What the fuck is his problem?

what the fuck is his problem?

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aware of his faults but doesnt care

It's amazing that he's not named Bob for how avarage he is while not even exploring his mediocrity.

He's greedy.

He's a literal kirito clone trying really hard to not be a kirito clone but at the end of the day he's still a kirito clone.

He's a literal kirito clone trying really hard to not be a kirito clone but at the end of the day he's still a kirito clone.

He's an stereotypical otaku. His character and personality would normally be used for that one obese ugly sweaty character archetype, except they made him look generic to make it actually profitable.

>I'm so weak xD
>n-n-no, that doesn't make me OP!
>wins all of his battles due to immortality, and nothing else
this kills the re(tard):zerofags

>tfw he is literally me
How do I unfuck myself?

very low IQ character

It's a cynical isekai.
Author probably wrote it out of frustration seeing all the money isekai get and how abhorrent the protagonists really are, but the authors are too much of a fuckwit themselves to realise their characters are awful.

You have to become someone who can improve themselves, not just be aware of all the ways you're shit.
Other than that, i dunno. Being someone who can improve themselves would be an improvement over what I am, so I'm stuck.
Let me know if you figure it out.

dont bother
just fuck yourself up more instead
someday you ll step outside and wont even notice you re not wearing pants

You're not suddenly gonna become happy just because you're nicer to others. Don't try to be normalfags, it's not gonna work out. Accepting yourself in the only way.

Who said anything about being nice?
Oh are you one of those normalfags that larps as a NEET?
There are depths of fuck-uppedness you can't even imagine bitch boy

You should add being retarded to your list of problems, user.

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Absolute scum and the perfect self insert for Yea Forums. The only reason anyone can possibly defend that joke of a character.

It already is
Why did someone say somehting about being nice?

I thought he was fine. I'm sick of the gary-stu beta "nice guy"s. Subaru is an average guy in a really shitty situation, and doesn't cope with it well.

he's your average Yea Forums poster

eh, he's unrealistically aware of it and willing to tell fucking everyone about it. it would be more interesting to have a nuanced character who is kind of aware but thinks theyre mostly a good person (as most people do) and have him learn to be better over time

Now that's an MC I can relate to

Sounds like most millennials, only he is a bit more self-aware.

hes nowhere near as good looking as kirito

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I think it's normal for a person to act unrealistic when he's gone through the same amount of trauma he has.

I wouldn't say he's aware of it, if anything he is more blind than anyone. He compares himself to idealized versions of people. He sees the good in others, but only loathes himself, and gives himself a much worse evaluation than he deserves. I wouldn't say he's a great person, but he isn't nearly as shitty as he thinks of himself.
Subaru has this notion that he has to be a hyper-capable super being, when he's just a teenager who was just thrown in another world. That world being a hundred times shittier than earth.

Imagine being an outsider not onowing subaru goes through all the shit he goes through. To them there is no resets it is just one smooth life. Subaru must seem like some gigantic autist with an extreme case of mood swings.

thats a bit vague, though. does "unrealistic" just allow for literally any kind of behaviour? sounds like a bit of a get out of jail free card. there are realistic ways to be traumatised or confused

>that pic

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fair, ive not actually watched it lol. isekai as a concept bores me. konosuba was fun because its a comedy but theres no way i would ever watch a serious one

Kill yourself and go back to whatever shithole you came from.

hey man, no need to get defensive over your shitty genre. literally battle shonen are better than isekai shows

>I have wasted my life.
I mean, how old is he? 17? This is the type of stuff a 30 years old jobless and homeless man would say, not a high school kid who only asked to study and pass his grades.

You can usually predict whether the specific 17 years old will be successful at 30. Also if some successful hero will be isekaid into a loser 30 years old body, he will quickly find a way to turn it around.

calm down, son Its just a drawing.

its still possible to feel that way at 17. doesnt make it correct, but certainly i felt that way at that age. you still miss out on a lot by that age, like having a girlfriend, playing competitive sports, getting good at an instrument or learning a language. a lot of these things are hard to catch up on

Not that user and hate rezero, but seriously go back.
You go back too

refer to

He's not good but he's still the best charahter in the series

Nice try, I don't watch issekai. Retard is trying to critique characters in a show he never watched and has reddit language.

He's a shitty main character that the turbo-autismos in Japan can self insert into. Rem is much better off without him.

its just a bit of fun mate, calm down

His problem is that he has no strength, but he wants it all. He has no knowlege, but all he does is dream. He talks a big game and makes himself sound like a big shot, when in reality he can't do anything. He never does anything, yet he can complain like a pro.
All of this while not feeling a shred of shame.
He is literally me, but unironically

>what the fuck is his problem?
Situationaly: He lack the equivalent knowledge of the world he's in compared to the average 17 years old native.
In term of personality : He's a beta pursuer. Immortality by reset coupled with your own goal could give him this world, and allow to collect any information he would ever need with virtually no risk.
Also he's traumatised by his cheat ability, like a wimp.
TLDR: he want to be a protagonist while acting like a side character.

>what the fuck is his problem?
He loves the wrong girl.

This. Subaru would be diagnosed with schizophrenia if it was a modern society he was reseting in.

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A very flawed person with severe PTSD.

What is Kazuma’s problem?

He's scum.

Such thing never crossed my mind until I got out of high school and I am still barely 20 years old. There is just so much going on in school life, from studying to hanging out with friends to trying to impress your parents at home and some girls at school.

Subaru is an exaggerated example of what I saw.

Unbeknownst to him, he's doomed to be a beta orbiter for the half-elf due to magic or something so that's why he's dangerously obsessed with her.
He's a self-aware of his flaws and has a crippling inferiority-complex, seeing everyone better than him.
Because of that he's blind to other people's own flaws and opinions of him as well as the parts of him that are good.

In Japan it's possible to completely fuck your life up by 17

This was shit, the only good scene was the blizzard one.

He is a retard written by a retard.

Wannabe Kazuma

This was shit, the only good scene was the blizzard one.

There is literally no point in consuming fiction if it does not make you feel good. Wish fulfillment is unironically better than any other type of fiction and if you disagree with that then you're so mentally cucked that you think of yourself as inferior to other people.

Based but retarded take

That just sounds like compensation for depression.

I don't know user, that sounds to me like you're a normalfag.

He is not average, he is clearly on the lower end.

Being emotionally and intellectually stunted is not average. Where did this meme came from?

Oh man, if only you can see the parallel universes.

It's called literally being the main villain of the series, why is this so hard for people to get?

Because like Subaru Yea Forums is dense as fuck.

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For a villain, he's quite pathetic.

You say that like that's a bad thing. If you want a classic hero look at Reinhardt. I'm sure he's more to your simplistic tastes.

Just wait for when Subaru abuses the elderly and uses them as meat shields. Oh wait. That got cut.

Gotta agree, even the designated cardboard ideal knight type Reinhardt is more interesting than a literal sperg villain in the making.

>still the best normalfag filter
Best isekai

i like him i feel rel8able

He is a great loser who is lazy to work hard, but with immortality he puts in some effort of working hard.
Its like being a neet in that world, wanting everything to go his way without exerting much effort

He died like, a dozen times. Honestly, I'm surprised he even stuck at it.

Dying once or twice would've made me go "Fuck this, I'm out. Good luck, Emilia. Try not to die from being stabbed a lot. I'll miss you most of all, Mr. Clown" and flee into the night.

It's not like he even understood it at first. It couldn't be that traumatic

To be fair, he's really fucking dumb.

Post more screenshot macros in that format.
I seem to remember there was an Oregairu one that was identical to this.

Can someone post that one where he says

It’s mentioned in the WN that when Subaru goes a long time without returning by death and then finally dies it fucks with his brain a lot

Subaru's character is a plebfilter

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it's supposed to represent people that see anime

Is he actually wrong? Like, if not for him, she'd be dead multiple times. There was no way she would have survived the first encounter without him, and Emilia would likely have been killed by the stupid dog-curse thing too.

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Good taste bro

Well that stuff is only happening because Roswaal is testing Subaru

Maybe he's not wrong but it's something a psychopath would say
Thank you user

According to Nagisa Oshia, there's nothing more Japanese than pointing out your own faults but do nothing to improve

>every retard with shit taste now calls piece of garbage others avoid a pleb filter

well it's better than sucking each other's dick all the time

This, it's absurd to me that so few people recognise that the ideal work for any individual is equivalent to the one that panders to them most effectively.

Kill yourself cuck. Poo poo skin pajeets like you deserve hell. Yes i checked your ip.

Yea Forums's shadow

He might be a britbong but he is right still.

>Other's avoid
That's the point.

He probably seems like a psychopath at times looking from the outside in. From a Rem, Ram, Emilia, and everyone elses perspective
>randomly switches personalities
>has constant mental breakdowns
>randomly freaks out at people
Now this may be because he is RBD but to everyone else it is just a normal day the suddenly Subaru is freaking out crying in the street at the apple vendor.

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I hate re:zero but I do because of shit tier cardboard characters like rem or emilia. Despite me hating this shit Subaru is one of the few things that are done decently.

I don't want to sound whiny, and i'm certainly not complaining or anything, but yesterday I got banned for making a "template thread" when I made a thread where the OP text simply said "What went wrong?".
And now OP here has this somewhat successful thread even though it's a template thread with the text "what the fuck was his problem?"

Mods are just gay sometimes user

father issues.

Emilia gets 90 percent of her character developement next season.

And is still shit

And it amounts to nothing. Why do you faggots keep sprouting this bullshit? The LN took all the teeth out of it, Emilia no longer hides from her past - Roswaal sealed her memory. Emilia can do no wrong as the most majestic and heroic character Re:Zero has ever seen in 400 years. She can even say the same things Rem does too!

Volume 9
>“…You really are something, Emilia-tan.”
>“Really? I feel like you’re reeeally amazing, too, Subaru.”

similar to
Volume 5
>“Rem… You’re really something else.”
>“I am. But Sister is even more incredible.”

But what's really striking is this similarity
Arc 4 Chapter 73
>Subaru: “God you're amazing, Rem...”
>Rem: “I appreciate that very much. You're incredible too, Subaru-kun.”

This is just fucking sick. "Shit how do we make Emilia more popular? Oh I know! Make her more like Rem".

Anybody who defends the LN can burn in hell

Being a flawed human being is average. Sorry it's not the most statistically average flaw for a person to have.

And how? Is it some asspull cope from the author?

Pleb filter: stuff I like but others don't.
Are you not on Reddit or what?

Cant find the exact line but this is gives a good enough idea

>Feeling like time was slowly accelerating back to normal, Subaru realized what the taste in his mouth was.

>He was reminded of switching channels on a TV.

>There was no sense of a loss of smell, taste, or sight, but his surroundings had suddenly disintegrated into powder, and transformed into something entirely different.

>Subaru’s eyes, ears, nose, and skin had all adapted to the new world, but his consciousness could not forget the previous channel, so there was a sense of violation.

>All he could do was ignore it, to chew, chew, chew, and swallow the sense of unease that came from switching channels until it was finally over.

They barely do their job, it's more likely that it's just a coincidence when something rulebreaking gets deleted, since they moderate based on their feelings.

>1% is the same as 90%
Are you black by chance?

he's like that anyways, he's a temperamental diva
with a massive ego despite how easy going he is when he gets the attention he needs.

>99% of people are perfect

Let's see how well adjusted you are after you've been brutally murdered a dozen or so times.




Basura-kun is literally me