Was it kino?

Was it kino?

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>Don't know shit about the mc
>Could barely tell wtf was happening in the panels
>Motivation was shit
The series was pretty decent but you edgy shitheads need to stop proclaiming it as a masterpiece.

Pleb taste

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This is true. Nihei can't draw fluid action scenes, you have to imagine a lot of transitions. Imagine as make up how the fuck did they get from one panel to another.
His designs are god tier though, for most things but the sameface.


Shit was just a mess. Decent though

it had good art


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>tfw there's still no From Software game in the Blame universe where you wander through an endlessly large world, encountering strange creatures, villages with unique culture and cute silicon waifus.

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nigger this shit is the most kino, half the chapters dont even have dialogue its just BWAAAAAA PEW PEW KACHOW! KAFAHKN BLAMO!

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Why have you said this! Now my life will never feel complete! D:

Oath FromSoft or even better Hideo Kojima!

Art wise, yes.
Story wise, it was promising, but no.

PewDiePie seems to think so.

t. didn't get the plot

totally. The art was quite good.

I was planning of reading it. (again)
I have defeintely read some of it but I'm not sure if I never finished it.
Anyway since Noise is a prequel but came out afterwards, do think it's better to read it before or after Blame!?

Bought all the Tokyopop volumes to this shit when I was 12. First manga I ever read full way through. It really left an impression on me as to what the comics medium can do, and honestly not much else I've read has reached the same heights.

Recently gave it another read (it's been about three years) after finally catching up with SnK, and realizing how truly similar Isayama and Nihei are. Not just stylistically, in terms of the gothic and macabre body horror, but story wise too. I'm not sure I can explain it, but both authors create these intriguingly convoluted, fucked up, and incredibly ambitious plots that really scratch some weird itch of mine. From what I've heard, Isayama even stole the whole story from a Western fantasy series in the same way Nihei stole Blame from like a bazillion other Western sci-fi works. I know SnK gets a lot of flack on here for being insanely popular, but I think it shares some heavy emotional resonance with BLAME.

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The overaching plot is that MC is looking for a rare gene, among the few survivng humans, that would allow access to "admin panel" of the City and shutting down the security system that went insane and omnicidial long ago, as well as stop the process of City expanding and changin ad infinitum.

However his whole journey and wheter he ultimately succeeds is very vague. The art style and designs are godly, but the plot details are rather confusing and would require quite some mulling over it, or discussing it with other people and comparing notes.

It's a manga that's not for everyone. I personally remember it fondly, but I wouldn't read it more than once.

Brainlets detected

nihei should do a dark scifi high school romcom, but unironically

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so just a cyberpunk Adam's family

Fucking loved it, even though story wise it was a bit convoluted like most Nihei works.
Are there any other manga with similar atmosphere and setting as Blame!? I've already read pretty much everything from Nihei.

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kino comes from the greek word kinein which means "to move"
a manga is still pictures with texts, nothing moves in a manga therefore a manga is unable to be kino
So with that, I will ask a question to determine the word which we should use to descirbe the highest cathegory of manga: what's the greek or latin word for either picture or painting?

>not moving the window in which you view your manga according to the actions on the page

only way to deal with silicon lifeforms is to kill them on sight
