>Jokes with no punchline: the series
If you found this to be funny you're a simpleton with an extremely low sense of humor; a genuine idiot.
Jokes with no punchline: the series
Other urls found in this thread:
>sperg makes daily spergthreads about how he doesn't get a joke
Japanese comedy isn't good, it's endearing. Japanese comedy is mainly liked in the West as a cult status for the bizarreness and aesthetic. If you stack up Japanese comedy anime against even the most basic Western comedy animation, it gets beaten every time.
Western comedy sucks. It's all about being sarcastic and ironically laughing at it. It's all "haha get it?".
By the way, when I say Western I really mean English. French comedy sucks too.
No, that's burger humor.
If by french comedy you mean those trash movies we get all the year or those mentally challenged stand upers, then yes, french humor sucks.
We used to have pretty good humor, mainly absurdist and dark humor.
Nichijou is trash, but I don’t see the point of making this thread so often
>English humour
>Not lolrandom
>English comedy
I was agreeing with you for a second but then you ruined it. You have to be brain dead to enjoy that shit.
What was the joke here?
*Audience Laughter*
Yet you are here.
what's with the current surge of nichijo threads?
Shitposters like latching onto things then running it into the ground.
Most comedy anime is funny. It's just Nichijou that's really unfunny. And Slayers, I guess.
>stoping to laugh just to fill your ego
ok fag