Why did it die?
Uma Musume: Pretty Derby
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Because cygames is a fuck.
I love you Suzuka
Because not enough of the actual horses did.
Because the game has been stuck in development hell
not enough mommies
Nobody ACTUALLY cared about the game, right?
The anime had no right to be so amazing though, considering it was just a promotion for the game. That's what it was, right?
>spe's idea of sports car
this dumbo is really cute
satono gold (Gold ShipxMy Jen) yutaka take
Sun,14Jul2019 Hakodate 12:35
last week results:
Dual Nature 4th of 16
Bateau Blanc 7th of 16
Black Hole 2nd of 10
Kurino Tiffany 6th of 10
Cosmo Tekiro 3rd of 15
good week for golshi's progenies, dad is proud.
Retarded horse owners blocking cygames. The game will be out when all the horses are dead
update your chart, at least 5 more were dead.
also curren chan a cute. biko pegasus too, thanks ova.
Because it was the most blatantly "designed by committee" franchise this century.
Everyone fell into the black void of deep Uma lore and died.
Hachigatsu no Cinderella is worse, and that just from the last season.
No game, no S2. I still love autism horse though.
So the dream is as dead as Special Week.
>Why did it die?
Not enough cows.
Not cool, user.
But seriously wasn't it something like horse owners got angry at fans drawing lewds then the producers said pls no lewds then everyone drew more lewds and horse owners refused to give them the rights to use their horses in the game?
Lewds? On the internet? No way!
Haha even though he's just escorting her into the stall it totally looks like he's giving her a shoulder massage. Tense horse back. Haha.
At least there's no lewds in these threads. I'm happy.
>be the designer of the mother of anime idol series
>join Cygames
>have budget enough for two moonlandings
>horse owners fuck it up with all their pull outs and other bullshit
The joke is that they could actually use the names and shit of most of the horses.
But because JRA and co are part of the game developement, they are forced to make the horse owners happy.
It goes so fat that they couldn't even write Special Week's name in that Granblue Fantasy production artbook. She was just "Event Girl" there.
>It goes so fat
>It goes so fat
>It goes so fat
I fucked up successfuly.
>It goes so fat
There are no cows in the show at all, only cute horse girls.
>It goes so fat
Isn't Maruzensky's a real mom in the manga?
>Putting a piece of shit male self-insert
>In 2010+8
Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened :)
So the thing that really killed it was the autism of the sports games' players who refuse to play games without licensed names?
smile because it's fucking dead. :^)
Stop pretending to be retarded.
>it's pretending
None of that would be an issue had they given them original names instead of licensing real horses' names for no good reason.
The JRA involvement is crucial part of the game.
They didn' t confirm the horsedicks.
Think back to all the layers of lore and backstory that they made out of events in the real horses lives. Do you really think it would have done well without that?
It lost momentum when the game got stuck in development hell.
Hopefully people will learn the lesson that it's a bad idea to craft a brilliant ad campaign, which the anime was, for something you're not already ready to sell.
>yfw no 2nd season
Why are these horses so fucking fat?
gotta eat big to run fast
Did I miss something? I thought the game was just delayed.
people will go apeshit when goldship dies
Being the youngest I'm hoping he has a good 15+ more years in him.
Not all of them just Orfevre, King Kamehameha, Deep Impact and Buena Vista. The game can be released when these four horses die.
They wouldn't let us lewd them