Episode 2 soon
Joshikousei no Mudazukai
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The most interesting day of the week has arrived
How soon?
Did you were you sent here to kill me?
Subs out.
>[HorribleSubs] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 02 [1080p].mkv
So the tomboy "likes" robo and the gyaru "likes" the tomboy ?
TL is cute.
Rare "looking at trash" pose.
They are really going all out. It's like that one TS comparison image.
Damn, I hope the font is smaller in the actual webplayer site wherever hs ripped this.
BL eyes
Really love the catchy and refreshing OP
My fucking sides, thought it was the panelling.
Any Chio-chads watching this?
So Hokkaido are sluts? Also does this have the ueno staff?
>the gyaru "likes" the tomboy ?
The gyaru is an actual lesbian.
Fujo needs the dick, and fast.
Give it to her, then.
Sasuga, you here tl-kun?
I giggled way too hard at this. Almost appropriate how the typsetting is QUALITY too.
cute loli
Deer god. We need to go next level.
What the fuck.
I'll rub one out for her later.
Was that a Punpun reference in the audio here, or am I reading too much into it?
Ha ha
get it?
I got it
The chosen one.
I might be dekinai'd but anime japanese helped me with this pun.
Tanaka is cute
Ah, makes sense. The pungent smell of kuso manga.
The manga scene reminds me too much of myself when I was drawing sonic comics as a child.
>not nietzsche
Maybe later, the full autism after end credits was great. Great episode.
Chris-chan, pls leave
For God's sake
Sorry, but I'm not that autistic.
I only draw naked anime girls nowadays.
>4channel slang in subs
Fucking fansubbers.
You can't just leave us hanging like that, user.
QUALITY is an old enough term to have an ED page.
colors assemble
Episode was really good. This show has more potential than that.
Would you eat lunch with this autistic girl?
Fucking cute.
>Episode was not really good.
Was what I meant to write.
That's probably one of my better drawings. That's like 2 years old. I rarely draw these days because of work.
I tend to never finish anything I start to draw.
But I'm gonna stop here, I don't want to make the thread about me.
I fucking love this show. It is clearly a top tier comedy and it seems to be going so far under the radar this season.
Also I am weirdly addicted to the OP. I've watched it like 50 times.
Loli Tanaka is scary. Think of what dumb things she would do without consideration of societal standards.
You should make that your job.
Cute hair!
I want that dinosaur shirt.
>draw me like one of your 3d girls, senpai
Loli is too innocent.
Fucking rad dino shirt
Thanks. Y-you too.
Did they adapt the vocaloid chapter yet? Would there be copyright issues?
She's such a cutie, best of the three.
Someone shop an ahegao mouth on that last one.
She's the worst of the three.
I didn't expect this show to be this funny.
How would you respond to a non-stop influx of thirsty selfies from Baka?
On a scale of
Hidamari Sketch to Asobi Asobase, how trashy are these girls?
And Wota with open hair is adorable.
About a Nichijou.
Sorry anons, Abe is calling me.
Nichibros. They're just loser virgins.
They even have a range from gwammaâs girl loli to slutty lesbian to fujo shitposter
I'm a little sad we didn't get any more information on the rest of the class and their nicknames. I'm pretty sure I know who Giant Squid is, but I have no idea on Doorknob. Also I want to know some of the ones from the diagram like USB or Habanero.
Fujos shouldn't be cute.
She's would make a comfy gf
>no shattering glasses scene before this one
What a blunder!
For forgot
So far it's one of those rare anime that is better than the manga.
Fujos are always best.
>replace baka for wota
>episode is 10 times funnier
I hope it stays this way. Baka is better at small doses.
>VR headset
Itâs the same with being a shotaconcon
>Dr. Stone but un-unironically
God it's been a while since a show's humor has me hooked.
>TL notes
I'm fucking loving it.
Why is this girl so ugly
Man this stealth reverse isekai show is comfy
How do you respond?
The cutest!
Ignore for more.The dumbass probably gonna send more.
ask for nudes
Tell her to show bellybutton then go to bed.
While the typesetting is horrible, i commend the use of TL notes from the bottom of my heart. We need more TL notes.
To be fair, that's HS being shit. Erai doesn't usually have that trash typesetting.
Is this a jab at Moe shit?
My fucking sides
Theres erai vs hs user making typesetting comparison last season, he needs to do for this season as well, just because.
Go away Erai devs.
Wota's Wotas
She's a big girl.
Keep practicing
You know what to do.
This is already turning into the show I look forward to every week.
Is that a Musou?
Loli only got one line and it was to initiate an unfunny BL joke
nah, it's a FAMAS
No one can be that lazy.
The absolute state of Suzuki
I can't believe Sensei was the final boss all along!
Isn't it kind of annoying to run power and AV cables from the coffee table to the outlets and the TV across the floor? Not to mention how big of a trip hazard it is.
Loli is shit.
Reminds me to Bakaguya.
It's not an office workspace, its just her room. If you're limited by the outlets you don't have a choice.
The outlets are even closer to the TV stand than to the coffee table.
>But I'm gonna stop here, I don't want to make the thread about me.
Please don't. This is way more interesting than the thread.
That image is great and better than 7/10ths of the crap I find myself fapping to - stuff people have bought and sold for money.
Your linework is clean and fantastic, but the anatomy is a little off. Trace her spinal cord with your eye and you'll find it bends a little too sharply. Either shrink her butt a bit (don't) or adjust the positioning of her upper body to allow a smooth spine.
Launch a patreon.
Wota's boner
>Nichibros tier
>Your linework is clean and fantastic
That's because I'm super autistic about that stuff. Sometimes I spend half an hour or longer on just one detail, and after some time I either get it right or get angry and exhausted.
That's also probably the biggest reason why I never finish a picture.
Her Chuu2 level still needs work, Dark Reunion is superior.
You're shit
I'm not Loli.
>That's also probably the biggest reason why I never finish a picture.
The easiest way to work around perfectionism is to work on multiple things at once. Often during the same sitting. If you take time away from it and come back, you may find that it looks good enough, or that you're too tired with it to continue perfecting it.
I also recommend finding a community of people you trust for a second opinion. Submit half finished pieces to them for their input. For example, you're a perfectionist on the linework but you most likely weren't aware of the spine issue I brought up. This is why great artists have an extra set of eyes - a friend, an editor, whoever - who can help them see their work in a new light.
Start an account on really any art website that will allow this kind of thing and ask for feedback. You're fucking good and like 9/10ths of the way to pro quality. Don't be afraid.
Here's your (you).
>not flat leaf
well, Yea Forums?
It's not a waste as long as I'm enjoying myself.
This shit airs too early.
Fujo's are shit.
This school is well prepared for a zombie apocalipsis.
ask for cute feet photos
Good man.
>you most likely weren't aware of the spine issue I brought up
I'm aware of it but I it doesn't bother me enough to sit down and fix it after like 2 years. That, and me being lazy.
There are a lot of things in the picture I posted that I don't like, mostly because of me not having an consistant art style.
Most of my pictures have something wrong with them, and sometime I try to fix them, but the next time I take a look at them I end up not like the changes either.
My perfectionism holds me back from having fun while drawing. Sometimes it feels like I only keep doing it because my childhood dream was to be some sort of artist.
OP of the season.
That takes care of maybe 10% of the electricity used on a sunny midday.
t. electrician
it worked well in gakkou gurashi
This is one of my greatest fears.
Because they used less that 10% of the electricity the school regularly consumed.
4000 years in MS paint
People really pay money for this? Now I'm curious how does it actually look in CR.
Isn't it really hot if the sunlight reflects from those things to the students in front of it?
cute ota
sexy ota
What a deep question.
Solar panel glasses have low reflections, the student gonna be hot from the direct sunlight first than from the solar cell.
It's Sentai not CR.
Can you even sleep that long?
Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted
Every episode should be a Wota episode.
What is her IQ?
I really appreciate the TL notes. Especially these culture related.
Shit like this is why they fell out of favor in the first place.
It's true. The content of the TLNs is something else tho.
Fuck you brainlet. I would gladly support any service which is doing this kind of TL.
Of course typesetting could be better, but I'll always take this kind of subbing than garbage like Machikado Mazoku.
How would you have preserved that joke without a TN?
And what exactly wrong with this? Font is a little too big, but that's meaningless.
Are you really so much accustomed to commie style subbing already?
Rewrite it completely like some nyaazi related brainlets are doing.
Marry, Kill, Fuck.
How is the nerd the sexiest out of the 3?
She isn't.
I wonder how is it possible that sentai is so fucking inconsistent.
In the same season they are doing the lowest tier shit subs like Machikado Mazoku and man of culture subs like this one. What the actual fuck.
I can smell this image
Only real option. Sorry, Baka.
The Colors have grown up to be mediocre
>how can one company hire multiple translators
Dumb Chuuni.
I don't know. If it was my company, I would make 1 general standard of subbing. Like keeping honorifics, not doing self inserts, keeping original name order and using proper romaji, not shortened.
I honestly think something is wrong mentally with EOPs who defend this shit. TL notes make a work read like Ready Player One, a collection of "references" which are all annotated so even the biggest retard can follow along.
This is some dogshit sub work.
I'm definitely not an EOP and general go fuck yourself.
This is presumably because you would actually give a fuck. Do any anime streaming services actually give that impression to you?
(I'd also suggest that a show like this has far more need of translation notes than an action heavy show set in France so rigid standards aren't necessarily desirable. But that's a different point and doesn't apply to Machikado Mazoku.)
Cute public bathroom
ESLs are a form of EOP, buddy. I don't know why so many of you try and insist that you're better than the rest of the bottom feeders because you were born in a third world country.
While CR is not doing TL notes, they usually trying to blend them into subs.
In many cases CR is just really good (Bocchi subs for example) and way better than "modern" fansubs that are often way worse than official ones which is a fucking paradox.
Yeah. I would give a fuck. Well, if crypto will be mooning again and I'll be a millionaire, I'll definitely start man of culture region free anime streaming service.
By just not having it at all. He's already decided to use QUALITY as an equivalent of sakuga houkai, and it fits well enough, so that alone gets the full joke across completely within the translation itself. The note adds literally nothing to the scene. It's even dumber than "keikaku means plan."
People who universally believe that tl/n = good are just as dumb as people who think they should never be used at all.
The fact that someone know more than 1 language is making him way more respectable than someone closed in his cultural bubble.
Only super close minded people are demeaning extensive localization and dubbing.
So, you're admitting to reading Ready Player One?
Also, TL notes are originally from the old days of fansubs.
Fund new mangatraders.
Some of them are unnecessary, but it's still incomparable better than rewriting, using currency conversion and making up the nicknames or inserting memes.
>>The fact that someone know more than 1 language is making him way more respectable than someone closed in his cultural bubble.
No, it doesn't. The fact you were born in the third world and were forced to learn a meaningless language does not make you more "open" to anything.
I read the couple of pages people post to show off how much of a trainwreck it was, I thought the comparison was apt. I know full well that TL notes are from the "old days", so are piss yellow pixelated subs and bootleg 5th generation VHS tapes. Do we need to bring those back as well?
>using currency conversion
Do you understand off the top of your head what 40,000 a month means in terms of income? Or does it just make more sense to convert it to 400, so you have an actual comparison point because you don't live in a country where the currency is effectively cents.
It's great that you're a big boy and you can mentally divide by 100. What I find hard to understand is why you think that should be a necessary skill to understand a translation.
Of course it makes you way more open minded. If you're forced to learn something new and explore the unknown you're automatically becoming more open minded and respectful towards foreign ideas and other things.
That's the fact and arguing with this is literally pointless.
I know nip, I'm not any more open-minded because of it. I still think the Japanese are just a race of insects that just make decent entertainment. My opinion on every other culture in the world hasn't changed one iota.
You're retarded if you unironically defending currency conversion which can be completely invalid a month after translating it.
It's so retarded that I don't even want to argue about it. If you can't see how fucking idiotic it is, then it's not my problem, really.
exception proves the rule
Yes, but "it could be worse" doesn't make something good and defending shitty work on the basis that other people are doing an even worse job just leads to a general lowering of already rock-bottom expectations.
Also, I'm pretty sure this translator is the same one from Pastel Memories, so he's definitely doing it for the meme value more than a genuine desire to help people understand things.
>which can be completely invalid a month after translating it.
Holy fuck, are you stupid? What, you think the dollar is just going to tank by half on the international market?
You might as well say that no show should ever use ANY form of currency. After all, in 1000 years, maybe 4ä¸ will only be enough to buy a pack of gum, and the poor kids watching this show in space will think that the family survives purely on a diet of dust and mold.
You literally cannot get any dumber than this.
She's bar none the bustiest of the three. Not that my eyes automatically focus on the busts of JKs, no sir. Just an apt observation.
user, please tell me that you're joking here.
Reminder this is literally a Horriblesubs problem and you should use erai whenever possible,.
Explain to me why knowing the currency conversion rate to another country is important for watching anime.
Obviously, we all probably know it. It's not difficult, you pick it up. But why do you need to know this to understand the families financial situation in a single line of dialogue?
Big old yikes from me. But then again this entire thread has become a dumpsterfire so it makes sense some of the lowest worms on the planet and this site are shitting it up.
Unironically me
Explain to me why I should give a fuck about Yank currency when I'm watching a Japanese cartoon set in Japan.
You have a staff meeting tomorrow? On a Saturday?
What are those two webcam-looking things?
Fucking immersion. Here we are cutting off honorifics, swapping name order, replacing cultural things, there we are inserting fucking dollars in Japanese school. And finally this shit ends as something completely altered. Fuck this shit.
Here I was wondering why this got so many posts compared to the first episode's thread.
But I still don't understand their financial situation because they never explained the cost of living in that area. 400 bucks a month is more than enough in some places and it won't even buy you a hot dog in others, even just within the States. They really should have put a note explaining the average monthly expenditures for a family in a Japanese city.
Basically this. Burgers are fucking retarded
Occasional reminder that Aurora-senpai was not lying when he said he had 5 brothers, and this can be deduced by looking at how his haircut changes through the anime.
Given the position, speakers.
Because as someone living in the west, you have an immediate understanding of prices in USD. You know that food is a few dollars, electronics are a few hundred, and the rough price of rent and utilities in your area can be converted instantly to a USD approximate. Hell, most of the time 1:1 is close enough.
You can't see the run-down building they fucking live in? Obviously the rent is cheap, and obviously they're eating poorly. 400 bucks a month isn't enough anywhere for a family of 3.
You do not need to know the details of their fucking expenditure to get a handle on things. You need a rough figure, and 400 works a lot better than 40,000, because assuming everyone knows conversion rates to moon money is fucking retarded.
Are you really retarded? Did you even leave burgerland for once?
I've literally never even been to burgerland, buddy. Maybe this is an ESL problem, obviously if you grow up in a country where trade is conducted using leaves and rocks, any form of currency is going to be difficult for you to understand. Translations to English are intended for people who know English, so it's generally a safe bet that the vast majority of them will be familiar with dollars.
>as someone living in the west, you have an immediate understanding of prices in USD
No, fuck off. I am more familiar with JPY than USD because I'm a filthy weeb and buy weeb shit.
I can't believe that ESLs can have pure burger mentality.
Anyway, whatever you say, currency conversion is ultra retarded for many various reasons. I'm not watching American series, but Japanese. Usage of anything but yen is out of any question. You can put tl not like in 2019 it's approximately ăă dollars if you want, but changing currency is as retarded as changing Japanese person who is learning English to different language because "its English tl so it would be confusing to English people" (I'm looking at you Xseed).
Xseed TLs are getting pretty retarded.
>I am more familiar with JPY than USD because I'm a filthy weeb and buy weeb shit.
That's great dude, how long does it take you to mentally calculate the value of ĺĺĺ in your local currency? Is this an amount you could earn in a year? In your lifetime? In 10 lifetimes? Orders of magnitude are tricky, even for master weebs like yourself who have to consume translations.
>You can put tl not like in 2019 it's approximately ăă dollars if you want,
This would be a reasonable middle ground, but again, you're adding TL notes where the show really doesn't need them. I get it. You can't understand the concept of 4ä¸, so you're upset when the show just gives you the translated figure and you have to try and work backwards because your ears don't work and you don't even know what a ä¸ is.
It's a perfectly reasonable approach to just change it to dollars. Leaving it as yen is straight up out of the question, because again, this is a translation, and assuming your audience knows the currency exchange rate is absurd.
>I'm retarded so everthing should be rewritten to my own culture
>Orders of magnitude are tricky
No, they are the opposite of that.
And what the fuck do you do when someone is actually holding currency rather than just talking about it. "Here, have this five dollar note (pictured: 500 yen coin)"? It's fucking stupid and unnecessary.
That's why even memesubbers are not changing yens to other currencies.
>I'm a real cool kid who knows lots of hot Japanese facts, so stuff should just be left untranslated and all the uncool people who don't know 2 whole kanji like me should just die
Sick mentality, brah.
>>No, they are the opposite of that.
No, they're pretty tricky. Japan operates on a 10,000 base system, so mental conversion to the 1,000 base system we use in the west takes some getting used to. That's the point I was trying to make, but I guess you didn't even bother trying to answer the question.
>Here, have this five dollar note (pictured: 500 yen coin)"?
This is just changing the discussion entirely. What's sad is I bet you'd defend the reverse, having 500 in the subs with a TL note that says "5 bucks" at the top. Obviously, for small amounts, this stuff doesn't matter. It's obvious that someone isn't receiving 500 dollars to buy a candy bar, you can just leave it in yen.
The point I'm making is about large amounts, where a direct comparison isn't immediately obvious. With 40,000, EOPs can be confused. Maybe they think it's 10 times more? So they have 4000 bucks a month? Maybe it's 10 times less, they only have 40 dollars a month? 4ä¸ is a fringe case, but I can understand why it was changed to dollars for the sake of readability.
Is this the one about the Yea Forumschicks who suddenly want to get laid?
Go fuck yourself Mr simpleton.
Yeah that's fucking unusual. I'm watching Japanese series and expecting Japanese culture. Fucking insane.
>Japan operates on a 10,000 base system
I ignored this because it's totally irrelevant once you translate the numbers. Why do you think the alternative to converting the currency is leaving the numbers as kanji? That makes no sense whatever.
>This is just changing the discussion entirely
Even worse than converting everything to USD is only converting some things. Having them randomly switch currencies is a baffling idea.
And no, you don't have to be remotely familiar with the Japanese language, or even Japanese culture to know that different countries use different currencies.
Is ä¸ the only kanji that you know about?
Tits or GTFO
Haha... that's our Rean
Then why aren't you watching this in Japanese, then?
>>I ignored this because it's totally irrelevant once you translate the numbers.
Are you stupid? Even if you "translate" the numbers, you're left with 10 hundred million. You then have to reduce that down to a billion, and THEN you have to divide by 100 to get 10 million bucks, which is the rough amount this represents.
>And no, you don't have to be remotely familiar with the Japanese language, or even Japanese culture to know that different countries use different currencies.
You do to know the CONVERSION RATE, which is the entire point of contention. Obviously, if I'm watching something and a price is displayed in euros, pounds, or any dollar form that isn't Zimbabwe, I can understand that the number directly correlates to my native currency. The exchange rate might be 1 dollar to 0.7 euro or something, but the order of magnitude is correct. Even if I do a 1 dollar to 1 euro conversion, the price doesn't change much, and the show makes sense.
>Then why aren't you watching this in Japanese, then?
What is wrong with your logic?
Please nuke this thread.
Can you even enjoy a comedy show like this when you have to read TL notes for half the gags because you don't get the references?
>Adding another layer of detachment for the sake of fucking whatever is good
No. Breaking the immersion is the worst thing that you can do. Please don't do any TLs ever.
I've learned a lot from old fansubs and whenever the similar joke was used in the future I was able to enjoy it.
I really appreciate that tl note with Hokkaido. I would never knew about it without it even if I know enough Japanese to watch anime with Japanese subs (which are still fucking hard to find).
>Even if you "translate" the numbers, you're left with 10 hundred million
No, the translation of ĺĺ is "one billion". I then don't have to divide by anything because it's in the correct currency for the locale they're actually fucking in. My native currency isn't relevant because no one is using it.
Very few jokes rely on knowing much of anything about the value of currency anyway. They could be in golden space sovereigns, and context would tell you if it's a lot or not.
>it's better to put burger celebrities instead original references
No, fuck you.
Yes I can
I did myself a huge fucking favor learning Japanese enough to stick to raws.
Now give me Japanese subs. I know the grammar and more than 2500 kanji, but I'm unable to understand it fully from spoken language without original subs.
It's way easier for me to read the manga and play the games (because all games have subs).
You truly notice how bizarre this world has gotten when you realize that Sentai and Funimation are saving subbed anime.
I love this show.
It's a Horriblesubs problem
Learning the language itself isn't enough. Were you able to pick up the thing with Hokkaido? I wasn't.
>herkz going apeshit because people aren't shitting on TL notes
Subs for Machikado are terrible regardless of broken typesetting.
>Were you able to pick up the thing with Hokkaido?
I watched the thing raw, and I had no problems with that. I do watch a fair amount of variety TV though, and there was a piece about girls wearing their skirts the shortest a few months or a year back.
I wonder if I'll be on his screen caps again.
So fucking delicious to see butthurted cartel.
You can try with enough sleeping pills, perhaps even longer.
really gets the noggin joggin
i'm one of them, i did the fairy gone one, the other one for senryuu shoujo was another user
when erai drops ep 2 i'll make another
Erai's subs look ugly.
Do you know what's funny? He's always using "get paid for something like this" argument. The thing is, he's the only one who is not getting paid for his garbage subs and he's the one who stay behind the most hated "fansub" group all time with the most retarded and toxic fans ever.
What the fucking irony.
I'm pretty sure a lot of Japanese not from Hokkaido had to look that up after the episode too.
they look perfectly fine to me
It's a well known thing, dude. JSLs are embarrassing, you'd think it'd be obvious that girls in the coldest place wearing their skirts the shortest would be something that sticks in peoples minds.
Not really when comparing to HS.
i actually prefer erai's font, it feels nicer to read to me
there isn't that much difference between the two, erai's font is just a little chunkier
Regardless, only the most autistic of gaijins need to have it spelled it out for them on screen instead of just letting it run its course and then look it up if they care that much about one joke.
>tfw my favorite manga chapter got adapted in the second episode
Ota is love
>come into thread hoping to see opinions about the episode
>majority of the thread is some autist complaining about currency
Did you guys like the episode or what? I was about to drop it because I'm not a fan of the main girls but all of the side girls are really enjoyable. Will the focus shift at some point or am I just going to be vaguely unsatisfied throughout the whole season?
Already better artwork than I could ever do as an adult.
Another glorious Baka chin.
Episode ruined by the fujo cunt. Show's much funnier with baka slut in every scene
There's a lot of attention given to the side characters in the manga, but they're adapting things out of order so I'm not sure when we'll get more of that stuff.
t. baka
I love this dumbass.
I thought it was strange they way they're jumping around so much, but it makes sense when you go back and read the volume afterwords. Pic related.
Bino tends to move things around story-wise to make sure all her characters get equal representation/a chance to stand out in each volume, since it was never a sure thing if volume 2 and onward would even happen.
I wouldn't be surprised if she insisted on doing the adaptation's story like this as part of the deal, so all the best character moments from every volume could make it in.
Don't give up, seething Baka.
This was cute.
I like the side characters but honestly cant stand the main trio
I want to ruin the fujo's cunt
I wanna marry a mangaka.
>You can't see the run-down building they fucking live in?
If that were enough for me to understand, I wouldn't need them to convert the income to a familiar form, you idiot.
I want Loli to call me papa
Why is this the best anime this season?
Because pretty much everything else is shit.
This anime is honestly pretty bad and not funny. I'm only watching it for the side girls
I actually haven't seen anything this funny since Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou. I mean, Danshi was significantly better, but nothing else actually made me laugh out loud since then.
Just like Takagi-san
What is this; 2005?
God I wish
Clearly you haven't tried hard enough to look because even Asobi Asobase is funnier than this.
>Bino tends to move things around story-wise to make sure all her characters get equal representation/a chance to stand out in each volume
Thats actually pretty great especially in a ensemble comedy. All the characters except Yuri and Majime they suck and need to just get together then fuck off forever are great and have wonderful dynamics with each other
I'm enjoying 15 other series too.
Asobi was nothing but normalfag trash
I fucking wish
Because you like it more than anything else airing currently.
>Asobi was nothing but normalfag trash
>a series about three JK's doing random shit
Yeah, that totally sounds like it would get the same attention as BHA, SNK and DBZ.
He probably saw some Twitter meme go around and immediately wrote off the show for the sake of being contrarian, rather than just watching it himself.
>the main trio are the most boring characters out of the whole cast
Every time.
Oh no
This is my face after every CGDCT show.
It's finally friday, I hope this show fills the void bocchi left in me
I really wonder what was this song during the snack interception, is it written specifically for the show or it exists somewhere?
Asobe was JCs.
I was surprised by that too.
remove chunni scum
I like this OP a lot.
Me too
It's really goo.
Sensei, pls
Full version on the 24th, looking forward to it.
she's perfect
I want to smell JK farts
Just like the first episode, half of it is really good, while the other half is just meandering unfunny shit, Also Sensei is based as fuck.
>Want to see his JK students grow up into fine JDs
>Entertains the tism' of his students to help them
>has a ps4 pro, wii, VR and a fucking vita
You don't?
nobody needs that much shit
especially not the VR
Only thing I don't have there is the vr.
Instead, I've got an n64, super nt, and mega sg w/ sega cd attached in addition.
>all these ironic MUH CREATIVE "jokes" are definitely not normalfag tier
It's was exactly as normalfag as Zombieland
Poorfag, don't impose your "minimalism" on people who can actually afford fun.
I'm here for Chuuni Gabu.
And Loli.
Yeah, you're not even trying anymore.
Blessed post.
The cutest
T. Normalfag. Ironic weeb eventually. Commiefags loved it.
Mate, are you okay?
I have all except the VR and a Switch instead of the Vita. But the Wii is stored away.
If I remember correctly Zombieland was like "I hate idolshit but this is different" and "cgdct is a trash but this is good".
So yeah, this ironic trash was literally a normalfag magnet.
Imagine her smell after 3 full days inside her bed sheets.
For like what two episodes then they start playing it straight for the rest of the series. Fine fucking analogy you got there.
Like WD40?
Hanako and Olivia carried it though
What's wrong with vita? Vita has great game library. Who cares that there's no western shit on vita when you have hundreds great games on it.
And it's the last Sony gaming device before moving PS headquarters to Commiefornia and literally killing it.
>probably never had a dreamcast
I still didn't like this shit. And CG was horrendous so it was even easier drop.
vita is nice for all the JRPGs and otome games on it. And since no normalfag has one there's less complains for censorship
What killed Vita was literally its expensive proprietary memory cards to fight piracy.
>the subs this episode
>the TL's
not bad, but the position of the subtitles and TL notes is so bad sometimes
too slow
/ic/ needs to see this episode or they're ngmi
Seriously fucking annoying desu
Where the fuck is Erai's release anyway? They released stuff today.
Have faith in the power of 2D.
>I knee'd to tell you something
Is it just me or is anime more often making a characters hair color something noticeable
Why is chuuni so goddman cute? Why is chuuni's voice so goddamn cute? Why is chuuni's pantsu so goddamn CUTE?
You need to start finding out who will be simulcasting which shows before the season starts. If it's anybody but Crunchyroll, avoid HS. It's actually probably best to avoid HS in general, I don't think they even care about broken or missing releases anymore.
cute but a fujo, I'm conflicted
If this thread is anything to go by you won't be missing much by waiting.
Same as anything else dude. 2d fujos are cute and wifeable, 3d ones are disgusting and psychotic
Yes that's how it works for 2D in general. I have no idea why some people assume anyone is talking about 3D on Yea Forums.
nerds are always the sexiest.
Cause you haven't seen Baka sleep
Because it's Gabu.
I don't care if she is a dirty smelly fujo, and shit drawfag. She is best girl
Vampire Gabu > Chuuni Gabu > Angel Gabu
whatcha say?
here you go Yea Forumsnon
Someone post the senryuu shoujo comparison.
HS really destroyed that one
The scene with the chocolate thing was so unfunny it was painful. Enjoyed the rest though...especially the last scene with chuuni. God damn. I hope she is a major character.
Sensei x Chuuni. Imagine.
jesus fucking christ
people pay for the top
The top is far more poetic
but they only screwed the subs any time main girl spoke, no big deal there.
>I don't think they even care about broken or missing releases anymore.
as far as i could tell same shit kept happening all season.
Top is not 5-7-5 which was the point of the whole show. They fixed it in later episodes.
I want an entire episode dedicated to Robo.
oldfag detected
Angel Gabu gave us a literal JK moaning.
Standard idort counter. I bet you pay for DLC too.
Baka is so fucking annoying
>Sensei has to deal with all these horrible fucking snarky bitches
Poor guy
So what, she's an unpure healslut
>6 stalls
>3 sinks
>individual mirros
wheres the fucking soap? Is it the white boxes up there? Whats up with the rails ive never seen those before. What disability would require rails at the fucking sink? Wheres the tap for the middle sink? What the fuck is this?
How do you deal with the fact that none of these girls are virgins and probably had sex in middle school?
But my favorite's a virgin.
By masturbating.
The only non-virgin in the main trio is probably Wota, with her being an otaku and being passed around by hormonal male otakus during the heat of Comiket or ikemen seiyuus(being a a slightly attractive JK helps as well). Baka is too disgusting and Robo is a dead fish, so they're probably virgins.
Post Wota's fat ass.
>majime boy (female)
Why the fuck is this show so great?
but Loli and Chuuni are virgins. I have confirmed it as well.
Even when she has her annoying mouth shut her ugliness annoys me
mike check
That's what makes her great
>the side characters are 6.3x cuter than the main two and 26.71x cuter than Baka
well yes baka is supposed to be a disgusting retard nobody likes, yet they tolerate
Baka is a shit, she ruined the whole episode
Will Baka become a good person once she finally has a taste of dick?
No, you have to marry and impregnate her. The full package or nothing.
The manga translations of the jokes are, if a bit less informative, way funnier. The wording is just better, especially with Waseda's lines. I think this, plus the air date, plus the questionable sub font/size and the general cheapness of production vs many of the shows it's being compared too is dulling the impact this show has the potential to have.
Read the manga. It's really just a lot better. I only watch to see Yamai in action and it's worth it for that alone. She seriously deserves her own series... I mean the fucking Theory of Relativity. That part wasn't translated in the manga and I spit water all over my shirt like a retard
Are we getting this scene in the anime?
For reference, this is chapter 6.
Probably at some point. They're jumping around like hell.
I don't get this scene though. Was Robo taking a dump or something?
Baka is moving force of the series
Is this yuri?
More like moving feces of this series
Baka is a lot like Aqua but x100. Except Aqua is a slightly more nuanced and enjoyable dumbass.
No this is yuri
Just yell at HS until they fix their shit. If some unreliable Arabs can mange to properly rip stuff then those autists should be able to as well.
So she is the slut of the class
The lesbian, user. The name should give it away.
A shame, she looks like a total whore. We needed enkou
Sorry for the resolution, don't have the episode on me so I had to resort to screencaps.
But is she in love with Robo, mangafags?
Majime and Majou make my penis hard.
Ota is also good.
She just seems to idolize her. I wouldn't say she's gay for her. But that might just be because I desperately want Yuri to get Majime.
She's so pretty I love her
She will be, she's just going through that phase right now.
Majou makes my heart and dick hard.
>manga art of this and Asobi Asobase are subpar at best, while the anime is leaps and bounds better
A rarity, as most adaptations have shittier artstyles than their sources
>The chapter where she does a fortune for the guy trying to trick her into prostitution
Strangely heartwarming ending.
Baka makes me wanna rewatch Kill Me Baby.
Loli reminds me of Chiaki from Minami-ke and Hanako from Yuru Yuri.
She went to the bathroom too then strange noises presumable caused by Robo happen?
Her smug face on the first volume is what attracted me to the manga.
Wait, aren't Ota, Baka, and Robo just Mio, Yuuko, and Mai?
I realized this during episode 2 as well.
But more fuckable
I kind of like the chunni girl. She's pretty cute.
How would you feel listening in full detail the sound of a gigantic turd splashing into water in the stall next to you?
Guys I'm in love with Robo
Cute girls doing chuuni shit are generally great.
Impressed, must've been a single push too.
Underrated post.
Is this taking place in the same universe as Nichibros?
I want to tell her that she's cute and then get a vague reply as she gives me a blank stare.
Chuuni Gabu > Vampire Gabu > Angel Gabu
Who's the Occult cutie? Shes best girl right?
>insta best girl
I wanna FUCK Loli.
Mybe she is one but only for older women?
That's got nothing to do with it, it's the full-on autism in the original subs
Why is chuuni so cool and best?
holy fuck this design is so cuuuuuuuuuuute
it's her voice
>Blonde hair suits her
How can white girls even compete?
This was so lewd
What the other user said. The manga has been comedy skit after comedy skit and only slows down with her and the gyaru dyke. She describes it as having respect for someone of superior intellect but she doesn't really know what it is.
What is Robo like in bed?
Dead lay. A standstill, from start to end. Just unassuming, unemotional squirms with her face facing the side.
Please user I can only get so erect.
i like the word gekai , ä¸ç
in English , it means human society?
>Tomato with a sober voice.
>Dandere Aki Toyosaki
I´ve missed this shit so much, this anime is a bliss. It soothes my heart and makes me a better person.
Don't forget
>Chinatsu Akasaki with her retard voice
In fact, this is probably one of the most stacked seiyuu lineups in a show for this year. What they're doing in a unassuming show with low visibility, god knows why.
It's the "lower" material world, as opposed to the heavens.
When will she shine?
I want to protect wota's knees
I have a feeling full version will be disappointing.
why is her voice so fucking arousing
OP is 10/10 I feel 15 years younger watching it.
She's dumb, dumb women are attractive.
Chinatsu Akasaki is the most underrated VA of the decade.
Nice banding you have there.
Not everyone's got the specs for those fancy madVR settings.
>mfw his pic doesn't even open in my browser
Don't you think that all his bitching about many "wrong" TL on anime is so that some simulcast company to take a notice on him and hire him?
>Gabu being Gabu
Truly a great cast
Are knees really that hard?
Teach me your ways senpai, I just installed k-lite and called it a day
Use Nyaa playback help txt.
madvr uses 50-60% of my rtx2080
i made a guide to installing madvr, it's piss easy
download that, read my guide use my zipped settings as a quick start
Well what the fuck else do you need it for while watching anime? Do you play modded skyrim on another monitor or something?
no i don't do anything else, i'm not complaining it was just an objective statement like "water is wet"
>zipped settings
Cornelia is that you?
Web browser for shitposting.
do you doubt me? i just want to help people, this way instead of wasting time tweaking settings for hours you can just use mine (because they're good) as a quickstart
>Doesn't have multiple monitor setups.
You and baka are made for each other.
It eats RAM and maybe disk I/O not GPU.
>madvr requires changing installation folder security permissions
user here, i forgot to show the comparison
madvr off
madvr on
i don't even know what that means to be honest with you, i just accepted it
Just answering the question user. My 10 year old toaster can cope with both.
It means settings some user posted would be executed with elevated permissions.
I used to have 5, now I'm down to 3.
that user is me by the way, i posted the settings
"elevated permissions"? what does that even mean
daiz at it again i see
It means shit user posted would run with sysadmin priveleged are you retarded?
Are darknet killers an actual thing?
i don't fucking know how computers work user
why is that a bad thing anyway, all madvr does is magic fuckery when mpc-hc is on, that's all
it sounds like a good thing actually, that way mdvr can work without being blocked by anything
Just use mpv
>i don't fucking know how computers work user
>why is that a bad thing anyway
What's wrong running shit you randomly found on internet from administrator account?
Do you lock your car user?
I still use CCCP on MPC-HC and it looks fine. Didn't have a single problem ever since it got discontinued.
Can you prove there's nothing but madvr in there?
Negro, thats just the normal madvr install script, unless that user supa hacka the madvr.ax file then its nothing malicious . Get the madvr at the source instead.
Dont forget the xysubfitler too for rendering the subs at your resolution.
i don't even have a car
i'm being completely honest here, all i did was zip the madvr files on my pc, so people could use it without having to mess with settings
i've shared these with about 6 other people who have asked./ were interested and they had no issues with them
is pic related good enough, it's just a copy of my madvr folder
it's my settings + a txt file that has written instructions and links to the sites you need to go to download madvr itself + an actual install guide
>supa hacka
It takes 15 minutes to find keylogger code online that would work under any windows.
why would i do that? i already said i'm pretty clueless with technical stuff all i wanted to do was help people watch nicer looking anime
I think you're lying.
i'm literally autistic, maybe that's why it's hard to get through to you
but please believe me, my motives are completely pure
i love anime and want others to enjoy it when it looks at it's best too
>finding codes = integrating them into legit file
Supa hacka right here, sern gonna come for you soon.
I remember an user dumping the first two volumes here on december. Thanks user and we were blessed with this adaptation
> integrating them into legit file
Literally another 15 minutes of googling the syntax madvr uses for settings files.
It feels to me like it's trying to copy Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou style a bit, except it's not funny at all. I'll give it one more episode and then probably drop it because it's boring as fuck.
>but please believe me
This sounds like something a malicious liar would say.
go download madvr from it's official site, then mine and compare the 2 files if you still believe i'm out to steal your bank details
they would be exactly the same because i haven't tampered them because why the fuck would i
i don't know how to speak to people properly i'm sorry if i come off as one
i just wanted to be helpful :c
This was a bad thread.
>go download madvr
Not sure why would I do that again.
>go download madvr from it's official site, then mine
>download mine
I'm calling internet police.
>cartel throwing a fit because people were supporting TL notes
>then suddenly video player autism at the end
It was entertaining enough at least.
It was an interesting thread.
why are people so distrustful
i only wanted to help people
is that such a bad thing
>why are people so distrustful
>on Yea Forums
Are you lost mate?
i actually enjoy anime so yes, i must be
It's less funny because they're girls so you can't identify with their problems or points of view. But the good old "repeat random shit until it becomes funny" is still there and I love it.
Glad you enjoyed it, I really needed a new typesetter