Goblin Slayer

Vol 11 in September.

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What next, tropical adventure with GG?

>tropical adventure with GG
I hope so.


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Elf volume finally?

>sand goblins
Ok then.

>sand goblins
Nice. Seems to be the fantasy counterpart of mud slimes.

before that, the first Dai Katana collected novel and the RPG novel in August. I hope that we will get at least some nice illustrations from these.


>sand goblins getting riled up by the sight of barely covered up elf
This is going to get a lot of mileage isn't it.

From Amazon.
>シリーズ第11弾。ゴブリンスレイヤー、砂漠《ゲヘナ》へ! !
The desert name is Gehenna. Dead children soon.

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Is this the first anything to get a name?

>Erufu on the cover
This volume is sure to be good.

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Mokele Mbembe, Laong Mountain or something, & Purisutesu.

Is she happy now?

I don't know about the mountain or the puriwhatever but Mokele Mbembe is not a name.

As a species, it is a young dragon/hydra. Mokele Mbembe along with other silly names is given by the elves.
How YP translated it anyway?

What is this then user?

>No Priestess, Dwarf or Lizardbro
>Only her and GS adventuring in the desert
Yes, she is happy.

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You may think Elf is also her name.

This but with goblins.

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wait, did Vol 10 already came out yet?

oh wait, I remember now, it was back in March.

Yeah, the volume with the goblin's daughter.

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So the next volume will be out in September, the same month for the English release of Vol 8, of course there is still the English release of Vol 2 of Year One pretty soon on July 23.

This is very much arguable and possibly a result of translation fuckery/my own reading too much into it, but it really sounded like the Elvish forest kingdom was located in a straight-up rainforest in volume 7.

wtf.. her vitals are exposed...

The Dwarven god of smithing is named Krome and HEA’s dad is named Starwind. There may have been a couple of others snuck in, but I don’t remember clearly.

so if the covers will rotate the same for the first three girls, I wonder if Cow Girl will have a different outfit for Vol 12 in 2020?

user, she’s a sniper. Also Priestess’ Barriers provide the armor for literally everyone on the party besides GS himself.

Vol 12 will probably be released in december. Last year was vol 8 september, vol 9 december and then vol 10 in march.

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Probably in her wedding dress.

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The most vital parts still aren't exposed, but I wish they were.

Daikatana is august too.

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>they're getting raped in those outfits

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He still has the water breathing ring (?) So, exterminating aquatic goblins.

>He still hasn't given up

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Manga Vol 6 is out in german. Two months before the english release.

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There’s no such thing as aquatic goblins Guild Girl, and if you send me on another fishmen quest with that dumb nickname I won’t be so forgiving of your slipup a second time.

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I'm ready.

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>sand goblins
I keked way too much

time to play with the elf

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>and then it really became a harem

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Why the krauts like GS so much?

It reminds them of their history and ancestors, when the slav goblins arrived in germany

It illustrates a facet of their lives they are no longer allowed to acknowledge in reality.

I want to rape Elf with a strapon while playing with her clit. I bet her face tinged with anger, lust and embarrassment would look amazing.

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>Believing covers.

How come tropical adventures never exist in Medieval fantasy anyways? It's not like we made them, they always existed somewhere.

Wasn't vol 7 some kind of tropical adventure?

I guess it means she'll be the main girl of volume 12, which will have Cow Girl in the cover. This volume will feature some kind of OC donut steel content from one of Priestess' failed early adventures, going by observable novel logic.

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>Priestess earlier failed adventures.
What? Her only failure ever was her very first quest, after that she only had successes.

Her Dexterity AC suffers from wearing anything above cloth armor, user.

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Premodern Europe just never had much substantial direct contact with tropical biomes, so those trappings tend to be clash with the rest of the period and not be included.
You can get away with deserts because the Arabian drylands were just across the Mediterranean Sea and the ragheads have been encroaching nuisances since Mohammed, but Caucasians are referred to as “the ice peoples” for a reason.

But she wears leather.

Maybe Purveyor girl gets the cover like Sword Maiden did, she has a movie coming after all.

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>why do those who adore being raped love rape manga

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>her new outfit is silk
>gives her even better AC
Unexpected buff.

Seems like padded cloth to me.

Padded indeed.

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There's too many GOBBED.com starts with covers as is. This better not happen or else I'm boycotting something I wasn't going to buy to begin with.

So basically, short muslims?

False. They will be naked when they get raped
Don't lie to him. It's coming.

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So just regular muslims?

The author is really forcing this goblin shit.
Winter goblins were already ridiculous since their scrawny asses should easily get frostbite.

Now we have Sand goblins.

At least /tg/ recognizes not every monster would do well in different environments. For example, slimes in hot desert would be a bad idea.

The best thing about this series is how it triggers the aspergic revulsion of fanbase cancers.

I wonder how is the nip /tg/

What did he mean by this?

He's obviously speaking of the nape

That's sick.

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Imagine what she could do with that dexterity in bed.

The winter gobs was because an ogre wanted revenge in GS.

>The best thing about this series is rape

Erufus are for consensual not for rape.

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They are fantasy aryans. They are made for rape.

>Erufus are for consensual not for rape.

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This. Elves are for killing. Non-consensual killing

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>Erufus are for consensual not for rape.

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Whatever trauma you have with western elves please don't blame the Erufus for that.

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That's Elves, they are disgusting forest vermin.

Erufus are charming, beautiful enchanted woodland sprites made for tender breeding and receiving unquestioning emotional support from.

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You have a literal aryan in Priestess, leave my Erufu alone.

>Winter goblins were already ridiculous since their scrawny asses should easily get frostbite.
user, I don’t even need to bullshit up some rationale about fantasy biology, goblins can steal clothes and huddle for warmth.
>Now we have Sand goblins.
Why should they be any less capable of living in a desert than anywhere else? There are caves and oases and trade routes in the desert to live in and off of, are there not?

Space goblins when?

This. Why even bring up goblins being from the moon is you don’t act on it?
I guess Kumo’s saving it for the final book when his contract runs its course, but that’s still a detail that should be brought up more.

Give me Bugman already. I want to get a read on this son of a bitch now now now!

Big strong monstrous humanoid is always the best member of the party.

Requesting translation.

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>rainy season
>mold is growing
>is that blue cheese??

I want to see Priestess's new slutty outfit.

I want to rape that elf!

Welcome to the Elf Rape Line. Please fill the form you received on your mailbox, return it to sender and wait to hear back from us.

Why always the Elf and not the other girls?

She's worst girl

In what parallel universe with plenty of shit taste is Erufu worst girl?

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Shit personality and no tits.

Seriously. Even if you want to call her low-tier from the first books, by Vol 7 she has become patrician levels of taste.

Vol 7 has her do nothing except be the bratty little sister to a superior elf woman. Even all of her kills could be done by GS, she wouldn't be missed if she was removed from the party.

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Guild girl will win.

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>engaging with ESL Pisstess Erufu hater

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Pisstess fanboi*

>Imagine reading
fucking losers

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that tummy is begging for a baby

Erufu is the queen of tummies.

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Cummies for Erufu Tummies

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Not surprised

>Erufus are for rape

>t. goburin

By observable logic, every volume will be Priestess volume.

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>every volume will be Priestess volume.
Oh well, it was a good run for the series.

Literal goblin bait.

You are confusing Erufus with elves again.

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*Vampire bait. Any monster at lower level already learn to kill her on sight, including Ogre.

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What non goblin monster can we expect to see in the desert?

Evil djinn? Maybe some ghouls? I don’t know what other monsters are from the desert.

giant scorpion that goblins ride on

Shit, I should have thought of that.
...would goblins riding things other than wolves be considered a new class, or does Rider cover any possible steed?
On that topic, should goblin sailors and war machine operators be considered their own class?