Dragon Ball Super

How many years until they introduce another character stronger than Beerus? Super has been around for years and we only have Gogeta, Vegetto and Broly

Attached: stronger than Beerus.png (851x315, 329K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Whatever happend to that plot line?

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Is this one the meme show?

Toriyama didn't [raughs] when reading it so he shut it down

> Tardku plotting something

It's irrelevant bullshit Toei wrote that had nothing to do with Toriyama, it's the same as Kaioken's return, completely pointless

ChadRen is Daishinkai-Tier.

Attached: 1562693391820.jpg (1357x960, 103K)

Reality is shaking..
Jiren has released his sperm

Attached: B7E02078-0EB3-47F6-8170-F846637D96DA.png (944x960, 773K)

Hope the artist was paid for this.

Enter CHADren.

Attached: [all of reality starts trembling].jpg (859x1153, 88K)


Attached: 33190-full.png (800x600, 247K)

>brolybros are praising Chadren now

Attached: 1560913945783.jpg (1095x730, 76K)

That Pride Troopers gi looks pretty sick.

Attached: 1544374139455.gif (220x155, 32K)

1-0 for Cell Junior.

Attached: 345534534543.gif (500x283, 1015K)

Does this mean Cell is 3-0 by proxy?

Enter Cabron.

Attached: 1562276184602.webm (540x540, 1.04M)

What the FUCK is that thing ? It's horrifying


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Here’s the (You) for your forced meme





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Thanks for the single You.

It started off as a post in earnest. Then zoomers literally cannot speak or write anything honest, instead they have to hide under several layers on irony and contrianism. I fear what their kids will be like, ironically breathing and so forth.

Jirenfags are underage spammers.

Your list is missing 1

Attached: Chad Buu.jpg (480x360, 12K)

>How many years until they introduce another character stronger than Beerus?
I don't see it happening untill the very end of DBS

Super Broly God when?


How pathetic.

Fucking based Tori

What for, he's already the strongest without even having his power up arc and the inevitable new super duper controlled form and everything in-between.


I know this genuinely hurts you, and you think it's unfair, but you keep doing this to yourself.

Attached: 1559655000903.jpg (1125x1925, 387K)


CHADly doesn't need handouts.

Attached: f3ba5bd905cac66b5acf4e346955165b.png (755x1058, 431K)

[raffs] u fukkin nerdos takeu dis shitto tooo fukkin seriousry, nao ret me rite dis cig up cuz i juss woke up afta a 72 hour nappu [raffs]

Attached: Tori-Sensei.jpg (1600x900, 134K)

Don't forget to samefag more times than the IP count, SHITrentard ; )

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Cope, Keklycamel.

all that power... time itself is shaking... where is this coming from?


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Reminder that last thread, anti-jiren ESL tacos literally had no fucking clue what "argument from ignorance" even meant.
>An argument from ignorance (Latin: argumentum ad ignorantiam), or appeal to ignorance ('ignorance' stands for "lack of evidence to the contrary"), is a fallacy in informal logic. It says something is true because it has not yet been proved false. Or, that something is false if it has not yet been proved true. This is also called a negative proof fallacy.
They literally thought it meant "you don't know what you're talking about".

> Your country
> Your favorite hombre

Argentina (Born in Berlin, I'm German)
Gohan nino

Attached: White.png (480x474, 332K)

That's just another reason for Toriyama to fucking retire already


The truth and nothing but the truth.

Attached: DB-tops-list.jpg (1126x629, 125K)

>Toriyama should retire because Toei made a random story line that got nowhere because it was their own thing


Based white hombre amigo !


Because Toei was writing a better story than his.



>write a story line that directly conflict with the main script meaning you will either contradict your source material or drop said story line entirely
They are a bunch of retards


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Broly and Freeza (Genocider and planet thief Version)

>"Cope my friend worried about me and calling me out"
Ok then SHITrenfriend keep schizing out.

At least they were trying to build up some tension and anticipation, unlike him

What interview?

Pan time!

Attached: 1562890755927.jpg (1241x1531, 582K)

With my uncle who works at Shonen Jump. Trust me.

Trying to build up something when you know you can't deliver is stupid

If he is the strongest then he could defeat SSGSS Gogeta

The one he made up in his head.
This person is mentally ill, don't bully please.

If they had more freedom they would have delivered. They were writing a better story that the straight garbage Toriyama was writing, hence my calling for Toriyama's retirement.

Who is making Jobren kneel again?

Attached: shitren place.png (184x189, 50K)

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>If they had more freedom...
But they didn't and they knew it. and they still built up something they knew they would never deliver.

His master.

You are missing the point again

>SSG vs. Beerus at the very start of Super was literally tearing at the universe, about to break it apart with every blow
>Nothing similar has happened since
>Let's just keep saying everyone is getting even stronger, to appease to little boys. Surely no inconsistencies could happen t. Toei


>DBS will be Blacked kino soon
I'm ready lads

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No, you are missing it. They are dumb enough to build up something they know they can't deliver, making the story factually shittier, they are just stupid and you shouldn't put your trust in them

They shouldn't make stuff up if it was ultimately not up to them yeah. And Toriyama should retire and let them do their superior stories.


Why do you even think they held the ToP on a separate dimension you retard

Uub's story will be a mix of martial arts comedy, magic girls and harem antics

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The (man)children don't have the IQ points to even recognize the inconsistencies while the triple digit IQ individuals have just accepted that it's not worth thinking about.

Every time I actually think about the shit writing in Super I get a headache.
I mean holy fuck they had characters literally saying Goku recovers stamina from fighting. It's unironically a plot point. He might as well be a fucking Android.


Except we know they can't make superior stories, just look at the filler episodes from Super, or fucking GT, or the movies they made that are literal moviefications of the last story arc Toriyama made just before

>Goku recovers stamina from fighting. It's unironically a plot point. He might as well be a fucking Android.
How else would he stand up to CHADchad cha Chad?

>Who is making Jobren kneel again?
His dog

Could Beerus just Hakai somebody stronger than him and kill them instantly?

The amount of samefagging on this thread is fucking high

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We don't know if Hakai works on people stronger than the user

Missingno, get out of the way!

You mean the thing Frieza tanked and Vegeta punched through?
Hakai already stops being a threat when you're around the same level of power. A stronger person would just GRIP it.

What are they thinking? Practiced for what?

To pleasure Beerus-sama.

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>A Jirenfag commissioned this
>The state of Jirenfags

Imagine obsessing over who is who on a anonymous site. Sad.

Fusion of course!

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I think you are based.

Found the samefag

Enter CHADren.

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To the toilet to take a huge shit!


Bring me Goku.

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GT Pan seems to have taken a liking to Xeno Pan.

Attached: 75668316_p1~01.jpg (568x356, 43K)

Maybe a little too much...

Attached: 75668316_p2~01.jpg (675x343, 42K)

Stop posting this shit, jirenfag

He's already a walking pile of shit.

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It's the "Kiss my wife please" pic

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I would kill for some drawfag to make a version of pan with a tail with the beginning stages of becoming a great ape.

With the beserk eyes and stuff

Canon next year.

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So did Super continue after broly yet?
Am I missing out?


Still searching for it.

Attached: D96Vg0YUEAAdRrX.jpg (1152x648, 104K)

tell me what i need to know please, no spoilers just search terms for content
or what

New movie next year so...

Kekai can kill immortals and erase"things" permanently.
Using Kekai to easily win fights against stronger opponents is a meme.

you said it continued after super
i dont give a shit about next year
is there new season or movie right now?
i saw posts about an episode or something yesterday

No. The manga is doing some story about an anthropomorphic ram, but I think that's non canon, since the manga never included the DBS Broly story.


The manga and anime are canon, Broly took from both. Guess I'll read that.
I read up to the namek part where he absorbs the planet and gokus energy
Fun concept


Broly was never in the manga.

The story probably happened behind the scenes, just like RoF

Why are you lying, toeikek? The only continuity where nuBroly exist is manga's

Attached: manga continuity guide.jpg (1536x2048, 900K)

Also enemies that can absorb energy have been done several times now. They literally cannot stop doing them. The androids, Cell, Buu, some miniboss in the Buu saga, the androids again in GT, that purple thing in DBS filler episodes.

The manga literally says so, multiple times

Are you attempting to pass that image off as evidence or something?

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Why are toyospics so obsessed with card magazines.

Are you attempting to pass your headcanon as evidence against what official stuff says or something? Man that's pretty pathetic

Attached: 18.jpg (800x1200, 676K)

>p-please stop destroying my arguments! magazines doesn't count!
Okay toeijuan, enjoy something that's not from a magazine, it's from the movie itself and only credits Toriyama and Toyotaro's manga and never Toei's fanfic version of Super. Stay mad.

Attached: DBS Broly credits the manga.png (853x960, 565K)

then whats that idiot bitchin about

I actually would take it at this point.

Enter CHADunks.

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You know it sounds like fun

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>much toriyama name
Means literally nothing. Evey DB related product has his name.
What you gonna do now you lying little harlot? Your stale retarded baiting cannot get past my insurmountable intellect.

Any cultivation pill and yellow tier skillbook for Vegeta so he can catch up to Goku in this wuxia manhwa?

Mai got downgraded on Super

Seems like Goku's found his dinner

I want a dbs arc where ancient saiyans from yamoshi's time come to the future and it's up to the goten, trunks, bra, and pan to fight them with Goku, Vegeta, and Broly fighting the evil angel or demon that made it happen.

Also is buu presumably the only majin that exists? Aren't there more than one majin?

>furfag tier list

Attached: 3bf.jpg (467x348, 20K)


>Toriyama name
You literally didn't even look at the pic right? Jesus

Give me the sauce ningen

Give it a week, maybe a month or two.

great thread, you absolute retards

Begone Toyopedro

Attached: 548C4800-49DB-412B-AD62-78E45B8E6C70.jpg (712x185, 46K)

I kneel.

>You mean the thing Frieza tanked and Vegeta punched through?
In both instances, what Frieza tanked were fractions of a fully fledged GoD's energy (the reduced power from the assassins and Toppo's when he'd only just become a GoD). Same applies for Vegeta.

That's a nice fansite you got here, Alejandro. Take this (You) and leave now.

>Implying Toei non canon anime's plot lines means something in the first place

I found the picture I was looking for. I'm not sure if this is what you wanted exactly, but chances are I'll have to eat a ban for it so I'll see you after the weekend.

Attached: 2535710 - Dragon_Ball_GT Pan.jpg (2496x1404, 1.28M)

The pic that you keep spamming even after getting shut the fuck down?
Dont underestimate me, toyoshitter. Even GT and multiverse have his name in credits. Did you seriously think his name on the credits of the movie would not show up? Do you seriously think his name on the credits means the promo shit book is canon?
Ask me how I know you're the same lying little bitch that used to post the "goku blink manga canon" garbage before getting utterly shut down by the toeichads.
Stop embarrassing yourself, little taco. Nobody here wants that anymore.

>no argument
>ad hominem
Another victory I see.

P*npedos everyone.


ESLSHITren kun yamete...

Attached: 75668316_p2.jpg (1344x756, 847K)

And a little extra

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Thanks user

Attached: AB1BC924-AE0B-480E-AC48-0655BDC7173A.jpg (383x310, 31K)

I'll see you dickheads later

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Why are TOEISHItrentards so obsessed with screencaps from wikis and tweets from literal whos?

Manolito... nobody said having Toriyama's name in that pic is important and the pic isn't even from the manga, so please stop embarrassing yourself.

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lol, imagine STILL posting about Dragon's Balls when there's intellectual, philosophical shows airing this very season. Just fucking imagine it

Are you implying they have another option? If they used official material they would have to cope with the manga being canon


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>incomprehensible ESL babble
I am victorious once more.

They have a little bit more value than those absolutely cringe edits they spam, which is none.

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>manga moeshitting subhuman literally prostrating himself and conceding
What the fuck did I tell you? Didn't I warn you I was fucking smart?

>moe subhuman
Leave while I’m still feeling generous.

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I want a Great Ape Pan GF.


Why are you toeikeks so assblasted and obnoxious with your shitposting alre-OH, yeah, (almost) a week before the new chapter is released. Typical

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the first stage was cute but it went downhill pretty quickly.

The absolute state of this SHITrenmongrel's kennel!

What the fuck is this? It's fucking horrifying

>ESLyfags confirmed pedos

How did SSB Goku just easily destroy a bunch of those cubes from a powered up Hearts while Jiren struggled against just one(1) of those cubes from a heavily supressed Hearts? Is Jobren that fucking weak compared to Goku already?

Have sex

Yep lol.

>In Dragon Ball Heroes, after finding out about Jiren by reading Hit's mind, Hearts wonders who is stronger between himself and Jiren. Upon finding that he cannot defeat Super Full Power Jiren even with help from Super Saiyan 3 Full Power Cunber and Fused Zamasu, Hearts notes that Jiren is worthy of being known as the strongest in all the universes.

Eternal reminder.

How do you have a fraction of infinity?

where is this from

Goku got training from el padre grande

Well Jobren is only stronger than the weakest GoD, so yes.

scum who draw shit like this and the scum who it's catered to need to fucking rot

Hearts was actually trying against Jiren

>GoDs have infinite power
Nice headcanon. And Sidra flat-out states that he gives the assassins only a small portion of his power, so apparently it can be measured.

not only that, but whis outright measures the power gap between beerus and goku and vegeta.

>Yamoshitter still bleating weakly
Shhh, just slip into the abyss. It's over.

Attached: the tragedy of the yamoshits.png (1298x539, 97K)

Why I hate the pangang now!

This was hilarious.


literally no one gives a fuck about yamoshi, nor should we. he was faggot who couldn't one shot a couple of ordinary oozaru after attaining ssg before its time limit expired.

Okay, so the Hakai isn't infinite, if a fraction of a finite number can be overcome, the actual number can be as well.
Checkmate retard.

>a fraction of a finite number

Attached: 1535423392316.jpg (430x462, 17K)

t. dankmemes

You said Hakai that was overcome was only a fraction of the GoDs power, implying the original cannot be overcome. If the fractional Hakai can be overcome, the original is surmountable, because you cannot have a fraction of infinity, meaning the original Hakai is limited in power, and surpassable the same way Vegeta and Freeza did.

hakai is garbage. it's incapable of erasing an immorta being and is ultimately a weaker, knock off variant to zeno's erasure prowess

>If they used official material they would have to cope with the manga being canon
Basically this...

>this disingenuous shit again
The manga is credited because it has nothing to do with the fucking movie, you absolute retard, but it is a part of the franchise tied to Toriyama and therefore has to be credited. Why the fuck would there be a special section crediting Toei in a fucking movie that they made? Their name is already plastered all over it. You Toyopacos are so fucking stupid it's unbelievable. Now COPE.

You fucking brainlets
The original suggestion was that Hakai could be used to destroy someone stronger than the Hakai user
Frieza tanking Hakai of somone stronger (Toppo), and Vegeta punching through the Hakai of someone equal (Toppo) means that Hakai isn't fucking special
The scenario is a hypothetical enemy who is STRONGER THAN BEERUS
And since we know hakai isn't worth shit against people who aren't weaker than yourself, Beerus wouldn't be able to do shit against this hypothetical stronger enemy

tl;dr Hakai is overrated SHIT and a gimmick, its great for cleaning up fodder but as soon as someone's on your level it's just a glorified ki blast

Cope with what? Your blatant lack of evidence, childish edits, and pathetic attempts at sounding "intellectual" which really only just shows how massively insecure and obnoxious you are? You thrive on attention, and the only way you can get it is by spamming the same retarded Paint edits every thread and generally acting like cringey 14-year-old retards, so that's what you do. Day after day, thread after thread, that's all you do. That is your entire purpose. And it is fucking pathetic.

It's fucking pathetic isn't it? I used to try to get these retards to at least attempt other anime/manga but there's just no hope for them, they're too stupid to follow anything that isn't big punches and laser light shows.

>Shitrendog thinks he has any authority over anything or anyone
You're even weaker than your pathetic gayylmao. WEAK THAN FUCKING ROSHI OH NO NO NO NO

Enter GROIDgeta.

Attached: 1562929150612.jpg (720x960, 121K)

And yet we have the best threads on all of Yea Forums

>b-b-but muh statements
Feats>all. Cope.

Enter Kisslifla

Attached: caulifla_kiss_by_yrsuth_dcy9kgv-pre.png (752x1063, 295K)

t. crying Yamoshitter. Still seething that Broly is canon, dog?

>autistic wall of headcanon based on non-canon shit

>it has nothing to do with it, that's exactly why they credited it
Literally stop reading here. Do you really think I can't recognize such a pure and unadulterated bait?

Attached: 1527977179623.jpg (680x989, 95K)

Same thing what happened to all the universes targeting universe 6 plotline... Made irrelevant.

>best threads
>literally no discussion whatsoever

so it really was you
id recognize that shitty editing meme style anywhere

I realize that you're too ADHD to continue reading, but just know that I explained away your "evidence" and you crying about it and refusing to address it won't change that. Cope.

>the last Yamoshitter is still seething

The feat is that he actually beats them you retard.

hahahaah it IS you

Concession accepted.

Absolutely wrong.
Unironically these threads have the best of the meta discussions. Everything here has to be concise and solid otherwise you are gonna get a "nice headcanon" or a "not an argument"
Posters here constantly seek for a challenge in order to practice and hone their arguing skills. As a consequence the series has been discussed thoroughly and much more in depth than any other series so far.
If you take the time to venture to other threads, you will find all sorts of low quality posting such as: Avatarfagging, roleplaying, waifugarbage, incel topics and such. But here you can get as intellectual as you want, your arguments and points will be met with others of equal or even higher forcefulness.
The irony of these posts is the most sophisticated aswell. Take, for example, the dogposter. As autistic, lonely and crushingly bored as he may be, you cannot deny his lexicon and linguistic capabilities. Even the worst of these threads is admirable in certain ways.
Or for example the Toyofags. Merely be using hard evidence and clever taunting tactics to induce rage and autistic fits on their opponents (ex: holy shit Im smart at this), they have managed to debunk an entire medium of the series (anime) as non canon. Truly an admirable feat.
All of this success, obviously, is sure to breed jealously and envy. And as a result, we get pathetic attempts at "invasions" from lower tier shonens and 2 digit IQ posters, albeit ineffective as it can be.

>Jiren jobs to Hearts
>Goku effortlessly beats Hearts

>deflecting and posting about some literal who he's apparently obsessed with
Yamoshitters are still pathetic, I see.

Nice headcanon

Okay I will pretend you are more than a mere, stupid shitposter and read what you said
>w-well they worked on the movie therefore there's no reason to credit their anime series even when the movie is based on said series according to my pathetic headcanon, therefore the only DBS series you would credit is the one I think it has nothing to do with the movie!
Good job, toeikek, everytime I need a good laugh you are here for me, and you never fail.

Attached: aw you.gif (283x213, 220K)

>concessionposting and a stale pasta
I rest my case.

>damage control
hello dankmemes
aka aethera veras or whatever your cringe RP name is

>proving your stupidity by completely misunderstanding the post
As expected of a Toyopet.

>literally babbling about who the fuck knows what
Yamoshit will never appear and Broly is canon. Cry. CRY FOR ME. SEETHE.

>ESL UCB is running away
As expected.

>Why doesn't the anime credit the anime
Jesus Christ I knew mangatards were dumb but FUCK

>damage controlling more
im 100% convinced its your autistic ass, you VR tranny

>retarded abbreviations
Further proof that these threads and all who inhabit them are garbage.

Hearts jobbed to Jiren in the game (in a literal 1v3), and even in the anime Hearts and his posse literally ran away from Jiren.
You cannot refute this.

>babbling even harder in a vain effort to deflect from the truth that continues to make him seethe
Broly is 100% canon and Yamoshit is irrelevant and will remain so forever. Now CRY.

>revisionism and making shit up
You lose. Imagine that.

i wasnt even the guy you were sperging about yamoshi to, dankmemes, i just recognized your autistic shitposting style

>n-n-not me
This is how pathetic Yamoshitters are. CRY.

>Why doesn't the anime credit the anime
Except the DBS BR movie isn't the DBS series Toei did, Juanito. Nice try, tho

And not even a (You) for this 190495999 dog

I-I'm sorry...

Attached: cryren.jpg (300x168, 5K)


Attached: Bee.jpg (1273x719, 530K)

>Except the DBS BR movie isn't the DBS series Toei did
Gonna need you to support that claim or IMMEDIATELY concede to me, your superior master, Toyopup.

>can't refute it, as predicted

Why do I always win?


Look at this fucking bitch.

Nice headcanon Fernando

>p-p-please refute my fanfiction

Kill yourself, SHITren. KILL YOURSELF.

>no rebuttal
Glad to see you've learned your place, pup. Now stay there.

>series and movies are different products? gonna need you to support your claim
You aren't even trying anymore

>didn't support his claim
Wow I won again? What the fuck

>hide, deflect, obscure, and DAMAGE CONTROL

Never try to argue with me again, 2 digit IQ.

>buzzword soup
God you're such a fucking boring peasant. You're like a walking yawn.


Attached: Bee (1).jpg (512x381, 24K)

Since we know for a fact that DBS anime will return (our prophet Chaddom-sama promised it, and he is never wrong because he has people working at Toei to give him the latest scoop):

What would the reaction be if they decided to redo the Broly arc like they did with the previous movies?


Give him a break, he thinks that his made up wiki source is relevant to the discussion.
If I post a picture of Xeno Pan fighting Mechikabura I can claim Pan is stronger than him!

Cry and hide, hide and cry, run away from the impossible task of refuting me. I will be here if you ever have anything to say that actually addresses my arguments.

>now the Toyopet is replying to itself

Tu quoque

>babble a bunch of retarded buzzwords and headcanon
>claim you won
The strategy of a true cuck.



Attached: maxresdefault (2).jpg (1280x720, 62K)

A whimper is a sound, PET. You were COMMANDED to be SILENT. Silent as the grave, silent as a misty morning. Now RETURN TO YOUR KENNEL, dog. At ONCE. Your master commands you.

Attached: 1553233266337.png (1440x1437, 2.09M)


Literally in tears, PANICKING, frantically trying to search for a way to leave this "discussion" in some form of grace, by having the last word, as if anyone hasn't already noticed that he shat his pants in fear of me. Holy fuck I am good. I've literally never lost an argument. I don't even know why people insist on destroying themselves trying to face me. All I do is post facts and peoples heads explode. They can't handle it. They can't refute or even address it so they try all kinds of sophistry and rhetorical manipulations to try to look like they aren't getting fucking destroyed. Incredible.


>mindbroken spic is babbling incessantly because he's stupid enough to think "more words=smart"
Are you that same retard who posted the "character study" of Fagren the Cuck?

that's a shitload of projection you've got there, dog. kneel


Attached: bee (2).jpg (450x306, 115K)


Keep entertaining me, pet.

So that's a yes, then. You both have that same obnoxious pseud posting style. Go kill yourself, Queerenfag.

BASED Chadrebro. I tucking lo-- appreciate you.

Looks like the Jirenfag has been mindbroken again.


Attached: 1528408032946.png (808x606, 701K)

OHNONONO ANTI-JIREN RET-- BROS?? WHATS THIS?? Please tell me its fake.


You do this to yourself, you know. We both know you'll remember this moment for the rest of your life, just like every other moment you get exposed, humbled, destroyed and humiliated in these threads burns itself into your memory. Decades from now when you're in a retirement home you'll still mumble to yourself "these fucking Jirenchads did X, god I cannot BELIEVE it" while a nurse periodically cleans up your drool.
It'd all be so much easier if you stopped challenging people with a higher IQ than yourself. But that would require you to admit that you're not smart (like I am).

>much discussion
Get the fuck out of here you brainlet tourist.

Enter Kissale

Attached: kale_kiss_by_yrsuth_dcy9maj-pre.png (752x1063, 232K)

>mischievous little toyoshit has to adulterate a toeintellectual pasta to spread his shit propaganda.

He's so cool
I wish he had beat the shit out of Kale and Caulifla as a SS3
That stamina shit was obviously contrived nonsense

Attached: 1522842859548.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

>no eyebrows

Dumb memeform with 0 victories

Good taste.

It's fake.
Confirmed time and time again.

Have you succeded in your quest to find defeat yet, toeibro? Ever since I post here, I never lost...

>Toei designed her
>ugly as shit, looks like a literal downie
>manga draws her
>actually beautiful

Toei can't even get their own designs right

Holy fucking cringe.



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Where are the Caulifriends at?

Attached: Caulifla 725.png (2218x2857, 1.8M)

I can't understand a damn thing this sameSHITrenfag posts.

B-but you have to prove its fake b-bro, otherwise they are gonna make fun of us again?

Toriyama was going for a more primal concept with the form
It was supposed to be like a returning to the oozaru state as it became more powerful which explains the neanderthal ridge and no brows
He could've had a tail
Also, its not fair that ss3 was only used in canon against foes that had hax abilities
You could say Vegetto also has no victories

Attached: ss3 concept.jpg (682x546, 107K)


>literally admitting the arguments are too sophisticated, the language too eloquent, that his ESL brain can't follow it

me too Brolybro, maybe our IQ is too low?


>could've had a tail

Do you guys think Vegeta only fucked Bulma the first time because her hair at the time kind of resembled female saiyan's

Attached: 70668891_p8.png (1011x1081, 1.53M)

That's the hottest Caulifla I've ever seen

Have you accepted GT as the only (and canon) sequel to Z?

Attached: 1492278872941.gif (500x377, 698K)

>dumb ESL brownskin literally admitting Jirenfags' superior lexicon, diction, text structuring and genius-level theories and rethoric are far beyong his narrow scope of understanding.
I pity you child. I can only imagine you staring at the enlightening scrolls of wisdom and insight dispensed by the Jirensholars as a dog staring into a science documental on a TV screen, as all knowledge is forever lost on the void behind its retinas.

Quiet, you pathetic, boring, predictable shitposter.

>lost on the void



>this pathetic samefagging


Attached: CauliflaSaiyanArmor.jpg (768x1024, 77K)

GT was bad and still is but compared to SUper it's a fucking masterpiece

Attached: 1462915946496.jpg (320x240, 29K)

>he's not an ESL CHADskin
>he thinks he's a true Dragonball fan
kys whitey

Caulifla would get raped by Dodoria.

Nice to see someone who's down with the cuteness

Attached: Caulifla 384.png (1024x1425, 738K)

Ohnonononononononononononononono *inhales* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Attached: coloredpic_by_closet_perv_d3e9axe-pre.png (972x823, 481K)

Cutegang, assemble
Enter Chadba

Attached: caulifla__kale_and_kyabbe_by_yrsuth_dd8eky0-pre.png (1067x749, 884K)

>raped by Dodoria
uh huh

She and Kale were the only interesting non-U7 characters in the ToP.

Attached: Kale_and_Caulifla.jpg (1200x1279, 207K)

Quoting is NOT an argument. Easy

So...you are saying GT is vastly superior to DBS?

GT has that comfy feel whilst watching it.

To be fair, since the Majin Vegeta fight, got didn't got any rest until fighting Majin Buu. Only got on the Supreme Kai planet but had to go straight up against Buutenks and others struggles until the end of the saga.

>this retard thinks he has any arguments


>no u
I fucking long for the day when I finally lose an argument.

>doesn't know what "no u" means
Retarded pseud is also a newfag, surprising no one.

Attached: 1512536815203.png (1920x1080, 2.77M)

He would demolish her womb with his thick, spiky cock and she would enjoy every minute of it.

You better fucking delete this.

Attached: Caulifla 982.png (682x1179, 722K)


Attached: GokuCry.png (807x678, 880K)

Calling someone a pseud is a clear sign you feel intimidating by their dauntless verbal offensive.
Jirenchads never lose. Quite like the man himself. Easy

>enjoy every minute of it
>supposed to be rape
Do you know what words mean?

Attached: CauliflaJacket.jpg (400x566, 55K)

Inb4 typo and I win again

>Hairy tits
>Hairy nipples
Delete this on degenerate

Attached: images (1).jpg (225x225, 10K)

>what is mind break

>Kakaroto! B-Bakana!

Attached: download (2).jpg (298x169, 8K)

Quiet. Your redundant shitposts have been boring for a long time.

>you feel intimidating by
Pseud, newfag, AND ESL. How have you not killed yourself from the shame of being so worthless?

All Caulifla is beautiful

Attached: Caulifla 544.png (1024x576, 481K)

He's too fat to catch Caulifla, even if she weren't SS2-tier.

Attached: caulifla_ssj___commission_by_salvamakoto_dbi5387-fullview.jpg (1024x1447, 128K)

So did he transformed when he was getting his ass kicked by his mother?

Any SHITrencanids in here? My dog wants to breed.

Attached: CauliflaFashaClothesLarge.png (2484x3116, 3.06M)


Attached: a_kick_from_the_god_of_destruction_by_bigbellybirdy_danol0n-pre.png (716x1116, 199K)

Goddammit I need to breed her so fucking bad

Attached: 1500686434810.jpg (1206x662, 88K)

What was Cheelai thinking?

Attached: 75563631_p0.jpg (1505x2125, 1.41M)

Thinking of Chadren

>literally like predicted
I'm so fucking smart I can literally deduce what you're gonna do beforehand.


She is tops. Cutest DB girl.

Attached: CauliflaKaleKefla.jpg (1500x2668, 384K)

>deflecting from the fact that he's an ESL retard
Pathetic. Cry.

Look at this fucking idiot.

You're confusing Energy of Destruction to the actual Hakai technique. The shit Vegeta and Frieza were tanking was actual physical energy no different from any other ki blast.

Hakai you just point a finger, or a palm at someone, and poof. Their body starts disintegrating on the spot. It's not possible to punch your way out of that.

Attached: energynothakai.png (847x471, 642K)

Being a thot.



>in fucking plying the tard suits at Toei think there's a difference between the two

Get predicted you basic retard. And SEETHE.

>he's still going
Pathetic AND boring.

>Thinking of Chadren
This thing?
I have a bad feeling concerning these kids mental health state.

Attached: 1557710089862.jpg (109x387, 12K)

Double dubs confirm Cuteifla best DB girl

Attached: Caulifla 299.jpg (1920x1080, 91K)

He is so weirdly proportioned.


This content is better than anything Toei has done before the DBS Broly movie.

>those fucking chicken legs

"Ch-Chadku,,, next time... I'LL win...(please let me)"

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kek and based.

uchiyama or miyahara I guess.
they all look about on the same level desu

Goku's moved on to bigger and better things. It's time you moved on as well.

With Kale as a very close second.

Attached: kale_and_caulifla_bunnies_by_YrsuTh_halfsize.png (4961x3508, 1.83M)

In order from most like to least like

bigger and better cocks you mean.

I'd agree if the budget for the Shadow Dragons and Super 17 arcs had been increased at the time

Very, very close

Attached: Caulifla 85.jpg (1024x576, 107K)

Jiren doesn't have one.

Cabba is for the military.
Kale is for Caulifla

Attached: kale_and_caulifla_kiss___dragon_ball_super_by_yrsuth_dcy9jy5-pre.png (1063x752, 376K)

Cabba's wife

Attached: cabba_x_kefla_by_angelsaiyajingirl-dcrva70.jpg (877x910, 91K)

Google "sketch" and comeback you dumb brownskin

They all love each other very much

Attached: Saiyan_Breeding_1.png (830x1260, 1.29M)

See Both are Cabba's wives


Based. I remember that post, fellow RICHren bro

B-b-b-b-bejita sama, what about the akachan

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Attached: 1554031314166.png (1280x1417, 2.22M)

Cabba is Vegeta's wife

Up close and personal.

Attached: Caulifla_and_Kale_by_Cholo15ART.jpg (6420x5134, 2.32M)

TORIYAMA drew these pages, which means this is how his physique is meant to be, with perfectly proportioned legs and a gigantic bulge containing an unsurpassed penis.

Attached: jiren physique.png (1904x1400, 799K)

They will soon come to U7 and repopulate the saiyan race

Cabba is for Bra

Can Cabba gets pregnant?

But it's important to remember who's on top
We can hope

Attached: Caulifla 57.jpg (752x1063, 126K)

>jirenfags keep thinking about his dick all day
Jirenfags confirmed barafags, again

I just saw SHITren's SHFiguarts...strongest warrior of U11...SHITrenbros...

Enough of the moe faggotory!!

Death to abominations like these!!!! Disappear!!!!!!!

Attached: 2345423432.jpg (900x1200, 216K)

>incomprehensible ESL babble

It's over.

Attached: 1554833378822.jpg (1366x768, 76K)


>Jirenfag is a newfag
Is anybody really surprised?

>deflecting wen BTFO

>tfw turned spanish subtitles

Attached: CAzb585.png (640x360, 182K)


>Finally gets an SHFiguarts 2-3 years after his debut
>Broly got his on debut.
S-Shitren bros... tell me it isn't so!


Attached: 4cd69a1d7dbeb925c1fdd3dabc1f2b3c.jpg (1280x1280, 234K)

Manga is not canon.

How... How the fuck... How the fuck do I keep winning arguments... I literally can't stop myself.
"People" post nonsense, and it just happens, like a fingersnap, BAM, I prove them wrong. Instant victory.

Luckily I'm not alone in this everlasting labyrinth of endless victories, created by my own intellect. For I know my fellow ZENrenscholars share my fate.

Attached: jiren repeat.jpg (1200x675, 76K)

Homosexual and not canon

I want to see them in more casual clothes

I-It is so SHITrenfriend...

Attached: Jobren crying.jpg (184x184, 8K)

>Always protects her petite waifu
>Even against Godtier fighters like son-Goku
>Is even more badass in the manga and protects the troupe without claiming the spotlight
It is survival of the fittest, user and Kale is Legendary in that regard

Attached: kale_ssj_by_andrewdb13_dc8rboj-fullview.png (1024x1514, 1.65M)

>"Hey user, could you towel us off when we get back?"

Attached: kale_and_caulifla_on_the_beach_by_foxybulma_dd8vpij-fullview.jpg (1600x2662, 343K)

No, you disgusting cunts.

Anime Kale is fucking shite but Manga Kale is pure kino and deserves Caulifla marriage

Attached: kale.png (1909x1400, 854K)

Manga Kale isn't lesbian tho

Seeing her womanhandle Frieza was glorious
With my tongue

Attached: Caulifla 21.jpg (493x480, 155K)

Smell the roses, user

Toyotaro makes better written characters but the fights are unfortunately worse looking. How much does Toiyama help in the fight scenes in the manga?

Manga Kale is pure sex.

Attached: Kale_Manga.png (388x600, 225K)

>frieza beating the shit out of fagba and shitfla
Probably one of the best thing the mange did better than the anime.


Attached: what the fuck happened SHITrenbros.jpg (720x888, 228K)

Enter Cheelai.

Attached: 75469364_p0.png (1191x1684, 1.58M)

>Copelymutt is literally having a meltdown

>Kale is pure sex

Attached: 1502401884507.jpg (1280x1822, 120K)

Best girl.

>down syndrome anime face


Attached: anime kale vs manga kale.png (1552x612, 658K)

Cabba marriage*


Cabba is gay.

Enter Yamcha

Attached: 1510348693904.jpg (564x499, 56K)

Cabba is waaay to weak

What the fuck is wrong with this show? Not even Super butchered the characters this bad

Attached: wtf.png (1238x544, 696K)

Attached: Green Bulma.jpg (718x1160, 99K)

Those kinnikuman lips on the anime are lame asf


Attached: wolf fang fist.png (645x443, 601K)

Which looks better?

Shaved or not shaved?

Attached: CleanshaveGTVegeta.png (640x360, 235K)

hurrr me perfect cell

Attached: 3631eebac1c1e12aea08ce1ce80307cd.png (603x454, 438K)

Truly a sterile destiny that only the smartest of the smart share.

>shitrenfags still butturt

I think we should trust this guy


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Attached: 8256ade3d1036cc2aef4987084cf6d74.png (440x365, 336K)


GT Cell looks off as fuck.

Cell looks like shit in that whole episode. They knew how to draw Freeza more or less but they were incredibly fucking mediocre when drawing Cell.


Soros did this

Today I will remind them

Attached: the dangers of snow machines.webm (636x480, 2.38M)


Attached: d5bcf6d44702d34157aa495f4e99d4ed.png (412x452, 310K)


Attached: 103092893494.png (702x878, 997K)

gt turned everyone into giga jobbers

All Kale is good

Attached: 1527567924756.jpg (1024x2215, 147K)

Attached: kale_and_caulifla_by_noxgale_dcacf58-fullview.jpg (1024x1326, 203K)

their relationship us so forced and uncharacteristic.

>Emperor of the whole universe
>Perfect being created out of the DNA of the universe's strongest warriors
>Job to snow
And to be fair, fucking everyone turns into jobbers. Fucking Goku unlocks SS4, first thing he does is job.


Attached: d8914480955e43a6cfb6f35898ecc027d356e350r1-1404-1008v2_hq.jpg (1024x735, 47K)


Attached: xpPyYKZ.jpg (1280x720, 55K)

Just like in Super, Base Goku is most powerful Goku.

Attached: SS4 jobbing as usual (zero wins against arc villains).webm (720x480, 2.93M)


Attached: 85952952d3a7c874f52e0e53519d87cc.png (612x452, 407K)


>jobgeta and trunks get killed because a laser went through their chests
>yamCHAD gets impaled but just shrugs it off afterwards

Why does it look like they're waiting to be punched? AT THE VERY LEAST Super actually tries in choreography

Kek SHITrentards completely silent.


A forced relationship is Goku/Chichi

Based Gero showing Yamcha, what for.

Attached: BASEDGero.jpg (344x469, 44K)

I don't see how, it makes sense if you know the characters.
>18 likes strength, whether it be physical or strength of courage or strength of will
>Krillen might not be the strongest but he is not one to cower and he rarely if ever admits defeat

It's also been shown that she detests when people flaunt their morals or strengths which Krillen doesn't. I'm biased though because I'm a sucker for genki+kuudere relationships

Enter CHADza.

Attached: Emperor of the Universe.png (800x440, 280K)

So I understand that certain anons, obviously seem to dislike GT?

You can now have the opportunity, to say only positive things regarding GT.

Super Saiyan 4, the OP and the Shadow Dragons idea. That's it.

>blue-skinned thot
She's shit

>evil version of Shenron (a chinese knockoff of the OG dragon with shittier, more limited wish granting abilities who was killed by fucking KING PICCOLO) somehow creates the strongest villains ever

It was fucking retarded. I bet those clowns at Toei thought it was fucking genius to make the Dragon Balls the final enemy "durrrhurr story comes full circle bravo nipnong-san!"
Fucking clowns


Attached: 1532385734795.png (792x567, 102K)

>Super Saiyan 4, the OP and the Shadow Dragons idea. That's it.
Sure you're not forgetting a certain character?
The most anticipated character of the future of DBS?

I said it was good only because it's the most original they could get in an arc but I agree that the overall strength of Omega Shenron is pants off retarded. The ending also shit, Goku just fucking leaves his friends in a waku waku fashion and then returns 100 years later.

Based Keru.

But Broly isn't in GT

/ourguy/ Uub

>incomprehensible ESL babble

That's true, but I didn't mean Broly.
Not exactly.

Trunks? Goten? It's true that they need to have some screentime and be relevant in some shape or form like kid Gohan was.

>having shit taste

Attached: artworks-000489054483-xey1n8-t500x500.jpg (500x500, 100K)

its kale retard

It's Keru.

I know CHADkufriend, Jobrentards illiteracy is off the charts.

And Broly?

its literally a vegetable, kale. RU is how japs pronounce LE because of their thick accents

Attached: 1551448326479.png (1155x648, 1.18M)

Okay, so we're all agreed that the next DBS thread has to have a Cute OP and be all about the Cutegang

Attached: Caulifla 445.jpg (1280x720, 173K)

>having shit taste

Attached: Cricketsounds.jpg (561x434, 57K)

God damn, you are fucking retarded.

saiyans have vegetable themes names, kale is literally KALE
Kale and Cauliflower are on the same plant, Kale and Caulifla used to be one character.

I like CHADku

Attached: yxwwggpqghlipovihcbzpqouoiluqmjbrrheacqw-740.jpg (592x740, 105K)

Never ever

Jiren is a chicken-legged manlet, now COPE.

P-Paco-sama, please have mercy on us.


You are either really fucking new, or are just baiting.

That's not an argument, where's you argument? You have none, I'm right you're wrong dumb weeb.

Attached: 1537113307133.png (729x309, 97K)


You're literally butchering a name to speak weebaneese, you stupid retard.
It's Kale not Keru fuck you


It's because they are designed as a lesbian couple

possibly but remember they were supposed to be 1 character
I'm a huge weeb been on Yea Forums since '08, you butchering Kale's name to say KEEE RUUU KEEE RUUU
is cancer OWO shit

Jiren > Bills


Retard, I haven't been outside in so long that the spiders made cobwebs on my door.
like VIRUS
The guys name was gonna be virus, but slightly modified to be BEERUS.




>unintelligible ESL ranting again.

What of it? As far as we know that "dimension shattering" was as important as Vegetation green hair. Just artistic choices.
Then you could argue that it has to be a clash of God ki in order to be dangerous

I shall never.

COPE as you are commanded, KNEEL as you are ordered, and CONCEDE as you are bidden, dog. AT ONCE.


Aw darn, don't tell me the dogposter is here again

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