>japs sexualizing sisters


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Other urls found in this thread:


Is she wearing white pantyhose?

because all women are sluts, even the religious ones

They sexualise everything.

Type "sexy nun" into google right now.

Anyone have that cap of the one nun getting flustered and upset when someone tweeted her this?

Nun fetishism has been a thing since nuns existed, user.

>all those 3dpd
thanks obama

Because nuns are cute!

Attached: 70974937_p21.png (480x640, 231K)

Hell, nunneries were literal whorehouses at one point.

And sexy

Attached: 1562690770289.jpg (845x1200, 517K)

>everything european
asianfag here
japs are nutritious for loving everything european
it's funny because europeans hate those war criminal apes

nuns are pure

Kikes do this.

Hello Mr. Hyung-Lee Park

>japs are nutritious
user stop cannibalizing the nips.

Nigger, everyone sexualizes everything.
Japan is just more open about it.

>it's funny because europeans hate everything european


>it's funny because europeans hate those war criminal apes
you mean mutts? euros don't really have a reason to hate japs

Desecrating something pure is thinking man's fetish.

Attached: __iris_enen_no_shoubotai_drawn_by_hanim_siregar__sample-1bb26d5a4c7bd6f2ae87ac41baeae1ba.jpg (850x992, 102K)

It's only natural to want to put your seed in untainted soil.

>asians love europeans
>europeans love africans
>africans love ???

Snatching a nun from her vows is literally ntring God.
But God will forgive you if you promise to do your duty as his eternal servant and instrument of glory.

Attached: 1562803631470.jpg (1660x1787, 1.54M)

What are you talking about?
I have never heard of ANYONE hating Japanese here.
Most people are neutral or really love them.

Same reason mothers are sexualized in porn
Read the frankfurt school works, incest in necessary to destroy the nuclear family


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t. Kim Kae-Hyong

Why is she wearing such slutty underwear?

japs are war criminals
everyone hates war criminals

Most countries commited war crimes, you're probably american so you should know something about that. Besides these ar crimes weren't commited on europeans so again why would we care?

I would just like to point out that Nuns and Sisters are not the same thing. Nuns are cloistered and work in monasteries, Sisters have a specific mission/charism like caring for the sick or teaching.

t. Catholic with three Sisters and two Nuns in his family

Now for the real question, do you look at nun porn?

based Nunon


Fuckoff SEAmonkey

Name one country that hasn't commited heinous war crimes

No because sexy nun getups are lame but I know some cute nuns and sisters.

I spent many vacations as a kid at convents and monasteries being spoiled by nice sisters and nuns so I like them a lot.

japs are based
chinese are shit

t. italianfag

Does she end up being the MC's love interest?
Or is it the other slut?

She's so cute.

Attached: sister.gif (480x270, 2.15M)

Very likely, but maybe he's just a Paki.

>He thinks nuns are holy

Not really. Very few women enter nunneries young and stay virgins for life. Most enter at a later point in life after having done some REALLY fucked up shit and needing to "make up" for it. Nuns are some fucked up women most of the time. Pretty sure a lot of them used to be turbosluts before seeing the light. I guess it works for people with a reverse corruption fetish.

Attached: 2016-06-12-839664[1].jpg (654x1000, 147K)

cute and comfypilled

You mean nuns? Meh, both works. And why not? Burgers also sexualize everything, but they pretend outrage and play sjw, the fucking hypocrites.

Desire to corrupt is the highest form of flattery. Just like how humans which to drag elves down from their ivory towers and reduce them to cumdumps.

Attached: 1447190967681.png (828x720, 745K)

white women

Comfy SoL about Italian orphans in a late 19th century Catholic orphanage when?
>That one gentle onee-san type who's the youngest and most naive of the nuns
>That one rowdy tomboy who was sent to a nunnery to "set her straight"
>That one turbolesbo who seeks to escape her unholy desires
>That one trap who was legally declared a girl and sent to a nunnery so his more talented younger brother could inherit his estates
>That one melancholic former prostitute
>That one Polish nun who has clearly seen some shit but refuses to talk about it
>The stern matron who clearly had enough of everyone's shit

Attached: __original_drawn_by_houtengeki__06c6123e0529b038dade0fb6c914981e[1].jpg (800x1280, 115K)

>Comfy SoL about Italian orphans in a late 19th century Catholic orphanage when?
Would an anime adaptation of Bradherley's Coach fit the bill?

Sounds great, go learn Japanese and write a LN series.

Chinese or Korean? Someone fire up the copypasta just in case.

I know a manga like this.
But instead head nun beats the shit out of orphans and does other types of BDSM to them to make them more god-fearing. Not hentai

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thx for letting me know your country is full of ignorant apes

Found a chink. Fuck off with your nationalism

>angry disgusi face
>still show her panty
My dick is hard

Based and pastafilled.

Imagine thinking, typing and then posting this on the anime board of mostly white website

even nuns have needs

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Nun are for cute only.

I'm sorry sir, this is a Catholic image board so NO PORN.

>europeans love africans
Not really propagandanon, we are litterally letting thousands of people drown, it's the typical shitty thing you burgher would do. guess everyone is shitty everywhere

That isn't true. Not even 50 percent are white.

quit projecting

Found it
Only one chapter tharsnated, shit didn't even hit the fan

Give me the code, bro.

70 percent of reddit is non-hispanic white in 2019. I expect Yea Forums to be higher then that.

Attached: nun18.jpg (1280x1817, 358K)

because busty nuns are the pinnacle of fetishes

>new appointed nuns at my church
>some as young as 19

why do people still do this to themselves.

type "lewd" into google right now.


>thicc elf nuns
There is nothing quite as miraculous as thicc elf nuns.

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Because they're not homo and you shouldn't be either.

dont bother, it sucks
she only has the nun outfit on in one scene and doesnt even get fucked or anything

yeah bro how can they live without drugs, sex and violence

Unfortunetaly we let some of them come here, when we should sink those fucking boats.

Useless italians.

are your sisters cute?

XVSR-060. This nun has had many careers.

Attached: 054.jpg (365x537, 133K)

>being south korean
>being afraid of electric fans
>only thing that ever won against Japan is literally a rock in the middle of nowhere that even the japs don't give a fuck about.

id oubt he's korean mate

5 minutes garbage

Anime nuns always make me remember Rosette. ;_;

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Japanese are probably angry Korean men are stealing their women.

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>being afraid of electric fans
kek, first I've heard of this

Fuck's sake, I guess I asked for this entering a lewd nun thread. Bring on the lube.

>removing the outfit
Honestly, these people should be sued for misleading advertising.

>being afraid of electric fans
Every time.
They think that fans will kill you if you fall asleep while they're still turned on.

White women are made for the big japanese cock


Fuck off fag.
This board is so white that only argentinians are allowed to post here.

Germany and Italy are old Axis buddies with Japan and the French have always been weebs historically.

I don't know about Europeans hating the Japanese, but it's true they sexualize everything European, they seems pretty obsessed with the women especially desu.
They self insert in every aspect of European cultures too.

Chon kun will you shut up.

>they seems pretty obsessed with the women especially desu
The reverse is just as true. Westerners are obsessed with demure Asian women. So weebery and Westabooism appears to be some mutual obsession.

It's not like even axis enemies dislike them, for example Tojo responded to Poland declaring war with "We don't accept the Polish declaration of war. The Poles, fighting for their freedom, declared war under the British pressure" The axis was a meme mostly between Italy and Germany, Japs did whatever they wanted

People are often interested in the "other." It's funny because you can see it in fashion many times. In the U.S., people like brands like Uniqlo or Muji for some low cost clothing, but Japan sees it as everyday and boring. But in Japan people see brands like Gap as desirable and trendy, but it's also plain and boring in the U.S.


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Which ones can you fuck/marry?

You are talking about Americans not Europeans.

>Europeans don't have yellow fever
lmao ok

Have sex incel

your country is shit dude. should you even be considered white?

american hands typed this post

Italians are Italians. "White" is not a single race.

Korea? Hard question honestly, all of the Americas are ruled out because the world/civil wars and experimentation, Europe has all its history and Asia's the same

the lord wills it

too bad she's an useless piece of shit in her series

The answer is none unless you have some very specific definition of what a country is

What took you fags so long to post this?

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>This Doujin
I don't think i've nutted so many times in my life.

Love priestess long time.

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aww the good old days of Ragnarok when my imouto and I used toplay with out LKs
Too bad those times will never come back.
Those Ragnarok doujins introduced me to hentai and bestiality tag

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your ppl killed jesus

*runs over palestinian 5year old with a tank*

I'm reminded of that new manga where two brothers go to an orphanage on some island for a better life and it's all fucked up after a few days. 聖女の揺籃、毒女の柩. It was from Natsumi Kei, she has some good crazy faces.

prefer my nuns to be bustier though

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Asians suffer from white fever much more than whites from yellow fever though.

>t. Kapo

Honestly I think it's the Uchida's fault.

Please don't bite into obvious polbaits.

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Nuns dont have long hair, they keep it short and covered

repeat after me about war crimes

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This, hitler was jesus second coming

shes cute so that doesnt matter

Nuns and sisters are brides of Christ. But do you really expect anything less of sexually deviant pagans?

Saudi Arabia. I'm serious.

t.Winnie the Pooh

this, everyone is a pervert underneath

He never will. He likely also believes that he would gain self-esteem through sex, but it doesn't work in that order. He'd need to have self-esteem to begin with before ever having sex. His life will grind on as a forever alone loser that should just kill himself.

Go away!
Bring on the porn!

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They do and they chose that profession for that reason!

May Jesus smite all of you for lewding his brides

wasn't Christianity a middle eastern thing



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Polygamy is a sin so Jesus has no fucking business smiting me for fucking his wives.

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>implying there isn't western porn sexualizing nuns too

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It was born in the Greco-Roman world


Attached: don't have one.gif (500x730, 470K)

>99% of italian porn

disgusting thread

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This desu

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Oh, you mean ceiling fans? Also nice trips

>I don't have one.
What a fag, tell her you like pantyhose and you might have enough luck that she will wear them only for you.


Attached: 404_sides not found.jpg (533x388, 177K)

doesn't work with a completely normalfag type


>sexy nun
goth porn?

i hate koreans

>this board has more and more shonenshitters every year

You think moefags are the real whites?

Pantyhoses aren't even that weird a fetish if you aren't an autist about it.


>My favorite bodypart on a woman? I guess I'd have to say legs. I like some developed legs, especially wrapped in pantyhoses.

That concludes today's session of Normalfaggotry 101.

Attached: Crossing legs.webm (1920x1080, 618K)

She's just the only sister of the 8th fire brigade. No one's love interest and no slut.

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he was also an avatar of vishnu

Are you a christian nutjob?

what's wrong with that?

he is right, though.

Because it can be done in a very good way fetish-wise
Like pic related

A sane guy on Yea Forums. Go away.

>implying white people exist

I do

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>That loli-nun scene from that one hentai.

>it's always a bizarre and creepy cult filled with weirdos and hypocrites
>with 90% of the clergy taking advantage of both the followers and the other 10% of the clergy who are low level and naive
japs just calling 'em as they see 'em

Attached: da0acc3b0f77f77954d2a0b782dc1b04.jpg (750x1031, 213K)

but Jesus was a middle eastern

fucking cringe, misses the point entirely

Nice try Yakub

He was East Mediterranean

Is there any christian country in the middle east? did Jesus say only middle easterners can follow his teachings? No? then stop baiting already, europe has been the centre of christianity for nearly two thousand years

It is because the nuns have restrained sexual desires and they may want a man to ravage but not rape them.

Also, anime and manga tend to treat sex like a game of golf: Every hole is a goal.

It is still Middle Eastern and demonized folk religions of Europe as well as led to mandates banning commoners from learn any writing systems, banned public bathing, banned medicinal herbalism for commoners due to it being "pagan," and led to the burning of various pagan-era writings.

trips confirm, am black science man. sorry for creating whites btw

between cathedrals demolitions, mosque constructions and a fag enabler pope I'd say they pretty much abandoned it

>Is there any christian country in the middle east?

depends where, south and east are as strong as ever, and west is rising in belivers. north is a shithole and has always been so i could care less

nope, large christian minority but still majority islamic

I did hear poland has been pretty based lately

Eh? Not really Poland has been Catholic since its founding, nothing changed.

Sorry, both our current and previous govs cucked us into oblivion. We are in decline.
I guess people are starting to getting fed up with that faggot of a pope. I wish it was be better.
Musimy być silni colego

Japs are guilty too.
Shrine maidens are prime fetish fuel.

didn't you tell muslims to fuck off while importing christian eastern europeans a while ago? sounds pretty based to me

shrine maidens were never meant to be chaste

I love Nuns going commando.

seems pretty based on the surface untill you notice the fact we're accepting people from a hostile country wich takes pride in genocide of our people.It's litterally just so that we can say "bro we took in refugees just ukrainian ones" but really not much is different between them. They're thugs or taking low income jobs.

dubs and next pope is polish

oh shit nevermind me then

Everyone wants to cuck Jesus.

>traveling miko were prostitues
Wtf Japan.

>banning commoners from learn any writing systems

Christian missionaries spread the Latin script to illiterate Germanics and Orthodox monks created the Cyrillic script for illiterate Slavs

Last 2016, they beheaded multiple Iraqi Imam priests but it did't reached the media since the family gratuitously received blood money.

>it's funny because europeans hate those war criminal apes

No it's only you Wang

>executing an imam who promoted treason
How is that a war crime?

Attached: 2 weeks.png (1375x774, 731K)

In Judea*

Lebanon is 53% Christian.

Fuck I hate them so much. There is almost no day when I am at the train station and happen not to meet any of them. And for some reason, they always ask me to help them because of course, they speak neither Polish nor English.
I know that our troglodytes contaminated a good part of the world but they at least were less violent. Ukrops brought back the 90' and not in a good way.

>japs sexualizing sisters
I don't think that would be the biggest problem...

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yeah, it had a whole twelve followers there, completely ignore that it really only spread in greece and asia minor

little sisters are also sisters

Where did you get these stast? I looked them up and It was 55% islamic and 30% christian
I only came across one ukrainian in my life (that is i heard some ukrainian talk, there could have been more but its not like i can tell) he yelled slava ukraini to another kid, they were like 14

I've got some sick tastes but corruption really disgusts me for some reason, to the point of anger.

>Jesus of Nazareth
>traveling across Galilee and Judea spreading his ministry
>also visiting places like Samaria and Egypt
>>hurrr, christianity was born in europe, we wuz saviorz n shiet

Attached: map of jeebus.jpg (1826x2573, 720K)

>Where did you get these stats?

You mean Roman Judea that had been a part of the Greco-Roman world since Alexander conquered it in 330 BC?

most conversion happened after His death, the first major area of conversion was greece

>japs are nutritious
I thought Japs ate foreigners, not the opposite way around.

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Nope Koreans did fucked up shit in Vietnam. They joined the Mongolians during their conquest as well.

MC finds her cute. That's pretty much it.

What a fag
How can you not like this:

Fucking a nun is the ultimate power fantasy. Your cock is so powerful, you can literally fuck God himself.

I'm not a footfag or a pedophile

>a cult started by a jew in what is modern day middle east
>personally spread his teachings all over what is now isreal, lebanon and probably syria
>he dies in the middle east
>but after he died, people in greece heard the stories and the teachings and converted
>therefore it's european in origin

Attached: 1562402111573.jpg (540x443, 29K)

Oh you're just gay then


theres something about supposedly pure girls wearing sexy lingerie under a concealing robe.

Is that Kohaku

Well it those are made in china it may as well fall in their heads and blow up like a bomb

When have i said in roigin? I just said europe was the centre of Christianity for the last nearly two thousand years wich is a fact

damn now thats some quality bait

Attached: 1511044824949.png (945x720, 536K)


That doujin hmanga series with this plot is so good.

Nice bait.

Everything you wrote happened in the Greco-Roman world

>war criminal
Never happened
Nanking 1938 best year of my FUCKING LIFE


from Alabama and i think incest is hot,

Dokidoki ooya-san

I know you're false flagging, but alabamas actually an okay state
the real shit holes are illinois and california

you think those are shitholes come to londonistan

I don't see what what's wrong with that.

Actually we hate Chinkoids way more and the rest of Asia might as well not exist to us.
Koreans exist to serve their betters.

don't they have traffic lights with lgbt symbols on them there?

why larp user?

Attached: 1555357706566.jpg (359x347, 28K)

No, it's Hisui.

Dicking a hot nun who's supposed to be celibate is pretty hot.

they're (((virgin)))
every country that has taken a part in any kind of conflict has commited war crimes. you can't control what some retard jarheads do on the field. not that i have something against them - that's just how things are. even my shithole country that nobody knows of have burned jews alive and shit.

[citation needed]

Yes, because when you say the "Greco-Roman world", the first thing that pops into mind is Damascus and Judea. The Greco-Roman "world" is no just geological, but also political and cultural. The statements other anons made were "wasn't it a middle eastern thing?" "it started in israel". You are purposefully using "Greco-Roman" to imply it was somehow a european institution when it started, when in fact the Greco-Roman politics and attitudes were anti-Christianity until ~320AD and wasn't the official religion of the Roman empire until 380AD.

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They need to earn their donations.

Muddying the water isn't going to change the fact you are worshipping a jewish god from middle eastern countries.

Attached: 1562068835360.png (1024x938, 702K)

Are you implying that western people don't do that?

Attached: RED-Fogaça-1.jpg (960x640, 78K)

imagine seething so hard you post this in a thread about anime nuns

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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Imagine being so brainwashed you actually think christianity is a european creation

imagine being such a braindead /pol/ack that you belive that if something isn't european its automatically bad on a fucking anime imageboard

Who said it was bad? Fags kept saying it wasn't a religion born in isreal and insisting it's european. I'm just saying Judea wasn't in europe.

You said jewish god even tough christianity is universalist in nature, you're just trying to get a rise out of people, you might as well be honest about it

It is.
You ignore the history of the religion in favor of an empty geographic argument.
Christianity, Protestantism even moreso than Catholicism is 100% European.

>THEY are the ones dependent on ME
ok faggot

>Protestantism even moreso than Catholicism
you mean snowniggery

Attached: 1553074922664.png (371x353, 148K)

>go to public high school
>chicks are choosy or try to stay faithful to their first dick
>go to catholic school
>chicks fuck anything and dont care
catholic girls are complete sluts

depends where you live desu

Because the way they dress is fucking lewd. It just makes you imagine their curves harder.

Attached: 64871236432.jpg (543x768, 74K)

it's litterally the least lewd clothing aside form the hijab

>god of christianity isn't a jewish god
>there are christians that actually believe this

Attached: 1545702397625.jpg (620x456, 102K)

Well no shit you hate japs, you're more butthurt about them than anyone else. Taiwanchads are an exception.

>it's funny because europeans hate those war criminal apes
Not at all ? The only asians we don't like are chinks, and we still don't hate them as much as americans or other europeans countries.

it's extremely erotic, user.

Least revealing, not least lewd

pls, its a one piece loose robe that just accents curves and details

>god is an ethnicity, especially in a universalist religion

Attached: 1552763905103.png (1280x720, 516K)

Pretty sure it's an Abrahamic god who accepted jews as followed and then told them to fuck off, die and burn in hell for all eternity when they couldn't follow basic instructions without trying to jew they way around them.

>I'm going to be pedantic and pretend he meant an ACTUAL ethnicity and "Yahweh, the god that jews worship"
>I'm going to pretend Jesus didn't invoke Jewish laws and customs
>I'm also going to pretend Jesus wasn't a mid eastern jew

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The Chinese are bug people and nobody cares if you step on a bunch of cockroaches.

Seriously. What the fuck am I reading?

literally just ignore him , he got enough (you)s for derailing the thread

I was ignoring the other people.

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>japs are nutritious

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holy shit, can't wait to read this

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thought you were going to say "it's funny because Europeans hate [things that are European]"

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They treat nuns like they treat mikos because they figure it's the same thing and japanese mikos used to be prostitutes.

What you're reading is a bunch people who are either just super retarded and don't know the basic origins of Christianity, or they are so insecure about wanting their culture being purely from European descent that they can't accept the fact that Jesus was a Jew from the mid east, that he preached jewish law along with new stuff, and that all of this took place in what's called modern day Israel, Lebanon, and other mid eastern lands.

Attached: 1553029990237.jpg (500x532, 29K)

>insecure about wanting their culture being purely from European descent
that's literally you, you've been shitting up this thread with unrelated nonsense, you nonce

it's pretty crazy how people actually deny that jesus was a jew

>people actually deny that jesus was a jew
name one instance in this thread or gtfo

the king of them until they killed him
not sure what this has to do with anime and manga?

What you don't understand is that hundreds of years passed between Christ and the actual institutionalized religion we know as Christianity today and this religion was not created in the middle east, but in Rome,


never said it was itt

I knew a lot of the Japanese goes here for their factories and stuff but that's a pretty percentage of wifes is a bit shocking.

He'll reply with the same shit again, ignore him, he'll move on

>user: wasn't christianity a middle eastern thing in the beginning?
>insecure fags: nuh uh, muh greco romans, muh greek converts that happened decades later. muh "univerality", there for it didn't start in the heart of the jewish home land catering to the majority of down trodden jewish peopl

Then why tf talk about it? That's called offtopic, go discuss it elsewhere

I think it's more along the line of IS a jew rather than WAS a jew, with the whole divinity thing going on.

you do know how far east the HRE expanded to, right?

Alabama is based as fuck
LGTBifornia is a shithole with so many indigents pooping on streets

Holy meme empire? Who cares?

>implying you said in the beggining

>japs are nutritious
fucking chinks
they eat dogs, cats. now, they want to eat nips.

Nuns have been sexualized for millennia

she has no right to keep that body from me

I guess. It's just weird discussion.

I genuinely find that to be an interesting topic, because even disregarding whether or not being a jew is ethnic, there can still be an argument whether or not big J was part of the jewish faith until the end. Because throughout the entire story he never forgoes his faith and ways of life until the very end, not ever renouncing the religion. It were actually the apostles that decided to branch out from the main faith and start their own based on his teaching, to which he was vehemently opposed to when alive.

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if you only knew how bad things really are

Do jews have nuns?

no, they don't

>the actual teachings, core beliefs, tenants, canonization and texts don't count
>it's almost 400 years later when they stopped feeding the self identifying christians to the lions is when I say christianity starts

not as far as I know. also i'm pretty sure only men can be rabbis

i'm surprised so many people hate chinese people here
i thought weebs love asians

wait, what the actual fuck were these chinks picking from the sewers?

Gtfo then.

christianity during the times of the apostles existed, retard

Because you have no idea what weeb mean faggot, chinks are literally insects, it's debatable if koreans are humans or animals and sea monkeys are just that monkeys.

used oil/poop/gutter oil

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>even the religious ones
>especially the religious ones

>>especially the religious ones
not those who actually abide by their religion

Switzerland? Canada?

As a Catholic, these always bug me. It's like Americans singing "God Save the Queen" on the 4th of July.

>hurr i love japan
>durr i hate asians
some weebs are retarded

It's a baggy robe.

Most of the nuns I knew didn't even wear one.

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We already know you are an idiot, you don't have to post more.

That's even hotter.

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Weebs/weeaboos love japan.

if you love japan you love asians too
don't be a hypocrite

I do not love Japan, I just happen to enjoy their pop culture like manga or video games. I wish them well but only because it means more of what I like.
I don't give a shit about other Asian countries, excluding China, India, Pakistan and some other shitholes I despise.

humans are animals
therefore you want to have sex with dogs

I didn't say I love anything. I was just giving you a more accurate definition of weeb.

>don't be a hypocrite
>japs hate other asians and don't see them as human
>weeb love japs
>weebs hate not jap asians
Are you really so dumb you don't understand something so simple?

Not her, but what's so hard to understand about only liking one asian group? that's like saying
>You love Portugal so why don't you like every other european country?

>canonization and texts
Yes I included that and those times are heavily influenced by judaism. Not sure how that's a point against me. Definitely doesn't help any argument against saying Jesus was a jew, since the Apostles were saying Christianity was Jesus creating a new covenant with the god the jewish people worshiped and expounding on the laws laid out by Moses. Adopting christianity is adopting the parts of culture and many, many values and beliefs of the jewish people because it's in the canon. ie, Rome taking Christianity onto itself is adopting a middle east religion.
Again, not saying anything inherently wrong or belittling from theses facts, it merely means it's not a European invention. Europeans adopted it.

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What the fuck are you talking about?

he's saying lusting after nuns isn't something a good catholic should do. Good thing i only lust after anime ones

i doubt there are people who love portugal but hate europe

there could be i dunno

Nuns don't hear confession you filthy heretic.

>from the mid east

From a region that was Greco-Roman for 1000 years.

>that all of this took place in what's called modern day Israel, Lebanon, and other mid eastern lands.

Everything took place in the Roman Empire. Modern mutt middle east has nothing in common with Greco-Roman Levant

>it exists
>it will be sexualized

What is so difficult to understand about that?
As long as no damage is caused, there is no problem with it.
Fucking innocent posts on this website have been sexualized.

stop feeding him

Nunneries have always had a bad rep actually.

Stop exaggerating, they were just places where people dumped their kids. Basically an orphanage.
Nuns got horny obviously.

>japs are nutritious

Attached: what the fuck am I reading.jpg (600x600, 68K)

Just ask Bush Snr.

Uhhh, he's not wrong. Google 'Get thee to a nunnery' and see the results.

>europeans hate those war criminal apes
No, only Australians, Kiwis and Yanks have any excuse for bitterness with them. Even then we got over it because the dragon to the east of nippon is a worry.

Yeah bro it's totally normal and totally my decision to be a sex-obsessed cumbrain slave. not something you've been conditioned to be since birth or anything.

based californian public school user

Any plug in fan not ceiling fans

Imagine if we went lewder and had a sexualized elf nun.

do yanks still hate japan kek

horny niggas

It's more a hatred and bitterness the unpure have for the pure. Yea Forums has beyond turned it into fetish for reasons.


this french saint is a main target for sexualization by japs
why do japs do it and why is it allowed

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But elves aren't pure. They're fantasy nazis with the same obsession over racial superiority.

>not this lewd sister

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>not /pol/baits
the irony.


>israel having done no warcrimes
>not bait

Judea was a Roman province back then.

>What are you talking about?
I have never heard of ANYONE hating Japanese here.
>Most people are neutral or really love them
No, here we dont think at all about them, only weebs and you know their opinion about japan already

damn it's been a while since I've a post on Yea Forums that screamed "BASED AND REDPILLED" like this.
based and redpilled

This. It is super lewd.

She is fat. FAT!!!!

Pathetic. No wonder Jews are so gay.

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Dunno about your country but every other milenial here loves sushi etc

The nuns I've seen are generally 90 years old.
I've yet to see a young one IRL.

The problem is if another countries hadn't commited war crimes. The nips never get retribution for them and even today they continue to denying that the crimes happen.

not only gay, but also child foreskin eaters and degenerates

War vets do. Big time.
Why wouldn't they? Nips used to climb the canopies of forests and piss on soldiers knowing full well they were outnumbered at that moment and couldn't risk firing back. Their army was like us in Vietnam. I think we only became like in Vietnam because of how generals, who served in WWII, raised them - to be ruthlessly evil.

they are freaking rare nowadays

Euros have fantasized about virgin saints for millennia.

>implying they eat the foreskins instead of selling them to cream companies


I meant you missing the // in the name you massive faggot.

Mainly because proper orphanages replaced their role.

So they're formely cool people who fucked up by becoming a fake profession?

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so he was right after all
the west or the east we aren't that different

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The result is that a nunnery is a place where women dedicate their body and soul to God, but it can also mean a whorehouse. So it's a play on words. Doesn't exactly solidify your statement.

user, there are no real japanese on Yea Forums

There are also shady stuff, dark stories about nuns in monasteriesof south america and how they were just used as cumdumpsters and forced to abort

That's hot. All nuns should do that.

is he actually a westerner

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you forgot the part nuns were killed by being buried alive/locked in small brick containers till they die of suffocation

Lol he thinks they are virgins.

I mean surely there us truth to that but that doesn't make it the norm.

very likely

>he's not a japanese school girl

4-5% of the chan actually. Surprising amount.

I'll need a source on that desu.

No, whorehouses were once called nunneries colloquially, though they weren't actual convents.

just go for a normal whorehouse


They sexualized Yamamoto Isoroku and a fuckload of Japanese historical figures.


>He doesn't watch Daisuke


Attached: Iya na Kao Sare.jpg (1207x1207, 702K)

Ask /qa/

Even japs know jannu is the best

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Artist is Mikami Mika.

Don't mind me, just saving this thread posting the hottest anime Sister.

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perhaps. post more

Just wanted to let you know that you're completely based for reminding /pol/tards that their precious Christianity didn't originate with Europe or White people. Their anal devastation when you remind them of that is glorious.

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>when /pol/tards are all larpagans nowadays
go dilate

seethe more.

back to Yea Forums

You first.

haven't been there

Well you obviously know what they like.

yeah, you tards keep going onto my board. Fuck off retard, go derail some shonen thread

i came here for sexy nuns but if you're going to try and deny the pro-jewry shilling in the bible i'll give you a taste of it.

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The best RPGMaker 2D hentai games are the ones with nuns in 'em. Thank you, based servants of that guy up there.

>Has up to date info on what /pol/ is larping as nowadays
>Knows what Yea Forums likes
>I'm the crossboarder
You're trying too hard cuck.

synagogue of satan, now stop derailing


>knows what Yea Forums likes
where did you get this? i only called you out on using their buzzwords, wich have spread onto every board

2D nuns are sexy. It's a shame there is so little on pixiv.

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>worships literal jew
>believes supporting israel will bring Armageddon and 2nd coming of christ

You're the one who opened up with "go dilate" because I insulted /pol, Yea Forumsirgin. Buzzwords are your specialty.

oh no, /pol/turds arrived to completely ruined what remained of this thread. Welp I'm out

>30 mins ago
truly a blessed day

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nice deflection. just address what i said if you're going to bother replying.

They've already been here for a few dozen post.

Glasses only makes it better, hmf.

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>you're jewish!
>you're pagan!
>we're cucked because of you!
>we would be in space by now if not for the dark ages!
>you pray to statues!
>you worship a volcano demon!
We're doing this again?

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I just want to know which religion has the most characters that could be adapted into cute anime girls, and christianity seems to be winning so far

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Well, that was me anyway

>which religion has the most characters that could be adapted into cute anime girls
Greek Mythology

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its real cute :^)

vikings did it first

I think those were already cute girls.
Greeks made sure of that.

Assuming we're discarding the easy answers like greek mythology or shinto shit, then the christian mythos is ripe with characters and goofy shit that could easily be adapted into anime shenanigans like killing your brother over barbecue or fighting an angel for a full day and night until it gives you its blessing. I don't know much about the talmut or any other jew holy books, but if you want to see the quran just watch/read any isekai story about the blessed main character that conquers a corrupt land and has many wives, many of them lolis.

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Right answer.

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Islam discouraged depicting the human figure in art, so their religious imagery is mostly abstract geometric patterns...
...Which would be hilariously blasphemous to see adapted into sexualized anime girls.

Which war did American soldiers force family to rape each other again?

Sure every military rapes and kills civilians but Japan was on a whole another level.


Oh yeah, also forgot about Saint George, a saint knight who is forever battling a Dragon at the surface of the moon.

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That's probably a Korean. China doesn't allow people to go on Yea Forums.

If we're going but what HAS been adapted into as many cute anime girls as possible, then celtic lore and shintoism are probably the most prominent.

I say both because the main culprit of both those religion's cute anime girls is Tohou

Patrician tastes. Christians vandals couldn't handle the beauty of Greek goddesses and had a habit of smashing the noses of beautiful female statues and carving crosses on their foreheads.

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At least on April 1st 2017, latin american and southeast asian country flags seemed to make up half the board

I wanna a see a cute sexualized loli prophet Muhammad.

Whoever publishes that should expect to end up like Charlie Hedbo.

It's all right we'll just build a wall out of mexican and brazillian hobbos around them

There's 800 saints, hundreds of popes and cardinals, 70 disciples of Christ and millions of angels, so you may be right.

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holy shit what is this BULLYING

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Fun fact. The catholic church's priests have impregnated thousands of nuns in secret and forced them to have abortions to hide the secret, even though taking a life (let alone a child's) is one of the gravest sins imaginable to everyone involved. You know, allegedly. The clergy would never lie to you about their actual moral fiber and character, would they?


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next you'll tell me they fuck children, get the fuck out of here with that nonsense, user!

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fucking LOL

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>The clergy would never lie to you about their actual moral fiber and character, would they?
Of course they would, it's a human institution and they aren't infallible. One of the main tenets of Christianity is everyone is a sinner and inherently corrupt.

For nobility and perhaps some bourgeois. Also, Futhark existed which was the phonetic rune writing system of the Germanic peoples since the early Iron Age which was based upon previous inscriptions. Illiteracy was still rampant because of mandates against commoners and because the ban on public teaching of Futhark.


Imagine all the dirty old priest who got to fuck prime teenage nuns dropped off by their families in monasteries for the past 2000 years... Fuck I'm jealous.

wait, is this for real? sound like a horrible death tb.h

>I've yet to see a young one IRL.
They usually travel tho. For what purpose I don't know. I've met a black nun once at a store. I lol'd cause at first I thought it was cosplay.

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checked and spooked

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Anons LARPing as Christian's always makes me laugh, you shouldn't be anywhere near this website if you're as holy as you say you are.

You know you can be a christian without being a fanatic nut right?

They have that "everyone is a sinner" line to excuse their debauchery. They just ask god for forgiveness when they do it and everyone else goes to hell.

Tfw my mom used to be a nun, she got in when she was around 18 or 19 if I remember correctly, one time she showed me pics of her with her nun attire and I must say she looked top qt.

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I would also like to know where this is..

yeah, but that shit happened in europe too waay before
nuns who were pregnant either were bricked up alive with the baby once she delivered the child

I was raised protestant and they told me that you can't just ask for forgiveness and be forgiven. You need to truly repent. Those of us who sin one moment, ask for forgiveness half-heartedly, and go right back to sinning aren't gonna make it to heaven even if we call ourselves "Christian." And it makes sense too, god isn't a retard who can't tell if you're just using your religion as an excuse to do whatever you want. Probably the vast majority of "Christians" wouldn't make it to heaven if everything in the bible was true.

there are still young nuns in the present time to my surprise. most of them working in catholic schools/convents in conservative states/countries

Attached: nun.jpg (525x349, 34K)

about that, there is a old geezer in anime who can make you repent for real.

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There's no forgiveness without repentance and penance. Committing a mortal sin like murder means you are damned if you do nothing. It shouldn't come as a surprise as these ideas are baked into the legal systems of most western countries.

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You probably did and just didn't realize it since they don't really have a uniform anymore. Nobody really wears nun habits anymore unless it's a slutty nun cosplay.

They are PURE, do not SEXUALIZE

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Christians don't claim they are holy. "I am a holy man" is something a Hindu yogi would say.

"Holier than thou" is a famous saying about Christians for a reason.

OP is a faggot, literally

truly it is right and just

I've been raised in a catholic family, went to the same catholic school throughout my entire life and went through a catholic University. I know my shit and I couldn't be more of an atheist after all that. Also i'll have you know this is a christian imageboard

Not christians in general, no. But every clergyman and woman does.

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This is why I'd be cautious about raising any kids I had like that, the modern church is an atheist machine.

Is there really any point in going to church besides networking for a job and picking up girls?

Be protestant

Obviously, but nobody needs to explain to you of all people what the liturgy is supposed to be, the value of communion, etc.


Depends on the culture.

I like going to church because my grandma is an traditional Christian and you know it's fine to indulge her faith once a month. Don't forget. Religion and Faith also establishes a sense of community among other edgy things we history already showed us.

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Canada has never committed a war crime.
Canada has never lost a war.

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Why not?


You are fooling no one chink or Korean

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it's called taste

Neither has Belguim because it's utterly irrelevant.

>the modern church is an atheist machine.
Couldn't agree more. Just let your kids steer wherever the fuck they want in terms of religion and they'll land more often than not on atheism, so it's fine. Most people from my school and uni days turned atheists too, with a few handful of devouts to this day

No. And even then I could recommend you better places for doing either or both.

>Obviously, but nobody needs to explain to you of all people what the liturgy is supposed to be, the value of communion, etc.
o my sides

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SEAfag here. Church is synonymous with community where I live.

technically not a war, was it

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Why not?

>he calls Yea Forums yon-chan
Huh, interesting, I guess that makes sense.

Attached: 1562918877099.jpg (250x233, 5K)

>expect a thread about anime nuns
>get racism instead
>not even a mention of Black Clover


properly at the worst state they've ever been lmao

Fuck, forgot pic.

Attached: Not That Kind of Worship, Asta.jpg (850x1029, 155K)

>source: my ass

Japs are just about the only non-euro/western country that euros/westerners will readily accept as equal.

They're basically slant eyed germans, for better or worse.

>>you worship a volcano demon!
wait, who the hell is that?

It was the inverse for me, lifelong atheist but I couldn't reconcile the internal contradictions of atheism with the philosophical position I was developing. It took nearly 30 years for me to realize that though.

We weren't called "Canada" yet at the time, but we still beat the US and burned down the White House. I call that a win!

>not a western country

source given in article: "my ass"

>internal contradictions of atheism
i cant wait to hear this

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they think nuns are the western equivalent of mikos so it's ok to sexualize them


Asta is a truly man of culture

Well clearly the contradiction is the "belief" that God doesn't exist, when God clearly exists.

The problem of universals exists irrespective of your position on theism. Nominalism, or any kind of inductive instantiation of properties, simply makes no sense.

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>source needed
here we go. prove it.

>"belief" that God doesn't exist
No, it's the disbelief of its existence.
>when God clearly exists.
Please do go on

>The problem of universals exists irrespective of your position on theism
That's quite the bold claim to come out of your ass

I'm surprised this little gem wasn't mentioned.

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please keep arguing as this threads sinks

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>Nominalism, or any kind of inductive instantiation of properties, simply makes no sense.
Let me guess: you can't understand derrida?

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The problem is by presupposing claims can be made you've already conceded that universals exist.

>The problem is by presupposing claims can be made you've already conceded that universals exist.
How so?

where can I pick up qt non whore girls pls respond, I was really banking on the church

Imagine having no concrete evidence of god using the scientific method so you rely on philosophy and metaphysics to confuse people.

Yeah, the church is some good people alright.

Imagine fucking your sister², how many layers of responsibility in one based and repilled man man?!

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> non whore girls
>I was really banking on the church

Attached: titanfall2.png (845x347, 202K)

I already wrote I was a nihilist for most of my life.

Surely you believe a claim is true or has some logical weight behind it or you wouldn't make the claim, in fact it's contingent on that being the case.

You can watch anime, and accept the good word of 2D into your heart.

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>Imagine having no concrete evidence of god using the scientific method
There's no concrete evidence of the scientific method using the scientific method.

>Surely you believe a claim is true or has some logical weight behind it or you wouldn't make the claim, in fact it's contingent on that being the case.
The premise is already wrong, user.

Is it true the premise is wrong?

have you looked at a map my friend?

It's not about any inherent truth to my claim or yours. First you'd have to elaborate on what are those universals in the first place. Utilizing communication as a means of substantiating your claims when it is not germaine to the subject mater is the dumbest thing you can do.

I accept your reticence to answer this. Have a good weekend user.

Attached: christ-chan.jpg (521x509, 38K)

I thought you understood that my claim is not a universal truth but relative to the learned signs and meanings, but I guess you have no fucking clue what semiotics are.
Good weekend to you as well, user. One day you'll be able to get someone with unfalsifiable gotchas!

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Is is true it's not about any inherent truth in either of our claims?

>First you'd have to elaborate on what are those universals in the first place.
Something like the law of identity which you implicitly evoke with every word for example, even extending to your idea of yourself persistent across time. None of these things physically exist, they are transcendental realities.

>>japs sexualizing sisters
they're about 150 years too late

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Is the category of relative truth itself universally true?

I dunno user, what do you think? Put that smooth brain to use.

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I still am waiting to hear what are those universal truths, though

>What is westernization

I know one.
OP is always a fag

At some point you have to make a claim that isn't a string of symbols with nominal semantics attached, otherwise you'd be asking someone to believe something you don't even believe is true.

The law of identity is universally true. You can't refute that predicate without simultaneously using it.


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>At some point you have to make a claim that isn't a string of symbols with nominal semantics attached
Asking for further elaboration is not a claim.

>The law of identity is universally true. You can't refute that predicate without simultaneously using it.
Ok. Can you prove that?

>Can you prove that?
Literally every word in that sentence affirms persistent identity. On the most basic level you already presuppose a transcendent unity to your experience when you say 'you' and 'that'. And again if this is just nominal as a result of some arrangement of matter in your brain then the question becomes is it true that it's just nominally true.

>Japs are nutritious for loving everything european
I had no idea liking European stuff makes your flesh healthier to consume. Is that why there are so many cannibal horror movies made in the west? Is every other group of people trying to eat us?

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>Literally every word in that sentence affirms persistent identity
If you already presuppose the law of identity is correct, then I guess so? So congratulations on your circular logic. Or are you saying that semiotics hold inherent truth? Oh my, can you then describe to me what the word "tree" inherently describes? The bark? The leaves? The branches? Is it holistic? How much of this "tree" do I have to remove until it no longer can be fall under that universal truth of the word "tree" ?

Do you not know bait when you see it?