
New episode in less than 1hr. Let's get hyped for some more s c i e n c e

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Solid episode.
Not a fan of the ED.

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I don't know anything about this show, but what I do know for certain is that I fucking hate this guy and I will never watch his faggot show. No matter how many boobies are going to appear in it. No way.
Just look at this fucking faggot. LOOK AT HIM. Holy shit. What's the target audience of this??

don't reply to shitposters

Sulfy-chan when??

Didn't the episode already aired an hour ago? Is there a reason why it's taking more time to get subbed?

yeah the translators are faggots

don't watch it then.

>Nuh uh
Your shitposting sucks so bad. You sound like an 11 year old.

they need to look up all the science

>hyped to watch japanese rick and morty

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Dr. Stone? More like DR. STONED

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>not C21H30O2

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>not recognizing copy pasta

last episode

>here's your cola, dude, I'm so smart
>fill the bottle with jizz instead

That'd be HunterxHunter friend.

>Not turning these branches into blunts
One job

Glad, we wont see Taiju again (soon)

>Rick and Morty

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>reverse search

current state of stonefags

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no budget for the ending

>this anime is only for big brain people who watch rick and morty
Blatant false-flag

It's funny cause the shitposters have been saying the same things.


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Does anyone have the link to the thread with the live episode?

End of cour 2


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The faces aren't as over the top as in the manga. I was praying for the eye poking scene to be in the anime.

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You have, what is called, a shit taste.

>the kid was Tsukasa

I have autism, i didn't realize this until i saw this episode.

The shitposter made this one, might aswell use it

Best boy.

>tfw the anime won't make it to "remember to boil bleach, kids"

You mean Dr.Shit?

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They said they'll change or censor that part. Probably other dangerous things too.

Cute feet

it just gets crazier and crazier.

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Will the retard ever stop screaming

dr.reddit sucks

he seems a bit too eager to ingratiate himself with the other lads.

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He will permanently fuck off in an episode or two.

why is he naked?

Come on, every "there was a boy once" spiel from [>spoiler]villain[/>spoiler] is about themselves being mistreated.

>all those old farts that made rules and forbade people from doing things were wrong and that was the dark side of civilisation growth
60 seconds later
>"do not replicate actions shown, foraging and DIY can be dangerous and in some cases illegal"
show me the face of the official that demanded it


why not? he can't get arrested for it.

it must feel good, letting the cool breeze tease your balls all the time.

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Shishio "I'm going to make Ted Kaczynski look like Thomas Edison" Tsukasa


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It's not that they're concerned with youth doing stupid shit, it's just to cover their asses in case of a lawsuit. They wouldn't put it there if they didn't have to

What a chad

Tsukasa truly is the best bf material

Tsukasa goes from

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all main characters in this series are autistic

>god I wish that were me

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>killing defenseless people
>letting your anger control you

This is the ultimate beta behavior.

I love skyscapes and anime skies.

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Why did he smash them if he clearly felt regret over it?

And that's a good thing

Boichi requested they blow the entire budget on backgrounds

because he didn't want to kill people but thought he still needed to do it to save the world

Because he wanted to create his new world, but lamented that people had to die for that to happen.

Necessary evil


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Fucking dropped

I wouldn't mind



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holy fuck based

>revives only macho dudes
Clearly gay.

I mean yeah but what's the chance of them unpetrifying randomly anyway? Even if one would, you can just crack his neck or even just let him starve to death

>I guess true Dr. Stone was the lime we found along the way

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I'm glad Senkuu has his priorities straight

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>what's the chance for random unpetrification
>then why
He sees Senkuu as someone who could bring it all back so he's not gonna let that happen, no way no how.

bros wtf nyaa.si just got blocked

He revived a bunch of girls and Gen and Ukyo tho

>so that's it? We some kinda Dr. Stone now?

Japan should just kill off all their old people. Who the fuck thought that letting 90-something ghouls suck the country dry was a good idea?

Is that a half-buried statue of a human in the beach?

After three thousand seven hundred years or environmental exposure?

I think the 80-something ghouls decided that

Eugh, I feel they gutted a lot of shots in this episode

>Senku and Tsukasa Highfiving
>Tsukasas drained face from Taijus idiocy
>Tsukasas collected face while complimenting Senku
>Senku's shocked realisation after Tsukasa's compliment
>Senku's hollow smile "There we 3, didnt I say 3?"
>Senkus deathly look of dread after Tsukasa breaks a statue
>Senku being overshadowed by Tsukasa's huge frame and his shaken body as he just says "I'm just a dude who likes doraemon and space thats all"

Him stopping Tsukasa was unnessacery as Senku is literally powerless to stop his carnage, on top of Tsukasa knowing exactly who he wants to shatter.

However the crossbow was a nice touch, but the extra hunting scenes werent that important, but welcome.

All over, I was looking forward but this was kind of a bit of a letdown compared to the manga.

They better not fuck up this page next episode. Please don't fuck it up. This is important.

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>Dr. Stone was Soap this whole time

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Are those boars? Didn't he get resurrected to kill a pride of lions?

Dr.Stone is literally everything in this show.
Seen that rock Tsukasa smashed to save a wifu? Dr. Stone.

>skyscrapers vanish without a trace
>statues are still there

The lions got scared and left after he killed the alpha male.

what the hell is on Yuzuriha's head? headphones?

The stautes are clearly magic(super science)

Should've expected that after they cut Teflon Don in ep1.

No, she's just horny.

Some weird headband

They're gonna fuck it up, Senkuu didn't do the face when Taiju poked him. I came to terms that this anime is fluid eyecandy. For comedy and all that we have the manga.

Tsukasa's right. Fuck boomers.

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It's not just regular stone. Read the manga

Some animeonlies were saying they look like those bone-sensory things for deaf people.

Does age really matter when everyone is over 3000 years old by now

Stop letting everyone know you're a redditor just cause the series isn't flopping like you prayed for. Your next response will likely have a hxh gif reaction. It's like clockwork now.

Are they imbued with an upward pull spell or something?

>skyscrapers vanish without a trace

A few things about this. First, large buildings will collapse over time without maintenance, especially considering mount Fuji erupted at least twice. Second, plenty of statues were actually destroyed over the past several millenia. Third, some remains of buildings are still actually there, they've just been so covered in dirt and plant growth that they now resemble caves and hills. Tsukasa's larpers actually set up shop in one.


>She doesn´t have dick.

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Fucking based.

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>14 Heartbreaking Videos That Will Make You Say "Fuck Having Borders and Law And Shit"

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I know it’s fun to make fun of this show because you think it’s preaching science and making it so kindergarteners can understand it but the truth is the guy behind this series knows more about science than anybody in this thread by a long shot.

Because he was swimming a moment ago.

Not him, but you can break them with stones and and the like, this is actually a major thing the first arc antagonists are doing. They aren't super extra indestructible.

It's not even about cut content, I feel they didnt even read the manga properly when storyboarding to get the effect of each panel

I'm all for changes to make an adaptation speak more for animation, but they really lost the ghastliness of Senku's face when he realises he's stuck in this world with a murderer

They are imbued with plot armor

I wonder what's the deal with his hair, this isn't a card duel anime D:

Forgot image, but you get the idea.

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Eh, don't mind me. Just playing with a 3700 year old petrified dick. For science, of course.

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>I mean yeah but what's the chance of them unpetrifying randomly anyway?
0%, it was under exceedingly lucky circumstances that Senku revived.

why didn't senku count in milliseconds

Its not just about preventing them from randomly reviving, it's to prevent anyone else from purposefully reviving them like Senku planned to.

Yeah but they seem to be immune to corrosion at the very least

They changed the line

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Kars is way too strong IMO. Senku is ridiculously intelligent sure, but punching rocks in half and one-shotting lions is somehow even less believable than counting for 3700 years straight.

>tfw iq too low to watch Dr Stone

>implying you wouldn't break off a tit and unpetrify it to get that bags of sand feel after 3700 years

>counting in ms when you can run 64-bit Unix time_t in your head instead

Tbf this was never in the manga


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Not exactly. They are very resiliant but Iirc there are some statues that have been worn down due to exposure to more extreme conditions.

Based and Elegant.

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Can't Tsukasa break them with his fingertips? How did Senkuu and Taijuu survive a flood that moved their entire "statue" selves with zero damage whatsoever? Didn't the author write, over the course of 3 thousand 7 hundred years there were several global catastrophes strong enough to completely eradicate all reinforced moder-age architecture off of every single spot on the planet (not including local catastrophic events like volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, or even just avalanches or flooding) but the people-statues remain upright, balanced, exposed to the elements and never lost a finger?


>His stone waifu not have dick
Maximun pleb

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Noticed this too, I blame the boomers

The series started with a stone bomb nuking the whole planet and turning people into magic stones. What made you think it was realistic?

true but punching a lion is more extreme than the other two

reddit cope

Tsukasa isn't human, he's the Strongest Primate. Don't compare him to mere humans.

>muh promised land
>muh shekels
>muh reparations
>literally jews
Tsukasa was right

Tsukasa did nothing wrong.

I guess Ishigami village, being the only humans left on planet Earth from 6 astronauts of the digital age who decided to not pass down writing never left to explore their surroundings. Ever.

For three thousand and 7 hundred years. 185 generations. Not a single human said "I think I'll leave the village and explore!" Totally inhuman. Grass huts and fishing. That's humanity when it's started by 6 space-traveling astronauts who understand the need to rebuild society and not die out.

The only people who are against Tsukasa's ideals are (((those))) people

Why wasn't Senku more suprised about Tsukasa's inhuman strength? It seemed obvious that it wasn't a case of anime-strength. He seems to be way stronger than what a human is capable of so why didn't Senku probe him about that since he is all about being logical and stuff?

How do you know no one ever went exploring?

How is he wrong?

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Woah, you are assuming a great deal here


He's a MMA fighter, he's famous, Senkuu probably heard of him before

>our Doctor Stone
holy shit was that titledrop always there

>Dr. Stone core message is that everyone is useful to society, because every person has its own strengths and weakness
why are shitposters so annoying?


So will they explain next episode why Chad Thundercock didn't immediately cave in Dr. Cuck's skull at the end of this episode?

Well, I guess they're totally sane after remaining conscious for 3700years, too. Maybe their consciousness faded away after, I dunno, a few years because of how obliteratingly dull a complete sensory-deprived existence must be for a fully conscious and never sleeping mind that cannot act but hey. I'm sure they'll break free and just get right back to living. Just look at Taijuu the "Yet-To-Confess" and Senkuu the "I'll-Just-Count-Seconds-For-Nearly-4-Thousand-Years."

Yeah, next episode probably


Him pointing out both possibility like that makes more sense, he's constantly acting without a filter and just spouts all options

Yes, Mr. Speedreader.

he's not
fuck old people

He needed the secret to waking people up. He will kill Senku in 1 or 2 episodes.

Animeonly here but I imagine he doesn't want to kill the smartest fucker on the planet.

I suppose this show really doesn't have black and white morality.

You can choose between Anarcho-Communism (which is represented for some reason by an extremely muscular Alpha male instead of an emasculated soiboi bugman) and supporting Israel/Jewry (which of course is represented by le high tech advanced supergoy).

Based as fuck.

>Let´s revive only pure naked lolis
This is the hero stone age needs.

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I'm on team Tsukasa personally.

Truly the H×H of our day.

>immune to corrosion
Does that include a rampaging bear to accidentally bumps into a standing statue and it falls over onto the ground and certainly won't break? Maybe a deer using the stone to shed the antler-skin it's got? Every year. Or monkeys running about or perhaps other migrating species that dgaf about banging into stuff as they move? Dang, strong petrified humans! Tsukasa must be The Incredible Hulk! Scientific!!

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It's cause they want the series to flop. There's been people in the manga threads for so long saying "Dr. Flop!" The shitposting is hilarious cause they're actually mad.

True. If he hadn't been shilling Anarcho-Communism out of nowhere, he would've been the best character.

Holy shit.

>senku making a crossbow
Why? There's no way in hell a lousy crossbow bolt could stop Tsukasa. The bastard could probably flex and it would make his muscles too hard for a bolt to pierce.

They drop it numerous times speedreader-kun

cute back

I assume it's fans of other shounen jump series. The shitposting is so aimless that I feel like it's radical fans of other series who think that enjoying anime is all about bashing series that aren't your favorite.

Are you retarded?

He needs the defrosting formula

how autistic do you have to be to be a series loyalist?

This manga/anime is very scientific! I wonder what sort of BC era-level inventions Senkuu will teach people how to make? Things like a lathe, or sailing vessels, or maybe how to build a dam.

>dick so small it doesn't flop out from under the jar or at the very least protrude above it
Never gonna make it.

Twitter tier autistic.

Tsukasa can catch arrows with his hands, he has god like reflexes compared to even a peak human.

dr.reddit still sucks

Tsukasa hates the idea of money because it prevented his imouto from being saved. Then (((Ryusei))) just had to introduce it again.

The girl is obviously washing his dick, it's standing up

>Tsukasa is isekai'd Buccelatti

Hes not but science is still needed to keep humans healthy.

Can you upgrade your shitposting cause this one's boring to reply to

Communism without industrial technology would never cause the famines it did during the Soviet Era it would be primitive communism like what Amish people do.

You may actually want to read the manga before you make wild false assumptions like that. Because they actually did leave records (literally), pass down information (100 stories), teach their kids to read (it was just forgotten), and leave behind shit (current arc is about recovering a cache sealed inside their return pod). And people did leave to explore. There is more than one village. The current world is just very dangerous so most people who leave die and some villages actively prevent people from leaving so that their leading families can remain in power.

That's even worse. An erect dick is bigger that a flaccid one and should be peeking from above the jar at the very least.

>Amish' way of life is older than communism and has nothing to do with it, since they respect private property
>proceeds to call them communists
Based /pol/ retard

I meant equal distribution of food user not the government owns your ass part.

He teaches them electro magnets, generators, metallurgy, steam engines, glass working, radios, hot air balloons, sonar, light bulbs, insulation, ship building, and much more. Once he gets the basics of crafting drilled into them he has a base he can make much more complex shit from.

>very dangerous
No the biggest danger in the stone age were other homicidal human tribes, a world where there are no humans is paradise for any tribe as they can easily outwit and kill animals.

>assuming Tsukasa gender
sexist much?


Well, it's only obvious he and Senku get to breed with this girl they are trying to revive as they are both the alpha males of the group.

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the madlad

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Where is my ntr ?

>ridding the world of boomers
ok this is based

because he's just delaying the inevitable. Adults aren't tainted, it's human nature that's fundamentally corrupt. Even if he enforces his views by force things will progress back to how they were after he dies. He's more evil than the adults he hates. At least the dude that beat him isn't a cold blooded murderer.

>noble sacrifice of some random guy


do i need a high iq to watch

He knows this thats why he wants to kill Senku because Senku is the key to creating the tool that corrupted humans can use to ruin the world and that is civilization.

Senku will explain everything so no

/pol/ would never call the Amish communist. It's a leftypol soiboi.

Yes, you can only watch if your IQ is > 0

I mean standing up, as erect, not vertical, it's most likely just horizontal and the waifu is servicing him

There won't be any.


In that case it should be piercing the jar and poking out the other side.

Well actually the second in command of the treasure island tribe cucks a dude by raping his wife.

Because he´s a fucking commie.

It gets even more obvious his plan would never work when he actually starts reviving young people on his own to carry out his plan. His members include a literally sociopath, a con man, a manipulative journalist, lazy sluts, a young corrupt cop, and numerous delinquent thugs who treat the whole thing like a game and have no qualms about killing people if they're told to because they just like destroying things.

What the hell is that ED, looked like a cheap power point presentation.

If only...

All humans are corrupt though. Killing senku won't prevent those same tools from eventually being developed again. It will just delay it. It could take tens of thousands of years but it will happen. It's probably worth it just to give humanity a chance at dignity for a while but it's naive to think that it will last forever. We got to this hell on earth once before and retards will do it again regardless of the consequences because humans are greedy.

Aight that's fair

They basically took some stock footage and put it through After Effects filters
Very cheap, but I liked the song at least

I'm not corrupt, I just a stone world with lolis and big boobs.
I will kill all males except myself and pass on only one son who I will teach to do the same.

He plans to kill anyone who starts learning how to create such things. He almost kills Chrome later when he finds out Senku has been teaching him, but holds off after Chrome pretends to still be ignorant and shows his "Sorcery" which is just different colored fire.
Of course, this still wouldn't work. Eventually he'd lose control of the spread of information or after he's dead someone will relent or leave to form a more open minded society or what not. Progress is inevitable as long as their are people.

>piercing it
Why do you think the waifu is barely holding the jar?

They also changed the wording of Senkuu's line after Tsukasa praised him. In manga, he said "The man who praise another man in the face is either a gay or a liar", they removed "gay" part.

Senku's moralfaggotry will bite him in the ass, he needs to kill Hyouga ASAP because the dude is physically powerful sociopath that can make Kohaku job.

so what's the 4th use?

Gunpowder iirc. He didn't reveal it because Tsukasa would freak

turning frogs gay

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Lets be honest the first thing any of us would do is depetrify a woman we can easily rape, as depetrifying men we would first have to come up with ways to dispose of them if they get in our way. If anyone you save shes any indication of sociopathy its time to kill them.

why is he a moralfag anyway, it's weird to see a scientist instead of the much better mad scientist

>not corrupt
>will murder other people
ok user

>why is he a moralfag anyway

Had a good adoptive father and upbringing.

He would sacrifice his godlike brain for a slut Taiju hasnt even boned yet.

That bothered me too, but it'SJW TV so what can you do, manga is more based

>She doesn´t have a dick

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That's exactly what I'm trying to say. And he's a complete hypocrite. He's judging all adults as corrupt when he's worse than many of them. And there's plenty of young people who are more wicked than adults. He's a retard.

>dr. stone is the name of the fucking soap
Bravo Nolan

But he did poke Senku's eyes after realizing that the girl was going to be naked

The irony of a sociopath writing this post


Reminder boys you can only have waifus in this stone world and that faggot Senku is trying to prevent that, he wants to go back to the world where women have human rights and can cuck you all the time. Lets be honest hes a selfish bastard who wants a way to live out his science autism.

blue eyes gen CONFIRMED

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He's still a mad scientist, he's just a good one.


That's literally the opposite of what I expected in every single way. Not sure if I like it

Tsukasa threatens to kill her in exchange for Senku's life, and he does it even when Senku could have won in that period of vulnerability.

didnt tsukasa give women to another males to join him?

how come the mango never showed someone being pregnant?

Explosives, didnt you watch Fight Club?

All were prepubescent

Bruh science and shit

Btw this guy that we randomly took out of the stone can kill a lion with one punch.

Wtf am I even watching

This is going to turn into naruto with science powered sharingan and chidori shit isnt it

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Just to compare face intensity

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Based Anarcho-primitivist man

>"Once there was an innocent boy collecting shells for his sister. Then a fat old fuck beat the shit out of him for doing it on his property."
>"Let's bring everyone except for adults and old farts back. They only think about property and taxes."

M8, are you the real Taiju or something?

Senku doesn't want to kill anyone, even Tsukasa.

Me like

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Tsukasa fought wild animals before the petrification.


They knew who he was and how ridiculously strong and good at fighting he was.

I still dont trust Ryusei.

Replace Borders with Boomers and it's perfect

Killing not murder.

i thought he had dark brown eyes that matched his hair but i'll take this too

>take the most Asian-looking character
>give him blue eyes
Now that was unexpected. Literally all fanart of him gives him either red eyes or leave them black.

it's not shitposting is the fact and again dr.reddit sucks

He has a nice energy but honestly I don't want to watch anything with a character who looks like that.

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>Btw this guy that we randomly took out of the stone can kill a lion with one punch.
They depetrified him specifically because they know he was strong

>This is going to turn into naruto with science powered sharingan and chidori shit isnt it
Nah there's like 3 fights in the series so far. Power escalation is basically creating new stuff but even then they don't necessarily fight stronger opponents. Super strength and the stone thing are basically the most ridiculous concepts in the series so far

you're fucking retarded, they pointed him out in the first episode

>Tsukasa wants boomers gone
>No ugly old bastard in hentai anymore

Holy shit yes.

Any scientist shouldnt be opposed to murder its the best way to end a problem. Thats why they kill biological experiments once they fail their purpose.

>have morally gray mentality
>want to find people that will follow you
>only revive Hokuto no Ken's Mohawk bandits tier brainlets

Tsukasa and another character are the strongest fist fighting characters, and then some other people use spears or bows. The action only ever lasts a few panels, and it sincerely doesn't devolve into battle shounen, at least up to the current chapter 113.

I always felt they were blue, just looks more idk mysterious?

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shit mang, we need to find them wild animal fighters and put them into MMA, they will just decapitate all the fighters with one punch

I was expecting the pillarmen music when he AWAKENED

Again can you stop telling us you're a redditor? You're entitled to think it sucks, but you are most definitely shitposting.

They are just really dedicated, if not very knowledgeable, caveman larpers.

Dr.reddit sucks and it will sucks forever even if you don't like it.

He revived them specifically because he needed them in his society tho. Maybe with the exception of literally who grunts

Tbere was a theory that he revived them for manpower. You can't expect lolis to do heavy lifting

They cut the high five. Unforgivable.

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After all those years they still kept their mental and physical age.

There would definitely be boomers complaining about how they dont get special treatment and respect as the elders

Tsukasa knows Senku is a moralfag and would be opposed of beating up women thats why he sent women to spy on them, but in reality men are better for scouting while women can spy as sleeper agents in the tribe instead. Of course thats not possible because the Ishigamians would notice an alien in their territory in a heartbeat.

what if you attached a dick on her before depetrification?

Not a part of her body so it wouldn't attach

his version of commieshill if prehistoric commie you cumdump, it's what our ancestors has done and survived
it's viable back then due to lack of resources and foods because hunting and gathering, so everyone have to work together for the sake of the whole group

fucking based

>stops Tsukasa from killing all boomers
>never revives any boomers later on anyway
What the fuck was Senku's problem?

damn oh well

what if somebody had their penis turned into a vagina, would the depetrification heal them and give them a penis again?

Gotta find the source of the stoning ray before he revives society.

Boomers are just useless so no point in reviving them now


Tsukasa is cute!

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After he stops Tsukasa he runs out of miracle water after two more uses because the cave that was providing the nitric acid is destroyed. Thus he can't revive anyone anymore. That's the entire point of the current arc. He needs the platinum from the shuttle so he can make a new source of nitric acid.

Holy shit you're esl too? Are you having trouble translating?

My wife is so cute, can't wait for her to appear.

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He needs to invent monster energy zero and lawnmowers first so they'll be able to drink and move around.

Anarcho Primitivism

he revived the mangaka for testing

Chad Thundercock may have some fair knowledge about specific things but Dr.Soap is a walking Wikipedia on everything. Chad would be stuck with wooden and stone tools and Taiju and eventually die without Dr.Soap.

Also he doesnt have the recipe for the Anti-Rock Juice.


But how does stone know if it's a part of your body or not? What if they stick several people together before reviving them?

Why not just find another cave with bats? Surely it's not as uncommon.

Needs the miracle water recipe. After Senku gives in and gives it to him he snaps Senku's neck.


It's not that simple. the cave had been around long enough to have a natural drip they were taking advantage of. They couldn't find another and with the platinum they could actually mass produce it instead and create it in much larger amounts.

Senku explained it himself this episode, he tried to piece together a body and revive it, the person died. Later on it turns out that they can fix statues and revive them, but currently Yuzuriha is the only one skilled enough to do it properly, and it's still time consuming

They made him drink the piss flavored Monster in the anime, was mad, bet those boomers were behind this

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He explained that if revival formula is a finite resource it'd eventually lead to in-fighting and a mess in general. Having infinite revival tool is a much safer bet

Summer child

stoichiometry sucks

Did they get to adapting Senku's Enel-face yet?

Because it is a phase-changed layer surrounding your cellular structure, and depetrification just "unlocks" the body that was sealed within. If it wasn't a part of you to begin with your body won't reattach it, like trying to force a puzzle piece where it doesn't belong.

Based deconstruction

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Next ep, they probably will tone it down, I'm not expecting much desu. Take the anime as moving eye candy and manga for everything else.

Ohayou Sekai Good Morning Woooorld!
Fukanou No Yami Wo Haratteeeee!!!
Shinwa Wo Reaching
Jou Ni Kaeteku Houryuuseiiiiiii!!!!
Ippozutsu Ishi Wo Wakatsu You Naaaaaa...
Kono Ayumi De Sekai Wo Hirogeyouuuuuuuuuu!!!!

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Yikes, Communism is not that violent despite the propaganda by the west.
inb4 muh ussr and china who aren't even real communist since they have capitalism.

They really toned down the comical faces.
Especially Tsukasa's.

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Where the fuck is his left arm?

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shit adaption confirmed

Probably at an angle that his body covers in, you need to think about how to fit stuff on a tv screen

Boichi is so good at drawing sexy men, my god

It's gonna be toned down for the normalfags, it's fine I guess, you have the manga for the comedy and details.

It is pretty meh, sadly. Quite disappointing.

I haven't watched the anime yet but I hope that's not the case. That moment in the manga is what made me realize that I'd love this series in the first place.

>they removed the gay line

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That part's not even toned down, we got a panning shot of naked Tsukasa, why would they cut a high five?

His what

what the FUCK

this is bullshit

There are still goofy faces and comedy just a bit less over the top. It is adapted pretty accurately tho.
Perhaps it'll change once the series gets a fanbase and go all out, I assume they don't want to freak people out. Most didn't like the early chapters so this is a good place to experiment with intesity.

PC culture ruins everything

Normalfags are gay

>the concept of property is evil
He's going to end up being an evil communist, right?

Dragon dildos

That might have just been the Crunchyroll translator getting triggered. Can anyone confirm what Senku actually says in Japanese?

If anything I'd blame Crunchyroll for that with their inclusive workplace shit. Maybe I'm wrong tho

dr.reddit sucks

>effin adults

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>either gay or a tactician
Why not both

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Tsukasa did nothing wrong

Any decent tribe would know the actual area around them like the back of their hand. Humans have been hunting for thousands of years and those hunting tactics have passed down from generation to generation meaning the latest generation should have no issues hunting food. A famine for hunter gatherers? What the fuck am I reading here? Just freaking look for food you retards in Ishigami. Famine is a thing for agriculture tribes who cant produce enough food to support their population, their population is too immense for pure hunting and gathering to even keep them fed for the coming years either so the result is mass starvations or famine.

I assume some people get super powers post petrification? Besides the cosmetic cracked scars that is.

Also, how do I get Stone World Tarzan mode body?

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Didn't he basically fuck up someone's chance at coming back from being stoned?

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But a high five means Senku is (briefly) holding hands with a naked teen, gay people would love that

>Smart guy disagrees with the complete annihilation of all boomers
I thought this fucker was suppose to be smart

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>scene where Taiju imagines Tsukasa as a harem leader doesn't have him grabbing Yuzuriha against her will
>fish scene was cut down a lot and there was no naked manly high five after (after we already got his ass shot after the lion fight)
>boichi's silly faces have been all dumbed down
I want to drop the Anime so bad, but I also want to support it because I want the manga to keep going.

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just turn your brain off bro

You need to get beat up by a drunk boomers and swear eternal revenge, then go practice MMA lightweight division.

Replace this with Senku and that's what I'm talking about (for the sake of not spoiling anime-only Stonefags on the wonderful moment)

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They removed the gay part in the anime version.

I wish he would kick me

No, everyone in the story has some superhuman trait, Tsukasa's is being really fucking strong. We get a flashback later on of him doing shit like that prepetrification, I think.

Read the manga, you'll get an explanation in next 80 chapters

I also heard they removed Trump too, which is totally unbased

no, he was a really well-known fighter before the petrification

There is no reported mass starvation in any known tribal people on earth showing famines dont happen to them. Tribal people are usually the most well def humans one earth because they always have food while we civilized cucks have to wage slave to stay alive. I am sorry but this is pure nonsense, maybe a disease outbreak killing most of the people could explain the deaths but famine you have got to be kidding me.

He tried to save someone who was already broken and tried to glue him back together before depetrification.
Thats how he came to the conclusion

High fives are too hetero still. Toxic masculinity and all that.

Read the manga for comedy and good art + boiling bleach, watch anime for nice backgrounds and moving pictures.

>muh famine is represented wrong
Niggers, one bad storm will fuck over your entire tribe.

Honestly I didn't expect the anime to top the manga. There are very few areas it could improve on in the first place. Dr. Stone is perfectly suited to the weekly manga format. That said I think the anime is great so far. The VAs are perfect, the pacing is on point (tho I wish they'd rush past the first chapters to get to the good parts), the animation is nice, the artsyle is as good as it could be, it's a great adaptation overall and possibly one of the best outcomes we could've gotten. It just won't top the manga which is a shame

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Just look at New Orleans

>sjw tv

This aint civilization retard, the fucking indios in tropical North America have been dealing with hurricanes for thousands of years.

>translation and advertised worldwide
They had to do it.

This show is so fucking awful.

every character in the series is incredibly good at one specific thing
Senku and thinking
Taiju and stamina
Tsukasa and fighting
Gen and manipulating people
Chrome and learning
Suika and finding things
Yo and being a piece of shit

>all the cut memefaces

He is the strongest MMA fighter canon.

I've read the manga, but I've forgotten that early scene. We later learn that they can actually bring back people who were broken to pieces. I was wondering whether the guy was dead to begin with, or whether Senku did such a shit job at piecing him together that he ended up dead on depetrification.

>3 minutes before the opening even starts
glacial pacing here we go

so whats tsukasa going to do once he grows old? kill himself? kill all his walking onaholes once they are adults?

shit job and no glue

What is Ginro good at.

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Commit sudoku, like his culture encourages

crossdressing and being useless

Only bring back easily manipulated and controllable lolis.

being a girl

You missed the point. It's not about killing old people, it's about building new society from scratch.

fuck of Yo is /ourguy/

This made me thinking - were dead bodies petrified?

>t. Yo

So more obscure anime can show Turumpu-sama, but not blockbuster WSJ titles?

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>everyone are good at one thing
>Ginrou is good at two

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We will find out, but most likely no because the bodies ere not preserved, I guess fresh dead people could be brought back yes.

Will you respect this? Or will you go and smash old petrified rapists?

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I'm boiling bleach right now and there's nothing anyone can do to stop me

Hell no, I'm going to punch out a lion RIGHT now


I'm making cola, I need to know, damn it

Already have gallons of cola and boomers can stay mad

I want to insert my big fat dick inside of Ginrou's boipussy.

I'm stuffing clams in my butthole right now and nobody can stop me

t. Jafar
Shame he barely has any art though

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Oh god hes so cute I want to rape him so badly make him scream like a girl from my thick rod rubbing his prostrate.

>Yikes, Communism is not that violent despite the propaganda by the west.
>inb4 muh ussr and china who aren't even real communist
So, uh, what are the examples of the boastfully-claimed Real Communists?

>spear is not silver
0/10 fanart

now wait a minute... if you put a stoned dick on a reconstructed stoned chick, will it stick???
This is important.

Nerves are not connectes so it fall off

They already said in this episode that it wouldn't work.

Better? He has so little that you don't get to be picky

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Don't ask me, I don't make the rules

>Taiju, we truly are the doctor stone

Johnny Test?

I've read the whole manga.
I just want hope, man. Senku expect the petrification to cure all illnesses and wounds, I just want to go one step further.

Thomas Sankara in Burkina Faso

This is nice, is there a Kinrou in the same style?

There is no hope for you here. Give up, because your dream is an impossibility.

famine could happen dude to natural disasters reduce the amount of animals and plants significantly this reduce the total food that normally could support the number of human in said area

>Taiju, we truly are a soap bar
what did he mean by this?

His dick is clearly in the jar

>Fuck , Tsukasa is a cool dude
>Read his wiki page
>He kills Senku
How does the story go on without the MC ?

Senku faked his death

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Read the manga


So what? You have feet just fucking look for new food its that simple. Since why do natural disasters other than wildfires devastate animal populations?

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OMG tone down with the antisemitism

bitch fucking please homo sapiens were almost wiped out with their total number reduced to 50000 during prehistoric period because climate change
Everyone with an ounce of knowledge about history would call out your bullshit

read the manga

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and every time they got famine retard



Top tier husbando.

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This makes me happy for some reason.

>just fucking walk bro
yeah with what energy because no food you retard.
a TON of things
flood, climate change, human

So they made soap, now they need to revive people and make a fight club

Yes they were wiped out by a FUCKING SUPERVOLCANO not le tsunami or muh earthquake or muh hurricance no a supervolcano. Climate change didnt do shit to humans but it certainly offed our buddies the neanderthals.
>He thinks stone age people had the same sissy stamina as him.

Clever placement.

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stamina still needs energy
stone people aren't fucking super human

Wouldn’t most people lose their mind after 3700 years of zero sensory input?

Imagine actually starving in the stone age, you have to be legit retarded I mean african tribes dont even starve for fuck sake.

THC is really harmful on it's own though, you need all the other stuff in weed as well.

>yfw his cock is penetrating the jar and soaking in breast milk lovingly collected by all the waifus

God. I think I laughed more than I should have at that.

>implying they're not collecting his jizz for later use

Imagine watching anime and still gets baited by early episodes fakeout death. This are the same people that eren died in season 1.... and ch 120

The forest were full of food in the stone age user so they had lots of ways to gain energy, they could also eat wild vegetables or fruits, and yes they were superhuman because the further back you time you go the more physically stronger the humans become.

super fucking volcano causes climate change you fucking retard why am I even arguing with you

Most people lost consciousness.

Your a retard there was no supervolcano to cause a famine in Senku's world. Tribes dont suffer famines ever. This is ludicrous with no humans around the animal populations in wild Japan would be through the roof.

Friendly reminder not to reply to shitposters, they are being retarded intentionally.

we're talking about the event after a natural disaster that reduces the amount of foods
of course there will be famine
>just walk bro
with what energy without foods around

It’s an anime expect plot holes.

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>Your a retard there was no supervolcano to cause a famine in Senku's world.
Mt. Fuji

Yeah, him being what a stupid person thinks a smart one acts like can get pretty annoying.
You still sound like an idiot, though.

>Yes they were wiped out by a FUCKING SUPERVOLCANO not le tsunami or muh earthquake or muh hurricance no a supervolcano.

You mean like Fuji? Which erupted at least twice that they know of in the 3,700 years?


Fucking retard, a supervolcano has more energy than the dinosaur meteor dumbass.

how come since the lion incident animals are no longer a thread, do the mangaka knows the lions reproduce like rabbits?

Boomercaust when?!

Fuck off and kill yourself, disgusting frog-cancer.

Tsukasa probably hunted them down offsfreen.

How about Mt. Fuji erupting over ten times, radically changing the landscape?

Still would have caused severe climate change and death.

>a simple harsh winter would easily fuck over any tribes since no tech to preserve foods for long during warm weather
but of course no famine cause I said so

Tsukasa handles them while he's around, and then the villagers handle them afterward. I think it's implied Senku made a crossbow both as a weapon against Tsukasa but also in case another lion incident happened

>ten times over
>He thinks this is in the teratons of TNT yield
Fucking kill yourself

Yellowstone erupting would create a hole half the size of the state of Nebraska visible from place to understand what the level of energy Im talking about you dumb piece of shit.

Sorry, meant it would cause local change, not overall climate change. A big volcano erupting heavily fucks things up for people and the environment.

Everyone except for Taiju and Senku became unconscious (what we know) and no people don't go insane when they are trapped inside their heads. It's the reason a coma patient doesn't go insane. For insanity to occur there needs to be a want/need for external stimulation, entertainment, food, etc and then being denied that want/need. But the preservation of their bodies means they had no want or need for any of that. Senku was hyper focused on counting to keep his mind awake and Taiju was hyper focused on his love for Yuzuriha and that is the only reason those two were able to not let their consciousness slip.

Look at this pathetic Stonevirgin trying to weasel out of a question by going after Huinterchads with something that isn't even a plothole.

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I hope anime brings more art of them, especially Ginrou.

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Not only was their mount fuji erupting multiple times over the course of 3700 years (at least 7-10 said by Senku himself) but there are storms which pick up and carry Instant death sulfuric gas down the side of the mountain.

Read the Manga

ginrou is a cutie!

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>There are no records of tribal people experiencing famine

We don't have many reliable records of tribal life that detailed period. And something like a famine doesn't show up easily when looking through old bones and earth layers.

I hope for more Kohaku and Suika, also Turquoise, best mommy

thanks for proving that hunterfags are lurking this thread to shitpost

For reference, this is expected effect if Fuji erupts.
The village is near the top of the Izu Peninsula to the south of it, although we don't know if it has been relocated over time.

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Don't forget invasive predators escaped from zoos settling on the island.

Tribal populations are too small to suffer famines you stupid retarded fuckwaffle.

Not even comparable to a supervolcano.

This thread is stupid, lets talk about how we want Kohaku to violently beat us to death instead.

That's literally why the village has a low pop, it used to be more, but then, you guessed it, famine, they survived primarely on fish and rodents, occassional bear.

So what's the fourth use for lime he was going to say?

Cutest boy really.

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We're clearly shown in background art that some of the statues were destroyed over time. The characters have those black lines on their faces to indicate cracking.

No it has a low population because they are tribal people.


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Not what it says in the manga.

I approve of this

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Finally got around to it.

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>he doesn't know how to use the three seashells

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nice i like it

I know this reference.

Only if they're nomadic, which the village is not. If a signigant and sudden change happens in the local area (like a volcano errupting) that greatly reduces the amount of food in the area people can and will begine to starve to death until the area either recovers or they move. As the other user said the village used to be a lot more populated but they had food shortages in the past that reduced them to their current numbers. The village on their origin island is shown to be bigger and more populated than theirs because they don't have to deal with the same shit.

Well its wrong stupid.


People without any agriculture don't settle down in villages to begin with so the whole premise is inaccurate.

>kills a lion with one punch

so much for science trumping fiction

Looks great

Most human tribes were rarely sedentary due to you know food moving around all the time. The only sedentary ones were either mountain fuckers, beach suckers or river fuckers.

>she doesn´t have dick
Why revive?

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>so much for science trumping fiction
When was the show implied to be doing this

>or river fuckers.
That would be Ishigami, who relies primarily on fishing on the river they live on.

>rely on fishing
No seriously what the fuck.

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Some tribes settle for weeks/months at a time.
There are also island goyim. I wonder how did they keep the populations low a hundred years ago. Infanticide?

>No fish in river
>Harsh winter
>Population drops

That’s just an edgy single anime line

You can't survive eating only fish.

Not with that attitude

Old fucks claiming all the women and killing anyone who disagrees or tries to leave. The seabed around the island is littered with the broken statues of people who disagreed with them.

If only the fighter dude hadn't turned out to be a lefty numale... could've been the best shonen after JoJo in 2019.

>no fish in river
Just move downstream until you find some fish duh, btw if your river cant have a constant supply of fish then being sedentary for it isnt a good idea.
The earliest sedentary tribes in Japan were beach fuckers who lived off seafood.

>in some cases, illegal
Like what?

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Making alcohol without a loicense

low quality bait is not funny

Senkuu wants to revive civilization and progress it to make dickgirls real.

>truths I do not like are bait
Truly this is a shonen general.

You know fish is edible in a scale of few days at most without modern tech like fridges?

I don't care about the story, I meant island tribes in real life.
Iirc there are some fucky islands inhabited for centuries that are very far away from any other land, too far at least for the shit vessels people there had before civilization found them.

Like doing almost anything without a loicense (e.g. building a house).

Your post was (poorly) opinionated though

Tropical climate mostly afaik.

Indeed so keep fishing or become nomadic you Ishigami dumbasses.

nothing :^)

Did they mention what was the 4th thing in the manga?

It'll be revealed pretty soon, it's gunpowder

Surely Tsukasa realizes that the young people they save will grow up and become adults eventually, right?

My original post was about how they dealt with population control, I don't care about the climate, but thanks for the trivia I guess.

Hahahaha Amazing i think the same, the first time I saw it. I think the author have some inspiration, about the character design from it.

They will have grown up pure though.

It's less about the actual age and more about the boomer mentality

Cannibalism or recreational human sacrifice obviously. Just imagine becoming Kohaku's dinner god my penis is gonna explode.