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>suddenly timeskip
What the hell?

What series is this because it looks familiar. Just spoon me ffs.

He better not be dead.

king crimson happened

when you can't draw anything but a moeblob


Wait is this ending?
First dancing midgets than shudan and now this.
God fucking damnit

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This is not Shonen Jump, so I doubt it got axed, and I don't see the author will end it this quickly.
In any case, I'm just worried something bad will happen to the main couple. This is the OMK's author we're talking about here.

Timeskip was a bit weird to me at first but on reflection it does make some sense.

I kinda presume they'll jump around the various 'eras' of MTG to keep things interesting kinda like how Hi Score Girl did. If it was continually just in one time period the it'd be difficult to keep the MTG bits interesting.

ASSUMING that's what happens. For all I know the author is just a dick.

>This is the OMK's author we're talking about here
Oh no
I got lured in by Magic, stayed for the cute couple. Really should make it a habit to background check authors.

I don’t get it what is the context?

Author better not pull some bullshit.

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>This is the OMK's author we're talking about here
Are you sure about that? Because YOKO is the artist of OMK, but not the author

Wait, this is a card games manga with a srs story? Like Wizard's Soul?

Yeah, Katsura Ise is the writer for both this manga and OMK.
Both the artist and the author of OMK returned for this manga, so this is their second work together.


Yeah, but WS is actually good.

Is this the Gathering manga? Does something finally happened?

>le my mommy stays in the hospital so she becomes a control god
Fuck off, competitive Magic is decided by the opening hands.

Holy fuck someone give this guy a break and let him have fun working on his coming of life stories.

So is he kill?
There is no way it is still about magic if they timeskip to 2019. It is the age of mobage now.

So her mom is just her as a crackhead?

I was getting serious axed vibes from the last few pages. I really hope not.

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The only thing that looks to be getting axed is my heart. Pls no kill.