Why is there little interest in historical anime?

Why is there little interest in historical anime?

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Because nip history is pretty boring and they got btfo in ww2 do they dont like to talk about it

>nip history


After the shogun consolidated power and before the west showed up not much was going on my dude

Dont worry, we have Fate
Oh wait

Still angry there's no shounen manga adaptation of the Bible yet

I await the doujins of Lot and his daughters.

If I wanted to read history I'd read a book and actually learn rather than watch some garbage

Vinland saga.

Too bad this will never be subbed

Literally everybody fought with everybody during the sengoku period.When the US showed up a fuck ton of internal conflict.Russo-Jpanes war,ww2.The fighting in the mongolian invasion(yes there was quite a bit of fighting the "kamikaze" only ruined the mongol ships leaving them stranded without possibility of reinforcements).
Its just that nips are lazy capitalist drones.

Anime is best for fiction. It isn't bound by as much rules as the regular movies are and is pretty well suited for communicating various abstract ideas.
The point of historical movies is being as close to reality as possible, so anime doesn't really have any advantage on this front.

Been done

they misspelled Auschwitz lmao


Imagine knowing this little about anime. Like half the SF anime in the 60s-80s were about the memory of defeat in World War II

American detected

Are there any heavy political isekais? Like when your usual japanese highschooler travels to 1941 and helps Japan to conquer the world. Or maybe helps to destroy the black ships and saves the Japanese uniqueness.

Konpeki no Kantai

>Historical fiction is somehow inferior to regular fiction, and shouldn't be made at all because of reasons.
What low-IQ opinions.

There's no better spice to something set in a pre-contemporary era than a healthy dose of historicity and verosimilitude.

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Historical fiction can in many cases be superior I think given the right context for the reader in particular, especially if you know the historical context in detail and the ideas and alternatives they play around with, good historical fiction can be absolutely orgasmic.
But if you don't have the context I can easily see why the avarage Joe lacking the required context would dismiss historical fiction almost entirely in favour regular fiction.

There is a manhwa pilot called let's bible which is about the descendants of the apostles doing battle shounen shit.
The descendant of Jesus is a cute girl.
From the guy that did defense devil.

Any good adaptations on the Shinsengumi?

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Hijikata Toshizou: Shiro no Kiseki, it's basically an animated history channel documentary (with very little actual animation)
Trust & Betrayal is the best you'll get as far as the Bakumatsu goes

I'd say because they're a lot of hard work to make. Even if you're just writing something that you want to feel historical, rather than be entirely accurate, you're still going to have to put in some serious research work.

Most historical series that exist are largely labours of love done by people who are already really into the historical period they're portraying or, as in Vinland Saga's case, they simply really insist on doing research for their series.

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Vinland Saga is airing right now

Angolmois was hella cool.
Not the best show, but I enjoyed it a lot
I would watch any historical anime.

anime is littered with nip historical shows
oh, you're complaining that there aren't any historical anime about that place you care about or the place you are from?
maybe because... that place isn't japan, so why do they need to give a damn?

came to say this

because the only thing anime has over other media is that theres so much of it shat out that it inevitably explores loads of weird ideas that you dont see in normal TV. historical shows have been done to death.
the reason historical anime can sometimes still be popular is because anime fans are autistic and end up ONLY watching weird anime shit, so basic concepts like historical shows are novel to them

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>What low-IQ opinions.
>being so insecure about your own intelligence

>There's no better spice to something set in a pre-contemporary era than a healthy dose of historicity and verosimilitude.
That's just your opinion. OP is asking why historical anime isn't popular and I gave my answer. Yes, historical fiction is enjoyable, but isn't as popular as realistic historical movies. Anime is not that good at portraying reality. Now take your mensa newsletter and shove it up your ass.

such a mensa newsletter he can't even spell "verisimilitude"

Namecalling aside, I fail to see why you think animation as a medium is somehow more limited at portraying reality and historical events than Hollywood actors in costumes. Or why that would be a reason for the genre being unpopular specifically in anime.

To expand a bit: sure, realistic artstyle isn't a photograph, but I fail to see how that detracts from enjoying something that keeps track of historical details. I can appreciate the depth of historical elements of something as cartoony in art and tone as "Guns and Stamps" as I can in something more realistic-looking like "Vagabond", so I don't think "looking realistic" is a particularly strong reason towards the genre's unpopularity.

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anime just generally doesnt deal with realism well. almost all shows (and definitely 99% of the popular ones) are either entirely fantastical or set in the real world with some incredibly unrealistic relationship dynamics
it would barely be anime if it was historically accurate and serious

First of all, I'm simply giving an opinion, not saying things with 100% certainity. That being said, I believe anime is generally a bit too over the top, with exaggerated facial features and expressions, voice acting etc. These could be considered disadvantages at portraying reality. Animation as a whole also has many advantages in portraying the abstract, but they can't really make use of this in this specific genre. If I imagine, for example a WWII drama in anime format, I don't think your average person would take it too seriously.
Hollywood actors in costumes might sound dumb, but if done right, it evokes a sense of realism, almost as if the camera was there during that specific time. Animation will never feel "real", it will always feel just like a specific interpretation of certain events converted to 2D form, at least on a subconscious level.
Another thing is historical movies are simply too serious for an average anime fan to handle. Most of the people are into anime for shonen, comedies and other almost cartoonish genres. Serious anime is pretty much a niche interest.

I'm saying this as someone who might enjoy historical anime, because I'm attuned to the medium, but I don't really think it can gain much popularity.

Fair enough, but writing can vary between people or be fixed. I wouldn't blame it as a weakness of the entire medium itself.

Because three kingdoms is too long and is almost entirely male characters to have a successful adaptation (in terms of selling merchandise)

true. but at this point i wouldnt define anime as just japanese animation. it has to have some of the tropes/characteristics to be "anime" as most people understand it. something like Ping Pong for example is so different that i would hesitate to even call it anime

That's just showing that you are literally retarded

Imagine missing the context of the thread this much.

Zipang, kinda.

What historical events/people would Yea Forums want to see?
for me it would be the Rise of Augustus,
starts with Caesar getting shanked, ends with the poisoned fig


not him
Nigger, how about you give it some thought instead of calling everyone a retard, that kind of attitude is the lowest of the low and speaks volumes about who's the actual retard here.
We are talking about why a certain genre isn't popular. Guess what happens when you give a producer something that completely deviates from the norm? It gets rejected, because its possible success is questionable. It's hit or miss. That's why artsy shows like Ping Pong are relatively rare. That's why historical anime won't become popular if producing it would require deviating from the usual anime tropes too much.

then simply tell the three kingdoms story with no changes other than all the characters are now cute girls

A Nip take on the Third Crusade. It's got a great dynamic going on between the major players, interesting "characters" and some pretty pivotal events that are almost theatrical.

In all honesty, though, I'd just like to see more Nip takes on Western history in general. They often tend to be a lot more impartial or weirdly biased than what we're used to. It's funny to see the historical figures they latch onto and those they demonize.

>all history is military history

The good old Japanese way.

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not really possible since there's important arcs involving fighting over women or marriages (see: lu bu/dong zhou & diaochan; liu bei & sun xiaomei)


why, because i recognise that language and perceptions can change over time? dictionaries describe language, not the other way around. just look up how many new words are added every year.

Because I can't imagine a definition so stupid that it would count Ping Pong as anything but anime.
Like fuck what would you call it?

World War II anime focused on the China theater that's accurate enough to make nips, gooks, and both kinds of chink all buttfurious

Adaptation of Ikeda's Eikou no Napoleon

Anything set during the Mexican Revolution

>the point of historical movies is being as close to reality as possible

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Bit of a Rome fag and honestly there's more to Augustus story than just playing a bit part with Cleopatra and Marc Anthony.
HBO's Rome and Imperium are the only times a show/movie has gone into some detail in how a no name brat became one of the most powerful man in rome. And even in old age he still ran into conflict, see his mysteries case of almost everyone he named heir dying a few months later.

Pre-Islamic Java with lots of shadow puppetry scenes


>american education

No, I'll just be taking another point. Here's a (you) in return.

Cute lesbian Barbary corsairs

Because Japanese have no history. The daimyō and Shogun alike lamented how they werent born as Chinese. Thats right, everything Japan did during its feudal history was just to emulate the chinks. For example, Japs didnt invade Korea for Korea but to grasp at so so coveted China. Every Japanese invention concerning society, warfare, metallurgy and mathematics were Chinese or mongol origin.

Thats why most history manga is Chinese, Japanese have no history.

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this is your brain on Platonism

The life of Alexander von Humboldt

Because few of then are actually decent

explain the reasons why it falls into the category of anime then?

>It was about the mythology of Noah's ark, with the enthusiastic Tezuka Osamu not only writing the scenario but also drawing pictures by himself.

Ah yes, historical manga...

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How about historical hentai?

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Taisho Japan was so gay

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dok dok dok dok dokdokdokdokdok

*drum beat*


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for how many volumes do you think Hostorie will continue?

this desu. would be nice if they had ww2 anime to fuck off dumb korean and chinas.

The manga is concluded, and I would like to see an anime adaptation but I'm scared for the CGI

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hbo are shit at adapting history
and i'd rather anime avoid the subject all entirely see DRIFTERS

Hey never said HBO's version was good, and I'm behind on drifters but last I checked the only Roman in the show was Scipio

There's plenty of historical manga if you look for it and lot of it is translated.

Historie is so fucking good

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History is written by the winners, and not the losers. The only Historical anime you pretty much see in Japan now days is anything revolving around Oda Nobunaga. I doubt they'd like to do anything involving the United States, or any other country.

There are tons of historical anime and live-action Jap products about World War II. 19th century America was also a very popular setting for kids anime in the 70s and 80s


KnS's 1950s setting is pretty cool, even though it's not about history.

Jin, where the titular surgeon gets isekai'd to 1860s Japan and ends up as a plaything for some of the contemporary political figures. Mostly focuses on the medicine aspect though.

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Rule63 Julius caesar anime when?

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>translations moved behind a paywall

I think they've never fully translated the series before the Patreon went up. Still, there are like 50 chapters available if you look around.

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the drama was really good but
season 1 focused on the medecine aspect while season 2 shifted to the historical side
learn french

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Now the better question is, how accurate are they to being truly historical? I know there are some where they alter history.

Oh it has the potential for many, many more. It's a different matter whether Iwaaki will manage to draw anything or not.

Swedish Deluge
including Lwów Oath where Virgin Mary was coronated as Queen of Poland and Siege of Czestochowa, this shit was made for anime.

Oh, and Battle of the Bulge, and Gallipoli.

Greco Bactria being the crossroads of the world.

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If you're thinking with your dick already you might as well make it a full blown gender bender hentai
>Caesar pisses off Venus
>Turns him into a girl the night before he's meant to be assassinated
>Instead of stabbing him with knives the senators stab her with their cocks
>Tsundere for the Brutus dick

Fuck yes user. The Indo-Greek kingdom period was so cool.

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Following the life of a Polish nobleman during the fall of the P-L Commonwealth. All the politics around it were interesting and something about watching empires fall apart always fascinates me

>be a bunch of island nips
>live on an island and have little to no contact with the rest of the world save for like 2 other nip nations (korea, china)
>almost get invaded by mongolians once but mongolians can't bring horses over the ocean so win easily
>try to invade china but cannot bring glorious nippon 10,000,000 folded steel over ocean so lose easily
>spend the next few hundred years fighting over who get's that one guy's lawn and pretending the emperor is in charge while sucking the shogun's tiny nip cock while the samurai spit on us
>europeans come and suddenly samurai aren't important anymore because gun > sword
>samurai get mad and try to revolt but fail because gun > sword and so the shogun takes away everyone's swords
>shogun blames everything on the world so he's like "fuck it" and closes all our borders except to the dutch
>americans come and they are like "let us in" and the shogun is like "no"
>the americans are like "nip monkey look at these big guns"
>shogun starts to freak out, every freaks out
>decide to let the americans in because our military and navy sucks compared to the americans and shit
>americans trade with us and shit
>big dick emperor takes power from tiny dick shogun
>restoration 100
>get hyper nationalized
>WW2 happens
>try to invade china again since nippon gun easier to transport across ocean
>actually win
>nip dick get hard, attack america too
>attack everyone with an island
>mistake australia for an island and attack australia
>everyone beats our ass and our gaijin allies lose
>get bombed so hard we become anime

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How does archaeological research proceed in that area?

Adapt War and Peace

Cover the Napoleonic Invasion of Russia

"Historical" anime almost always involve Medieval Europe or Japan. Why don't we get more shit about the cradles of civilization like Mesopotamia, Mesoamerica or the Indus Valley? Hell, even Vasco de Gama's journey to India would make a promising anime.

>Be Phoenician Greek city on western edge of ancient Persia.
>Rebel against Persian rulers and get exiled to the eastern edge of the kingdom and your known world.
>Turns out this happened so much that the banished Greeks just ended up making a Greek society there.

>Alexander comes by later conquering the world
>Comes to what's to him the boundary of the known world
>Turns out there's already a Greek kingdom there (sup).

>Zhang Qian comes by looking for allies to fight the Xiongnu tribes with China
>Finds a bunch of Greeks selling goods from the west, east and India

>Bactrians aren't great fighters but are great merchants
>Just chill in the sweet spot in the center of the world, the opposite edges of the world for two great civilizations
>Do crossover Buddhist and Greek Mythology art with Herakles and Bhudda being pals

I could see a great slice of life anime with a new explorer from a different kingdom finding the capitol Bactra every episode and just soaking in the absurdity of the place.

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Crisis of the third century

my legions are ready

>Buddhist mythology
There ain't no such thing

I'm a faggot and i find nip history interesting

I don't know if it's an active field right now, I think the region where the ruins lie is kinda unstable politically.

Sorry I didn't mean to attach the mythology label to Buddhism, that was just meant for the Greek word in the sentence.

That novel is so fucking good.

>no ottoman empire anime from start to finish without adding some oc character
islam bros..

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Just a reminder that Buddhist mythology is literally a copypasta of the Hindu texts. Don't forget that Gautama Buddha was a Hindu prince first and foremost.

>I think the region where the ruins lie is kinda unstable politically.
That's sad

Rome Arc starting with Sulla and finishing with the appointment of Agustus as a cliffhanger

Nips are largely indifferent towards Muslim history. The only two religions that influenced them were Christianity and buddhism. It's obvious they would prefer to pander these two.

I'm certainly no expert in the field. I don't even really know the difference between the two.

Buddhism is a branch or an offshoot of Hinduism( or Sanatan Dharma as it was called in those days).

Now I want to see a Suleiman the Magnificent or Murad IV anime.

Just a reminder that Siddhartha Gautama is an avatar of Vishnu.

>>try to invade china but cannot bring glorious nippon 10,000,000 folded steel over ocean so lose easily
Actually it was korea not japan. They BTFO the korean ground forces for the most part, until they lost too many ships to brind troops over. There was basically a gook admiral called Yi Sun Shin who was a naval genious and fucking won in battles he was outnumbered 1:11, so he BTFO the japanese navy.
>>europeans come and suddenly samurai aren't important anymore because gun > sword
>>samurai get mad and try to revolt but fail because gun > sword and so the shogun takes away everyone's swords
samurai used guns since the 16th century

itt: butthurt hinduists angry at some backwater prince starting his own world religin with blackjack and hookers

it's called time slip and it's not even an isekai sub genrea

Neat. Definitely a subject I'm interested in exploring.

Time slips are fun.

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They effectively face the same problems and plots as most isekai stories. How is it different other than "less likely to involve a harem", let alone different enough to be its own complete genre.

There are, but scanlators would rather translate Ecchi Isekai Harem #397 than something that would save their souls.

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>with blackjack and hookers
Fuck off, Ikkyu, you're not a real monk.

>manlet who didn't learn

Kiss my ass as if it was Mori's.

Habsburg-Ottoman wars on Mediterranean from XVI censure. With Dragut, de Valette and siege of Malta. Stories almost like made for anime.

>fight with garbage swords called katanas that are only functional for cutting down rice farmers
>mongols are going to genocide this small island time for epic battle
>tzumani kills entire mongol fleet without japs doing anything
>ok another try
>tzunami kills entire mongol fleet again
>fight over rice for 1600 years
>samurai kill themselves because they hate living
>white people come in and shoot you
>suicide bomb into white peoples boats
>blow themselves up with grenades
>lose war

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It has raws and everything

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There is also a guarantee you won't be bothered with retarded jrpg mechanisms, magic and above all "questing" and all that guild stuff.

Time slips problematics are about History changing dilemma, reinventing stuff, adapting to a different mindset. Isekai are more centered on a hero's journey, defeating an enemy, getting stronger.

Let's take the most famous isekais
-Kono Suba
-Tanya the devil
And the most famous time slips
-Thermae Romae
-Nobunaga no chef

How does that change the fact Nappy was a manlet loser?

But Japan loves history, as long as it's:

-Genpei war
-Sengoku period
-The 1930s but without the Depression, militarism, and greater sphere stuff

Isn't Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria basically a time slip with magic and shit?

They are okay with militarism, muh Free Asia and even the general idea that Prince Konoe and Tojo were bad. Just don't mention that the war started because Japan invaded China

>time slip with magic and shit
>with magic
You answered your own question. Besides, a time slip suggest inserting a character in an Historical preset where he meets with hisorical characters or assist to known events, otherwise his future knowledge would be of no use and it could as well be an isekai in a non-magic world.

>that are only functional for cutting down rice farmers
That's good enough when 99% of your enemies are rice farmers and your major weapon is bow in a world without shields.

>There is also a guarantee you won't be bothered with retarded jrpg mechanisms, magic and above all "questing" and all that guild stuff.
Alice or Narnia has none of those apart from magic. Isekai simply means 'another world', it's not constricted to any tropes apart from that.

Is it still ongoing?

Nothing, historical fiction is boring. I even prefer competently written non-fiction history books.

>Because nip history is pretty boring
Sengoku period.

>it could as well be an isekai in a non-magic world
That's what the other user is saying though. Isekai and time slip are basically the same shit. Valkyria is often called an Isekai even though the MC clearly states it's the same world just a different time and his existence had a clear effect on the worlds history.

>world without shields.
Did they not have shields in the east?
Tell me you're trolling. I refuse to believe this.

>simply means
The etymology of a word used to generalize a concept is not enough to define said concept. How many countries had the word "Democracy" in their full name ?

And I said that time slips are deprive from these caracteristics (ie jrpg elements and such) not that they are omnipresent in the isekai genre. Although you will have to concede that it has become more and more difficult to avoid jrpg mechanisms, questing, "skills", magic...

Time slip : be transported to a well known time period where your knowledge or the audience's knowledge about this period is exploited
Isekai : transported to a fantasy/made up world where the usual time travel problematics do not apply

But nothings absolute, the frontier is blurry. Juste as well as you can have mixed genres in movies and games, I suppose in animes and magas as well.

Everyone not retarded on Yea Forums uses it correctly, so it's not only etymology, it's also the usage here. Go back while you still can, laddie.

>Zipang is a "Time Travel Isekai"
>Goblin Slayer is a "Native Isekai"
yeah I saw how Yea Forums used the term

>*yeah I saw how tourists and baiters used the term

Time slip: be transported to the middle ages, use your knowledge
Isekai: be transported to another worlds middle ages, use your knowledge

It's just a /his/ meme, don't listen to him.

>bayonet on horse
Nips shouldn't be allowed anywhere near history fucking cunts.

>be transported to another worlds middle ages, use your knowledge
I don't remember having a course on how the Demon Lord rose to power in History class

>his only knowledge is from history books

Historical knowledge and Scientific knowledge are two different things. It's like saying defeating monster can be achieved with your inner strengh and convincing people can be achieved with your inner strengh too.

Are you telling me it's not a time slip if you use scientific knowledge?

Ten no Hate Made, by Riyoko Ikeda of Rose of Versailles fame. Follows Józef Poniatowski during the final partitions of Poland and the Napoleonic period. Translated to Polish titled as Aż do nieba.

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He burned the Reichstag and 6 billion hebrews user.

Fuck off, I'm German and making that joke is allowed.

I'm telling the BfV about your little joke.

ah shit i forgot about this already

That's why you'll be tortured and eaten by demons while I pray and kill them.

It wasn't me saying it originally, although I can see how that wasn't clear.
A history clusterfuck anime with Napoleon at Auschwitz could be just the right level of trainwreck, though.

I, Claudius is also quite good, but is about the generation after Augustus when he's too old to rule

Robert E. Lee's post-war life.
Something akin to The Wind Rises, but a lot more exciting through use of flashbacks to the American Civil War.

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Because it's made by Japanese in Japan retard.

You kidding? I'd set your sister on fire if I could get a Hawkwood anime.