Hey jojobortions, says something about that

Hey jojobortions, says something about that...

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Asspull Diamond works however Araki wants it to

giorno defense force out in full force i see

Araki said in an artbook that Josuke can choose where the pieces go

>but why didn't he pull kira back
He had to send Sheer Heart Attack back to Kira to avoid being blown up

Don't bother, these are the new Jojo kiddies that think that whatever they don't understand is an asspull because "Araki forgot" instead of using their brains to make sense of It

>He had to send Sheer Heart Attack back to Kira to avoid being blown up
Why the fuck didn't Okuyasu just erase it with The Hand?

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Because he's a dumbass who never thinks of that shit? That's his thing.

1. Because it wasn't in his range
2. Okuyasu is a dum dum
3. What would have been the point, narratively speaking, Kira gets away and lives as someone else, and they don't even know about it

>Jotaro was flying in part 3
Jotaro never flies again
>Giorno can kill people with damage reflection
Giorno never uses this ability again
>Killer Queen can only uses one bomb at a time
Killer Queen uses primary bomb on thugs while secondary bomb is fighting Koichi
>Epitaph can see into the future
Epitaph couldn't see those ants crawling up King Crimsons hands

any "why didn't Okuyasu do [x]" question can be answered with "because he's a dumbass."

>Jotaro was flying in part 3
Anime fuckery, in the manga they just jumped with the help of their stands
>Giorno can kill people with damage reflection
This is true, Araki probably thought it was too busted so he stopped using it, along with the stun-punch
>Killer Queen can only uses one bomb at a time
Are you dumb?
>Epitaph can see into the future
Diavolo was to distracted to notice something as insignificant as ants, hell he was also to distracted to notice anything else in that moment, he has to actively look into the future , it's not something automatic

>Okuyasu never used Hando on any enemy
>He didn't even use it on Superfly

If he would of used it would have come back to him, and for the other, Okuyasu isn't a murderer, the only enemy he actively used it on was the asshole that killed his brother


HxH really IS the best shounen



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>Because he's a dumbass who never thinks of that shit? That's his thing.
>Okuyasu is a dum dum
>any "why didn't Okuyasu do [x]" question can be answered with "because he's a dumbass."
Why didnt josuke, koichi or jotaro think of it though?

at least HxH treats the topic with respect

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have sex

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>have sex

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Despite trying to start a conversation about Crazy Diamond all I can think about is how when The Hand was swiping at Red Hot Chili Pepper all of the gaps it created didn't pull together like they were supposed to, which Araki didn't really "forget" since Okuyasu used his stand to close the gap between him and Chili Pepper moments before. Chili Pepper should have never been able to escape like it did.

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