Are you ready for Thorkell in the anime?
Vinland Saga
cant wait to see the prince he is may waifu
We had him a long time ago.
I guess i will finally cave in to the peer pressure and watch this overrated anime.
>Overrated anime
Nigga,it has barely been a week since it aired.You mean the manga?
>Thorkell in the anime
But I already watched ep 1.
You barbarian
How was he not raped on the viking camp?
He offered himself voluntary.
As expected of the One True King.
Obviously I meant Thorkell in England, not Thorkell on the boats.
Liking the inferior Canute
If they get this scene right,it might become top 10 most kino anime scenes tier.
>Superior canute*
FTFY. That abomination that is the farmland version didn't need to exist.
Manute truly is the best
Why is this series marketed as a seinen? In the very first episode, you get shonen like powers demonstrated in shonen like fights.
Compare and contrast this to the series with the half naked witch helping during the 100 Year War. The fights in that were completely top notch and realistic. No shonen tropes to be found in the combat or the setting or the characters.
Because you're fucking stupid. Don't fucking reply to this post,barbarian.
It is just as much of a seinen as """mature""" series like Goblin Slayer and Berserk are seinen.
Askeladd is a fucking retard
We discussed this, he wouldn't be suitable royalty and the reason he kept Thorfinn alive is because he felt guilty about using dirty handed tricks to kill his father.
The character is a troubled viking and nothing more.
>mfw Dane
>mfw eternally imprinted to obsess anglos and make them seethe
Post your favorite pages.
Askeladd's goal is stupid as hell
Goblin slayer is just a reverse isekai.
What was his goal in your opinion because me and you are not on the same wavelength.
Literally everything wrong with the current manga in one page.
>muh wales
That page when Siggy sees Gudrid for the first time while he's enslaved.
You are a retarded edgelord. Never post again.
When he talked to that slave girl. It just reminded me how much he changed from the beginning and him being a Chad is an added bonus.
>The very first episode demonstrates that Nordics gave been l1beral cucks for over 1050 years.
Vinland Saga is redpilled as fuck.
>Thors crosses path with a Syrian refugee (Nigerian illegal migrant)
>Immediately offers him to fuck his blonde virgin daughter
As he should since the vikings believe the superior people breed. Thors would probably wipe off the cum off the floor so he doesn't slip while he fucks her in the ass.
I want to frick Ylva
Hey it's not that bad. Not as good as HxH or JoJo, though I guess you should compare it to stuff like Legend of the Galactic Heroes. It's a bit of a watered down simpler history anime compared to that.
>/pol/niggers can't watch anything without bringing up their cuckfetish.
Would it better if everyone had a Stand?
It would be better if you posted that in a JJBA thread.
I really wonder how they'll execute (heh) this scene in the anime. Will this page be in slow motion with no background like the manga or something else?
Hopefully its not slowed down and the scene isn't done in a way that telegraphs or spoils what's about to go down.
Sorry for the phonepost.
Just gonna dump a few webms from the first episode here.
>realistic viking combat
t. Alfred
Explain to me why the fuck Askeladd decided to die like that. He got offered one of two things and he picked none. Why the hell would he trust Canute not to invade Wales?
ITT: scenes women will never understand
You mean to say he got hot headed and threw it when he was that close?
Is it heavily japanized? Or is it actually faithful to scandic/norse cultural stuff?
Neither, it's pretty much the same as the live action Vikings TV show with added emphasis on the Christianity and pacifism angle. It's also got a hefty dose of feminist under and overtones. It's very westernized.
Well, Norse society was the most liberal/equal society in many aspects of Europe at the time, so it's no shock that it portrays women differently.
But what I meant was more like do they bow like japs when greeting, sit on the floor when eating, use Japanese honorifics etc, minor Japanese cultural traits rather than nordic
Hmm, I think I only remember the Jomsvikings bowing to Thors as a sign of respect? They didn't really bow to anyone else.
You missed the point. Both options were shit, so Askeladd made a third option. He got both things he wanted, safety for Wales and Canute on the throne, he just had to die to do it.
>Norse society was the most liberal/equal society in many aspects of Europe at the time, so it's no shock that it portrays women differently.
It goes well fucking beyond that. The main character gets cucked hardcore later by a female "hunter" and allows it to continue out of guilt. There's also just a lot of feminist tropes in the writing in general but you seem like you're probably the type who doesn't mind that.
>But what I meant was more like do they bow like japs when greeting, sit on the floor when eating, use Japanese honorifics etc, minor Japanese cultural traits rather than nordic
No, that would be fuckign retarded and I also already answered that by saying it does neither.
It is in no way historically accurate, neither is it overly jap'd. Like I said, it's very much like something that would be written by a western left leaning TV writer.
He made Canute, his lord, King by killing swein, why would Canute be such a bitch not to honour askeladd s plea of not touching his home soil and avoiding a civil war alltogether
>they didn't understand Askeladd's keikaku
It's not like we saw Canute give in to the power later on right?
My gripe is that it was as if Askeladd had a death wish all of sudden.
ep4 when
sunday funday
What can I say? I'm norwegian, I'm used to a liberal and equal culture so it doesn't faze me unless it's on an extremist and directly wrong regarding the setting. No need to get upset about it.
Fun fact, the Norse had a word for cucks: hanrei.
J-just 2 more weeks!
In that case give it a shot then. You might just want to read the manga instead of waiting for the TV show.
Halfway through the manga, it's just going to be christian propaganda isn'it it?
>slicing through clearly armored opponents
How the fuck did he do this?
>Story about Nordic people
>"christian propaganda"
Oh sorry, Muslim propaganda then.
Yup, the only one who doesn't get properly refuted is Thorkell. Otherwise it's just christfaggotry is right all the way.
It's almost like the Vikings converted to Christianity or something
He's pretty strong
Nah it's the whole pacifism and idealism of Thorfinn that doesn't manage to refute Thorkell's views on war. They shut their ears to him and claim it's totally going to work because it's Thorfinn.
Were you expecting mindless fighting you could make an AMV with a Amon Amarth song out of?
An important thing to know about Vinland Saga is that despite the focus on the impact of violent warfare on peoples' perception of the world and society, the actual physical feats get pretty ridiculous. People like Thorkell, Thorfinn, Thors, and even Askeladd routinely get pretty ridiculous. There's obviously Thorkell who punches horses and fights using logs, but even Askeladd does something like this when he gets angry. And all he thinks afterwards is "oops, lost control for a second." The series is completely off the walls when it comes to physical feats and the only thing that really saves this is everyone else, who are just normal humans, are continually fucking astounded that the characters who do shit like this just did that. In this regard it gives it sort of a mythical air, even though the actual story is portrayed more like a historical drama.
What a shame, can't complain since it was the point since day one I guess.
And see how that turned out for them, now they get willing raped and plundered by hordes of brown invaders.
Ah yes, the eternal angloid butthurt making up his own narrative to feel better about being cucked for centuries by a superior people
Christianity is not responsible for the EU
Pyrrhus or Epirus has gone down in history as having cleaved a champion of Sons of Mars in half in a duel in Sicily.
After the farming/slavery arch it just becomes one convoluted battleshitfest that I can't bring myself to care about.
Are you really trying to call me childish because I don't agree with that preachiness?
And EU is not responsible for American terrorism bombing countries to shit causing huge waves of refugees
This shit don't add up. When I read my history books (read: when I played Age of Empires 2: The Conquerors), Leif Erikson had to sail to Greenland, then cross Greenland on foot, and then go from Greenland to 'Vinland' (North America) by ship again. However, once he arrived there the Vikings were quickly driven out by the ferocious Natives with their wooden weapons.
Not an anglo but they are getting invaded too.
Christianity is proto-communism. EU is globohomo communism.
They've started importing 3rd world trash in the 60.
that looks so fucking bad, cgi was a mistake
wew lad
I too remember the fearsome Celtic Skraelings.
The natives numbered in the millions on their own turf back then before a plague decimated their numbers into almost nothing (thus letting the Anglos settle with ease). Of course a few hundred colonists would never stand a chance even if the natives were unarmed
>expecting realistic combat from anime
This is one of those series that draws you in hard at the beginning and then gradually declines to the point where you'll still want to know how the story progresses but you start hating yourself for still paying attention to the crap. It starts out really interesting and promising and then just gets progressively worse and worse.
Oh, it's one of those "people".
This 100%
Leif might not have been telling the entire story when we first saw him.
You dummy
>longtime favorite manga with good thread gets anime
>thread become /pol/shit
Not exactly a new phenomenon but fuck, I havenever been as salty about it than now.
It was inevitable,anime adaptations always(unfortunately) bring in the worst people on this board: from Hunterfags to /pol/.
>Inb4 /pol/ lives in my head rent free
Animefags are cancer. This happened with Jojo when part 1 first aired.
Anything related to European history riles them up
Whose that?
You lost me.
/pol/bros are way more welcome here than you cucks from reddit
Kill yourself(if this is not bait,no, kill yourself even if it is bait for making such a cringepost).
I forgot, what happened to the priest? Did he show up again after Canute's arc?
I'm sorry you can't follow the conversation
t. r/the_donald colony
Thorkell and Thors are supposed to larger-than-life anime characters though. Everyone else is pretty much your average middle age pleb.
Hmm, would you say that this is trolling outside of Yea Forums tier, or off topic? Perhaps extremely low quality level?
So close and they still fucked it up. Tor is both the old Norse and the modern scandi version. Thor is just Anglo bastardization
Died a virgin by hepatic cirrhosis
To be fair, actual sagas were exactly like that too.
>pagancucks eternally seething that their LARP religion died
It's actually pro-briton, anti-anglo-saxon propaganda.
>implying Vikings aren't just glorified seaniggers
the misadventures of siggy and friends were the highlight of the current arcs
>gurdrid confesing
I wanted hild to win ;_;
So the Frenchmen who pronounce it with a hard T have it right?
>tfw you realize Thorfinn has just become a nice Askeladd
Don't be so defensive, I liked it so far and I don't really care about pagans. The whole love thing is just hammy and obnoxious the way it is pushed.
>those seaniggers cucked anglos so hard England's laws and language is 60% seanigger
Sure, if they also pronounce o and r hard as well. Gotta really roll that hard r a bit too
Anglo-Saxons had the most competent government structure in Western Europe at the time and then those dipshit Norsemen and their Norman bastard spawn fucked England up for roughly 400 years
>I wanted hild to win
The second Gudrid was introduced in this series any chance of literally anybody else winning the Thorfinnbowl went out the window. Also Hild wanting to shack up with the guy who murdered her father sounds like something straight out of a badly written fanfiction/erotica novel. In other words any half decent writer would never pull that shit.
>"shonen=superpower battle manga"
>"seinen=grimdark realism"
Get out.
They imported them as guest workers to rebuild the countries after WW2 has torn it apart. This and that are entirely different matters.
Wrong, th becoming t is a later corruption in mainland scandinavian languages. In old Norse (and in Icelandic) the sound is th.
Good, they deserved it for slaughtering the native Britons. Angles, Saxons and Jutes were savages with the trappings of civilization.
Guess it wasn't that competent if it couldn't defend itself. As a celt, anglos complaining about being invaded sustains me.
>As a celt
I'm sorry to hear that.
>says the invader of Bell Beaker lands
Supposedly the metal chains were extremely cold causing it to stick to his flesh.
As a norman, you're welcome.
>As a norman
Unless you're from Normandy, you aren't a fucking Norman. Modern anglos are Danish/Briton/Norman/Anglo-Saxon mutts
I think it's unbelievably based to be loyal to your home country, no matter how insignificant it is. His motivation made him a fantastic character to me.
Askeladd BTFOing Thorfinn one last time while bitching about filthy fucking N*rsemen was pure kino
Believe it or not some frenchmen can actually speak english.
News to me, I thought if a frog ever muttered a word of English their tongue would rot and fall off.
Almost everything Askeladd does is pure kino.
Do Danes still do this?
What, wash themselves once a week? I sure hope not.
Wash each other off,butt naked.
I'm an ever so slight thoraboo but Askeladd fucking hating vikings is just great
Cleaning oneself? Yeah, it's a cultural thing, you Anglos and southerners wouldn't understand
Fuck off,Barbarian scum.
Has there ever been a race more cucked than the island goblins?
>romes invade and literally build their capital due islanders being too dumb to make anything that isnt a hole in the dirt
>danes gives them civilization and laws
>Norwegians conquer Scotland and Ireland, build both their capitals who the cucks still use, teaches the english real words the cucks still use today
And that's not even starting on how hard the French, Spaniards, Dutch, Germany etc kept cucking them. Honestly I'd be too ashamed to show my face if I were a United Kuckdomer
>>romes invade and literally build their capital due islanders being too dumb to make anything that isnt a hole in the dirt
literally any European country that was controlled by Rome at some point had capitals built by the Romans
>danes give them civilization and laws
fucking wat
>how hard the French, Spaniards, Dutch, Germany etc kept cucking them.
For most of its history Britain was a backwater at the edge of the world, yet they somehow managed to consistently fuck up larger European powers with minimal damage to their own nation
Danelaw. The first time ever the islanders got written laws, and the system they still use and build upon. Hell, magna carta was a product from the danelaw
>The first time ever the islanders got written laws, and the system they still use and build upon. Hell, magna carta was a product from the danelaw
absolutely fucking wrong. The Anglo-Saxons had the best legal code and administration in Europe outside of Byzantium and Andalusia. Ever heard of Alfred the Great you fucking mong?
That quasimythological guy? Why not use king Arthur as well?
>That quasimythological guy?
are you a fucking moron? Alfred the Great was extremely well recorded by historians. We know exactly how Anglo-Saxon England functioned under his reign. It's not some Camelot shit.
I like anglos well enough I guess, but mention vikings and they lose their shit. So you got cucked for a few hundred years, who hasn't? You bulled parts of the world pretty hard afterwards, so chin up and stop seething so much.
Everyone has one. The Greeks have the Turks, the Poles have the Russians, the Chinese have everyone that isn't Chinese. it happens
does anyone have the manga panel where thorfinn is saying that he is tired of this shit. durring the war in baltic arc?
UPVOTED -- no but seriously, take this /pol/ or /his/ or /int/ complete LARPing bullshit and the ensuing philistine identity politics and normalfaggotry somewhere fucking else, you fucking raging normalfags
Damn, thorkell gained some mass trough the manga
wtf are you crying to me about? it's my first post in this thread. And if you haven't noticed anglo seething then you're the newfag to Vinland threads.
>'no u'
as I said, fuck off.
I take back what I said, I don't like anglos
see now fuck off, but enjoy your stay
The retainer's face still looks upside down and I'll never be able to unsee that.
I've been in Vinland threads for a long time. You should see a doctor about that butthurt
Vinland Saga goes off of an account of Thorfinn's as of yet not portrayed in the manga expedition to Vinland. I don't know how much time before that expedition it covers, but it's known that the Vikings were able to settle, at least for a time, in the New World. They weren't immediately driven out by violence, except for specific expeditions and for differing definitions of "immediately." The manga eventually reveals Leif's brother led a doomed expedition before Thorfinn's attempt and that violence was the cause for its failure.
How can you say it's overrated when you haven't even seen it yet are you fucking retarded
This is by far the comfiest anime this season. The scenery is so good.
>over 2 weeks to more Askeladd
You and everyone else buddy
You mean just like the Celtics who invaded the British Isles from mainland Europe largely displaced and did the same shit to the native Bretons?
the "native" britons they displaced did the same to those who came before
There weren't any real native people on the British Isles that form a cognizant ethnic or tribal group when what would be the Bretons formed there. Celtics are no less bloodthirsty, prone to conquest, pillaging, raping, or enslaving and raiding as Germanics were, Nigel.
Stonehenge wasn't built by Celts
is this a good show so far?
Yes but it's all set up so far
Okay, that has nothing to do with my point.
I sure hope the anime at least reach the farmland saga arc. Baltic Sea arc can go fuck itself.
Hows the adaptation so far? have they skipped something? cant wait to see some Thorfinn dual wield action
That's how it started, yeah. They were supposed to be guests. Guests are expected to leave after their stay, as were these guest workers. But when that time came leftists were in power and just did the opposite because they wanted to force multiculturalism on their people.
They thought it would work out fine too and wanted to build colorful rainbow nations of love, understanding and acceptance, like Thorfinn, they were idealists and utopians. Well, we now get to live in their failed experiments and are privileged to experience the never ending diverse division of people who hate each other, racial resentment, tribal nepotism and violent religious war first hand.
There was no more rebuilding to be done in the 60s though, there was an economic boom so they wanted additional factory workers. The whole rebuilding thing is complete nonsense. The war ended in 45, what the fuck do you suppose was there to still rebuild 15 years later in 1960?
Damn, they were right in the JoJo thread. This will definitely be the 2nd best AOTY 2019.