What is this expression trying to convey and why is it so
What is this expression trying to convey and why is it so
She's trying to say the second episode was even worse than the first. Anyways, how many more tragic backstories is leader-rebell-kun gonna get? We already have the cliffhanger with his senpai, and the classic muh dad wanted be to walk in his foootsteps. So tragic. What abouut his mother? Will it turn out she was a whore and he's a bastard and his dad isn't even his real dad, but senpai was? Now that'd be mexican soup opera levels of shit.
Oh, and who did the nono, doon't touch the communicator?? Is it silent big boobie boobenwonder shy girl?? Or is it the mischievous dude with the gay emo cap that hasn't done jack shit at all yet? I believe Hiro from Darling in theTank was his name.
It's wondering why nobody has even questioned the origins of the ship
>he's a bastard and his dad isn't even his real dad
Also the senpai was actually a women in his earlier live, before he transitioned, and then bone his mom, while dad is on work.
>guy can build a taste-tester in a few hours that can analyze alien fauna
>can't fix communications
She wants the __.
Don’t look a gift ship in the mouth
Well, maybe... huh. I think you're right user. How I am I supposed to take this shit seriously.
I mean, you can tell that they try do deliver something good, they really try so hard, but it's just all so... ugh.
Best case scenario: the artists working on this will learn a lot, grow, and maybe their next show is gonna be better.
It's the same mangaka of Sket Dance, which was fairly popular I think. He's not a beginner. I think he should have done more research because the story is actually good, but you can't just ignore these details when you notice them.
It's not just the plot full of these weak points. The direction is similarly bad in critical points, starting with the shitty "Gravity" opening scene and the unnecessary cuts in time forth and back that destroyed any tension there could have been. And the resolution here was also fucking stupid with the plebs hanging on to each other to catch the other two idiots. They still had a pretty long cable around, no?
Weak, and cumbersome. Time and again. Characters are super bad, cliché and one-dimensional as it gets too. And the overall tone doesn't help either.
It all just reeks of amateurs that try hard, and who love what they do, but fail just miserably because they're all bad and should feel bad.
She wants her sister to do lewd things to her brown cunny.
I’m reading the manga now
Last left off on the part where Yun starts singing and saves everyone from death. That was cool and all but is that all she’ll be worth for the rest of the story? I feel like the whole thing kind of went against the philosophy of the manga in regards to talents and perseverance and what you make do with them. I just can’t expect her to use her singing abilities to save the day every time when all the rest of the characters are using far more practical and methodical techniques, ie Quitterie with her medical knowledge and Luca with his handiness. I don’t know, it just seemed really convenient and thematically misplaced but maybe my mind’s in the wrong lane and I’m overthinking. I just thought it would have been cooler if she had actually used her mind to think of an at least temporary solution to the problem.
It’s been a fantastic ride so far though and I’m really loving it and all the character interactions
Yun's talent is singing and it's basically what she wants to do with her life, so would you mind explaining why you think it doesn't fit with the others? Her talent might not be of great use in a day to day life in the ship, but it's still of import to her character to grasp her dream when she's been deprived of it so she can be comfortable with herself. It allows her to open up to the others and helps the overall morale of the crew. Also, personally I'd say that the story's theme is more about reaffirmation of their personhood and worth but discussing that might go into spoiler territory.
Glad you're enjoying the manga.
>Same hair color as her sister
>Same skin color as her sister that rarely matches the hair color
>not blood related
Jesus fuck why couldn't they come up with a better excuse for their bad relationship when they're so clearly fucking similar genetically.
Thematically I guess it does make sense and fits in with the others in that it’s her dream so she uses it to its fullest.
But realistically speaking I just can’t see her helping the team perservere through the problems that they face by the way of her mere singing abilities alone. Her entire part in this arc was about how worthless and what a nuisance she felt like in relation to the team since through her perspective she had nothing going for her in the talents department while everyone around her had their own thing that they excelled at. So I personally think it would’ve been more meaningful and heartfelt if her character WAS actually left with no significant talent, and instead she helped the team in her own way by finding any possible solution she could to the problem at hand by more physical and cognitive/logical means.
What I’m trying to say is that the whole thing just seemed really... wishy washy? I now realize that, as you told me, these things aren’t the sole focus of the manga though and everything I’m criticizing will probably become pointless later on. Plus it is a shounen so I guess the wishy-washyness isn’t all that surprising of an aspect for the story to have
I don’t want her to be the token mastermind or whatever, I just think it would be more honest if she used more practical means to solve problems while everyone else gets to use their special talents. I feel like this all actually makes perfect sense considering possible spoilers though
Maybe one of them was modified to look like the other?
I personally recommend you to inform yourself of what the fuck you're talking about before making posts like this.
Oh they're not sisters alright.
Maybe their parents are big fans of Gravity Rush and wanted to create their very own Kat, wouldn’t blame them
They're twins
What I actually expected when the flashback started was cloning, not adoption. So that was all a ruse by mom? Why does she want a clone of her daughter? Spare parts since she's a doctor?
Do aspect ratio really works or its just HS subs' completely ignoring black bars makes me more conscious that the director is memeing "kino" cinematography?
She knew you can never have too many brown lolis, truly she is a woman of culture
When the younger one grew up she would have brought home a third one, probably
I can see where you're coming from and your idea has merit in a way, I wouldn't mind discussing it further but it'd be rather unfair to you considering potential spoilers, me having the whole picture and all that, so I'm bowing out here. Hope you enjoy the rest of the manga too, though!
It's a director's choice to make the letterboxing dissapear only when the kids are in space. Which is a funny choice so far, because they spend most of their time on land.
>It's a director's choice to make the letterboxing dissapear only when the kids are in space. Which is a funny choice so far, because they spend most of their time on land.
Makes sense in theory, "space is vast" kind of logic, but not sure if that contrast works in practice.
I sure love when 3 episodes in at least two characters have done literally nothing.
The edgy boi said one useful sentence in the airlock.
He should have reversed it to simulate how isolating space really is.
Only two episodes user
The first one counts as two
Why is this manga so fucking hard to find? Google's got a full on blackout going for it.
Question for mangafags:
Are both brown sister clone of their mother?
> making some chemical analizer is harder than making signals capable of breaking the laws of physics
Through what means? It’s on a lot of the aggregator sites I use sometimes
Use kissmanga when in trouble