x488, 14K)

Canonically unremarkable.

Sorry for not enjoying japanese candy ultrautism

fuck off shit taste normalfag, go watch your shounen

That is a pretty beautiful mirror.

Absolutely based

doujin by pochi

Wanna be my friendo?

She's described as beautiful numerous times in the novel

>female character is considered beautiful
>is drawn in the same style as other characters in the series or as a nadeshiko
Why cant japanese artists express beauty as easily as they express sexiness?

Sure, why not.

Attached: 1541572738085.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

Because Sexiness is easily quantifiable in comparison, and because main heroines aren't allowed to be sexy as it would ruin their purity aspect (AKA their marketability to otakus)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo Tooi Basho - 10 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_06.21_[2018.03.06_21.04.15].jpg (1920x1080, 197K)

If you know what i mean

Attached: kampfer.gif (400x290, 541K)

This. Most people posting their generic-looking waifus here got more interested in them because of their demeanor in whatever anime they’re from and wouldn’t care for them at all if they only knew what they looked like

Attached: [2D4U]Neon_Genesis_Evangelion_BD_08[1080p_DualAudio](2599C35F).mkv_snapshot_04.21_[2019.06.28_19.53. (1440x1080, 221K)

you seem pretty upset lil guy

Someone please explain this meme

It's one faggot autist who posts his fap harem in every thread

Attached: __chiyo_ane_naru_mono_drawn_by_pochi_pochi_goya__fb4a188b02d7c93ec17022b207df304f.jpg (603x865, 87K)

It's a haremfag spammer. He posts those and like 10 other girls in every thread like this.

Attached: komi feet.jpg (836x1200, 167K)

Attached: 1495211885502.jpg (2738x3994, 2.94M)

Attached: e026ed9a49659bd0095487ce8b036ec4.jpg (564x791, 87K)

thats pretty sad

More importantly, are there any major (female) characters that are canonically unattractive?

Attached: komi wet.jpg (836x1200, 252K)

Tomoko is super cute
I love her

Attached: aku.jpg (970x546, 54K)

Attached: k-on_ep9_azusa_fender_mustang_guitar.jpg (960x720, 41K)

>*kills the franchise and the author*

Attached: 1551926946887.jpg (1060x1164, 90K)

the author died?

pic unrelated

Based and salvationpilled

Attached: D1pEGWPXcAEOrWb.jpg (1200x1200, 123K)

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Attached: Makise.Kurisu.full.1489904.jpg (683x1000, 91K)

Fuck you, she's cute. I love her.

Attached: azusa_peace_sign.png (1000x1000, 698K)

What a nerd

Attached: fbd796ec84c3a83ba1c90743c2ecc68b.jpg (960x540, 47K)

Stop samefagging, Hachiman.

My wife and soon to be mother

Attached: c1046716sample2.jpg (426x600, 37K)

You can't deny it

Attached: 1184Kaoru-Seta-Cool-VAJSbQ.png (1334x1002, 215K)


she is
>has a cat key chain with an eye patch on her school bag
>reads high end literature, plays piano, collects Winnie the Pooh plushies and enjoys watching Winnie the Pooh cartoons
>every time 8man gives her some mundane trinket as a gift, she uses it alot in front of him

Attached: 1449889350277.jpg (960x544, 93K)

It's actually kind of hard to deny that not only Kazuma will get on anything that's female, but also no one else really ever finds her attractive either.

Attached: 1537909475169.jpg (500x1036, 88K)

Sadly forgotten!

trash taste

Attached: Rei+is+second+worst+girl+_ec6a8e9b8bf9114e6f63ff8d25b24d5f.jpg (800x600, 54K)

You don't have the right to criticise other people's tastes when you're posting normalfag shit like that.

>evafag accusing others of shit taste

Attached: 1562911563856.jpg (697x495, 43K)

You're all beautiful

Attached: Queen of Anime.webm (1920x1200, 2.87M)

Mods are asleep, post kampfer.

Attached: 431A5698-09D6-4EF5-A416-D16F5C27F6F4.jpg (411x585, 58K)

I bet his asshole smells nice even if it's unwashed.

I love her

Attached: 1556401240106.jpg (2739x1600, 1.05M)

Reminder that us evafags have the best taste which is confirmed fact

Attached: 1546543509352.jpg (1080x1246, 100K)

All of you


>not liking slobs

Attached: SEXIA.jpg (1000x800, 657K)

Always the same pics in the same order. Do you even have other pics and how do the doctors call your mental disorder?

>Not a giant SS mecha

Attached: AMS-129_Geara_Zulu_OVA.jpg (760x1100, 328K)

Attached: Komisan+wa+komyushou+desu+chp5153_4a54bd_6559805.jpg (1200x1722, 725K)

If I were a faggot, I'd would only post men and be in /y/.
Thanks to the new Japanese candy called "Ultrautism". You should try it.

Attached: Scene_41.jpg (758x1108, 157K)

Attached: touko.png (626x908, 428K)

Yes and OCD with severe autism.

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Attached: mai.jpg (826x1111, 185K)

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Attached: satou-pink-hair.jpg (2560x1440, 409K)

>Has the face of a guy

Attached: dsyaqe3H.jpg (400x400, 24K)

Attached: 1560894216074.jpg (600x858, 326K)

No need to get upset user, there's plenty of beautiful mobile suits to post (:

Attached: 1560241157146.png (700x700, 488K)

> replying with Yea Forumsshit
Like pottery.

Attached: 3DCG_smug_monster.gif (269x321, 1.99M)

Attached: smen.jpg (1920x1080, 287K)

Attached: titel.jpg (1253x1124, 189K)

Canonically the most beautiful girl in the series.

Attached: Reine.jpg (1280x720, 69K)


Why is she so smug

>A whole city wants Satsuki to step on them.
>Ryuko's pinups considered legal tender.
Kiryuin Genes are wild.

Attached: 1436987501787.jpg (850x536, 56K)

based natsuru poster

She is redpilled as fuck

I'd rather her sit on my face.

Attached: 1551239078722.jpg (1416x1003, 836K)

yukino knows she got this.

Attached: 1560549181844.jpg (481x1037, 180K)
